I Am So Curious - Cover

I Am So Curious

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A young Asian girl is fascinated by cock in its many manifestations so starts with a friend and experiences many others, recording her observations and finding love.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Romantic   Sharing   Group Sex   Interracial   Oriental Female   Pregnancy   .

Her smile grew as she realized he wasn’t a “gush and go”. It was always better when the man continued the rubbing inside her she needed to build to her big pleasure. The fresh silky lubrication issuing from that mushroom-shaped head made her insides feel extra good and thinking of all those little wigglers exploring her parts was mentally stimulating. Knowing that they would encounter many already there from her boyfriend was even hotter.

Yiru had not experienced older men like this one before. Her full-fledged sex life started a few days after her eighteenth birthday when she could get birth control without parental permission. They would never condone anything but virginity for their daughter but they were still in Taiwan. She had been in the US since entering college at seventeen and a half. Her curiosity about sex had been festering and now it could be fully explored.

Her arousal built nicely with this experienced lover and feeling even more sperm paint her inner parts triggered her own release. Wonderful! She wouldn’t have to seek out Lunjie to obtain her satisfaction. This one was a “keeper”. Putting some tissue in her panties after she peed, she kissed Bryan on the cheek and said she’d like to see him again. He hugged her briefly and said, “Definitely!”

She had a text from Lunjie during her next class and stopped by his apartment on her way home. His parents and her exchange ones worked long hours so they often had private time at one place or another. As she arrived, he hugged her and asked, “Have any ‘fun’ today?” That was their code word for “fuck”. She nodded and he reached under her short skirt, slipped his hand into her panties, and his fingers got wet with semen still seeping out.

She knew why he’d asked her to stop by. The same thing she did ... fucking. Lunjie was her boyfriend but it wasn’t a romantic relationship. Sure, they liked each other, but it was mostly for convenience. There were no other Taiwanese around. His parents were naturalized US citizens and he was born in the US. They’d found each other at the college after she’d experimented a bit with copulation and their sexual activities quickly followed.

Until her birth control, her sex play had rapidly progressed to just barely short of coitus with a couple of young American college men. Once the pregnancy risk was abated, she joyfully welcomed them between her legs but was disappointed in the two or three times that occurred, so much so that she broke off those relationships.

She had known Lunjie as a friend and enjoyed visiting with his parents about their mutual native country. He had never visited that country but had learned the language from exposure at home.

He was easy to seduce and was far more sensitive to her needs and satisfaction than the previous partners. This was more like the sex that she had read about. He was as curious as she and with two homes to play in they tried everything and everywhere they could think of, even having sex in their parents’ beds with careful rearranging of the covers so it would not be noticed. One of Yiru’s favorites was watching porn on Lunjie’s computer while sitting on his lap with his hard penis inside her, stretching her out in that most pleasant way. She could move up and down or side to side or around, sometimes matching what they saw on the screen. She learned to sense how close he was to ejaculation and adjust her motions to keep him at a pleasant edge but without going over it until she was ready.

Yiru quickly discovered how her capacity greatly exceeded Lunjie’s and she made it gracefully clear that she wished a wider range of experiences. Lunjie was not threatened, actually curious too, which gained him a lot of favor in her eyes.

Stroking in her still-slippery pussy, Lunjie asked, “Tell me about it.” As she did, he smiled at the image of her bent over the table getting reamed from behind. He was pleased when she told him of her orgasm. After releasing his tension and she hers, he said, “Sounds like one of the best you have found so far.”

“Oh, yes! I will fuck him some more. It was different and better than the others. Almost as good as you!”

Lunjie acted hurt, “I don’t want him to steal you away! You are my best friend.”

Yiru squeezed his buns hard, “That will not happen. You are too convenient among other things. You are still the best cock that goes in me.”

After taking Lunjie’s virginity, they had fucked frequently and exclusively for about a month until Yiru found some guys that whetted her curiosity. Again, they were disappointing, as she told Lunjie when she returned to his bed. “Only concerned about themselves. I hardly had time to get aroused before they shot their stuff and lost interest.” She’d have to do a better job of identifying candidates for her cunt. Lunjie tried to give her knowledge about how men’s minds worked.

The next one was better and she screwed him a half-dozen times before she lost interest. Not too much later she hooked up with an experienced man just a few years older who really knew how to ring her chimes, showing her some things to teach Lunjie who was well aware of her explorations.

After a month of banging this new man as often as her boyfriend, which meant she had a very busy box, it came to an abrupt end when she discovered he was married and only temporarily separated from his wife.

During all of this, the well-organized young woman kept a journal, recording not only the facts and figures, and estimation if not actual measurements of each penis that penetrated her, but her feelings and experiences about each copulation. This helped her to be more objective about her carnal choices and, as a side benefit, the sharing those of entries with Lunjie was an aphrodisiac to their own coupling, although she had discovered he didn’t need much stimulation to get going.

One thing that she had greatly enjoyed with him was observing the behavior of his penis. Her first copulations had generally been in the dark and quick, even without entirely disrobing. The male organs were usually already rampant before she laid hands or eyes on them and, being young men, sometimes did not wilt quickly after ejaculating. She wanted to experience the amazing changes that that those fleshy tubes underwent during sex.

With Lunjie, there was more time and she could fondle and taste his genitals throughout all the stages of arousal. When she first experienced the fact of his recovery after ejaculation, mostly because they had the opportunity for a leisurely joining, she had great fun watching it shrink down after she orally cleaned off their combined juices, then moving it around with her hands when it was flaccid and fondling his dangling testicles as well. She enjoyed having it grow inside her mouth as she stimulated its refilling and also learned the feeling and taste of his ejaculation in her mouth when her menstruation made regular copulation less attractive.

Her new older man was named Bryan. He was in his early 40s and a retired vet, going to college for a new career. He had approached her in the student coffee shop, asking her about her ethnic background. His face lit up when she told him and he said he had lived there for a few years as a preschooler with an army dad.

Yiru asked where his father had been stationed, he didn’t know but they made arrangements to have coffee together the next day and he would call his father to find out.

When Bryan told her the name of the Army base, Yiru lit up exclaiming, “That is right next to the town I come from. My father works near there.”

Over the next couple of weeks they met frequently, getting acquainted and reminding Bryan of the few words of Taiwanese that he knew. His accent was horrible but she praised him anyway. Then he asked her out on a date. By then she’d made up her mind to “know him”. It didn’t take many hints for him to take her back to his small apartment and things proceeded quickly to the opening of this story.

As they spent more time in and out of bed, his recollections of those early years in Taiwan began to surface. He remembered a local woman who had come to take care of the house after his mother split with his father and went back to the US. He even remembered that she sometimes stayed overnight and he thought that maybe his father had a new wife. When they returned to the states, however, she did not come with them.

This stirred some memories in Yiru. Her now deceased grandmother had mentioned working at the Army base before she was married and had become pregnant by a soldier. Many women thought that if a soldier got them pregnant that they would be married and taken to the United States. In her case, the soldier was still married, which she did not know, and so the plan did not work for her. A family friend married her quickly and she gave birth to Yiru’s mother and two other children.

When they compared time frames for this, it raised the level of curiosity greatly and they sent DNA kits to be sampled. Sure enough, they were clearly related with her mother being a half-sister to Bryan.

Of course, the first big question was about incest? They didn’t think so and a bit of investigation didn’t shed much light on the situation. Bryan revealed that he’d had a vasectomy at his ex-wife’s insistence which had saved the complication of children in their divorce and had been quite useful in his limited sex life since then. With no possibility of offspring, the biggest taboo about incest was gone, they figured.

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