Hungry for Love - Cover

Hungry for Love

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: The lonely, horny, homely young woman discovers caring where she didn't expect it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Interracial   First   .

The barely 18-year-old woman named Marcie had barely graduated from high school not too long ago. Her poor grades and the family’s meager income precluded college so she started looking for a semiskilled job. After a search a temp agency placed her doing basic home care in a facility for independent living which was mostly occupied by people with developmental delays.

Her mother had taught her housekeeping so the people at the center were pleased with her work and she began to get comfortable with some of the residents.

As mentioned in the story description, she was a rather unfulfilled young woman, never having experienced romance in high school because of her looks, shy personality, and being one of the few Latinos in the whole area. The night of the senior prom she’d been in her room crying because no one had asked her. She was the proverbial “never been kissed”.

She was somewhat resentful toward her parents, even though she knew they had no control over the genes that they gave her, but wasn’t sure what to do to counteract the short hand that she’d been dealt. Being among the people every day at work who had more to deal with gave her less reason to be so down on herself. They seem to be genuinely appreciative of the attention she gave them.

One man, Jimmy, was 25 calendar years old but functioned at the level of an average eight in many respects. Of course, he was physically what you might expect at his age, actually a big guy but rather clumsy. He seemed to be quite happy with her presence and even helped her make the bed.

She also enjoyed being with him, a man who seemed to pay more attention to her than anyone ever had. She rearranged her schedule so he would be the last one of the day and she wouldn’t have to rush off anywhere else if he wanted to visit. In nice weather she would take him outside for walks in the area, something he was not allowed to do unaccompanied. Those were such a special treat that he often asked if they could do them.

One afternoon, as Marcie came into Jimmy’s room, he was sitting in his easy chair with his hand rubbing his erection and a big smile on his face. Marcie was stunned, never having seen a naked male organ in any condition, let alone erect. As she stood paralyzed, he groaned and white stuff shot out of the end and ran down over his hand onto his pants. He grinned like crazy, so proud of himself.

He told her, “I learned this from boy down hall. It feel real good so I do it much now.”

Marcie went to the little bathroom and got a warm washrag to clean him up, glancing frequently at the still erect organ poking out of his pants. She’d read about those things in her romance novels but didn’t realize exactly what they looked like or how big they might get. She had no standard to judge it by but later, with more experience, realized it was well above average.

She was curious as hell, of course, and couldn’t decide whether to tell him to put it away or let her play with it, which he probably would. Seeing as he was so proud of his male part, she went for it, “May I touch it, Jimmy?”

“Please Ms. Marcie. I think it feel good if you do.”

It had softened a little bit but as soon as she began to run her fingers over it, Jimmy’s cock expanded to its full size again. “Oh Ms. Marcie, that feel better than my fingers. Keep touching, please!”

As she was rubbing it her face was right above the head and suddenly more white stuff shot out of it and splashed on her face from nose to chin. She pulled back suddenly and opened her mouth to squeak and the next shot went right in. “It doesn’t taste bad,” was her immediate reaction. It was just a practical thing for her fingers to scrape the other cum from her face and put it in her mouth where she swallowed it. Jimmy was in awe.

A wicked idea raced through her mind so she leaned up to his face with her cum covered lips and gave him a kiss, pushing her tongue between his so he could taste the white stuff himself. What a first kiss!

When she pulled back Jimmy said, “I like kiss. We do more?” She leaned forward and they both learned how tongue kisses worked. When she finally pulled back for air, Jimmy’s pecker had wilted, drained for the time being. That was enough for now, she decided and washed up her face, then kissed him goodbye.

She’d warned Jimmy that it was not polite for visitors to come upon him jacking off but once she was in the room it would be all right. All of their play was focused on his cock and their kissing for a while but then she decided it was time for her to get touched. “Jimmy, you know how it feels good to have special parts of yours touched. I have some too and I want you to touch them nicely.” She took off her blouse and unhooked her bra

No one had ever seen her breasts before and she felt a bit shy exposing them, knowing that they weren’t particularly attractive as such things go. She knew Jimmy probably had no comparison and he seemed awfully interested as she showed him how to caress and squeeze and pinch and then suck on her breasts. She was used to giving herself climaxes with her fingers and toys but didn’t expect one from her tits. When she shook and moaned Jimmy got worried until she explained it to him. Then he was so proud, “I happy I make you feel extra good. I do it any time you want.”

By now they were playing on his little bed so she could have full and easy access to his male parts. She finally got the nerve to try something she had read about in her trashy novels and leaned down to take his rigid rod in her mouth and suck on it and lick the head with her tongue. It was a stretch to get the big fleshy bulb inside so sometimes she just licked the shaft and love to hold his balls while she did so. When he told her that the shooting was going to happen, she just kept her mouth on it and took it all in since she already knew it didn’t taste bad. Jimmy was in heaven and he told her so.

As you might expect, they progressed to Jimmy learning about eating at the Y and his long tongue, with her training, did a terrific job of pleasuring her.

Only one thing was left for her to decide to add to their play. And play it was, since neither one of them had any romantic aspirations for the other, but that was all right with both. Just having someone to enjoy your body and want to be with you were blessings neither one had experienced before.

Jimmy had a friend down the hall who had taught him about masturbation and who he would talk to about his new adventures after a promise of silence. When Jimmy asked, “Are we ready to fuck yet?” Marcie wasn’t real surprised since it had been on her mind as well.

“Jimmy,” she said gently, “I would really like to fuck you but I don’t want to get pregnant and I don’t have any birth control. I hope you understand.”

Jimmy’s face lit up at her statement, which puzzled her, and he went to his dresser and went through some papers and brought one to her which he asked her to read. It was a medical report of his vasectomy which he and his parents have decided was the best thing for him. He knew that meant that he couldn’t make babies. He also knew what Marcie had said so he asked, “I guess we can fuck now, OK?”

Without a word, Marcie stripped and got on the bed, lying on her back with her legs spread, her pussy inviting him. He was a bit slower getting naked and in position. His cock kept poking around wrong places so she had to reach down and guided it in. Her toys had taken care of her hymen long ago and she was wet. His cock was bigger than any of her toys so she held his hips and controlled his penetrations until their pubes met.

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