Phyzeec - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by Fick Suck

Chapter 32

The hour was drawing near. Aden and the governor stood at the gate, looking to the southwest, where an ominous cloud of churning brown debris had appeared on the horizon. Neither man spoke but both knew the source. Aden had hoped they would have days to sort out the defenses and strategy, but the brown cloud killed that dream. He heard voices above on the ramparts, shouting at the sighting.

“We cannot wait any longer,” the governor said. “We break the seal now.”

The guard was called to come inside the walls as the captain led the way back to his office. Inside the room, he gave the signal to his secretary who raised the sledgehammer over his head. The head came down and landed true, sending shards of hardened lime mortar in all directions. A hissing of air being sucked down the exposed pipe filled the room.

Aden eyes went wide. “Hit the floor!” he screamed as he threw himself down. Air was being sucked in through the window and through the doorway, creating a whirlwind that whipped their clothes. A thrumming began to vibrate through the floor and dust began to fall from the ceiling.

“Plug your ears!” Aden shouted over the din. A column of purest blue burst forth with a high-pitched screech from the pipe and slammed into the ceiling, sending plaster and more dust everywhere. The pillar of phyzeec hit a metal plate embedded in the ceiling and disappeared.

When enough of the debris had settled, the men struggled to their feet. Dusting themselves off, they charged out of the room to see the results. They came to standstill with their mouths agape. The walls stood blank except for the two regimental banners. No barrier had appeared.

The brown column of cloud was close enough for the top of it to be seen from inside the wall.

“Now what?” Ezza said, looking at Aden. “What did we miss?”

Aden looked back at him as if he had asked the most obvious question. Men were beginning to shout with alarm and at least one woman started screaming hysterically. Aden fumbled in his pocket and brought out the key from box on the ship. He held it up and said, “keyhole.”

Aden looked at the governor and the captain. “The barrier at The Mages Hall has a key for the front door that opens and closes the barrier. This key does not fit the door at The Mages Hall. I’ve looked although I did not know what I was seeking. We need to find the keyhole.”

“Smash every bit of plaster in my offices,” the captain ordered his second. “The gates, the walls, scour them all.”

Soldiers ran at the command. Children were sent scurrying into the tight spaces and every able-bodied adult who was out started running their hands over the walls. Minutes ticked by and a rumbling of boulders smashing together began to filter through the air.

“Nothing, captain,” a soldier reported.

“Nothing here either, captain,” another said.

“Well?” the governor said to Aden. “Where could the accursed hole be?”

Something hit the wall outside and bounced off. Aden ran his hands through his hair. He felt fine particles of dust that he had missed rubbing against his fingertips. He jerked his hands out of his hair and stared at his fingers. “The banners! Pull down the banners!”

Two mobs of people jumped for the banners and wrenched them from the wall. “A hole, a hole!” someone yelled. “I see a hole.”

Stones began to rain down from the sky and splinters of wood floated down. Aden ran towards the voice, holding the key above his head. Two men hoisted him on his shoulders and raised him high enough to reach the grey metal plate. He jammed in the key and turned it. A great floosh raised the hair on his body and a field of blue phyzeec filled his field of vision.

Aden heard cheers and applause, as he was lowered and put down on his feet. Looking up, he saw all manner of rock, trees, and debris slamming onto a blue field, and sliding away to the side. The walls glowed.

“We are children among the ancients,” the captain said with his hands on his hips. “Never in all of my travels have I witnessed such power. With such a thing as this, surely we can defeat whatever is out there.”

Ezza shook his head. “This is purely defense...” but before he could continue, the governor waved him to silence. Beckoning them to follow, the governor led them up the stairs to the ramparts. They watched the column emerge from the tree line and begin crossing the empty field. The field disappeared amid a maelstrom of rocks, stones, trees, and plants.

“By the gods, if I had not seen this with my own eyes,” the captain said. “This is the mad king we must defeat?”

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