Adickted Amy - Cover

Adickted Amy

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A new hillbilly bride can't give up her desire for variety in her pussy. How can she reconcile that to her husband?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Romantic   Sharing   Incest   Gang Bang   First   Pregnancy   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.

Amy Lou was considered the prime poontang in Goober’s Hollow, Arkansas. Screwing since she was old enough to be interested, she’d avoided any belly-swelling consequences in spite of checking out the genital configuration and performance of nearly every attractive boy or man in the area. She especially like married ones because she’d usually get a more satisfying ride with their greater experience. Great learning experiences to pass along to other favorites.

Reaching the ripe old age of 17, she felt ready for matrimony, expected at that age in her backwoods culture. Her Maw wanted her out of the crowded cabin too. Time to consult with her recently married ten-month-older sister.

“Betty Ann, Ah’ve bin thinkin about gittin hitched. Ah doan know who ter do it with tho. A few fellers bin askin but Ah ain’t bin ready fer more then friendly screwin with em.”

Her sister replied, “Yew cum ter the raht person. Ah knows most of em boys cause Ah were screwin em tew befere Ah got hitched. Ah misses some of them tho. Gittin the same tallywhacker all the tahm ain’t nearly so much fun. Keep thet in mahnd when yew chooses.”

Someone who was ok for a fuck in a field, barn or back of a pickup might not be good enough to live with. They went down the list of candidates which got shorter and shorter as they found issues with income, personal habits or character flaws. When the whole list was scratched off, May Lou was depressed. Her sister consoled her, “Yew ain’t tew old sew jest keep a’lookin.”

Prayers do seem to get answered. A week later Amy Lou saw a real shiny pickup truck pull up to a neighbor’s cabin. She didn’t know what year it was but one that shiny meant its owner had some money. She wandered over to see who brung it to their out-of-the-way corner of the world. The neighbor girl her age saw her coming and hurried out to meet her. She said breathlessly, “Mah uncle frum the big city is a’visitin fer a whal. He brung some nahs thangs. Lookit this beyewtiful bracelet he got me. Ah ain’t never had sumpin sew pritty befur. It makes me all thrilled down there.” Thelma Jo dragged Amy Lou inside and introduced her to Joe Bob. He was older, mid-twenties, and nice looking. He smiled as he sized up this attractive young woman.

Addressing the two girls (note that in this culture “girls” is often applied to women of any age and is not derogatory) he said, “I remembered I forgot to bring some things. I’m going to the nearest Walmart to get them. Would you like to ride along?” They nearly jumped out of their dresses with enthusiasm. They’d heerd of Walmart but never been there.

His truck had a bench seat so they all fit. It was also air-conditioned, a novelty for them. They were so excited as they twisted and turned looking at the scenery that they paid little attention to their short dresses. The driver was quite distracted when it became clear from the glimpses of crotch fur that underwear wasn’t part of their wardrobe. The shabby garments gave him an idea. The peeks at their crotches and jiggling unrestrained tits gave his pecker another one.

The girls were in awe as they entered the big brightly lighted store with shelves and shelves of things like they’d never seen. He let them push the cart as he got what he needed for himself and then headed for the young women’s clothing section. “Let’s get you pretty ladies all dressed up for my visit.” He enlisted an employee to fix them up with jeans, blouses, a nice dress, shoes, and panties. Tits were too nice to cover up with bras which likely would be uncomfortable for these free spirits.

Amy Lou was sitting close to him on the return home after a stop at a fast food restaurant. That was what she automatically did on a date before and after fucking. She was so grateful she’d have taken him on in the store parking lot if they could find a slightly private corner. She figured his niece would join in too since she was far from a virgin.

When she let her hand rest on his thigh he put his arm around her and saw his niece smile and nod. She was having similar thought about conveying her gratitude.

Where would he sleep tonight? They didn’t have any spare beds. Thelma Jo figured he might sleep with his sister and her husband because he’d probably been in her a bunch before she got hitched. She had an idea that he might not be able to resist and she’d spring it on him at a good time.

They showed off their new clothes, some of which they were wearing on the trip home. As soon as she could, Thelma Jo got Amy Lou away to share her idea. They were in complete agreement.

Amy Lou was invited to stay over at the neighbors. The “girls”, or young women in our culture, were given some of the wine Joe Bob had bought. Shine burned their throats but this was nice and they got a bit buzzed. Thelma Jo winked at her friend when Joe Bob and her mom quietly disappeared into the cabin with Dad continuing to visit and sip shine. There was no comment either when they reappeared a half hour later, looking a bit flushed.

Her courage built up by the wine, a little while later Thelma Jo asked her uncle, “Will yew go fer a walk with us?” He smiled and nodded, setting his wine glass down. It was a comfortable and moonlit night as they strolled down the driveway, hearing owls and bobwhites and locusts calling to others of their kind, “looking for love” some might say.

It was a romantic scene and the girls were walking on either side of him and, almost like a team, each took one of this hands. He gave them a little squeeze as they took in the splendor of the scene.

As they turned back, Thelma Jo broke the silence, “Seein’s how yew and Ma got a bit caught up already, me and Amy Lou was hopin mebby yew would share our bed tonight. She’s staying over. It’ll be a bit crowded but we likes bein close tew yew anyways.”

He squeezed their hands as he answered, “I’d be honored and was hoping you’d invite me. My manners says that the first time I’m with a woman she has to invite me so’s there’s no misunderstandings about what happens. I think you’re probably not virgins, right?”

Amy Lou piped up, “No we’re not and we done quite a few things already. Whatever yew want ter try we’ll be happy tew dew, won’t we Thelma Jo?” Little did they know the range of things that this city boy had already learned about. But they were always eager to learn new things.

Thelma Jo clued her mother about the sleeping arrangements. When they all trouped to the outhouse to get ready for bed, Thelma Jo asked, “Kin we hold yer thing when yew pees so’s to get acquainted with it a little bit?” They weren’t the only ones that were gonna learn some new things, it appeared.

When they all got naked Joe Bob suggested, “Why don’t I lie down on the bed and one of you can ride on me. Have you ever done it that way before?” Both of them shook their heads so he said, “It’s real easy. But first let’s do a little getting acquainted. I want to learn your bodies first and have you touch mine too. Do you know how to use your mouth to make a man feel good?” That got some nods so Amy Lou was directed down to that part and Thelma Jo was put on her knees above his face. She had no idea what he was going to do until he pulled her down in his tongue started tasting her juices and tickling her sensitive parts. She squealed and wiggled and came, shaking and squealing.

Amy Lou piped up pulling her mouth off of his circumcised pecker which was rarely seen in these parts, “Ah want some of that done fer me. Thelma Jo you get down here and suck on this beautiful pecker.”

He was equally good getting off his new face rider and Thelma Jo was busy down below, thinking that this piece of meat had been in her mother a little while ago and was going to be in her soon enough. That got her hot, as if just being with this good-looking naked man wasn’t enough.

With Amy Lou all wound up and wet, he moved her down and sat her on his ready rod. She cooed, “Oh! Thet fills me up sew good. Ah think this is my favorite way to fuck from now on. Ah likes yer hands on my titties too.” Thelma Jo was lying beside them and she kept kissing her uncle and reaching down to fondle his balls, all covered with hair.

As he taught his rider how to move for their satisfaction, he commented “I’m going to take turns with you two and I think it’s best that I finish this time in Amy Lou because she is our guest. With you two lovely girls, I’m sure we’ll all have a lot more fun before dawn.”

He had them count strokes and finally said he couldn’t hold back any longer. Amy Lou got on and used her skill to feel him shoot his seed up inside her. She rolled off and without asking Thelma Jo moved down and licked his pecker clean. He was impressed, telling them that few women he dated would do that. She beamed with pride.

As promised, each of the girls got fucked twice in different positions before morning. They were full of energy but he needed to rest after breakfast. They were not done with him yet though and invited him to go on a picnic with them in the afternoon. As they sat side by side in the two-holer, draining piss and his man-cream so it wouldn’t run down their legs all day, Amy Lou said, “He be the nahcist man Ah ever met. He’s so perlite and kin fuck real real good too. Ah maht fall in love with him.” Thelma Jo said she might too.

They rode horses out to the beaver pond in the woods and laid out a blanket on a grassy space near the water. Clothes came off and they splashed and played in the refreshing pond. Finally they tired and dried each other off and got into the picnic basket. Thelma Jo was the inventive one and she found ways to make their mealtime a playtime. She put food on various parts of his body and the girls ate it from the living plate. Of course whenever his cock could be involved it was. In return, they adorned various parts of their body with food and giggled as he often tickled them with his tongue and lips as he devoured it. Of course their love-parts were not neglected.

As they rode back from the beaver pond Amy Lou was quiet. She would have to talk to her friend when they got back. Was she falling in love for the very first time? She was feeling the urge to have him all to herself that night and not share. Her head said that wouldn’t be fair but her heart was operating on a different level.

When they got back to Thelma Jo’s cabin, her Pa was out working in the yard so the girls excused themselves to talk privately. They also suspected that, even though they had each drained his dick on their outing, his sister would want to take every advantage of the visit herself. Not to worry, he seemed to have plenty of maleness.

Thelma Jo sensed that things were going on inside her friend’s head and inquired. When she pulled the feelings out of Amy Lou, she could understand them and told her friend that she did, “Ah enjoy fucking him of course, just like lots of other guys. Ah loves him as a relative but not beyond that even though round here we could get married. Ah am yer friend and if it would help yew then Ah will sleep out on the couch tonight and yew can have my bed and him all to yerself. Ah would like another time with him before he leaves though.” Amy Lou hugged her, pressing their tits and groins together with each feeling a little tingle from that close contact knowing that those parts had been shared by the same man several times now.

Joe Bob was in fine spirits as he joined his young lover that night. She was impressed how quickly he was erect, knowing he’d often been laid already that day. She inquired, “Have yew had special trainin or is that just how city boys is? Most all the boys Ah’ve done round here wouldn’t be any good for quite a while yet if they done what yew done.”

He explained about the medication he brought along since he had some memories of earlier days when he had spent time out here and knew how freely sex was often shared. He also asked what happened to his niece. Was that her monthly?

This was it. The moment of truth. Amy Lou explained that she had asked to be with him alone but didn’t explain at all why. He was a smart guy though and began asking some questions which helped her reveal the new feelings coursing through her. His reaction was, “Once again I am honored. I too have had a good deal of sex but have rarely felt a strong attraction to the person themselves. I did once and she rejected me so I guess I have held back ever since.”

Amy Lou gave him a long and deep tongue kiss, reaching to stroke her now favorite male organ. “Ah will never reject yew, even if’n yew go away and don’t come back fer a long tahm. Ah knows yer just visiting here and Ah’m so worried that when yew leave yew will ferget me. Please make love with me raht now!”

An hour and a half later they finally laid quietly together. When Joe Bob made the comment that he didn’t know he could stay hard for so long, Amy Lou stated, “The only time Ah fucked that long was 2 brothers takin turns with me.” She put her hand to her mouth, realizing what she had blurted out.

Her lover kissed her and said gently, “You and I have both had a lot of sex so don’t worry about it. You are never going to offend me by being just your natural self. Speaking of that, I have to go back home tomorrow. I know you’ll get horny before I can return so just go ahead and get laid to take care of it. I have a couple of women friends that will be pretty upset if I don’t take care of them when I am there.”

She looked at him intently as she said, “Ah don’t know anybody around here that kin do sex near as good as yew and Ah’ll just be disappointed if Ah let em. Ah’ll figure something out.”

“Why don’t you try your friend’s father. I’m sure he’d like young pussy because he lusts after his daughter but won’t do anything with her. My sister says he’s pretty good with his pecker so I think you’ll enjoy it.” She said that she would give it a try.

He bought her a basic cell phone at Walmart and showed her how to use it so they could talk every day if they wanted to. That raised her spirits a good bit because she’d been getting real down about his departure. The last night was three in the bed again because Thelma Jo was liking him a lot too.

Amy Lou cried as she saw the truck drive away and she used her own fingers to reminisce how he had pleasured her for a full week before that wasn’t enough. They did talk for at least a few minutes every day and he kept asking her if she’d tried Thelma Jo’s father yet. Finally she could say that she had and he was right, it was pretty satisfying but it wasn’t him. She didn’t ask about his lady friends, feeling a little bit of jealousy for the first time in her life.

After three weeks, Joe Bob said that he wouldn’t be able to get back there for another month. She was downcast until he said that perhaps she could come to him instead. Wow! That would be something, going to the big city when she had only rarely been to even a small town. It really wasn’t too far, about two thirds of the day’s drive but that was farther than her parents trusted their well-used vehicle even though he would pay for the gas.

The only public transportation available was a commercial bus line so he arranged for a ticket to be waiting for her. He advised her that there would likely be quite a mix of people on that bus and she should just stay to herself and be tough if somebody bothered her or report them to the bus driver if it looked like it was getting difficult.

She packed her best clothes in an Army surplus duffel bag that one of her relatives loaned her. Her parents waved to her as the bus drove away, worried yet thrilled that she was going someplace they had never been.

The bus ride had only minor incidents of guys hitting on an attractive girl by herself. Following Joe Bob’s advice, she told them to stay away and they did. He was waiting when the bus pulled into the station and she publicly demonstrated her affection. On the drive home she unzipped his pants and was going to give him oral sex when he said that he might get in trouble if they were spotted. She grumbled and contented herself with just holding his erection.

They were barely in his house, the biggest one she had ever seen, before she was naked and lying on the first carpeted floor she’d ever felt. This was wonderful. One could comfortably fuck practically anywhere! After the reunion was thoroughly consummated, he gave her a tour of the house and there was a swimming pool in the backyard. “Amazing!” She thought and being still naked dove in the clear water. They went out for dinner and then to the grocery store and she got things she knew how to cook for him. That was something that wives were expected to do and by now she deep down hoped to become his. That night she played the role of the loving wife to a T.

The next day was a Saturday and scheduled for sightseeing. Before they headed home, Joe Bob said they needed to stop by the department store and get her another dress and some nicer shoes than they gotten at Walmart. This place was an eye-opener to her and she was also treated to a very brief makeover. Her natural beauty didn’t need much in the way of cosmetics to enhance it. As they drove home she asked, “Whah did yew git this fer me?”

He reached over and squeezed her thigh as he explained that they were going out to dinner tonight and would meet someone there. “She’s been wanting to meet you and this seemed like the best time.”

Amy Lou reacted, “She? Is it one of your girlfriends?” Her jealousy came through in her voice.

Joe replied, “You might say that but she’s pretty special to me. We are very close friends so she knows all about you and is so pleased that we are developing a relationship. As I said she really wants to meet you. And relax, you are not competitors.”

They were seated at the table in a very nice restaurant when a woman was brought to them. Joe stood up and introduced Agnes, his friend. Amy Lou did her best to be polite to a woman who was probably older than her mother. She was puzzled. Did he fuck her?

They had a pleasant evening and Agnes invited them to a garden party at her house the following afternoon. It would be casual and they didn’t need to bring anything. She hugged Amy Lou as they parted and said how glad she was to meet her.

As they drove home, Amy Lou was full of questions, “If she were a girlfriend whah were she sew much older then him? Did they have sex?”

Joe chuckled, “She is the mother of my best friend when I was growing up. I still don’t know exactly how it happened but she was a widow and she needed what I had. I learned an awful lot about good sex and how to treat women from her and we stayed very close ever since, even though she has remarried. Her husband knows about me and has accepted that I will make love with her from time to time. Notice I did not say ‘fuck’. We are too good of friends to use that word, just like you and me.”

Amy Lou pondered what she just heard, learning more about how complicated and interesting relationships can be. After all, Joe had suggested that she fuck Thelma Jo’s father if she had the need. He wasn’t threatened by that, so why should she not trust him?

The garden party wasn’t anything like the family get-togethers she knew from home. People were all dressed up and standing around holding drinks and trying to impress each other. She was approached by many of the guests who already knew most everybody else. They were, of course, inquisitive about this lovely young lady who was now in some way attached to Joe. She’d noticed that they didn’t use two names here in the city so she just introduced herself as Amy.

Agnes was nearby when one party woman commented loudly enough for many others to hear, “Why can’t that girl speak English? I’ve never heard such a horrible accent. It sounds like the Beverly Hillbillies. What log did he find her under?”

Agnes marched up to that woman and said, even more loudly, “Maybe it’s you that have the wrong accent. You sound like a real bitch and I don’t allow those on my property without a leash. Please leave now and don’t ever expect to come back!” Totally mortified the woman followed those directions quickly.

After she left, Agnes said to the watching guests, “I was raised in the South and taught that I wasn’t better than anybody else. To use the accent I grew up with, I invited y’all to this party. To me, y’all means all. Anybody who can’t accept that might as well do like the woman who just left.”

Joe said out loud, “Thank you Agnes!” and began applauding. The other guests joined in and Amy felt welcome.

On the way home Amy was still concerned about the incident. “Ah do talk different then those folks but that’s how Ah were brought up. Is that gonna be a problem fer me in the future?”

Joe picked his words carefully, “It could be with people who are so narrowminded like that woman. The part of the country you come from doesn’t have the most positive image so be assured that we can get you some training to change how you speak if it ever becomes necessary like for a job of some kind. I like the way you talk almost as well as the way you make love!” That lightened things up and she cupped his crotch all the way home for she intended to put it to good use.

She was on a real high as Joe drove her back to the holler and would spend the night before returning to his home. Thelma was pretty bummed with the poor sex she’d been getting locally so the three of them spent the night in her bedroom and she got her first decent lay in weeks. Amy by now thought it was really interesting to see that big shaft that filled her up going in and out of her friend. She would sometimes be cupping his balls as he did so and felt them tighten when he shot his sperm. Other times she would kneel over his head as Thelma rode him and be pleasured by his mouth until it was her turn. That was the nighttime activity and Joe connected with his sister usually in the afternoon, knowing that her husband would be putting the pipe to her when he was nailing the young women.

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