Cathy Craves Cocks - Cover

Cathy Craves Cocks

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Older woman enjoys them to the max and shows boyfriends how much fun she can have if they only play along with her needs. Then she makes a profession out of it but not as a prostitute.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Teenagers   BiSexual   Sharing   Hispanic Female   Water Sports   .

Ever since she played doctor with the neighbor boys, Cathy had been fascinated with the tubular organ that the other sex had. As a youngster she’d resented that their equipment was fancier than hers.

They’d all discovered the difference when she and three boys were playing down at the neighborhood creek. It was hot and the water was cool so it was just expedient to get naked and jump in. After they got out the boys were curious too so they started by just showing each other and touching. Then she had to go pee and even more differences became evident. Cathy loved pointing the little boy hoses at things as they sprayed and eventually piss fights developed. She learned how to aim hers too but it wasn’t as easy.

These little cocks were different sizes and shapes. One wasn’t circumcised. And they changed when she played with them. Starting out soft and floppy, they could get longer and stiffer if stimulated. Of course she started with touching but the oldest boy, Bobby, sucked on one of the younger ones and that led to even more fun. Cathy loved feeling them in her mouth as they grew. And the boys all thanked her for making them feel so good. Nobody was ejaculating yet so it didn’t get messy.

Bobby had an older sister who tried out things with him and he brought them back to their little “gang”. One day he put Cathy on her back and began licking her “cunnie”, as he referred to it. Wow, did that feel good! Now the boys knew how to return the favor.

Cathy knew there was a bigger opening in her cunnie below the one her pee came out of. She had stuck things in it to see how far it went when one time something broke and it bled a little. Then she could push them in deeper.

One afternoon Bobby was very eager to go to the creek. He told everyone to undress because he had a brand new fun thing to show them. Cathy didn’t even have to touch or suck him to make his stiffie rise to its five-inch splendor. He had Cathy lie on her back and spread her legs like when they licked her. This time though he pointed his stiffie at her cunnie and moved the head around until it found her bigger hole, then pushed it in. Cathy squealed in delight. It felt better than the carrots and other things she’d put in there, nice and warm while being both hard and soft at the same time. It felt really good as he moved it in and out for a while and then let the other boys have turns.

When he put his stiffie in again he pumped longer and finally pushed hard and Cathy felt a warm gush inside. His stiffie was wilted and covered in a whitish cream when he pulled out. Bobby explained that his sister said it was called “fucking” and the white stuff was “sperm” that made babies but only if a girl was having periods. She took special pills so it wouldn’t make a baby in her. Bobby was fucking her almost every day now.

The other boys were younger and weren’t making sperm yet but it was fun to stick their smaller peckers in anyway and Cathy liked it too. Bobby was learning how to fuck better from his sister and finally gave Cathy her first orgasm. She was really hooked on cock now!

They all had fun a couple of times a week when any of the boys could get together with Cathy. It didn’t have to be at the creek since one of the boy’s parents both worked and there was plenty of private time after school for piss play in the shower and fucking in the bedroom or other location for variety. Bobby had shown the other boys how to jack off so they could see when they were making sperm. Cathy liked to watch them and helped out any way she could. Occasionally she sucked a mouthful of sperm from Bobby but she preferred it in her cunnie.

When her breasts began budding and her cunnie felt different she talked to her mother who said her periods were about to start. They had “the talk” but she didn’t dare tell Mom about how much she already knew. The big problem was how to keep her sex life going without a big-belly side effect.

Bobby arranged to have his sister Melissa talk with her. They discussed several options. She could screw during safe periods with anal sex during the not-safe times. Didn’t sound good to Cathy. She was too young to go to the free clinic without parental permission. What to do?

Melissa knew Cathy’s mom and offered to mediate to get the permission she needed. There was only a sixteen-year difference between mother and daughter so Mom had to understand the issues. Melissa approached Mom with the story that she’d caught Cathy and Bobby fooling around and was concerned. She herself had been put on birth control at that age and it didn’t make her promiscuous. If Mom would give permission, Melissa would take her to the clinic.

Mom finally agreed and it was taken care of but Mom never inquired of Cathy if she was sexually active. Good thing since she was still fucking the three boys in her “gang”, all of whom were now producing sperm with peckers that were enlarging with the exercise and their hormones.

The two younger boys wanted to fuck Melissa but she wouldn’t go that far. Screwing Bobby and her boyfriend of the moment was enough. Besides, Cathy gave it to them whenever they could get together.

Mom came home early one day and heard interesting noises from Cathy’s bedroom. She approached quietly and peeked in. Her stepson, a few years older than Cathy, was on top of the young hottie pounding away. She watched for few minutes, her hand rubbing her own crotch, imagining herself under the big good-looking guy. She never said anything but her husband got a hot piece that night.

Cathy fucked her way through high school and college, constantly expanding her knowledge of those fascinating male organs. Digital cameras were new and she used her first one to take pictures of each one that she got on an intimate basis with. It helped her remember all the vaginal visitors she had over the years. That started her keeping a journal and she went back to write down as many as she could recall. She knew there were many that might occur to her later, but who “came” before who was sometimes “hard” to sort out. Especially since usually there were several on her “hot list” at any given time.

She “fucked up” a few jobs by picking the wrong guys to spread for and got a few more by picking the right ones. Working as a better class of escort satisfied financial and some of her sexual needs at the same time, but she eventually tired of the impersonality. She did like having some kind of relationship with the person that the pecker was attached to.

She tried marriage for a few years with a guy that already knew her proclivity for spreading her legs and didn’t expect her to change. It was fun for a while inviting his friends over and surprising them with pussy. His male relatives often found reasons to visit. She tired of that for the same reason as hooking. She didn’t like being the sex toy. That role was for her guys.

For her 30th birthday she gave herself two presents. A divorce from her husband and a tubal ligation. Her doctor said she had to change her contraceptive method so she made it permanent.

I met her at a 40th birthday orgy. A friend of mine had been screwing her weekly for a while and was invited to her special party. Guests were encouraged. The guy she was living with was hosting at his rural home with a big landscaped back yard and no neighbors.

I was just thirty and proud of my eight-inch lady pleaser so I didn’t mind the no-clothing rule at all. There were about a dozen guys ranging from eighteen to the sixties. I found out later she’d fucked half of them before and each one could bring a select guest, which was how I got invited. Her boyfriend looked me over and said if I’d help him I could spend the night and he’d take me home tomorrow. Sure. Why not?

My job turned out to be assisting boyfriend in documenting the event. Videos and photos were made of each guy fucking her plus pics of their cock both ready before and cum-covered afterwards. I had to keep a list of names to go with each of them. I went as the last of the guests and boyfriend got to sample the whole mess in her cunt right after I shot my wad. One guy offered to eat it all so we filmed that. From the way his pecker stood up when he was doing it we figured he was rather bi. Cathy loved it and gave him a big kiss when he finished. Boyfriend got this same guy to fluff him for a go later on. I thought about it.

Cathy got laid continuously for three hours and pretty much wore all the guys out. Her boyfriend crashed after the last guest left and I helped her with some basic cleanup. Then we sat in the yard and talked. I told her how amazed I was to be there. She was rather average looking with a decent but not exceptional face and body, but could she ever fuck!

Turns out she had escaped from the same small town in Michigan that I did. We knew some of the same people including the boy who had been her first fuck. I had actually worked for him when I was in high school. Small world, eh?

Boyfriend was a bit drunk and sound asleep. We showered and she led me to the main bedroom where she offered me a good-night piece if I’d be gentle. I said I’d had a lot more than I was used to but loved morning pussy. We snuggled and slept until boyfriend called us for breakfast.

I got the promised treat which lasted more than an hour after we ate and then watched her put boyfriend through his paces. She beckoned to me after he pulled out and turned on her side for a leisurely scissors screw. We all three showered together in the big bathroom and boyfriend took me home.

Being a weekend guest at their place became a regular thing and I learned more and more of this story I’m telling you. Cathy loved having someone to tell it to and I took notes to go along with her pictures and videos. She sure opened my sexual horizons. The bi guy was invited one weekend and I learned that a mouth is a mouth when it’s on your cock. Cathy insisted I return the favor and it was interesting. I didn’t want to taste his cum even though I’d certainly eaten it from her pussy before. He wanted me to fuck his ass but I passed on that too although I felt OK doing it to Cathy. Maybe I’m a bit brainwashed? Regardless of who I stick it in, I prefer nature’s place to leave my seed – a hot wet vagina. And it seemed hers was always that way.

I also learned a lot about watersports which Cathy had enjoyed since starting as a pre-adolescent girl. We were naked around the place most of the time and it was summer so frolicking in the yard was easy. I learned to piss with a hard on and could spray Cathy’s tits or cunt at any time, even when embedded inside her. She said it felt like a powerful ejaculation. It was also fun for all to shoot my stream at boyfriend’s balls and dick when he was fucking her on the grass. He happily showed me how it felt when I took my turn at the Y.

Cathy is an amazing woman. I’d never met anyone like her. We became friends as well as lovers. She shared her history and secrets with me as she learned to trust me but I never told her my big one. You see, the first time I fucked Cathy at the birthday orgy was the first time I ever fucked any woman. That’s why I went last. I wanted to watch and learn what to do to please her. I was too shy and insecure to make a move on a woman so I was a thirty-year-old virgin. She has sure taught me a lot since then!

I think I’m in love with her and I don’t know how she would feel about that. My feelings are very mixed when I hear or see her banging her boyfriend or the frequent guests they have. That is what she wants to do, so it has to be alright with me, I guess.

When her boyfriend is away she sleeps all night with me and that is heaven. The first time that happened her pussy felt different and I figured out that was because it wasn’t already lined with semen. It was nice to feel just her own juices coating my pumping prick.

This coming weekend ought to be interesting. Her boyfriend’s brother and his wife are visiting. Cathy said they’ve been there before and had swapped. She invited me and another of her favorites to help keep the women’s pussies filled. She was sure I’d enjoy the wife and vice versa. I’m a little nervous. Only my second woman. How different than Cathy will she be? I’ll let you know how it goes.

The weekend was here. I settled my nerves with a Marguerita and a piece of Cathy while we waited for the weekend guests to arrive. I hadn’t seen her all week so I had lots of semen stored up and she loved big loads. It would lubricate her for the fun to cum. The other guy who was invited was sick and regretfully cancelled.

Cathy assured me that I would like Marcie, her boyfriend’s brother’s wife. So just relax. I kept busy getting the place ready until the doorbell rang. Cathy introduced me to Robbie and Marcie who were both about my age. Robbie looked a lot like his brother, fairly tall and slender. Marcie was Hispanic, only five foot barely, but real cute with long black hair. I got Margueritas for Marcie, Cathy, and myself and a beer for Robbie.

Tom, who was Cathy’s boyfriend and Robbie’s older brother, arrived a few minutes later. I offered him a beer too. We barbequed in the yard for dinner and I got a bit acquainted with the new couple. That helped. Marcie seemed a bit nervous too.

After a bit of basic cleanup Cathy took the brothers in the house with a big wink to me. I got Marcie and myself another Marguerita and sat down beside her on a chaise lounge next to the pool. How to break the ice, I wondered.

“How about a swim?” I offered.

Marcie brightened up, “Oh, that would be fun but I didn’t bring a suit.”

I smiled and countered her reluctance, “Tom doesn’t allow them, you know.”

She smiled sheepishly and stood up, turned away from me and began stripping. I followed suit and was in the water before she finished.

“You are very pretty,” I commented as she came down the steps in the shallow end. She blushed even through her light tan skin. She had that charming barely chubby body type that promised lots of comfortable closeness. Her motherly breasts had nursed three babies and had nice curves and large nipples. Her tummy was not flat but not too pronounced to hide the dark and ample hairy patch below it.

She kept glancing down to see my male body part but the cool water had shrunk it. We swam and I got on the diving board a few times to give her an eyeful. Her nipples stayed hard. We finally toweled each other off and she was more relaxed. Enough to say shyly, “I’m ready.”

As we walked to the guest room I used, we could hear sex noises from the master bedroom. I knew from experience that Marcie’s husband was having a helluva good time. Now to do the same for my partner of the moment.

Cathy was pretty easy to get off, and could have more than one orgasm in a session, but nothing like this little Latin firecracker. She had her first thrill from my attention to her stand-up nipples. I was pleasantly surprised when I tasted mother’s milk for the first time since infancy. She was just weaning her last child and enjoyed my draining her breasts too. When I feasted on her crotch she clamped me between her thighs and whimpered. As my big pecker hit full depth in her pussy she moaned and shook yet again. I lasted a long time thanks to Cathy’s earlier ball draining. When I spurted my seed into the baby factory she thrashed under me once more.

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