Adventures With Older Ladies - Cover

Adventures With Older Ladies

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 18

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 18 - This is how I wish my youth had been! The Tale of a teenager, and his older lovers. Friends, family, and strangers are all willing to give me some fun...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

The following day we woke up almost at the same time, like most teenage boys I woke up with a boner and wanted to use it, but Sue waved off my advances.

“We were nearly late yesterday so you will have to wait until tonight, young man!” She giggled and headed off to the bathroom.

I thought about a quick wank but to be honest, even though wanking had been one of my main hobbies for a few years, these days a wank was just not doing it for me. When I had the comely Sue nearby all I wanted to do was shag her.

I put on some clean boxers, some shorts, and a t-shirt before heading into the kitchen, there was not much food in the cupboards, but we had eggs and bread, so I made us some scrambled eggs on toast and brewed up a pot of tea.

Then I did some cheese sandwiches for Sue to take on the hack, I also did a couple for my lunch and left them in the fridge. We ate breakfast and chatted about the jobs that she had planned for my day. The project plan still had a lot of uncompleted tasks but there would be no time left to do much more.

I also mentioned to Sue that we were short of food and stuff. She spent a few minutes making a shopping list.

“We need to go into town later, my love!” she said and cuddled me. She felt good in my arms.

Then with a kiss, she was gone.

I washed and dried up the breakfast stuff before heading out to the tool shed. I filled the wheelbarrow up and headed down to one of the storage sheds that Sue wanted ‘tarted’ up before I left. The room looked sound, it needed a new lock on the door and one of the windows was smashed. But the first thing I needed to do was empty it. It was filled, floor to ceiling, with junk.

I soon had a fire going and was getting rid of the crap. As the rubbish burnt, I measured the window went back to the tool shed and cut some wood to board up the window. Sue would need to order some glass for the window. Then I swept the walls and floor.

There were spider webs all over the place and spiders the size of dinner plates. I had to sweep it out twice before it was ready for painting. It was lunchtime, so I headed back to the house and had my cheese butties and a cup of tea but not before I had washed the dust out of my mouth with a glass of water.

As I ate the telephone rang, I picked It up and said, in my best telephone voice.

“The stables, hello can I help you?” I asked.

“Hello, is that you Zak?” the voice on the end of the phone asked. It was my mother.

“Hi Mom, how are you and how’s dad doing,” I asked, it was good to hear her voice. I had not felt homesick at all, even though this was the first time I had been away without my parents. but when I heard her voice, it made me realise how much I had missed her and my dad.

She paused before she replied.

“Yes, we are fine son, how are you getting on?” she asked.

“Yes, I am doing well thanks!” I replied.

“So, you’re not bored then?” she asked.

“No, I have been working hard and helping out as much as I can,” I replied.

“So, what have you been doing?” she asked.

I took the next ten minutes to tell her about the jobs I had been doing around the place and how the stables seemed to be doing well. I also told her how happy Sue seemed now things were looking up.

“That’s good Son so is Aunty Sue around?” she asked.

“No Mom, she is out working, can I pass a message on to her?” I asked.

“Not that’s fine, just ask her to call me later please son,” she said.

“I will do Mom, “I said.

“Right son, you take care, and I will see you soon,” she said and there was an edge to her voice.

“Okay Mom, take care,” I said, then I paused before saying “I love you, Mom.”

“I love you too son,” she said, and the line went dead.

I thought about that call for a few minutes, something was nagging at the back of my mind but I could not work it out. I cleaned up the kitchen and walked back across the yard to the tool shed.

I went in and got a bucket of paint and a huge roller, the great thing about painting sheds was you do not have to be worried about sloshing the paint around.

As I painted the storage shed, and as I painted the more, I thought about the short conversation I had had with my mother. She had not seemed herself; something was niggling in the back of my head.

I gave the walls a couple of coats of paint and by the time I heard the horses coming back into the yard the shed was looking a hundred per cent better, all it needed was the new lock and the pane of glass to replace the broken one. Both of which would need to be ordered from the hardware store for delivery the next week.

I waved at Sue then I packed away the tools and headed into the shop. I took a can from the fridge and drank the cool Coke. I watched as Chrissy dismounted her horse and gazed at her cute little bum in her tight jodhpurs.

There were around twenty girls on the hack and there were a few hotties in the group. The is something very sexy about a nice butt in jodhpurs, big or small every arse looks great in a tight pair of riding trousers, and most of the girls wore tight shirts as well.

There seemed to be something about the posh birds that had horses, they all seemed as sexy as hell, or perhaps it was just my teenage sex drive running on overdrive.

I stood in the shop and chatted with Abbie as the girls sorted out their horses and packed away their gear.

Once they had all been sorted out Sue came over and helped herself to a bottle of water.

“Hey guys, I hope you have both had a good day?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes, the shop has been busy all day and there are some rental cheques as well,” Abbie said.

“And I have sorted out that tool shed,” I said between sips of my coke, “it is painted and once we have a lock and some replacement glass, it will be ready to use!”

“Wow that’s great news on both fronts guys,” Sue said and took another swig of her water.

“Oh, my mom rang and asked if you could call her back,” I said, I crushed my can and dropped it into the bin.

“Right, I better go and call her, Abbie how about you lock up in half an hour and I can drop you into town,” Sue said with a smile.

“Are you sure?” Abbie gushed, “That would be great!”

I knew she took the bus normally and that took forever as it had to stop at every village on the way.

“Yes, we need to do some shopping so we can drop you off, it will save you waiting around for the bus!” Sue smiled.

I dropped my empty can into the rubbish bin as two girls came in and started to look at the display of brushes. It always amazed me how many different brushes the girls used on their horses.

I walked over to the house with Sue and she told me about the hack and the sites they had seen as they had ridden along the bridle paths. It seemed an interesting pastime, but I was still nervous around horses. Sue had mentioned that she could teach me to ride but I was still nervous around the big beasts.

Big breasts I was fine with, big beasts I was not...

Sue took a shower and I made a pot of coffee, she came downstairs in her dressing gown, picked up her mug went into her office and rang my mother. While they were chatting, I took a shower and tried to get the paint from under my fingernails.

As I showered, I looked at my body, my tan was coming on well and my muscles were more defined. I rubbed my chin and knew I would need a shave soon; in those days it was a once-a-week task.

I got dressed in jeans and a T-shirt before heading down to the kitchen, I drank my coffee and waited for Sue to finish her conversation with my mother. As she had taken the phone in the office, I could not really hear what they were chatting about.

When she came out of the office, she kissed me on the cheek and then took me in her arms and gave me a huge hug.

“Are you okay?” she asked, there seemed to be something different about her, but I could not put my finger on it. She seemed flustered; something was going on I was sure about that.

“Yes fine, is everything okay?” I asked, Sue, smiled and stroked my cheek with her fingers. It was a soft sensual touch.

Terrible thoughts were running around my head, I was sure that either my mother or Father were ill.

“Yes, it is all good, but we do need to have a chat, “she said, there seemed to be sadness in her voice.

“What about...” I started to say but there was a knock at the door.

“Later Zak ... that will be Abbie, let her in please,” Sue said and kissed my lips softly, and then she headed upstairs to get dressed.

I let Abbie in, she was a cute young girl. She was shorter than me and perhaps a few years older. She had a nice body, her jeans showed off her cute bum and her shirt was tight enough to show off a nice pair of tits.

“Hi Zak!” she said and walked into the kitchen, “Is Sue around?”

“She is getting changed,” I told her, she handed me a pile of post, which would be the cheques she mentioned earlier and the cash bag from the shops till.

“I will put these in the office,” I told her as I took them off her.

When I returned Abbie was sitting at the kitchen table

“There is something we need to talk about,” she said, where had I heard that before I thought to myself.

“Is there?” I asked, unable to hide my confusion.

“Yes. Let me make this simple for you,” she said with a smile “I know about you and Chrissy.”

“I am sorry?” I spluttered and glanced at the kitchen door; it was closed. That was good as Sue would not be able to hear what was being said.

“I know about you and Chrissy Jenson-Smyth,” she said and smiled, “so don’t be coy about it!”

“And what do you think you know?” I asked and glanced at the door to the stairs hoping that Sue would not walk in on this conversation.

“Look I know you and Chrissy were upstairs shagging whilst Sue was out on the hack,” she said and bit her bottom lip.

“But how do you know about...” I started to say. As soon as I had said it, I knew I had given the game away, it would be hard to deny it now.

“She was boasting about it to Laura Parsons in the tack room,” she said, as she said it, she licked her lips and looked me up and down. I felt an uneasy shiver down my back. How could Chrissy have been so careless?

“So, what do you intend to do about it?” I said and glanced at the door again and then back at Abbie.

I was worried she would tell Sue, and I did not want to hurt Sue. I was a young lad and young lads have big appetites, well that was my excuse.

“I will tell you what I want,” Abbie said and smiled at me, “I want you to give me some of the same.”

“The same?” I asked stupidly.

“Yes, the same, that stuck-up cow said you were a great shag!” she smiled, I thought about what she had said; it was an ego boost to be fair. But it was also worrying that Chrissy had been so indiscreet.

“Oh, erm can I think about it?” I answered and at the same time, I heard Sue coming downstairs.

“You have until tomorrow lunchtime and then your Aunt Sue and I will be having a little chat,” Abbie said with a cheeky wink.

The conversation ended when Sue came into the kitchen. She and Abbie chatted about hacks and horses.

My head was spinning, I had this issue with Abbie and at the same time, I was worried about Mom and Dad.

Sue drove the four-by-four into town and we dropped Abbie off at her house, then we went to the shop and I sat in the truck as Sue did a little shopping.

“So, when are you going to tell me what’s going on?” I asked when she got back to the truck.

“Okay well there is no easy way to tell you this,” she said without looking at me.

“Just go for it please Sue, it can’t be that bad, can it?” I replied eager to find out what was going on...

“Okay well, there is no easy way to say this so I guess I should just tell you.”

“Spit it out Sue please” I was getting really worried.

“Your mom is coming on Friday to collect you, she will be on her own,” she said, “Your dad has left her, he has been seeing another woman and your mom found out about her.”

I thought about it for a few seconds before I spoke, all I could think was at least they were not terminally ill!

“So, they are getting divorced? “I asked.

This was new territory for me. in those days there were not many kids around that I knew that had parents that had divorced or even just split up.

“It’s early days but I would guess that yes they will,” she said, there was a sadness in her voice. I knew that she had gone through this with her husband.

“But why...” I asked and I did not really know the question I should ask.

“It seems your dad had been seeing a woman at work for a couple of years, well your mom got to hear about it when one of his mates let slip in the pub,” Sue said and waited for me to respond.

“Why would he do that, I thought mom and him loved each other?” I heard the catch in my voice as I said it. I felt tears spiking the back of my eyes.

Sue did not answer, she just reached over and held my hand for the rest of the journey. Once we were back at the stables, I helped her put away the shopping and then sat at the kitchen table as she made cheese on toast.

I was not that hungry...

Nothing was said, I did not know what to say, what to ask, I looked at the clock I was too late to call my mother I thought to myself. But that was just an excuse, I knew she would be awake, and I was sure she would answer my call.

We ate dinner in front of the television, and there was little conversation, around eleven o’clock Sue yawned and told me she was heading up to bed. I went with her, hand in hand we climbed the stairs. That night we slept in each other’s arms, the thought of having sex was never in my mind.

Sue must have sensed my mood as she just held me close all night. I woke up several times as thoughts invaded my mind. I did my best not to wake Sue. I just lay there thinking!

I woke first the following day; I made us both mugs of tea and took them back to bed. Sue was awake, sitting up in bed dressed in her pink pyjamas.

We sipped our tea for a few minutes before anything was said.

“Are you okay about all this Zak?” she asked, and her hand slipped into mine.

“Yes, it was just a shock last night” I replied, and squeezed her hand, “I just thought they were solid.”

“It happens, these things are never easy you know,” she said.

“Yes, I know but you never think your own mom and dad will do it,” I replied,

“It will all be fine, you and your mom will be fine,” she said, “I promise...”

There was the sound of cars outside, the sounds of four-by-fours pulling up. the sounds of the stable girls walking the horses out to the paddocks. The sounds of the world turning, of people getting on with their lives. The sound over everyday life going ahead.

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