Sons Are Special - Cover

Sons Are Special

Copyright© 2020 by Christine

Chapter 2

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Christine's Husband Carl had been away for a month at a time in Florida working on the power lines downed by the aftermath of several hurricanes. Christine finally decided that if there was to ever be sex in the house she needed to take more control. Meanwhile their neighbor has been educating not only her daughter but her friends son.

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Drunk/Drugged   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Incest   Mother   Son   Daughter   Masturbation   Oral Sex  

After Amanda, Samantha and Robert returned Robert’s mother, Christine, back next door to her home, Amanda told Robert to make her comfortable. In Chapter 1 Christine admitted to Amanda that she was going to fake sleep to see what her son was going to do.

“Robert, you get her to bed and Samantha, you stay and help him and then come right back home.”

“OK, Mom.”

Amanda left them to do it.

Christine made sure to remain silent and as relaxed as she could be.

Robert looked at Samantha; “Now what are we supposed to do?”

“We need to take her clothes off, Robert.”

“Yeah, but when she wakes up in the morning, she will know it was me.”

“Robert, you are so slow, I’ll tell Mom that she and I got Christine undressed and that way if Christine asks us, or asks you, that’s what you tell her. Tell her that the three of us brought her home and my mom and I got her undressed and put her to bed.”

Christine was lying on her back on the bed so they both went to work unbuttoning her blouse and her pants. Finally, her shoes were off. It took a little effort to get her blouse off because of her weight being dead weight, so they had to move her and roll her a bit.

Christine tried to be as relaxed as possible so they would have no clue that she was actually awake and listening and feeling everything that they did. Next, they had to try to lift her up and take her pants off.

“Robert, I think it would be easier if we took her pants and panties off at the same time. That way we would not have to roll her back and forth so much. Wow, she sure is out of it! I wonder how much she drank?”

“I have never seen her this bad. Dad really must have hurt her when he left this time.”

Once he had, her pants off, Robert finally had a chance to look up at his mother and finally see his mother almost totally nude. Samantha looked at her bra and noticed that it had a clasp in the front and quickly undid it and brought it to the side while Robert took off her socks. Now for all practical purposes Robert’s mother was nude lying in front of them.

Robert started to stare but, “Come on Robert, let’s finish this, then you can look all you want.”

Robert helped Samantha finish taking off the bra and blouse. He had no idea that trying to lift someone, hold someone and move things around somebody that was totally asleep and out of things, with no ability to help, was so darn hard Finally, Robert thought, “Golly Sam, she sure is pretty.”

Samantha reached over and took one of Christine’s nipples in her mouth and sucked on it.

“Damn Sam, don’t do that. What if she wakes up?”

“I think we could do anything we wanted to her and she wouldn’t wake up but because you asked me, I won’t do anything. I kind of lied Robert, I do want to do one more thing.”

Samantha reached down and pulled Christine’s legs apart, exposing her pussy to both her and Robert. Robert just stood there and stared.

“Earth to Robert, earth to Robert.” Robert looked up finally at Sam. “I’m going back home now before I start licking her clit. All you have to do is put a cover over her and then check on her in the morning.”

“Yeah okay, thanks a lot Sam, and tell your mother thanks to.”

“Robert, can I ask you something?”

“Sure Sam.”

“Do you think you’re going to get your mother to fuck you? I’m just asking because I can’t wait for you to do me.”

“I promise Sam, you’ll be number two.”

“I’ll hold you to it.”

Sam left, leaving Robert there with his mother.

Christine has been laying there trying to control her breathing all this time and thought she would really blow it when Samantha leaned down and took her nipple in her mouth. She almost jumped out of fright but she had opened her eyes just enough to see someone coming at her. She could hear Robert breathing and felt the bed move a little bit, as he went around the bed, one side to the other, apparently looking at her.

The thought of Robert seeing her laying there naked especially with the way that Samantha had spread her legs was making her excited. She thought she would have been embarrassed but exactly the opposite is taking place. Perhaps Amanda was right. Perhaps this is what I want.

Robert walked from one side of the bed to the other and finally went back to her feet and stood there and watched her for a few minutes. He wished that his mother knew how he really felt ... maybe if he told her now but she was asleep. Would she hear it in her mind? He thought it was worth a go.

“Mom, I don’t know if you can hear this or will even remember it when you wake up, but I’m going to tell you anyway. You do not know how much it meant to me when you did all those little things for me. Fixing stuff that I have broken, going to the store so I could have milk for breakfast, just everything and everything that you do for me. You will not believe this but I remember you giving me a bath when I was younger. I remember your hands running over me and it was not sexual at the time but now I wish that it were, I wish that you would do it again.”

“I just felt so secure and warm and I could feel the love that you had for me. I miss those times. There were times I walked out of the bathroom in my underwear hoping that you would see me and hoping that you would have some idea that I. I know someday you may find out that when I would go over to play with Samantha that we were playing for real and that her mother has helped us a little bit. I hope that does not hurt you because I would’ve rather it had been you then. I was so afraid that you would tell me that it was bad or that we could not do it. I do not know what I would do with you if you finally found out and said no, I cannot go over there and no, you will never be in my bed.”

“Mom, I just want to lay with you and hold you and I want you to hold me. If something more comes of it then so be it. Nothing you do is going to harm me either physically or emotionally because I know that you would never do that. I just know the pleasure that I get next-door will be tenfold if I was doing the same thing with you. I’m not just wanting this for me, I, I want, damn, I want to be, I’m sorry mom, I’m getting all tongue tied. I would show you the same kind of love and affection that I feel when I am with Samantha because I know yours is so much deeper, stronger, and more lasting.”

Christine was laying there listening to every word trying to take it all in. she could feel two things begin to happen. She began to feel some tears start to form in her eyes and knew that if she did show it then every ruse of her faking was over. She could feel moisture between her legs and it got much worse with her son staring at her from the bottom of the bed. He would see it start to drip out and run down her lips. She thought maybe if I acted as if I was dreaming. That’s it she thought, ‘I make it look as if I am dreaming then I can do whatever I want.’ Christine started to moan, Robert began to take a step towards the door, and she moaned again and moved her body a little bit. He stopped and turned around and it finally dawned on him that he thought his mother was beginning to dream.

Christine knew she had to be careful. She knew it had to be soft and somewhat unintelligent. She spoke soft broken words sometimes loud sometimes soft.

“Carl, love me again, Carl I need you, so bad. Can’t you see I want you?” With that, she moved her hand across her chest to her opposite breast and began squeezing it.

“Ahh that’s it, Carl. You know, what I like, honey, please, do it, do it.”

Christine let her hand slide down her body to between her legs. She did not have to move her legs because they were still open from when Samantha had opened them. She put her hand between her legs and then closed them on her hand. She rolled over on her side and started to moan. Then she laid there and started masturbating yourself for real. She wanted to make it as real as I could. It did not take her long because she had been turned on all night. Within a matter of 30 seconds or less, she reached an orgasm.

Robert had backed up to the door just in case she was going to wake, but he saw the whole thing and listen to the whole thing. Then suddenly she started talking in her sleep again.

“No ... Carl, don’t, leave, uh me again, uh Carl. Why, what do you mean I’ve got Robert?” There is a pause, “Fuck you, Robert’s not, uh, like you. Carl you just go on. Robert can grow, uh, to be a better man, than you are. Better lover, too.”

Again, Robert stood there, stared, and waited for another period of silence, before she decided to moan and start talking again.

“Just you Robert, uh, and me Robert, together. Beautiful love, so much love, love me. Please, Robert.”

After another minute or two, Robert decided that she was out of REM sleep and stopped dreaming but she hadn’t moved. He found a blanket laying on a chair, opened it up and laid it over her very carefully, so as not to wake her. He turned and went back to his room.

The next morning Robert got up, walked towards the kitchen, and noticed that no one had opened the door that he closed behind him, when he left his mother’s room. He had not heard a sound all morning so he assumed she was still asleep. Onward to the kitchen, he marched and started cooking some breakfast for himself and for his mother. He did not know what to cook for hangovers. He tried making some bacon and eggs and toast and turned on the coffee pot. Maybe that’s all she would need this morning.

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