Bailey and Me - Cover

Bailey and Me

Copyright© 2020 by auntybob

Chapter 6

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 6 - Two women from vastly different backgrounds find love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Interracial  

‘Oh ok, ok, you win. It was years and years ago, I was twenty-one. It was my last year at uni and I went to the Careers Advisory Centre in the admin block. While I was waiting for an interview, an assistant came out and asked me to fill in a form. She was a really pretty Indian girl, her name was Sangita Devi. She was very slim and had really long black hair, I really fancied her.’ Agi was getting impatient. ‘So she was the one you fucked with a strap-on?’ I rolled my eyes at her, ‘If you’ll let me tell you ... yes!’ ‘Anyway, we got talking, and she seemed to like me, I asked her out ... and to cut along story short, we started dating. It was on the fourth or fifth time we slept together, I can’t remember, it was so long ago, that I asked her if she’d like to try a strap-on. She’d never heard of them, I was her first lesbian partner. So, she said yes, and we did it. It was missionary style, the way she liked it, and she had her legs up in the air, and I was pounding away like mad. She was shrieking and yelling, just like you were just now, then she fainted, just like you did.’

Agi playfully hit me on the arm. ‘Hey, you did it to me, don’t forget. I’m the victim here. You shouldn’t be so good at fucking. Or, rather you should ... oh I don’t know. So you were her first, congratulations on that, who was YOUR first?’ I gave her one of my frosty stares. ‘This is all about me now. What about you? If you tell me your first, I’ll tell you mine, ok?’

Agi sounded rather hesitant. ‘OK, fine.’ She paused and absently adjusted the gusset of her panties, which I guessed was rather damp. ‘My first sexual encounter was when I was sixteen. I was tall for my age, and I had big boobs even then, so I looked older than I was.’ She ran her hand over her hair and looked as if she was trying to conjure up images and memories. ‘My mother was keen for me to take up ballet classes, so I started dancing when I was five. By the time I was sixteen, I was pretty good.’

I thought back to one of the many magazine articles I had read about her, and I remember her mentioning her ballet lessons.

‘Well, we had a new ballerina teacher, she was Russian, aren’t they all? Her name was Irina Ostropova. I became her favourite straight away, and I thought it was my colour, a black ballerina, who’d have thought?’ Agi looked at me, ‘ I think you can guess the rest.’

I wasn’t going to be fobbed off that easily. ‘Uh uh, oh no, I want the nitty gritty details, come on.’

‘Ok, so I’m her favourite, and she is paying me a lot of attention. When she straightens my legs or corrects my posture, her hands are up in my crotch or on my boobs. Of course, in my innocence, I think this is all normal, even when she is standing there with her hand between my legs squeezing my pussy. And the trouble is, I like it. I like the special attention. I like the feeling when she touches me. According to her, I’m wonderful, I’m gifted and I’m talented. And all the time, she is feeling me up, and I love it. During the week, I can’t wait for my ballet classes, not because I enjoy the dancing, but because I want Irina to touch me.’ I sat there, expectantly, waiting for more, but that was it. ‘So, what happened next?’

She shrugged her shoulders, ‘Nothing. That’s all she did, just felt me up sometimes.’ I was disappointed at the lack of further detail. ‘Come on Agi, that doesn’t count as your first time, some woman diddling you in a tutu.’ Agi looked slightly hurt. ‘Well it meant a lot to me Pam. I was infatuated with Irina, I thought I was in love with her. If she had tried to get me in to bed, I would have let her.’ Agi looked genuinely upset. I felt rather guilty. I ran my hand soothingly along her thigh. “I’m sorry Agi, I didn’t mean to belittle your first love, really I didn’t, sorry. OK, so the first time I had full sex with a woman was when I was eighteen, in my fist year at university... ‘ Agi managed a smile. ‘Wow, university sounds like a real hotspot for sex, I wish I had gone to uni now.’

‘So, as I was saying. My first real sexual encounter was with another student in my class. I’ll never forget her, she was so shy, and so was I. We were both gay virgins and so naive about sex. Her name was Lucy Kellett, and she was from up north, Durham, she had the cutest accent. She was very pretty in a sort of tomboy way, jeans and sweatshirts rather than skirts and blouses. Fair hair and freckles, really sweet. Lucy had beautiful big boobs, a lot of the boys were after her, but they didn’t know what I knew, that she liked girls. More importantly, she liked me. We hit it off from the first week in Sociology 1. We sat together in lectures and I was always rubbing her leg with mine. She would blush bright red, she was so bashful.’

Agi interrupted, pulling her T-shirt tight across her chest, her nipples erect and sticking out. ‘So big boobs are your thing huh?’

I carried on, ignoring the taunt. ‘So the night we actually did the deed, when we both lost our virginity, so to speak, was a wet and miserable night in October, if I remember right. We went out for a pizza together and we had a bottle or two of cheap wine between us. I remember as we walked back to the halls of residence, she held my arm. And as we walked, my elbow kept rubbing the side of her boob. Eventually, we got to my tiny room in halls, and I got our wet coats off. I remember sitting nervously next to her on my bed, not knowing what to do next. I offered her coffee, I think, but she was as anxious as I was. I just told her how I felt about her and asked her if I could kiss her. What really stands out about that moment is how much she blushed and looked petrified. We both knew what was about to happen, had probably known for days or even weeks. But now it was actually happening, neither of us knew what to do.’

Agi was getting restless again. ‘But you did have sex though, didn’t you?’ I sighed loudly. ‘Yes, I’m getting to that, but I didn’t just jump on her.’ Agi adjusted her gusset again, the wet bit was getting cold on her skin, and said, ‘Well I would have done, if she was as cute you say she was.’

‘Well I didn’t, we took it very gently and slowly. I kissed her and she just lay back on the bed and she let me touch her all over through her clothes. I wasn’t dressed quite as boyishly as her, so I was surprised when she eventually put her hand up my skirt, and then inside my knickers. And that was it, we had sex, we both achieved orgasm, and from that point on, we had sex a couple of times a week.’ Agi looked solemn.’And you continued like that until you cheated on her with the Indian girl.’ By the tone of her voice, Agi wasn’t happy with the suspected infidelity. Now it was my turn to feel awkward and on the spot. ‘Well no, actually, it wasn’t like that. Look I’m not proud of this, I’m ashamed, but I was new to these intense feelings I had for members of my own sex. I wanted to experiment, to see what it was like with other women. I broke Lucy’s heart after only a few months.’

I was reluctant to carry on but Agi was insistent. ‘Go on Pamela, tell me what happened, all the gory details, leave NOTHING out.’ Right there and then, I wanted the earth to swallow me up. This girl to girl honesty, was not the way I was expecting the evening to go. I cleared my throat. ‘I had an affair with an older woman.’ Agi drummed her feet on my thighs.’Come on out with it, ALL of it.’ She worked in the college library, her name was Sigrun. She was at least twice my age and rather matronly. Lots of curly blonde hair and deep blue eyes. If the name Sigrun didn’t imply a Nordic influence, her looks certainly did.’ I paused, hoping against hope, that Agi would be satisfied with that. She wasn’t. She fixed me with a steely glare and said. ‘I stand naked at the window, yes or no?’ ‘Right. I was in the library looking for a particular course book, when she just appeared beside me. The gaps between the shelves were narrow so I couldn’t get past her easily. Sigrun was sort of plump with a big bum and ... huge boobs.’ Agi laughed. ‘So it’s always the tits, always the tits.’

I carried on regardless. ‘She was dressed a bit like a school ma’am, I think it was a grey tweed skirt and jacket, with a white blouse. She had one of those cravats tied around her neck. What really caught my eye was the buttons on her blouse, they were straining under the pull of her blouse. There were big gaps and I could see her boobs and cleavage. The material was stretched so tight, that I could make out the pattern of her bra and the outline of her big nipples. And she also smelled of cigarettes.’

Agi pulled her T-shirt tight again so that her nipples were prominent.’Like this, you mean?’ ‘Yes, just like that. Anyway, I’m not sure why she made a bee-line for me. Maybe she had seen me and Lucy being a bit too cosy in the library. Perhaps she saw Lucy cop a feel of my crotch under the table. I don’t know, but she singled me out. She asked me what I was looking for, so I told her, and she started looking as well. So there we were, standing there looking for my book, when I felt her hand brush over my bum. It was hardly anything, it could have been an accident. But then she did it again, harder this time and a definite couple of pats on my bum. Now would have been the time to walk away, squeeze past her and go, but I didn’t, because I liked it. I told you, I’m not proud of it, but I was only eighteen, and a bit slutty. But I grew out of it.’

Agi seemed relieved. ‘I’m so glad to hear it. So, you and this Sigrun woman, what happened?’ ‘She carried on feeling my bum, rubbing it through my skirt. Then she moved very close and pushed her bosom... ‘ Agi giggled. ‘Bosom? Are you Barbara Cartland all of a sudden?’ ‘Alright then, her tits, she pushed her tits right on to my arm. I remember how soft and warm they felt. I got all flustered, because now her hand was under my skirt and inching its way inside my knickers. I was sure someone would notice what she was doing so I moved away. I think she knew that she had me hooked, I had stood there for far too long letting her feel my arse. It was clear that the book wasn’t on the shelf. That’s when she started talking about checking the records for the book. She told me to come back at five-thirty and she’d see if it had been returned.

Agi was really getting in to the story now. ‘And did you go back?’

‘To my shame, yes. I knew that the library closed at five, so no one would be there at five-thirty. I was in no doubt what she had planned, and I was up for it. Look Agi, do I really need to go on... ‘

‘Yes. I want to hear all of it, everything, understand, everything!’

‘It’s not my finest moment, you understand, right? So I went back and knocked on the locked door, the place looked deserted. No one came, and I felt both disappointed and relieved that I wasn’t going to deceive Lucy. Before I could turn away, I saw Sigrun walking towards the door, a big smile on her face. Her appearance was also different. She had taken off the scarf, and she had undone the buttons on her blouse. As she walked up to the door, I stared as her huge tits bounced and wobbled, I was transfixed. She ushered me in and closed the door behind me. She said something about having been busy and hadn’t had time to check the computer. So I followed her in to the office, watching her big plump bum wiggle as she walked. For a big woman, she had very slim ankles, I noticed. Sigrun closed the door behind me and sat at her desk. As she sat, she hiked her skirt up so that I could now see her dark stocking tops and pale thighs. Standing beside her desk, I was looking straight down at her enormous boobs. I couldn’t help myself, I got seriously horny. Sigrun turned to me and said that the book wasn’t in yet. Funnily enough, I wasn’t expecting it to be. But as she turned in her chair, she parted her legs, giving me a clear view up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any knickers. Her neatly trimmed bush was plainly on show, and obviously for my benefit. My eyes were locked on to the glorious sight of her stockings, thighs and cunt. I just could not look away. Sigrun had said something to me, but I couldn’t concentrate, the surging ache between my legs had muddled my mind. She could tell how badly I had the need, the urge for sex. She had done everything she could, to make me randy, and it had worked.’

I paused again, the reawakened memory of that encounter had gotten me a bit clammy down below. I shifted uncomfortably, the itch between my legs was getting a bit distracting. Agi wasn’t prepared to wait, she wanted the whole story. She dug her heel in to my thigh again. ‘Get on with it, don’t stop now it’s getting to the dirty bit.’

‘Where was I? Oh yes, Sigrun, flashing the goods. Well, she suddenly shot up out of her chair, it took me by surprise a bit. She sort of bundled me back against the wall between a filing cabinet and an emergency exit door. In the blink of an eye, she was all over me, saying things like,” lovely girl, lovely young girl”, that sort of thing. She obviously liked her women young. Her hand was straight up my skirt and in my knickers. No chat, just her fingers right up my fanny. She was kissing me and her mouth tasted of cigarettes, it was gross. But, getting her blouse undone and my hands up inside her bra and groping her massive tits made up for it. She insisted on snogging me as she fingered me, and I tried to get away from that ashtray of a mouth. But it was sheer heaven between my legs, her fingers were playing me like a violin. I was soaking wet and I could feel myself beginning to cum. I was gasping and moaning as she skilfully massaged my pussy. She really knew what she was doing, Agi. My legs were shaking as I started to climax, she was still going on about me being a “lovely girl”. Then, abruptly, I was over the edge, a wave of sheer heaven gushed right through me. She didn’t waste any time though. I was finished, but she had just got started. Her hands were on my shoulders pushing me down the wall. I got the, “lovely girl” stuff again, and “do it for me now” I was squatting down, and she just pulled her skirt up and shoved my face between her open legs. I suddenly had a faceful of hairy, sweaty fanny. Believe me Agi, it was a lot more attractive when it was just on view up her skirt. The smell of stale sweat was almost as bad as her breath. But, she had got me off spectacularly, so I felt obliged to do the same. I had a good go at sucking and licking her fanny, she was rocking her hips back and forth, really quite hard at times. She banged my head against the wall more than once. She was oozing a lot as well, my face was covered in her dribble.’

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