Bein a Good Buddy - Cover

Bein a Good Buddy

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Ya gotta take care of your friends and help em out when they need it. Different folks tell their take on that.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Incest   First   Water Sports   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.

Part 1 – Joe’s story

Ralphie came over and sat on the front porch with me and commenced sippin shine. Old dog laid on his feet cuz they were good friends too.

He wuz complainin that his girlfriend had gone to visit her sister again. He figgered she was sweet on her brother-in-law ‘cause her sister didn’t mind if they banged. His big dick made her sister’s cunt sore with him wantin to be in there all the time. Ralphie’s girlfriend never got a sore cunt no matter how many cocks of whatever size she got stuck with.

His ma was on the rag and his sister was over at her boyfriend’s house for a couple of days. What was a horny guy to do?

Ah spoke up, “Hey, we are buds and the code of the hills is you take care of yer buds.” Raising mah voice Ah yelled, “Honey, get yer sweet ass out here.” Ah knew she liked compliments.

While mah wife was a’gittin out of bed Ah told Ralphie, “We been screwin all afternoon and she’s good for more but Ah ain’t. Bein with child gits her real horny so Ah’m gonna have her help both of yew out.”

Lulu Belle came out on the porch with her nekked tits a’swaying. Ah said, “Honey, Ah want yew to fix ole Ralphie’s hornies.” Since Ah outright ordered her, not even askin, she knew Ah meant business.

Without a word she took Ralphie’s hand. His pants were bulging already. Ah soon heard the bed thumping and lots of screeching. My wife is a noisy fuck. There was some quiet but when Ah went to check Ah could see Lulu Belle climbing on Ralphie’s big pecker. The noises started up agin.

Ah was snoozing when they come out on the porch. Ralphie was dressed and shook mah hand. “Yer the best bud ever. Stop by mah place when wifeys back sew Ah kin return the favor.”

Lulu Belle was still nekkid and shook her tits at me. Ah follered her to the messed up bed. She threw a towel down and laid on it, pointing a pink and drooling pussy and a winking ass hole at me. Ah got right into banging the juicy one cuz that’s the way Ah like mah holes.

She smiled at me and said, “Ah’m always glad to help out that nice big boner. It’s just what Ah need sometimes. His girlfriend can take care of yers after Ah birth this one.

Ah thought to myself, “Yeah, but his Maw is better than the girlfriend or sister, either one, and Ah ain’t waitin four more months.”

It’s important to have good buddies.

Part 2 – Ralphie

Ah’m sure lucky to have a good bud like Joe. We’ve been sidekicks since grade school. We’ve shared bubblegum, huntin rifles and wimmen. Ah don’t have no born brother so he’s it.

Even when we started datin girls he was a speshul bud. How can Ah ever forget that night out skinny-dipping. Just me and him and Lulu Belle. They’d been screwing for a couple of months and Ah hadn’t ever bin laid. We wuz laying on a blanket and Joe says to Lulu Belle, “Honey, you’re so sexy and beautiful. Ole Ralphie ain’t never been as lucky with wimmen as Ah am so Ah’d like you to show him how wonderful it feels to get inside a woman.” She was kinda surprised so he reached down and rubbed her pussy and said “Ah’ll go first to show him how it works.”

She couldn’t resist that and laid back with her legs apart and her knees up. Ah watched in the moonlight as he slipped his pecker in her and gave some deep strokes. She made some moaning sounds. After just a few he pulled out so Ah could have her fresh. She aimed mah dick at her cunnie and it was incredible. She humped back at me until Ah got the rhythm and Ah didn’t last long.

He was in her raht after Ah pulled out and got his first sloppies. He couldn’t last long either so she waved me back over. Ah got hooked on seconds right then and there. We each did her a lot longer the second time. She was smiling from ear to ear.

That was a special treat for birthdays and Christmas. Lulu Belle fixed me up with a girlfriend who knew her way around cocks and we started going together. Now there was four birthdays when we all got nekkid together.

Now Sally Ann was a bit of a slut, Joe had found out, and had at least two other boyfriends abanging her. Ah didn’t make a big deal out of it cause mah Ma and mah older sister got a look at mah pecker when Ah was sleepin and decided they needed it once in a while too. It was handy and Ma was a better fuck than Sally Ann anyways. Ah told that to Joe and Ah know he stops over once in a while when no one else is home. That’s fine with me. Ah loves them both.

Joe and Lulu Belle got hitched and then with child. Lulu Bell was real horny and told me to stop over anytime. She could damn near fuck mah balls flat.

Well, Sally Ann got pregnant and run off with some town boy who had a nice car and job. She done well, Ah figgered. Lulu Belle and mah family took up the slack until Ah met Doreen at church.

She weren’t as pretty as mah other women, but not bad, and her tits was just wonderful. Maybe because she was little plump. That did make bouncing on top of her real comfortable too. On our second date she made me take her home, meet her momma, and go straight to her bedroom. When we come out the next mornin she told her momma, right in front of me, that if any boys called for dates to tell em she was taken.

Damn, could that girl fuck! She asked me to be her boyfriend. Ah said only if mah buddy can fuck you sometimes too. She practically strangled me with her happy hug. “Sweetie, Ah’ll fuck anybody you ever want me to. Ah’ve never met a cock that wasn’t fun.” Ah’m still not ready to ask her how many she’s tried. Ah don’t think it will be a small number.

Lulu Belle got to likin her and after she delivered her baby asked her to bang Joe until she was back in business. Joe told me Ah got a good un. Both women know us buddies are still stickin it to Ma and mah sister from time to time and they are ok but say that we owe ‘em. Ah guess they are right. They just haven’t found someone else good enough to be worth the trouble yet.

That time may be a comin. Joe told me that Lulu Bell got one of them eye-you-dees that keeps a girl from havin babies. They don’t have to mess with condoms and safe days no more. Doreen is saving up for one too. There’s some family reyunyuns not too long from now and Ah think they’re planning on trying some more family cocks out. Knowin how much both of them girls likes to screw Ah sure hope them gadgets work.

Part 3 – Lulu Belle

Joe’s wife was cut from a different cloth than the men she was associated with. Born the only daughter into a family with two older boys, her mama was determined to make her daughter’s life different than hers had been. Not that it had been real bad but she knew it could be better.

Being read to as an infant and small child, and given tasks that developed her skills, made Lulu Belle a smarter and more aware child who got a lot out of the poor school available. She took books home to read and thrilled her mother with stories about things not even imagined in the rural valley.

Her Mama also taught her women’s ways early and got a book to help. The early teenager was years ahead in her knowledge of the female body and issues. Mama took care of her sons’ lustful urges just as she had done for her own brothers before and after marriage. She was determined that Lulu Belle was going to stay a virgin until a decent age, unlike her own history.

When Lulu Belle was sixteen and preferred to be called just Lulu, she was sent to stay with Mama’s youngest sister in the big city. The Greyhound bus ride was a wondrous experience in itself for the untraveled girl.

Suzy was only six calendar years older than Lulu, but many more in sophistication. She knew her sister’s intentions for the visit. She herself had been naive and over-fucked as a result. Her husband was a dear man and knew that their first child was likely not his but had a chance to leave the valley and took her with him. The second was definitely from his loins.

They spent part of each day in learning child care, part in general education including sightseeing trips to educational venues, and sex education. Birth control was gone over in detail. Besides the book learning that her mama had given her, Suzy got them both naked and learned about the parts directly. Some ways of taking care of her needs without involving a man were practiced.

Then Suzy got her husband involved too. His naked body was first a textbook, then an object for practicing the many forms of non-penetrative sex. Lulu thrilled as he sucked on her already well-formed breasts and licked and nibbled on her lightly furred pussy. That set off bigger orgasms than her fingers or the toys had done. She liked fondling and sucking his hard shaft and hairy balls. Semen tasted all right too and it was very clear that he liked giving it to her mouth.

During the last week of her visit, Suzy and spouse demonstrated intercourse in several positions. Lulu was encouraged to touch both of them during the acts and, of course, that was a special thrill for them. On the last day Suzy asked for anal sex. She had used this on numerous occasions to avoid pregnancy or satisfy requests. Lulu was fascinated by this too and asked if she might try it since she would technically remain a virgin.

She liked it so much that she asked for seconds that night and it became a useful tool in her sexual repertoire.

Back home Lulu had some big decisions to make. She now understood why her mama gave each of the family men a daily dose of pussy. One brother in the morning, one after school or work, and her Daddy at night. Her ignorant brothers still waved their boners at her whenever they had a chance but she now knew that they weren’t too impressive compared to her uncle’s.

Her mama and her aunt both counselled keeping her cherry for a special guy. She’d already decided that after hearing her aunt’s experiences. Her clothes and grooming were notably above her peers so she downplayed both of them to fit in.

She dated a few of the better prospects for boyfriends. The longer-term ones got blowjobs and a few even got her ass on special occasions. She finally settled on Joe from a nearby farm.

This solid and gentle young man might actually make it through high school. He had a strong work ethic and good manners. She knew he had sex experience since the girls he’d gone with for a while were known to give it up to keep a guy’s interest. Also, there were girls in his family.

Being one of the prettier girls around helped her get asked to the monthly barn dance. He was a good dancer and held his beer well. When he suggested going to the hay barn, which was a way of asking to get laid, she tactfully said she didn’t know him well enough YET. That sent two signals – she wasn’t easy and there was hope for the future.

It worked. He took her to movies and parking by the pond. Each time he got a little further. Hold out the carrot strategy. Finally, just before the next barn dance, he got a first-class blowjob. Those were fairly rare around those parts, most girls just opening their legs, so he was fascinated seeing her head bob like that. He got his fingers in her panties and she got a thrill too.

The next barn dance coincided with a safe period so Lulu whispered in Joe’s ear that she was ready to go to the hay barn but would rather go to the pond with him. He wanted more privacy too and kept a blanket in his truck to be prepared for any opportunities. It was a clear warm night with a full moon. Just perfect for outdoor screwing.

Lulu put on what she hoped was a sexy strip tease in the moonlight. It must have been because Joe pulled out a hard pecker. She’d already found out it was a nice size, circumcised, and had a slight upward curve like her uncle’s. That seemed to really hit some pleasure spots in her aunt.

Joe pulled off his clothes and laid down next to her on the blanket. This was the first time they’d been completely naked together and there was lots to explore. She’d blown him on the way there so’s he wouldn’t be in too big a rush. This was one of her aunt’s suggestions.

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