Heating Up - Cover

Heating Up

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2021 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A heating system failure in a subsidized housing building forced residents to sleep in the common room. Bertha got on the wrong sleeping pad and had some interesting interactions that resurrected a dormant sex life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Interracial   Double Penetration   .

A knock on the door let her know how to get warmer. The central heating system in the subsidized housing building had partially failed in the deep cold spell and she was informed to go to the common room to keep warm and plan to spend the cold night there. The heat circulation system to the residents’ rooms had failed and would be at least 24 hours to get fixed but the common areas were ok. The dining room and the activity areas could still get heat.

Bertha was 59 and partially disabled so had no earned income. Her shy personality had limited her social contacts to other women around her age. She was on the portly side but not quite obese. Self-image was feeling not physically attractive and she’d had no “romantic” activity since her husband divorced her more than a decade ago. She read a lot and did other non-physical activities in her frumpy clothes.

They were, of course, fed as usual and had the tables and chairs and TVs in the eating area to do things. At bedtime the announcement was made to look for the appropriate bedding area which was big foam pads with blankets on them. Men were one side and women the other. In the darkened room she saw a woman next to a man on one part and figured they were spouses so she found an open spot between two other reclined bodies when she was ready, then carefully got under the covers. She was wearing an old long t-shirt which is more than usual. Her bathrobe went over the covers.

She had just relaxed and settled in when a body snuggled up behind her as she laid on her side. That felt nice so she didn’t object. After a bit she felt a hand come over the top and feel for one of her big saggy boobs. “What the hell?” she thought. Then an erection pressed up against her buns and she knew something was amiss but should she complain or object? It all felt good, actually.

She raised her t-shirt to give that exploring hand some direct contact and the cock was hot and hard on her backside too. Yum! Her nipples hardened and she felt her pussy wetting as it tingled in a way it hadn’t done in far too long. What to allow from here? Could she really resist the first male interest in a hellava long time? Her hand went down and pulled the head of the uncircumcised shaft from her ass crack down between her thighs to rub on her wetting cunt lips. She’d never felt one of those cockheads before. Her three previous lovers had all been trimmed. How might it feel inside? The desire for this anonymous lover kept escalating.

The hand that had been titillating her tits moved down to tickle her twat and make her clit get eager for more. She raised her upper leg to open the path and she guided that ready rod into her slippery slot. Oh My God but it felt good as it moved and she came before its gentle strokes let go that male cream deep in her long-dry receptacle. She let it soak there before it softened so much it fell out. After snuggling a while she turned over and saw a man a bit younger than herself that she knew from seeing him at meals but they had barely ever talked. He kissed her and they hugged.

It wasn’t much later when she felt a hand come over her still uncovered body from behind again to explore her big bosom. She whispered to Fred, “Another man is feeling me!”

He kissed her again, “Let him. We don’t get to do this hardly ever. You were wonderful. I’ll hold you.”

It was a similar routine and her body once again became aroused. She was soon filled with male meat from behind once again and this time was kissing and holding Fred as it happened. She reached down and his cock was hardening once more. Her lust was building as she was being pumped and she wondered if Fred wanted to take another piece. Damn! She’d never been this sexy and sluttish as a young woman but it sure was fun!

Another male sperm shot warmed her pussy innards and she told Fred, “I have to turn over and see who did me this time.” It was a bit of a shock to discover that it was Rastus, a black man she also had seen but never visited with. He’d felt real good so she kissed him too. Fred started over with his hands as she hugged this latest lover and she was soon filled again with a sexy shaft, sliding in her well lubricated slot from behind. Reaching down to hold Rastus’ softened hose she squeezed it as her hand stroked her clit as Fred stroked in her sex place. Rastus whispered, “Can I have seconds too?” She kissed him and whispered back, “Sure”.

After that thrill finished she had to go to the bathroom so put on her robe and soon returned with both pussy holes drained. As she snuggled with Fred a hand reached over from behind once again to do some more tit play. She raised her top leg and a cock slid in her still slippery place. It felt different though which she whispered to Fred. Very soon she felt it spurting and she rolled over as soon as it withdrew. “Rastus, what do you do to feel different?”

“I ain’t Rastus. He tole me to come over here and dew yew. Ah’m his bro Cletus and I ain’t never had no white pussy afore. Y’er better than Ah figgered so thanks.” He got up and left and Rastus came back with a hard on.

This time Bertha closed the crotch door. “No more tonight. I’ve got to sleep and rest my pussy. It hasn’t been that much used ever.” She hugged Fred and fell asleep.

In the morning it was announced that the heating system was being repaired and soon they could go back to their rooms. Fred invited her to his and she accepted. It was thrilling to have a man want her even just to fuck. Maybe it would get even better. He was scrawny and not very handsome but his cock felt damn good in her twat. She went with him to his room and they moved around naked before they had a good fuck in a regular bed. Exploring each other’s body was fun and oral sex got going now that it was easier to do. His cock was at least as big as any of the earlier ones in her life so she appreciated it a lot. He could eat pussy the best she’d ever had too.

So that was an important activity for about the next two weeks and her pussy got plundered day and night a lot, sometimes three and four times per day. Oh what fun! Then she got the word that Fred’s sister was sending him a plane ticket to come and visit her. She needed some looking after. It wasn’t clear how long he would be there either. She’d miss him but he said that she should let Rastus and brother keep her crotch happy. That seemed better than abstinence now that she was quite used to happy fucking times.

She had to limit the two black-peckered dudes or she’d wear out her cunt. That was discovered the first time she’d bounced in their bed and they wouldn’t stop pounding her in turns. It was great fun for a while but her pussy, even well-conditioned by Fred, got tender after six hot fucks in a row. Team fucking was rather busy work. She discovered that four copulations in a row was enough for a session, after all.

She went back to her room to recover but made arrangements to bang those eager cocks when she wanted to. They were ready anytime, it seemed. She had to catch up on her regular life too, resuming her reading and other private activities. But then the “boys”, as she was referring to them since they were ten years younger, decided to take her to a black bar they went to when they had saved up enough money for a few drinks.

That would be a new experience regardless of the bar’s racial type. She got a better haircut and went to the thrift shop to get a better set of clothes for such a social situation. One of her lady friends who had a better sense of style went with her and helped her pick out a skirt and a couple of blouses that greatly improved her image. Some nicer underwear was gotten too. This was a big deal!

She was the only light-skinned person in the place which was in walking distance of the residence. There was music that she wasn’t at all familiar with so she watched people dancing and she tried it to the boys’ pleasure. It took few drinks for her personality to loosen up and other men danced with her too. They were all fast dances and she felt worn out fairly quickly. She had little racial bias so did her best to fit in and the boys were thrilled. She got a few more free drinks but the boys’ money ran out and they had a friend help them get her back to the residence and invited him in.

She was physically tired but her mind was wound up so she began stripping to get some of the fucking she was loving. The third guy wasn’t even noticed as she wiggled her tits and laid down on the bed with her pussy inviting. All three men stripped and began playing with their sex toy. Charlie was given “guest” privileges and he was starting with her tits and working his way down to the Y. She laid there with her eyes closed and just enjoying the attention.

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