Adventures With Older Ladies - Cover

Adventures With Older Ladies

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 5

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 5 - This is how I wish my youth had been! The Tale of a teenager, and his older lovers. Friends, family, and strangers are all willing to give me some fun...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

The day I left town to stop at my aunt’s farm was cold, grey, and wet definitely not the start of the long summer holiday as it was meant to be. My dad was working all day, as he seemed to be doing more and more recently, so my mom walked me to the railway station; my rucksack was so heavy I could hardly walk upright.

So, my mates would be having a summer of football and cricket in the park, of swimming in the lido and I was off to shovel up horse shit and paint fences. All I could think about in my head was the fact it was not fair and also how much fun I would have had with Mrs Brown that summer!

As we walked down the road past Mrs Brown’s shop, I stole a glance to see if I could see my amazing older lover. I could see her serving a customer and she did not notice me leave.

I wondered how long it would be before I saw her again. I would really miss her. I had just started down the road of sexual knowledge and this break in my education would drive me insane. I guessed that it would be a summer full of self-abuse, just Madam Palm and her five daughters to keep me happy.

We got to the station and picked up my ticket. Then Mom got a coffee for herself and a coke for me, from the little station café.

The train pulled into the station on time and after a quick kiss and a hug from my mom, during which she handed me an envelope that my dad had given her containing some money and a letter. What I found out later was a note to warn me to behave myself, to work hard and to try to enjoy the experience.

I jumped on board the train. After a few waves goodbye, I settled back into my seat in an empty carriage and grabbed a paperback novel from my backpack before I heaved it up onto the luggage rack.

My aunt Sue lived a few hours from our town and the journey was very slow as the train stopped at every station along the way. I had almost finished the book by the time I arrived at Aunt Sue’s stop.

The train arrived in the sleepy village of Little Hampton at around four-thirty, only half an hour late. That was not bad for British rail in those days. I grabbed my backpack and stepped off the train. It looked as if I was the only person getting off at this station, and it seemed very remote. To be fair it looked a bit scary.

I could not see anyone that looked like Auntie Sue; admittedly, it had been a while since I had seen her and for the life of me, I could not remember what she looked like. I had explained this to my mom before we went to catch the train, but she insisted that Sue would find me as long as I did not leave the station.

As it was, I was the only person at the station so she could not mistake me for anyone else that was for sure.

My mom had shown me some snapshots she had taken a couple of years earlier just to jog my memory, but they were not brilliant, and I was not sure I would recognise her from them to be fair.

I wandered around the station, there was not that much of it. There was a small musty waiting room with two vending machines in.

I slotted some coins into the drinks machine, decided on a Coke and a Texan bar, and then settled back on one of the wooden benches that lined the station platform, to pass the time away while I waited for Sue to arrive.

Several more trains pulled in and the platform got a little busier. I just sat and read and watched the world go by, it was getting dark and I had just finished the book when Sue turned up, and there was no mistaking her.

She was dressed in her horse-riding gear: tight vanilla-coloured jodhpurs, brown riding boots and a tight denim shirt. She was not what I had expected at all.

I tried to work it out in my mind when it was that I had last seen her, and I guessed at around eight years ago. Sue was my mother’s younger half-sister, mom was twenty years old when she had me, and Sue was five years her junior making her thirty. She was a stunner, with long curly dirty blonde hair in a ponytail and a friendly smile.

Her thighs looked strong and meaty in the tight riding pants and her shirt did little to hide a fair pair of tits. I stood up as she neared me, and she called out my name. I guess she was having some difficulty recognising me.

“Hi, Auntie Sue,” I called out and she called a greeting back, before giving me a big hug.

“Wow you have grown since I last saw you!” She smiled, “But I guess that was a good ten years ago!”

I was nearly as tall as she was, but she was wider in the beam. Her tits felt really good pressed against me; she immediately apologised for her lateness and explained there had been some bother at the stables. She grabbed my pack as we exchanged small talk while we wandered out of the station and headed off to her truck.

Sue drove a four by four-utility vehicle; I guess she needed it on the stables for lugging stuff about. The drive over to her place was very uncomfortable; we had little to say to each other really, as we hardly knew each other and the sight of Sue’s boobs jiggling around beside me was making me feel very horny.

The drive led us out into the country, through a small village and eventually, we turned into a small lane that led toward a large farm.

My mom had told me that Sue had always been a horsy type of person and she had bought the stables some years ago when she had been married. Her old man had left her for his secretary after a long affair and she was struggling to keep on top of things on her own.

The place, according to Mom, took some looking after and Sue could not afford to pay for full-time staff. She did employ some of the local girls, but they were all part-timers.

The farmyard was a real mess, and there was obviously lots of work to be done. Sue parked the Range Rover by the door to the impressive-looking farmhouse and we both jumped out. Sue led us into the kitchen; I was soon being shown to my room and then given a guided tour of the rest of the huge farmhouse. It was a great house.

“Okay Zak please make yourself at home,” Sue said and gave me a smile that told me she was happy to see me.

“Thanks, Aunty Sue” I replied.

Sue told me to grab a shower while she cooked tea and then we could have a chat about what work needed to be done. The meal was one of my favourites: fish fingers, egg and chips followed by banoffee pie. Looking back, I guess my folks had told her about my likes and dislikes.

I wolfed it down as I was starving. Sue gave a potted history of the farm and explained that the local gentry used the stables as well as local posh folks and that they paid her to do all of the donkey work.

She had lost a few customers as they felt it was looking run down and half the stables could not be used.

She, basically, wanted help to tidy the place up and go get more stables serviceable. There was a long list of jobs that she had drawn up and, when she showed it to me, it looked quite daunting.

There was enough work to keep me busy for the whole of the summer break and then some I thought to myself.

Oh well, I thought at least it would make the summer fly by until am back in Mary’s arms and more importantly her bed I offered to do the washing up when Sue told me she was off to shower. As I did the chores my mind wandered, thinking of her up there in the nude, covered in soapy suds and her hands stroking her big meaty tits. Time seemed to fly past and before long I heard her feet on the stairs as she came down to the living room.

Aunty Sue was dressed in a pair of pink pyjamas and her hair was up in a ponytail. She looked as sexy as hell and I knew I would have to be careful not to stare. As we watched TV and chatted, I watched her boobs - braless boobs - shimmer and shake below her pyjama top.

At around ten o’clock Aunty Sue told me we should get an early night as things started early at the stables; I have to admit the evening was over too soon for my liking.

Sue told me since I had had a long day, she would not wake me up too early and that I was free to join her when I was up and ready. After a quick wank, while thinking of Mary Brown and her huge titties, I slept like the proverbial log. The journey had obviously taken more out of me than I had thought.

I woke around eight o’clock with the sun peeking into my window. I showered dressed and then went down to the kitchen. Auntie Sue had obviously been and gone; There was a note on the dining table telling me to help myself to anything I fancied.

I let out a little laugh if Sue knew what I really wanted to help myself so I would no doubt be on the next train home with a flea in my ear.

I breakfasted on toast, cereal, and orange juice before heading out into the stable yard to find her.

I saw Sue as she was shovelling horse muck from a stable onto the back of a trailer. Her tight jeans accentuated her big sexy bum. When I got near, she turned to face me. Her tight white t-shirt was stretched over her big firm tits and I soon felt a stirring in my groin. She smiled at me.

“Good morning,” she said as I approached, “Did you sleep well?

“Good morning, Aunty Sue” I replied and returned her smile, “Yes I slept like a log, how about you?”

“Oh yes I was out for the count as soon as my head hit the pillow” she giggled.

“So where do you want me to start?” I asked looking around.

I was soon put to work on a block of stables that Sue had yet to get into a usable state. There were twelve stables in each block, these twelve were full of old rubbish, and it was my job to get them ready for the horses. Once they were all rented out, they would make a big difference to Sue’s income or so she told me.

The first thing I did was get a fire going to burn the crap that was filling them. Old fruit crates seemed to be stacked from floor to roof, old sacks and all sorts of other assorted shit. Once I got the fire roaring and a steady rhythm going the first stable block was quickly emptied. The work was easy and to be fair it was not as bad as I thought it would be.

I had gotten halfway along the block by the time Sue came hunting for me. She was well impressed by my work rate and told me that if I kept it up, she would take me out for a treat the next weekend. We stopped for dinner, which was cheese and onion sandwiches, crisps, and ice-cold Coke. As we ate, Auntie Sue told me of her plans for the stables.

Once the extra twelve stables were nearly ready to take horses, she would start to advertise them, and the rents would help to raise money for her other plans. There were a half dozen stable blocks on the farm each with twelve individual stables; thus, she could if they were all clean and serviceable, host sixty more horses.

Currently, only thirty tables were in use and the income was not great. Some fences needed work on plus an orchard that needed sorting out. Plus there was general tidying up to be done everywhere you looked.

She explained that most of the farm’s fields were rented out to other farmers, as she did not have either the time or ability to utilise them.

The horses were her bread and butter. Only renting out half of the stables meant the difference between breaking even and making a profit. She also wanted to set out some more riding paddocks with jumps etc. It was a huge job I thought and hoped she had not set herself too big a task.

Once the other stables were ready and the place looked well-kept, she would be able to up the rents, saying that there was a load of work to be done before that. I felt rather sad for her, as it was obvious that she was struggling. I decided there and then as I chewed on my cheese and onion butty that I would work my arse off to make this sexy woman’s life a little easier.

The afternoon was spent moving more and more boxes. Once all stables were empty, I found a broom and started to sweep up, shovelling the rubbish into the trailer. The day was hot, and I was soon sweating like a pig, I stripped off my shirt and hung it from a bridle hook. I was soon engrossed in my work.

I was eager to show Sue that I was no little kid. I was so engrossed that I did not hear the lady walk up behind me. The wolf whistle broke my concentration. I turned to see a tall slim woman, dressed for riding, standing in the doorway. She smiled as I turned to face her.

“Well, hello there, your Auntie Sue told me you were a cute young man, but she did not tell me you were such a handsome one as well!” she said as she smiled at me, her eyes moving up and down my body. Her accent was very upper-class. Very posh.

“Oh, Erm, I am not sure about that,” I stuttered, a little embarrassed.

“My name is Lady Elizabeth Harding, but please just call me Lizzy,” she said in her upper-class voice.

Her eyes wandered up and down my body.

“Your aunt said you might be free to help me load some stuff into the stable I rent.”

“Of course, whatever you need!” I replied.

I followed Lizzy to the stable, admiring her cute little bum covered in tight jodhpurs. Her big smart brand-new Range Rover car was parked outside, and the back was loaded down with heavy-looking feedbags. Lizzy’s stable was in a block of two-story stables and I prayed that the feed did not have to go upstairs.

She showed me where the food was stored in the corner of the stable block well away from the stalls that the horses were kept in. I started to shift the sacks, scooping them up onto my shoulder and walking the ten yards from the car to the shelf. They were both heavy and awkward and trust me, they took some lifting. As I shifted the two dozen sacks, Lizzy watched me intently.

“The lovely men at the country shop always load them for me,” she said with a wink. I got the feeling that Lady Elizabeth always got what she wanted out of life.

By the time I was done, I was sweating even more; rivulets ran down my body and my arms and back ached like they had never ached before. I leaned back against the wall and sucked in some air; my lungs were bursting.

“It looks like you could do with a drink” she purred.

Lizzy tossed me a bottle of cold water from the back of her 4x4, which I swigged down greedily. As I did so she pulled the stable door closed and slipped the catch, before turning toward me. Her finger flicked out and ran over my right nipple, stroking it and pressing it at the same time.

I gasped and was a little taken aback. I gasped, even more, when she leaned forward and sucked it gently into her warm mouth, her tongue circling it, making it grow. She bit it gently making me start, and that made her laugh.

“Right, young man, if you fancy some fun come upstairs with me and if not, the door is over there,” she said looking right at my eyes. My heart was pounding even more now but for different reasons.

I watched as Lizzy walked upstairs and I slowly followed her up to the loft. When we both reached the top, she turned to face me and started to unbutton her blouse. She tossed it to one side and kicked off her boots. The jodhpurs soon hit the floor and she was standing there in just a lacy black thong and bra, looking like a million dollars. Her tits were quite small compared to Mary Brown’s but still looked like a nice handful.

My jeans hit the floor in double quick time. Lizzy moved cat-like in front of me and dropped to her knees, her hands stroking down my thighs. My cock was already standing to attention, making a tent in my boxers.

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