Adventures With Older Ladies - Cover

Adventures With Older Ladies

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - This is how I wish my youth had been! The Tale of a teenager, and his older lovers. Friends, family, and strangers are all willing to give me some fun...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

The rest of that week was uneventful to be fair. Every day I got up at around six o’clock, and Sue and I would eat breakfast together before we started work. We tended to work apart; Sue’s jobs were concentrated around the livestock and my jobs tended to be in the older outbuildings, trying to get them ready for hiring out. It was back-breaking grunt work.

I worked like a trojan, eager to show my Aunt Sue that I was no mere boy and also to get more of the stables up and running to boost Sue’s income.

We just met up every lunchtime and then again in the early evening, we met up again for our evening meal. After we had eaten Sue would do her paperwork most evenings and I started to read my way through her somewhat limited library, for me, there were far too many books on equestrianism and not enough fiction.

The evenings were pleasant enough and the fresh air and hard work during the day meant I was sleeping soundly and most evenings I was asleep quite early. I thought that I was eating more as well as the work was so physically hard.

Most of the week was sunny and warm and I spent most of the working day shirtless. I worked on the list of jobs but I also did a lot of general cleaning and tidying.

Sue had told me that work around the stables was normally out of the question of a weekend, as the place would be overrun with the horses’ owners and the place was manic. Therefore, I had expected to get some time out to myself on Saturday.

When I woke, there was the sound of rain slamming against the bedroom windows and the sky was black, a typical British summer weekend to be fair. The sound of the rain drumming off the windows was almost deafening.

I looked out of the farmyard and there were just one or two cars dotted about the place and very little activity. There were already some large puddles of rainwater starting to collect in the yard and the weather looked set to be bad all day. The clouds over the farm were so dark and looked chock a block with rain. I was sure that the weekend would be a complete washout.

I wandered down to the kitchen; Sue was sitting at the table. She was in a silky pair of PJs and looking as sexy as fuck. I do love a woman with that just got out of bed look. She smiled at me and grunted a good morning. She always seemed so wide awake during the week but at weekends, she obviously liked to slob around in the mornings. She always seemed to need two or three cups of coffee before she could function.

“Good morning, Aunt Sue,” said I as I headed into the kitchen past her. She waved her mug at me as I passed her, her universal sign for ‘I need coffee.’

“Morning, Zak. Not a good one though,” Sue said through a mouth full of toast. “I think we won’t be seeing many riders out today.”

“Well, I have to say I would not like to be out in this weather either,” I laughed as I made some more coffee.

We sat at the table and I ate some cornflakes, while Sue was going over the task list, she had made in an old exercise book. She was crossing out the stuff that had been done.

“Well, I was looking at the list of jobs that needed doing on my task list and we have made a great start, Zak. I am very impressed,” she said with a smile.

“That is good, but it looks like the list is never-ending, “I said with a smile.

“To be fair running the stable is a labour of love “she replied, “So today is officially a day off. So, what do you fancy doing?”

If I had told her what I really fancied I am sure I would be on the next train home. I knew she was my mom’s half-sister, and it was wrong to fancy her, but she was some woman with a body to die for.

I laughed aloud, “What is there to do around here on a day like this?”

“Nothing really, I am so sorry,” Sue said and she did actually look sorry as she said it.

Her budget did not stretch to a video recorder and this was well before cable television with thousands of channels and DVD days.

“So, what’s next on the list of jobs?” I asked, trying to cheer her up.

“Are you sure you would not prefer some downtime?” she asked.

“No, let’s get this place sorted out!” I said emphatically.

“Okay but only if you are sure, I don’t want you telling your parents I am a slave driver,” she giggled.

“Nope, this hard work is doing me the world of good,” I said and noticed that she gave me the once over. I did feel that I was filling out with all the hard work putting some beef on my muscles. I had also noticed I was getting a nice bit of a tan.

She scanned the list, ticking off the jobs we had already done.

“Well, if we could get the stable blocks painted with whitewash inside then they can be rented out, and that would help no end,” she said with a sigh.

I knew that money was tight. You could sense it every time she opened one of the brown envelopes that dropped into the post box.

“Okay, let’s do that. It is raining outside so let’s stay inside and do some work,” I said cheerily. With no mates around the thought of a dull rainy Saturday with nothing to do was not that appealing so burying myself in work would make the time fly by faster.

“Okay, only if you are sure you’d rather not take a day off,” she said, heading toward the sink with her hands full of dirty crockery. She put the crocks down and turned to face me.

At the same time, she raised her arms and stretched at the same time, yawning. Her pyjama top was tight over her ample boobs and her nipples were almost visible through the silky material. It suddenly reminded me of how much I missed Mary and how horny I was I tried not to stare but I am sure she caught me looking.

“Not at all,” I told her, “We may as well get that job done, and try to get you some more rent in!”

That made her smile ... and that made me happy!

I wandered over to the window and looked out over the yard. It was still raining.

There were now little rivers of rainwater flowing across the yard and the puddles were getting bigger. I guess working would make the day pass faster as there was bugger all to do.

Sue wandered up behind me and hugged me.

“You’re a good lad,” she said. I could feel her tits against me, and my cock stirred in my boxers.

“Right, I will go and get dressed,” she said.

And with that, she kissed me on the cheek and was gone. I was glad she had gone as I was dressed in my shorts and the erection that the hug and the kiss had caused was all too obvious.

I waited for her to leave the room before turning from the window and heading upstairs to get myself changed into my work clothes. As I passed her room, I heard her talking on the phone.

Once I was changed, I ran out over the yard, dodging the puddles and the little rivers of rainwater. I unlocked the tool shed and I sorted out the painting stuff and two huge cans of white paint. The walk to the stables was slower when I was laden down and I was soaked to the skin by the time I was in the first stable block.

I used a stiff broom to give all of the walls a thorough cleaning before starting to paint them, first doing the edges and corners before starting at the centre of the wall. I ran over them twice making sure they were free of dust.

I had nearly done the whole of one stable by the time Auntie Sue turned up. She apologised and explained my mother had telephoned and they had been chatting. Sue had brought a flask of coffee that really went down well and a little portal-able radio. So, with mugs of steaming coffee and with the radio blaring and the rain hammering off the roof, we went about our business.

We soon built up a nice, steady rhythm and a process and the painting was going at a fast pace. Aunt Sue went ahead and dusted down the walls again with the broom and I got to work with a huge roller. The great thing was we did not have to worry about splashing on the floors, so it did not take long at all. We sang along to the radio and to be fair it was quite fun.

The weather seemed to be getting worse as the rain hammered down all day, and darkness enveloped the stables and we had to have the lights on in the stable blocks. At one point I looked out of the door, the stables were pretty much deserted and the horses were all tucked away in the stable blocks.

By seven o’clock that evening, all of the stables had been painted and looked like new. Some new door locks and handles had already been ordered and things were looking good. It had been a long day and after a bowl of homemade soup, I headed off to bed hoping that Sunday would be sunny and bright.

I took some tissue with me and treated myself to a little play, stroking my throbbing cock thinking about how great Auntie Sue’s tits had looked that morning. After a little self-abuse, I fell asleep a very contented boy.

The following morning, I did not have to look out of the window to know things had not improved. The sky was dark, and I could hear the rain beating down on the cobbled yard. I read my book in bed for a while before heading down to the kitchen. There was a note on the table from Aunty Sue.

Gone shopping, see you later x I ended up watching television all day and no work was done. I got soaked helping Aunty Sue bring in the groceries. Sue cooked up a great lunch, but I think both our spirits were more than a little disheartened. We had made a great start to the jobs and if this rain were set to stay then all that good work would all be wasted.

The evening was a dull one, Sue buried herself in the study doing the books and I read in the kitchen. The rain hammered off the windows and things looked pretty bleak to be fair. When Sue had finished her bookkeeping, she made a pot of tea and opened a packet of chocolate biscuits. We watched some old comedies on the television.

The rain hammered down long after we had both gone to bed.

________________________________________I woke up on Monday morning, the start of a new week brought with it the sunshine; I awoke early, well before Sue, and I knew, weatherwise, that things had improved no end.

But the yard was still awash with huge puddles of dirty rainwater, but the sun was out. I grabbed my clothes and headed out to work out why the drains had not cleared the water. The gratings were clear of any rubbish but still, the puddles did not wane.

I was unsure of how the drains worked but I knew there was a huge ditch that ran alongside the yard, along its full length from the house to the end of the stable blocks. I headed over that way to check it out.

Once I saw it, I knew the problem: brambles had started to grow abundantly and the outlets for the yard drains were covered over. I headed over to the tool shed and grabbed some long-handled cutters, a rake, and a fork. It took some doing but one by one, I started to clear the drainage outlets.

The weeds were thick and had gathered other debris. This was stopping the water from flowing out. Some were so bad they had almost capped off the pipes altogether. I used the choppers to get rid of the bulk of the obstructions and once the water started to flow, I moved to the next outlet. I knew that once the ditch had dried up, I would need to get in there and give it a really good cleanout.

It was a wolf whistle from Sue that made me stop working.

“Wow, that’s some job you’ve done!” she exclaimed. “I have been meaning to clear this ditch out for ages, but I was a little worried about doing it on my own!”

I looked at the ditch; the water was now flowing well. Sue insisted I stop for breakfast and as we walked over the yard to the house the results of my hard work were quite evident. The yard was almost dry. Aunt Sue hugged me as we went in to eat and my hormones started to react in an oh-so-natural way.

“You know it’s so good to have a man around the place,” she laughed; I wondered how much of a man she thought I might be or could be...

That second week flew past; I worked like a dog from sunrise to sunset. I ploughed through the task list that Sue had set up and every day she told me she was amazed at my workload. I was now getting up at the same time as Aunt Sue and was out of the house and working by seven o’clock each day.

The stable blocks were looking good by the end of the first week, the paint had dried off, and the new locks and door handle had been fitted. Sue had already placed an advert in the local papers. I could tell from her face when the first enquiry came in that it would be a load off her mind to have the extra income.

We worked that next weekend. We had started to work on some hedges that needed trimming back to make some of the bridle paths that led out of the yard more accessible. It seemed silly to stop so we just carried on until the job was done. So, we worked late into the evenings, even weekends did not seem that important to Sue, and so I went with the flow.

The third week was pretty much the same, we worked hard, ate slept and repeated. I was soon being given more and more jobs, everything from changing hinges on doors to mending fences. I soon realised I was good at DIY.

The weather was good and most days I was still working in just my shorts and boots. It was not until the end of the fourth week that Sue told me I was developing a good tan. In addition, my appetite was really developing. I was feeling quite healthy. She insisted that the next weekend would be taken off for resting as we had both worked ourselves into the ground.

She had already told me that weekends were hectic at the stables as the horses’ owners all descended on us. In the week, there were always one or two around but at the weekend, it would be busy. Sure enough, my lie-in on a Saturday morning was disturbed by the revving of engines, whinnying of horses and endless chatter from the stable yard. It was too hot to sleep with the window closed and too noisy to sleep with it open. I got out of bed and got dressed before heading down to the kitchen.

Sue was sitting at the table with a stack of paperwork in front of her.

“So today is our day off. What do you fancy doing?” Sue said as she sipped her coffee.

“I am not sure. What is there to do?” I said. “I have only seen the farm. What is the town like?”

“Oh, it’s okay, a bit rural, not a great range of shops, we don’t have a cinema or anything like that,” she said with a chuckle. “I have to go and collect some parcels from the post office and do some shopping if you fancy joining me.”

I politely declined the offer and said I would make a start on painting the paddock fence. To be fair without my mates or the gorgeous Mary Brown to keep me busy, I was bored shitless and work made the day fly past...

At least while I was painting the fence, I would be able to check out the talent that was among the horses’ owners.

I decided not to shower, as the job would be hot and dirty anyway. I grabbed a wire brush and the painting stuff from the store cupboard loaded them into the wheelbarrow and went to work. After brushing the woodwork down, I started to paint it. The great thing about painting farm fences, as I soon realised, was a bit like the stables you did not need to worry about splashes or anything. The job was boring and mundane, but I did have the radio, and I soon had it tuned to a local rock station.

Sue gave me a wave as she headed off to town and I just painted. Every now and then, a gorgeous young woman would trot past on her horse, some smiled or waved but most gave me the cold shoulder. The only highlight was when Elizabeth Harding cantered past with her daughter - well, I guessed it was her daughter - and gave me a cheeky wink. I wondered if I would get a second helping of her luscious charms.

It is amazing how hard you work when you have bugger all else to do. I had done both sides of the long paddock fence and some of the barn doors when the noise of a car distracted me. It was my aunt returning. She stopped and admired my work, astounded at the progress I had made.

“Bloody hell, Zak, you have done all of that all in one day. I had that down as three days’ work on the project plan. That deserves a treat,” she gushed with admiration. “How about I fire up the old BBQ and we have some homemade burgers and salad?”

“That would be great, Auntie Sue,” I said, burgers being one of my favourite meals.

“Can you do me a favour, Zak? Please drop the auntie. It makes me feel so old,” she said looking me in the eye. “We are mates and work colleagues. How about we make it Sue from now on, okay?”

“Yes, sure thing. Sounds good to me, Sue,” I said flashing my best smile.

So, I put all my gear back into the barrow and went back to the tool shed to clean the brushes. Then I went to the farmhouse had a long shower and did my best to get the paint from under my nails.

We feasted that night on homemade beef burgers and salad, Sue drank some wine, and I had a Coke. It was a great evening. We ate and then sat on the back porch looking at the night sky and chatting. The sound of owls and the odd sighting of a bat in the trees made the evening quite interesting.

Sue told me about a lake that was on the edge of the farm. It sounded idyllic and I decided that on my next Sunday off I would go and look. Sue told me that she had an old bike I could use if I fancied it.

Sunday morning was bright and sunny. Sue did a huge, cooked breakfast and after feeding my face, I headed out to the barn. The bicycle that Sue had offered to lend me was her ex-husband’s and it had not been used for a long while. However, after putting a little air in the tyres and a splash of oil on the drive chain, it was good to go. The bike ride was great, the lanes and bridleways were all very picturesque, and there were lots of other bike riders, walkers, and horsey folks around.

I arrived at the lake after an hour or so, and it was truly gorgeous. The water was deep blue and tall trees surrounded it. There were already a few families picnicking around its grassy edges. I left my bike by a small copse of trees and had a sit-down, people-watching, passing the time under the sunny sky, and checking out any females that wandered past.

I guess I sat for an hour or more before the peace was shattered by a group of kids playing soccer very near to where I had sat down. I decided to head off and explore some more; I had only been cycling for around an hour when some small spots of rain fell on me.

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