Adventures With Older Ladies - Cover

Adventures With Older Ladies

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 13

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 13 - This is how I wish my youth had been! The Tale of a teenager, and his older lovers. Friends, family, and strangers are all willing to give me some fun...

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Tit-Fucking   BBW   Big Breasts  

Sue was up before me the next morning; I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs cooking. The bedroom smelt of sex and that made me smile.

I went to the bathroom, had a piss and wash. Then I got dressed and went down to the kitchen. Sue was already dressed in her riding gear and was cooking up a big breakfast.

“Good morning sleepyhead,” she said and gave me one of those sexy smiles.

I looked at the clock it was just after Six AM. I was getting used to the fact that country people were up and running so early in the day, if I had been back home, I would still be in my bed that was for sure.

“Good morning sexy bum,” I said and gave her big jodhpur-covered bum a playful slap.

“How about you get some tea on the go, you cheeky beggar” she giggled. I filled the kettle and dropped some tea bags onto the pot.

Sue dished up the food and we ate and chatted about the day. Sue was off to lead a hack. So, I decided to get the new strimmer out and do some work. When we had finished eating, I poured us cups of tea.

As we sipped our drinks there was a knock at the door. Sue opened it and brought a lady about the same age as she was into the kitchen. She was a fit-looking bird that was for sure, she had a t-shirt and shorts on, and her arms and legs were well tanned. She had that healthy country girl look about her. She had strong-looking legs and a healthy rack.

“Zak, this is Melany, she is Mr McDonald’s daughter,” Sue said.

“Hello Miss McDonald,” I said respectfully.

“Please call me Melany,” she said with a smile.

“Hello Melany,” I said and stood up, “Would you like a cup of tea?”

“Hi Zak, yes that would be great. “She said with a smile, “Milk and two sugars for me please.”

I made her drink and cleared the breakfast table, Sue led Melany into the living room. By the time I had washed and dried up the breakfast stuff, the stables were bubbling away well, with lots of folks wandering around.

I went out to the tool shed and got the new strimmer out, I filled the fuel tank and slipped into the harness over my shoulders. I pulled the starting rope a couple of times until the engine kicked in.

I was soon strimming my head off. The tool was a dream to use, all the weeds and long grass around the place were slashed to bits and I wandered around. I did an hour and then got a rake out and cleared away the detritus. So that was my day, I wandered around in the sun, strimming and clearing up.

The only time I stopped was to get a bottle of water, the strimmer kicked up loads of dust and my throat was dry. I was soon back on the job, strimming and clearing, clearing, and strimming.

I had not even realised how long I had been working away until Sue came over and asked what I fancied for tea, I had missed lunch, but the place was looking amazing. The strimming had really made a difference around the place. Sue was amazed at how much I had done.

I put the strimmer away and locked the shed. As we walked over to the house we stopped and chatted to a few of the girls.

“So, what do you want to eat,” Sue asked once we were back in the kitchen.

“You!” I replied with a cheeky grin.

“Later ... I promise,” Sue said and stroked my face, “But first I need to eat some food it’s been a long day.”

She opened the freezer and pulled out some fish fingers and a bag of frozen chips. I put the oven on to warm up and then I filled the kettle to make a pot of tea.

I made us both cups of tea as Sue checked the morning post.

“So, what did Melany McDonald want?” I asked as I readied the cups.

“Oh yes, I was going to talk to you about that,” Sue said as she put fish fingers and chips onto baking trays, “she wants to move some of her horses to our stables, she keeps them at a place around ten miles away.”

“So how come she doesn’t keep them at her dad’s farm?” I asked.

“Oh, Bob McDonald is old school, he won’t have animals on his farm that don’t earth their keep in one way or another,” she said with a shake of her head, “HE sees horses as a burden!”

“How many does she have?” I asked as I sat down at the table.

“Oh five, she wants to rent the block that has its own paddock, I have to work out a price for her,” Sue said.

“And then if she takes it, we need to get it tarted up?” I said already knowing the answer.

“Right, you are kiddo,” Sue giggled then she came over and kissed me on the lips, I reached for her, but she giggled and pushed me away.

“I am so lucky to have you around, the place is coming on!” she said with a smile. I reached for her again ... but again she slapped me away.

“I have work to do and you have food to cook” She giggled and walked into the study.

As the food cooked, I set the table and buttered some bread. I had not really looked into the stable that Melany was interested in, but it would be the first thing I did the following day.

Half an hour later I called Sue through to the kitchen and served up the food, we chatted as we ate and afterwards, I washed up the crocks and tidied the kitchen whilst Sue went back into the study to call Melany.

We made love twice that night before drifting off to sleep.

Sunday morning came around all too quickly, Sue was leading a hack, so I was going to be left to my own devices. I got up and made breakfast as Sue showered and got dressed up in her riding togs.

When she came down into the kitchen, I wolf-whistled, she looked as fit as fuck in her tight jodhpurs and an even tighter tee shirt.

We had breakfast and watched out of the window as the stables got busier and busier. It was good to see and it was good to see Sue smiling as her business was really getting back on its feet.

After breakfast, Sue left me to clean up, so that she could prepare her horse ready for the day’s work. After I had cleaned up the breakfast stuff. I made Sue a cheese sandwich and put it in a bag with some bottles of water and an apple.

I took it out to where she was waiting for the other riders to gather around.

She shot me a smile.

“You’re an angel,” she said.

“No worries right have a good ride,” I said.

Sue looked around to make sure we could not be overheard before she answered.

“It will not be as good as riding you later!” she said with a cheeky wink.

I left her to it as some of the girls were coming over to get ready for the hack.

I went over to the tool shed, put some tools in a wheelbarrow and headed off to the stables that Melany was interested in. It was a big open stable with five stalls for the horses plus a storage room and a small office-type room.

The floor was covered in old hay, wooden storage boxes and empty sacks. It looked like it had been used to store old junk.

I swept up the rubbish that was on the floor and made a small fire to burn off the crap. Once I had the floor cleared, I made a list of the jobs that would need to be done and the gear that was needed.

Once I had that done, I brushed down the walls ready for painting. It was a big job as it was a big stable block, by the time I had done all the walls it was lunchtime. I headed over to the farmhouse and had a crisp sandwich and a can of Coke in the garden.

The rest of the afternoon was spent using a roller to paint the stable walls, by the time I had finished I realised that it would need a second coat and that it was very late in the day. I put the tools and the used paint tins in the barrow just as Sue turned up. We would need to order more paint.

“Wow you have made such a good start!” she beamed.

“I thought it needed a spruce up just in case Melany McDonald wants to use it,” I said.

“You’re not wrong, and it’s looking so much better,” she said.

“We are going to need more paint to finish the job I think Sue,” I told her.

“Right, I will get it ordered!” she said with a smile.

“Right, I think I need a shower” I replied, I was covered in dust, paint and sweat.

We walked up to the tool shed together and then once the tool had been stowed away, we went over the house. I showered and Sue cooked, and after we had eaten Sue showered while I cleaned up the kitchen. We both fell asleep in front of the television; it had been a long hard day for both of us.

The next week started very quietly. Sue and I reviewed and revised the project plan she had created, over breakfast on a Monday morning. We were making good headway and the stables had started to make some good money.

Sue told me that things were on the up and up. That was great news, and you could even tell from her voice and her smile that she was less worried. It had been a good few weeks and I felt I had made a difference whilst I had been there My job for the day was to clean up some low-lying branches on the trees around the yard and then to take the strimmer out and tidy the place up.

I worked hard in the sun and was soon dressed in only shorts and work boots and I was sweating like a pig. I had noticed them but Sue had also told me a few times I was developing a nice set of muscles and a great tan. It was demanding work, but I was enjoying it, and I got to ogle the girls and women who were there tending to their horses. There was always a nice arse or a good pair of tits to check out.

The horsy types always seemed to have a healthy appetite and were well-built. They filled out their jodhpurs and t-shirts well!

I worked hard and soon had the trees all tidied up and the strimming was well underway, I always found it amazing how much different the place looked after a morning’s hard graft. Every little job seemed to make such a big difference. I was proud of the difference I was making.

Sue and I lunched together, on cheese sandwiches and bottles of cold water, at a table in the garden. The sun was high, and it was a glorious day. The afternoon was spent doing more strimming and generally tidying the place up.

That evening the sun started to fade as I locked the tool shed and headed back for dinner. I was ravenous and was happy to see that Sue had fired up the BBQ. It was great to sit in the garden and chill out and have a chat as the sun was setting.

After a long shower, I joined Sue in the garden and feasted on burgers and hot dogs. She told me that she had now sold rentals on all of the stable blocks, apart from the one Melany McDonald was interested in, and the ones without the roofs.

She told me she still did not have enough to get the roof fixed.

Anyway, she was happy with rentals and that the bookings for hacks and lessons were on the increase, that plus the increased sales in the shop meant that both she and her bank manager were very happy. Her smile told me the whole story and she looked like a million dollars.

We shared the same bed that night but both of us were too tired for any fun and games. It had become like that; some nights we fucked like bunnies’ other nights we snuggled up like an old married couple. I was cool with it; I was getting a fair bit of sex for a person my age and was happy to have it when Sue was eager. She was an amazing lover and well worth the wait.

The following day was another hot and sticky scorcher, Sue was off early taking some guys on a guided hack, so I breakfasted alone and then started on my list of chores. The yard was not so busy today, a few younger girls had headed out along a bridle path early on but apart from that it was very quiet, just the sounds of the horses and me working in the yard.

It was mid-morning when I heard a voice ringing out over the yard. There was a woman at the door to the shop and she was calling over to me. I set down the broom I had been using to clear the yard and strode over, grabbing my tee shirt from a gatepost as I went.

The woman was mid-forties, very much the horsy type, upper class, with blonde hair tied into a long ponytail, she was dressed in jodhpurs, expensive-looking riding boots that showed off her strong legs and thighs, and a tight tee-shirt that did not hide a decent rack. She was a real MILF material. Hot, Horny, and built for sex!

“Good morning, Mrs,” I said cheerily as I approached, about to pull on my tee shirt.

“Well, hello there!” she said with a smile “Wow please don’t put the shirt on for my benefit.”

I unlocked the shop door and let her in, scoping out her cute arse as I did so. She browsed and picked up quite a few items and I stood behind the counter and admired her amazing body as she did so. She was well worth a glance, built for fun I thought. Her tight jodhpurs gave me a great view of her ass and her tits jiggled around nicely.

She asked about a few items and I showed her where they were and she chatted about the weather, all very British. I totted up her bill and she paid with cash.

“Could you be an angel and carry all of this over to my block please?” she said with a sly smile.

“Of course, misses” I replied as I started to bag up her goods.

“Oh, it is actually Lady Hampton but please call me Miranda!” she said with a cheeky wink.

She looked me up and down then smiled at me before she headed out of the shop. I followed and I dropped the bags on the floor of her stable block and helped her to add the items to a high shelf.

“There you go, Miranda, all done,” I said, turning to face her, “Now is there anything else I can do to help you?”

“Ahh now there is the question?” she said looking me straight in the eyes. Her eyes seemed to bore into my very soul.

“You see I am a friend of Elizabeth Harding, and she got drunk at the golf club last week and told a few of the girlies a very wild tail!”

Miranda was now standing with one hand on her hip and running her eyes up and down my body.

“Did she really?” I asked as innocently as I could “And what was that?”

“Well, a young man she told me she got royally fucked right here at the stables by Sue’s new stable lad!” her voice was thick with lust.

Her voice never faulted as she said it, but a flush of red appeared on her neck. She was as brazen as could be and it made me horny to think I was the talk of the golf club set.

“Oh, did she really?” I replied, enjoying where this was going.

“So, are you the new stable lad?” she asked in a husky voice. All the time she was talking to me her eyes were drifting over my body.

“I guess am!” I replied, my confidence was growing as was my cock.

“And are you horny this morning? Because I know I am!” she said, and then she took a step toward me, her hand running down my sweaty torso. Her fingers ran over my nipples, which immediately hardened under her touch.

“Oh yes, I am very horny,” I said, “I am always horny!”

“That’s good to know!” she said with a knowing smile.

My hand reached out and gripped her hip pulling her toward me. My erection was pressed hard against her and I knew she felt it as she gasped and bit her lower lip. Her eyes told me she was eager and the way she rubbed herself onto me told me she was as horny as I was. I wanted to have her as soon as possible.

“So ... how about we go over the house and get more comfortable!” I said as I ground my cock into her, I knew Sue would be gone for a few hours yet and the idea of a couple of hours’ fun with this posh bird was getting my juices flowing.

“No ... No, I want to be fucked right here in the stable!” she told me “I want a nice rough and ready fuck!”

Her voice was more of a grunt as she said it. Her eyes blazed with lust and desire.

“Okay let’s go into the hayloft,” I suggested, and she did not need to be asked twice.

She bound up the ladder and I followed, taking in the view of her sexy bum as I did so. Once up in the loft, there was no preamble, she just started to undress...

I watched as she slid off her boots and pulled off her tight riding pants, she had a lacy pair of almost see-through panties on. Her t-shirt hit the floor to review a lacy bra that cupped her ample tits. The bra soon hit the floor and she posed for me. She had a body to die for, slim and curvy, well maintained. Her pussy looked like it was nicely trimmed, and I wanted to eat her there and then.

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