A Bone Collector - Cover

A Bone Collector

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A curious daughter has big questions and gets big answers in more ways than one. She loves "boners", an older term she heard from her grandpa. Her body investigates and experiences a variety of them as she grows up, learning how they work. It leads to love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Romantic   Sharing   Incest   Interracial   Pregnancy   Water Sports   .

My daughter Corinne is fourteen. I’m so glad she and I have a good relationship. We can talk about anything and what just happened proved it.

Out of the blue she asked me, “Mom, do you like that white stuff that comes out of a penis?”

She’d had a sex-ed class at school so she knew some of the terminology, but “white stuff”? I asked her what brought that question on. Here is what she told me:

Tim, her older step-brother, had come out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist after taking a shower. It was bulging way out in front. She pointed and asked what that was. He opened the towel and his penis was sticking way out. She had seen drawings of them in sex-ed and glimpses of her dad and Tim before but they were always hanging down like a little hose with a mushroom head. This was bigger and pointed outward.

He said he was getting a “hard-on” and did she want to see it go all the way. Curious as she was, she said “yes”. He rubbed it and it got bigger yet and raised up against his belly.

Seeing her fascination, he asked if she wanted to touch it. Of course! This was an opportunity not to be missed. It was hard on the inside, yet soft on the outside, and warm too. He asked if she would like to see what else it could do. Sure!

Tim took her to the bathroom and stood in the tub. He had her stroke him from the side and all of a sudden spurts of the white stuff shot out. Some dribbled on her hand and she pulled it away. He told her it wouldn’t hurt her and some girls even liked the taste. She declined that opportunity and washed her hand off.

“Mom,” she asked, “Do you like the taste?”

I said it varied a lot but Tim’s father’s was OK. She didn’t ask who else’s I had tasted, thank goodness. That satisfied her so I quickly changed the subject.

“Young lady,” in my stern mother voice, “We’d better have a serious talk. Obviously your sex-ed class left a lot of stuff out that you need to know. In the meantime, leave Tim’s penis alone.”

She didn’t, I found out later. At least she kept her risks low by giving Tim hand jobs on her budding tits, then tasting the semen. When she found out it wasn’t icky, she moved on to blow jobs. Her male “mentor” got her pants off and she found out that a tongue applied below her sparse pubes felt a whole lot better than what her finger could do.

Showering together when they could became a regular thing. They even helped each other pee and when Tim sprayed her belly in the shower one morning, watersports got added to the non-coital play list.

Corinne and I had regular educational talks and she surprised me with some of her questions. When she saw how puzzled I was at one of them, she explained that her girlfriends, and Tim too I’m sure, showed her how to find sex stuff on the web. I had her show me and I was surprised at the quantity, quality, and variety of stories and videos out there for free.

I perused them now myself and found things to try with my husband who was delighted with anything I’d do with him naked.

Tim’s father Matt, my husband, was oblivious to all these goings on with our kids. I felt it had reached a point where he had to get involved, but without him making bad stuff happen. How to do that was a dilemma.

I decided to try role playing. We’d both been around the block a few times in and outside of marriage. When we were screwing I probed his fantasies and turn-ons.

After my first marriage ended I always had a fuck buddy or two to keep my hornies satisfied. When Matt and I started dating I had one which I didn’t tell him about. We started fucking on the traditional third date and I had done my fuck-buddy bareback, as usual, that afternoon. It often happened that way.

When Matt finally asked, I told him the truth. He had some trouble with it since he divorced because his wife was cheating on him. I got him to understand that I was not lying or hiding anything since we didn’t have any commitment, so it was just sex and not breaking trust. He put up with it until we got engaged and I haven’t screwed anyone else for three years now.

The reason I’m explaining all this is that he finally admitted that my other-guy fucking got him hot. That became a great fantasy of ours where I pretend I’ve just come back from a hot date with a fuck-buddy and hubby is getting seconds. A variation is that he’s the fuck-buddy and I am someone else’s girlfriend or wife. I gradually moved the roles to doing cousins and other relatives.

That’s where I wanted to be when I brought up my surprise. Corinne’s fifteenth birthday was only a couple of weeks away. She was very aware that was the age of consent where we live and was hoping I would be OK with Tim banging her on that special day. I had another idea since Tim was also inexperienced.

Picking the right opportunity carefully, I spoke to Matt. “I have a very unusual idea for Corinne’s birthday, but it is something she wants very much. It will need your cooperation, so are you ready to listen?” He nodded so I continued, “Turning fifteen means she can legally have sex. We have talked a lot and having her first time on her birthday would be special. You don’t know that she and Tim have been fooling around for quite a while but not having full intercourse.

“I’d rather her first sex partner have more experience since Tim is a virgin too. My first time wasn’t very good because of that and we can do better for her.”

“And how is that”, Matt questioned.

“By having you do the honors. She adores you and has agreed.” I watched him closely for a reaction.

He jerked upright and so did his flaccid cock. BTW, I made sure we were naked in bed for this talk. “No shit? You’d allow that? What does Tim think?”

I was ready for that question. Reaching for my husband’s hard weapon, I delivered the “other shoe”. “I don’t think he’ll mind since I would like to remove his virginity while you two are together.”

Wordlessly, Matt rolled on top and fucked the shit out of me. I loved it and slammed him back. As he came I whispered, “Corinne will appreciate this just like I do.”

We laid quietly together for a bit and he asked, “What will Tim think?”

I laughed, “I’ve seen the way he looks at me when I’m partly dressed or in my bikini. Corinne tells me the comments he makes. He will be thrilled, I’m sure. This will be hot for me. Never had both a father and son before.”

We didn’t tell Tim the whole story right away, just that we were going to an adult resort hotel for the birthday celebration. Matt thought it better not do this in our own beds. We hadn’t yet decided if the swap would be a one-time special event or not.

When we checked into our two-bedroom suite, Tim wondered who would sleep where. He got no answer. It was mid-afternoon so we changed into our suits and headed for the pool. Dinner was at the hotel’s excellent restaurant.

Getting back to the room, Matt opened some champagne and all four of us toasted Brittney’s “coming-of-age”. Tim was a little puzzled so we reminded him that she was legal for sex now. Right after that revelation, I stood up, suggested that we all get in the big Jacuzzi, and started stripping. Tim’s eyes bugged out when my ample tits were uncovered right in front of him. He was paralyzed.

I laughed, “Don’t be a spoil-sport. Corinne and I have no secrets so I’ve known about you two all along. I want to see this nice cock I’ve been hearing about.”

It was in its full glory by the time we got in the hot water. So was Matt’s. Good! When the bubbles started I reached for it, knowing where my daughter’s hand would be. Matt had a blissful look on his face and I suspected he was exploring her b-cup boobs.

“It’s OK to touch me,” I said softly to Tim. “This is an adult resort and we are going to enjoy adult activities while we are here. For this weekend I want you to address me as ‘Sally”, not ‘Mom’.” Matt had given similar instructions to Corinne.

Tim tentatively cupped my full breasts. I whispered, “Corinne says you can do better than that.” He put his hand under one, raised it above the water, and fastened his mouth on the nipple, sucking and biting it gently. “That’s much better.”

Matt had his young partner sit up and he began working on her firm mounds. We gals smiled at each other as our men played with our bodies. Drying our new partners off, we headed for the bedrooms.

“See how I taste,” I suggested. He headed for the Y. I was fresh since Matt and I had resisted sex for the last twenty-four hours to be at our prime.

I murmured, “Mmmm” as the pleasure began to radiate from my crotch. I’d trimmed my bush in anticipation of this. He paused and said, “Corinne sure came from a sweet place.”

I chuckled, “Glad you like it. Her father and yours felt the same way. Are you ready to put your cock in where theirs have been?” The eroticism of that was immense for me too.

Rolling him on his back, I mounted him, making a big production out of it. When he hit bottom, I noted, “Welcome to manhood! Now play with my tits.” As I expected, it didn’t take long before he groaned and I felt spurts of semen inside. His dad didn’t shoot that hard. I told him how much I liked that.

He stayed firm enough that he started thrusting up into me again after a few minutes rest. We heard a series of very loud moans from the other bedroom. I said, “Sounds like Corinne got hers!”

Tim responded, “No disrespect intended, but I really want to fuck her.”

I pulled him down and kissed him, then added, “Don’t worry. That is on tomorrow’s agenda. By the way, although yours won’t be her first cock, your Dad shoots blanks so yours will be the first sperm inside her.”

We rolled over without separating and I just enjoyed his vigorous youthful thrusts. Holding his hips, I coached him how to stimulate my clit and he was rewarded by my orgasm while he was deeply embedded. I pleased, “Can you put some more sperm in me, then we’ll rest.” That triggered him to more of those great hot shots. We rolled on our sides to rest. He fell asleep and I thought about what we had done.

I felt really good about giving him a memory that wasn’t finished yet. Being a guy, he’d want more of my pussy but I figured since he’d probably be banging Corinne as often as he could, there was little pressure. Of course I’d like to do him again too. He was feeling good already. There would have to be a discussion on the trip home to set expectations. I’d vote for special occasions like birthdays and some holidays.

After wiping our parts off with a damp washrag, we peed as I held his hose to spray between my parted thighs on the toilet. More wiping and we went out to the main room, still naked, where we worked on the remaining champagne.

“Hey,” came a female voice, “Leave some for us!”

Matt chortled, “OK, you underage drinker, I’ll open another bottle.”

Corinne was smiling and flushed. She proudly, it seemed, sat so we could easily see her reddened and drooling pussy. “The little showoff,” I thought.

When she emptied her flute, she looked at me and said, “I’ve worn Matt out. Can I borrow Tim for a while? You’ll get him back.”

Tim looked at me. What could I do but agree with the birthday girl. It wasn’t midnight yet. Matt and I snuggled and sipped, hearing the noises from the bedroom. We didn’t talk. That rascal daughter of mine hadn’t closed the door all the way.

After her orgasmic moans they reappeared and she beckoned to Matt. She sure took after me at her age.

I had Tim snuggle spoon-fashion behind me with the instructions that this was a nice way to couple during the night when he could get hard again. Sure enough, at some early hour I awoke to the pleasant feeling of a hard shaft filling and rubbing in my love tunnel. I raised my leg and reached down to cup his balls as he put their output next to my womb. He whispered, “I wish I could make a sister for Corinne.”

“That would be something, wouldn’t it?” I wasn’t nearly as interested in THAT idea as he was. I’d kept my IUD in spite of Matt’s snip job. You never know what opportunity might arise. Speaking of that subject, this was Corinne’s safe time but I’d get her on something pronto so she could have her fun without worry.

After breakfast we decided to check out the other activities available at this resort. The kids went off together as did Matt and I. We walked on some trails and played a little pool, still not talking about last night.

It had warmed up so we stopped by the room to change clothes for lunch. Corinne and Tim were screwing up a storm. We peeked in and she was getting it doggy. They didn’t even notice us.

We were finished with our meal when they found us. Matt asked Tim if he wanted to go fishing and he jumped at the chance. Good. They could talk and so could us gals.

We put on our smallest suits and went to the pool area. I got a fruity drink and the minor got iced tea. A couple of guys who looked to be between our ages hit on us and Corinne joked, “Well, if our guys wear out we’ll look for you.” They were cute and I couldn’t tell if she was kidding. Made my pussy tingle.

“Mom, I mean Sally, sex is wonderful. I wore Matt out but he didn’t complain. You were right. I learned a lot real fast and that, I’m sure, really helped me enjoy Tim. You seem to have shaped him up nicely. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. It is fun for me to have a young eager lover too. I’ve never had a virgin before.”

Corinne got contemplative, “I kind of wish I could have had his virginity though.”

“Like I told him, Matt had a vasectomy, so Tim was the first to put sperm in you. You also gave him his first blowjob. Those are special.”

My daughter brightened, “He could have my anal cherry! Have you ever done it that way?”

“No. Can I watch? Maybe Matt would like mine too.”

We played all afternoon. I fucked the ever-ready Tim out in the woods where we were hiking. Corinne got nailed by Matt out in the lake behind the swim platform. There was a sunset cruise after dinner then we went back to the room for a fuck and nap with our “regular” partner.

We’d found out that at midnight the pool area lights were turned out and anything went. Nudity was to be expected as was public sex. That sounded like fun so away we went, wrapped only in towels. We staked out a table and chairs and got some drinks from the poolside bar which remained open until two am. The lights were dimmed there and many of the people who came to get libations were nude.

As the drinks hit, Matt and I watched Tim climb on top of Corinne on a lounge chair and hump away, oblivious to our presence. It was apparent when he came, rolled off and went to sleep. Corinne wasn’t “done” so she got up and wandered away, we thought to the bathroom.

When she didn’t return in the proper amount of time, we went looking for her. We heard a familiar voice saying “Fuck me! Fuck me!” in a dark corner and there she was, on her back on a lounger with a guy on top thrusting away. Another one had his shaft in her mouth.

Walking up close I said in a stern voice, “Get away from my daughter!” As they fled I recognized them from earlier.

“OK, young lady, explain yourself!”

“Tim didn’t get me off. I needed more cock.”

We didn’t talk until we got back to the suite, leaving Tim to his nap.

“Did they cum in you?”

“No, you got there before he could.”

“That’s good. Your safe days aren’t foolproof, you know. And no telling where those peckers have been either. We will get some testing done when we get home. If you are going to enjoy sex, you have to learn to be responsible. Go take a shower and diddle yourself to sleep. We’ll go get Tim.”

I fucked both father and son that night. Actually twice each, since it was such a turn-on for them.

The embarrassment of having STD testing made the point. We talked some more about safe sex and gave her some condoms just in case she couldn’t control her lust. Meanwhile Tim got plenty of me. He was a happy camper.

Back home we reserved our swapping for special occasions like birthdays and special holiday celebrations. Nudity was common, though. One practical adjustment to that policy occurred during menstrual periods so no cock went unfucked.

I could follow Corinne’s sexual explorations by the number of condoms she asked for. She was driven more by curiosity than lust since the latter was well taken care of by Tim, being that they shared a bed every night. He was dating too so they had fun comparing notes.

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