Two Bad Cops - Cover

Two Bad Cops

by S star W

Copyright© 2020 by S star W

Fiction Sex Story: As most if not all people know, most cops are simply good people doing their job. It's only about 1 in 10 cops that give the rest a bad name. The good cops are never not the ones that are highlighted in the news media. Only the bad ones are. This is the story, well it's mostly about the victims, of two of the bad ones.

Caution: This Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Rape   Heterosexual   Bestiality   .

The girls:

Joan and Stacy were at a restaurant with their boyfriends Steve and Gary. They had just eaten a delicious meal and were about to leave to go to see a movie. They were on a double date so were in the same vehicle. As they were going out to the truck a police car drove by. It was obvious that the two men in it had seen them. Bad cops:

Ace saw four young people get into a truck at Mary’s Cafe. He pointed them out to his partner Bull. Bull said, “Lets follow them.” They followed them to the drive in theater but didn’t go in themselves. They knew that the first movie would end around 11:30 and decided to be in the area around that time. They knew, from past experience, that a lot of teens didn’t stay for the second movie and a lot of them would find a private place to park and make out. Both had had a lot of fun scaring young teens who had that. They always got a kick out of scaring kids straight like that.

Sure enough a little after 11:30 they saw the truck leaving the drive in. They discreetly followed them to a country road where the truck pulled over. They were far enough away from town that no one would be able to hear anything.

Ace and Bull waited long enough to let the kids think that nothing bad would happen. Then, with their lights out, they pulled up behind the truck. Quietly they got out of their car and walked up to the truck. Sure enough the two couples were kissing feverishly. They arrived just in time to hear one of the girls slap the boy she was with and say, “No, stop that.” As far as they were concerned that was enough. Each of the cops reached and opened a door.

Joan and Steve were in the back seat and were kissing. Suddenly she felt a hand slide into the opening of her shirt and touch her breast through her bra. She pulled away and slapped him, saying “No, stop that.” Without warning the doors on either side of the truck opened and she fell backwards. She would have fallen completely to the ground if it wasn’t for the cop who had opened it. Instead the cop caught her by the shoulders and Steve who had been leaning towards her for another kiss fell forward as well. Steve’s face landed in the crotch of her jeans just over her privates. The impact, though it did hurt a little, caused a disturbing sensation in her body. It almost felt good, really good even.

Ace said, “Hands up, all of you!” He and Bull then proceeded to arrest all four of them. As soon as the doors had been opened there had been the district smell in illegal drugs having been smoked in the truck. It was all they needed as far as they were concerned to scare the living daylights out of these kids. Had either of them been paired with anyone else in the department, other than each other, that’s as far as it would have gone. But they were together and both of them had a predilection for,,, lets just say that they enjoyed little girls and leave it at that for now.

With the smell of the illegal drugs in truck, they knew that they could make these kids do whatever they wanted them to. They loaded the four kids into the car and driving away they searched the truck in found two rolled joints and a bag of weed. As they began driving they said to the kids, “You know that you kids are in trouble. We found your stash in the truck.” All four of the kids looked nervously at each other. The eldest boy Steve tried the bluff saying, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” Bull held up the bag containing the weed and joints. The got quiet and said nothing else.

Ace said, “If we give this to our boss, you’ll be in jail at least for the night if not years.” Looking at the eldest boy, who had eighteen, and said, “Especially you.” The four kids just looked at each other. Ace said, “Look, I’ll make you a deal. I will destroy this evidence and take all of you back to the truck. But first you, all of you, will first do something for us. “And what’s that?,” the young boy, Gary said. Ace, smiling, said, “You’ll see.”

At the barn:

They pulled into the driveway leading to an old looking barn. Ace and Bull got the four kids out of the car once they had pulled up to it. They hustled the kids into the barn. The inside of the barn was quite different from the outside. The outside looked extremely run down, but inside was very modern and nice. It had clear floors and was well lighted. There were pens for various live stock, though none were present and the pens were clean.

They stood the kids up next to one of the pens and removed the handcuffs they had previously secured the kids with. Bull said as he and Ace stepped back to watch the kids, “I think you four are a little over dressed, strip please.” All four of the kids mouths dropped open, and Joan said, “You’ve got to be kidding. I’m not stripping for anyone. I refuse to. No one besides my doctor and mom have ever seen me naked and just briefly at that.”

“If you ever want to see your mom again, you will,” Ace said. “I can with one phone call see to it that all four of you are shipped to China where you will all be the star attractions at a whore house there. I’m sure you would be very popular there. In fact with your white skin and red hair you’d be the most exotic girl there. You never even on your back twenty- four hours a day talking on one man after another 24/7.” Joan blanched at the thought of having that many men fucking her everyday. Though she hadn’t admitted, even to Stacy, she was still a virgin.

Somehow she knew she wouldn’t be after tonight, but how could she ever even contemplate taking on that many men. Stacy, she knew, could do it. In fact Stacy had bragged about how many boys she had screwed since she was eleven. Little did Joan know that it had been all just been talk, Stacy had never done anything but give a guy a blow job, and had only done that twice though she had let a number of boys suck her tits. Reluctantly all four of the kids began to undress.

As the last of their clothes came off, two more men came into the barn. They were dressed in long sleeved shirts and overalls each had dirty baseball caps on and big smiles on their faces. Both of the men seemed to pay close attention to Joan. With her red hair and the somewhat cone shaped A-cup breast and bald pussy she looked younger than she fourteen years.

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