Sons Are Special - Cover

Sons Are Special

Copyright© 2020 by Christine

Chapter 5

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 5 - Christine's Husband Carl had been away for a month at a time in Florida working on the power lines downed by the aftermath of several hurricanes. Christine finally decided that if there was to ever be sex in the house she needed to take more control. Meanwhile their neighbor has been educating not only her daughter but her friends son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

Christine awoke to the alarm but no, it wasn’t the alarm. What was that noise? Then she remembered the doorbell sounded like the alarm. Who the hell is banging on the door at daybreak? Finally, her eyes focused and her clock showed 9:07. She had to get up to get the door. Where is the robe? She finally found it and thought to hell with the hair. She finally made it to the door and opened it just as a man was walking the sidewalk back to his car.

“HEY, what in the world do you want?”

“Are you Christine, uh, Christine Fredericks?”

“Yes, what is this about?”

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a group of papers stapled to a blue backing. He didn’t even have to look at it. “You’ve been served.”

“Served? What are you saying?”

He just continued walking back to his car and drove off.

Christine went to the kitchen table before she opened the papers. She flipped through them and finally went back to the beginning. Her husband filed for divorce! Well damn him. He didn’t even have the balls to mention it.

She headed to her room to dress and on the way opened Roberts’s door to find him just waking up

Continuing towards her room she quickly dressed in some slacks and a blouse with a matching pattern. She makes a quick call to Amanda in hopes she will be home.


“Amanda, it’s Christine, are you going to be home in the next 30 minutes or so?”

“You must have slept in. We’ve been up a while and just finished breakfast.”

“Can I come over to see you?”

“Sounds serious.”

“Yes, well, it could be plenty serious, we may be on the street!”

“What the...”

“I’ll explain in a minute but please warm up any leftovers for Robert and me.”

5 minutes later Christine was at Amanda’s breakfast table eating bacon and eggs and drinking fresh coffee.

Amanda was of course very inquisitive.

“Christine, have you read them?”

“No, all it says is he wants a divorce.”

“Much more than that honey, he wants everything including Robert!”

“Like hell he will! Robert’s not going to live with his father.”

“I’ll make an introduction for you with my divorce attorney. He is good.”

By the time, Christine got to Amanda’s kitchen she was just hanging up the phone.

“Christy, you have an appointment at 4pm with a dear attorney friend of mine. He is very young but did me right when I dumped my old man.”

“Amanda, I don’t even know if I can afford him.”

“You don’t have to even pay him. Samantha has always had the hots for him so I promised her to him for a weekend.”

“YOU WHAT? I can’t be a part of that!”

“If you want a house, a car, food, a little income and ROBERT, you will be a part by keeping your mouth shut.”

“What’s his name?”


“He’s a what?”

“He is an Israeli. He went to Harvard and loves to win in court.”

About that time, Samantha came into the kitchen.

“Sam, I have a surprise for you.”

“I love mom’s surprises. What is it?”

“It’s a who. You remember Yosef, the attorney that kept us off the street?”

“He’s a hunk and I would love to...”

“I’m glad because I told him he could spend time with us this weekend. Just the three of us here for dinner and whatever. We will go buy you some new clothes and get your hair and nails done.”

Robert came in from home and noticed the long look on his mother’s face...

“What’s up mom?”

“Your dad served me with divorce papers today.”

“Dad was here. I mean our house this morning?”

“No, a guy served me instead of him even telling me first.”

“Well considering the circumstances that may be a good thing.”

“Except he wants everything we own plus full custody of you.”

“NOT A CHANCE!” Robert reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone, “I’ve got photos.”

“Yeah, but it just shows her and him kissing on the street.”

However, this video I shot from the back of the hotel has an elevated bath window with no curtains that has a clear view of the bed. In addition, this new iPhone 12 pro takes some awesome movies. Anyone want to see dad in action?”

“Son, you are going with me to the attorney’s this afternoon and bring your phone, but back it up on your laptop first.”

That same afternoon Christine and Robert went to the attorney’s office. Once they were introduced to their attorney, it was no surprise to Christine, why Amanda was so taken by him. He is a very handsome man and seems to be capable of the project that she had in mind. He was not real optimistic about the outcome of the divorce until he saw that Robert not only had still pictures but movies of her husband’s affair with another woman while at a cheap motel.

Once he saw that his attitude changed and he thought he could get just about anything she wanted. Of course, there may be an issue of legality concerning the photos but he’ll work with it. Now she was to leave it up to the attorney to work up the terms of the divorce and settlement.

When Christine and Robert returned from the attorney’s office, it was time for dinner and she just went to the refrigerator, got out some leftovers, and put that together for the two of them.

“What are you going to do this evening, Robert?”

“I may just go to my room, if it’s okay, and read for little while. I may come back out later, if that’s ok. What are you going to do?”

“I think I want to take me a nice shower. No, perhaps even a nice bath. I’ve got a couple books I’ve been trying to read so I may lay down, either on the couch or in the bed, and start one of those. I’ll probably meet with you sometime later this evening. That is assuming that you want me to.”

“You have got to be kidding, Mom. You know I’d rather spend time with you than anything.”

“I’m flattered that you do son but eventually you’re going to find somebody else. I hope that’s not for a long time.”

Once dinner was over, Robert helped his mother with the small amount of dishes that they had, then he headed towards the shower and ended up lying on his bed. She followed a similar routine except that she went in to her bedroom with the attached bath, drew herself a nice warm bath, and soaked in the tub for a while.

When she was done, she put on a lightweight robe and was going to go to the living room to read a book. Thinking she might change her mind, she thought she would check on Robert. She knocked on his door out of politeness and respect for his own privacy and she heard him.

“Robert, can I come in?”

“Of course, Mom.”

When she walked in, he had his back up against the headboard of the bed watching something on the laptop lying on his stomach.

“What are you watching?”

“It is just stuff I found online.”

“Can I watch with you?”

“I don’t think you’d want to.”

“You’d be surprised what I might be into.”

She laid down next to him, on top of the sheet that he was under, and then looked at the screen that he was watching on the laptop. What she saw was a surprise but not a shock. She had assumed that her son knew where to find adult X-rated videos and that was indeed what she was looking at. What he was watching was a video of a woman about her age with a teen girl. She assumed the teen girl was of legal age but it’s hard to tell anymore.

“So, is this what you watch when you want to get yourself off?”

“Yeah sometimes, kind of depends on my mood. Sometimes I watch something else.”

“Have you ever seen something like this in person?”

“Not really, but I kind of wanted to see Samantha and her mother together.”

“Instead of Samantha and her mother would you rather see me with somebody?”

He looked over at her, “That would be pretty hot to watch you with somebody else. I have to admit that.”

“Son, can I ask you a question?”


“Who do you think of when you masturbate?”

“That’s easy, I think of you.”

“Do you ever think of me with Sam or her mother?”

“Most of the time.”

Well maybe I can set that up for you.”

“I didn’t think you were into girl’s mom?”

“Normally not, but lately I’ve been getting the urge again.”

“You mean you used to be bisexual?”

“Oh yes, I was very bisexual.”

“How about telling me about it Mom. That would be pretty hot.”

“It was a long time ago.”

“Yeah, but I bet you remember every detail.”

“I guess I do since it was my first introduction to sex. Yeah, I guess I could try to remember for you. But if I do, you have to turn off the video for now.”

Robert reached up and clicked one key on the laptop and the video disappeared allowing her to have his full attention.

“So, when was it, who was it and what did you do the first time?”

“I was pretty young at the time and I was babysitting for this woman that was very attractive and actually pretty young to have a child. She paid well but sometimes the hours really sucked. She would always give me a ride to and from home and made sure I got home on time, sometimes she walked me to the door or at least sat there and waited until I got to the door.”

“Babysitting, a boy or a girl?”

“She had a girl that I was babysitting and she was only like 2-years-old.”

“The night that it happened, I had been babysitting since six o’clock in the evening and she said she was going to be home no later than 10:30. At about 10:35 she called and said that she was going to be late and asked me if I could stay for an extra double pay. Of course, I accepted that offer without hesitating. I called my folks and let them know that I was going to be late and that she would take me home.”

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