My Gay Life - Cover

My Gay Life

Copyright© 2020 by auntybob

Chapter 40

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 40 - The story of a gay Indian teenager.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/Ma   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Interracial   Anal Sex   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Public Sex   Indian Erotica  

Deke lay still beneath me, so motionless, I thought he’d passed out. He had! I rolled off him and shook him gently; nothing! I shook him hard; nothing!

‘Deke! You OK?’ Nothing!! I began to get rather worried. Having a customer die on me, or under me, had never crossed my mind, ever. Now I was faced with the a suspicious death, a police investigation and being publicly exposed. The whole world was going to know that I was a male prostitute, and that a man had died while I was fucking him in the arse. My life was over, and so it seemed, was Deke’s.

I got off the bed and paced the room. What the fuck do I do? Get dressed quickly and leave without being seen, pretend nothing had happened? No I couldn’t do that. But I could get out quickly, and phone the hotel anonymously and tell them that there was a corpse in room 416.

Fuck, fuck, fuck ... what do I do? Poor Deke, lying there, dead as a door nail and me wondering how to save my own skin, shameful.

I was till pacing the room and wracking my brains what the hell to do, when I heard a noise from the bed. I wasn’t sure that I had heard it at first, but then I definitely heard it a second time. It was Deke, groaning.

I can tell you, I have never been so bloody relieved to hear a man groan as just then.

I rushed over to the bed, just as he was turning over.

‘What ... the fuck ... happened man?’ He rolled over on to his back, and looked me blearily in the eye. ‘Did I pass out?’

‘Err ... I think you might have nodded off for a second or two.’

He sat up rubbing his shaved head. ‘Man, I must have had too much of the jolly juice. Fuck, my head is sore.’

I was standing in front of him, completely naked, as he, also still naked, slowly got off the bed. What an absurd situation, but one that could have been so very much worse.

He went unsteadily to the bathroom and I heard him running the water. He emerged a few moments later with a wet towel on his face. ‘Man, that must have been some fuck huh? Fucked me unconscious.’

There was a light tone to his voice as if he was trying to be funny. I found it far from funny. I had nearly shit myself in panic. It was then that I began to feel light-headed myself, a little woozy. I sat, or rather flopped on to the bed and lay back. I felt like I was in a dream.

‘Got you too, eh kid?’ Deke draped the wet towel across my forehead, it felt wonderfully cool. So that was the price to pay for drug induced sexual excess, bad after effects.

Deke lay beside me, stroking my face and being comforting.

‘Don’t worry kid, it’ll pass, it always does. No harm done.’

I didn’t feel any better, in fact everything became muffled and hazy.

‘I don’t feel so good.’

‘You’ll be fine kid.’

He slapped my stomach playfully, then unbelievably, placed his hand on my limp cock. I couldn’t believe it, he was actually masturbating me. And that was the last thing I remember, before blacking out.

The next thing I was aware of, was groggily coming to, face down and with Deke’s weight on top of me. I could feel he was inside me. I guessed that I had passed out and Deke had taken his chance to fuck me while I was unconscious.

Was I being raped? Was it even possible to rape a prostitute?

I lay there, trying to gather my thoughts through a fog of drowsiness. It’s not as if I wasn’t enjoying it, I was, a lot. But that wasn’t the point. I hadn’t been in a position to accept or refuse. Obviously, had I been in that position, I would have said yes, of course I would; that’s why I was there. So, technically, Deke wasn’t doing anything I would have objected to, but still...

I let Deke know that I was awake. ‘Enjoying yourself, Deke?’

His mouth was pressed against my ear. ‘Oh yeah kid ... uhh ... real nice. You blacked out and ... uhhh ... I had a boner I couldn’t let go to waste. I’ve ... uhhh ... still got five minutes left ... uhhh. Might as well get my ... uhhh ... money’s worth.’

I couldn’t see a clock from where I was, so I had to take his word for it. Besides, I was getting a very nice shafting, so it was OK with me.

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