The Waterly Edge Adventures - Fun With the Pubs Landlady - Cover

The Waterly Edge Adventures - Fun With the Pubs Landlady

Copyright© 2020 by Zak

Chapter 9

Coming of Age Sex Story: Chapter 9 - I started to work in the pub and soon found it had added benefits

Caution: This Coming of Age Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/Fa   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Petting   Sex Toys   Tit-Fucking  

So Christmas and New-years seemed to fly past in a blur. There were lots of family visits and parties to attend. I did a few shifts in the pub but it was that busy I did not get to see much of Teri. The only good thing that the staff got a lot more in the tips jar so my bank balance was looking good.

It was hard seeing so much of Teri and not being able to hold her, or kiss her or shag her.

We did have a snog in the cellar on New Year’s Eve, but that’s as far as I got. I had even started wanking again as my addiction to sex was getting bad. I really needed a good session with Teri to keep me happy.

I was walking down the road to post a letter a couple of days after New Year’s Day when Teri’s car pulled up next to me. She wound the car window down and smiled out at me.

“Hey Zak. You are you busy today?” she called out.

“Nope, I have nothing on today!” I replied returning her smile.

“Then Jump in babe!” she said, so I opened the door and slid into the passenger seat.

“I am off to the cash and carry, we are out of crisp and peanuts!” she explained as she sped out of the village.

“So how are things, it’s been a busy Christmas that’s for sure!” I said as she headed toward the dual carriageway that led toward the town.

“It sure has, so did you have a nice time?” She asked, there was a catch in her voice, an edge, something was not right, and I could tell it.

We chatted about what we had done but there seemed to be some sort of underlying tension to Teri and it was starting to worry me, so I took the bull by the horns.

“So come on then Teri spit it out, what’s up?” I said and she let out a deep sigh. Then she indicated to turn left. She said nothing as we pulled into a truck stop and headed up to a secluded part of the car park.

Once the car was parked up she turned to face me, she had a sad look on her face.

“Zak, please don’t be mad...” she started to say.

“The brewery has found another manager and you’re going to leave?” I interrupted her. I knew that one day it would happen, and I had sort of practised not looking upset or sad. I even had a speech ready for the day.

“Yes...” She said, there was a tear in her eye.

I reached out for her hand and squeezed it, she pulled me to her, and we hugged.

“Zak, please don’t go all weird on me, “she said, “and don’t be upset”

I pushed her away, kissed her on the lips before leaning back in my seat.

“Teri the way I look at it, you have given me so much, taught me so much and we have had so much fun. It’s been amazing” I told her truthfully. Yes, I would miss her, but I didn’t want to appear needy or immature.

“And you are not mad at me for leaving?” she asked and reached out stroke my face.

“No way, we both knew this would not last forever, “I said with a smile, “I will be in the navy and you will be working someplace else.”

“Thank god I was dreading telling you, I was worried you might freak out,” she said and kissed me softly.

“I know that there is a huge age difference between us and the way we react to these things is different” she said She was right to be fair, I had a hollow feeling in the pit of my stomach, and I could feel the prickling of tears at the back of my eyes, tears that I fought hard to hold back. But at the same time I knew what the age difference meant there would never have been a future for us.

“Trust me, Teri, I am fine, I will be fine, “I told her truthfully, “The is only one thing I would ask”

“For you, anything, ask away,” she said and kissed me gently on the lips.

“We get to spend the whole night together before you go,” I said, and she blushed.

“Damn right we will, “she grinned, “I have two more weeks before I leave, and I want to make the most you before I leave!”

“Make the most of me?” I said playfully

“Trust me, babe, you are one hell of a lover,” she said and slapped my hand playfully.

“And so are you, “I said and stroked her thigh over her jeans

“So, can I ask you a huge favour?” she asked and gripped my hand.

“Sure, what can I do for my lady?” I asked.

“I know this will sound weird and you might not want to but...” she said, her face had this really worried look on it.

“Teri please just spit it out!” I interrupted her.

“Will you spend the night with my sister,” she said her eyes boring into mine.

The world seemed to stop, and I was sure I stopped breathing as well.

Fuck me, of all the things she could have asked, of all the favours she might have requested from me that were not even in the same orbit. I guess I had paused for far too long.

“Look its fine if you don’t want to Zak, “she said.

“No, but that’s a sort of trick question if I say yes you might get arsy and if I say no you might get arsy so it’s a hard one to answer, “I replied, wondering if she was testing me.

“Trust me when I tell you its fine, I know what we have is just a bit of fun,” she said, “Joanne is getting as frustrated as hell and I don’t want her going out to a bar and shagging some random bloke”

“But you don’t mind her shagging me?” I asked nervously.

“No, I don’t mind, I know you won’t be weird and I know you would show her a good time, “she said and kissed me, “and she needs a good time!”

Then she glanced at her watch,

“Fuck we need to get going,” she said and started the car, “or the cash and carry will be closed”

We drove to the warehouse on the edge of town, we shopped in almost silence. I pushed the trolley and she loaded up boxes of peanuts, crisps and other snacks that we sold in the bar. She paid and I loaded the stuff into her car.

It started to rain as we got into the car; Teri started the engine and turned to face me.

“Zak, seriously if it’s too much for you to handle its cool, “she said.

I had been mulling it over as we had walked around the cash and carry. Thinking about the pros and cons. So the pros in my head were Joanne was a very sexy lady and to make love to her would be amazing, Teri could move to a pub anywhere in the country and I am sure would not be short of admirers, plus if things went well for me I would soon be in the navy and away for months on end. I knew Teri had needs and there was no way she was going to wait around for me. The cons ... nope there were none in my mind.

“Teri, its fine,” I said with a smile, “Let’s face it she a sexy lady and it would be fun, and as long as you don’t mind, nor do I”

“Okay that’s great I will let her know she will be so excited” Teri drove us back toward the pub and once we were on the dual carriageway, she slipped her hand onto mine.

“You’re a great guy Zak” she squeezed my hand and we settled back for the drive home.

When we pulled into the pub’s car park, I helped her loaded the crisps and snacks into the pub and she pulled me inside and we embraced and kissed.

“I will speak to Jo this evening,” she said as I kissed her neck.” Are you free this week?”

“Yes ... all week “I replied.

“Pop by tomorrow lunchtime and we will have a chat!” she said and kissed me hard on the lips.

I walked home and wondered if sex with Jo would be as good as sex with her older sister.

So the following day I got to the pub just as the doors opened, I ordered a coke and burger with fries before sitting in a quiet corner. It was Teri herself who brought my burger over, and she brought a cup of tea as well. She sat down and smiled at me. She looked around to check we could not be overheard.

“So, Zak, are you still happy to go and see my sister?” she said with a smile.

“Teri, if you are okay with it “I replied, “then I am okay with it!”

“Okay well Jo said she can be free all day tomorrow as the kid’s dad is having the kids for a few days,” she said as she picked at my fries.

“Okay, so what’s the plan?” I asked, not trying to sound too eager.

“Well, she thinks its better you go to her house rather than a hotel, “Teri said with a smile.

“Okay sounds good to me!” I replied. I was trying not to sound over eager but at my age sex was a big thing and Joanne was a really sexy bird.

“So I will drive you over tomorrow, shall we meet at twelve o’clock,” she asked.

“That sounds good to me, “I said with a smile.

When I had eaten my burger and Teri had finished my fries, she went back to work and I headed home. That evening over dinner I told my mom and dad I was going to see a schoolmate in town and might stop over for a couple of days.

I am not sure if they believed me but hey, I was a teenager and I am sure they knew I was seeing someone, I just hoped they did not know who!

So, the next morning I did my exercises and went for a long run, then after a shower, I packed a few things in my rucksack and headed up the road. I did my usual route, into the park and through the hedge into the pub’s car park.

Teri was loading some bags into the car and she rushed me into the car as soon as she saw me, then she sped off.

“Sorry about that the cleaners were in the pub and they are a nosey bunch,” she said with a smile.

She pulled into the same truck stop we had used before, parking in a remote corner.

She pulled me to her, and we kissed.

“So, you are sure?” she asked.

“If you are happy that it’s happening!” I replied.

She did not answer she just kissed me and started the engine.

We got to Joanne’s house an hour later and pulled onto the drive, we both got out and Teri rang the bell. Then she rang it again ... no answer. I got it into my head she had pulled out and was about to say something when we heard a call from down the road.

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