Helping the Needy - Cover

Helping the Needy

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A young woman grows up fast and learns some surprising and life-changing things on a summer visit to her grandmother.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Sharing   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   .

Hermoine (Hermie) spent her summer as a seventeen-year-old at her grandmother’s farm in Kansas. Being a little-traveled city girl the trip on Amtrack and the long drive through the prairie with her grandmother was an eyeopener, one of many that summer would bring. It was the concerns about the virus and the thoughts that her grandmother needed company which got her there. She hardly knew this sixty-six-year-old relative whose husband had died about five years earlier.

It was a classic farmhouse for a 300 acre farm so it was way back from the dirt road and in a protective grove of evergreens. The usual outbuildings were there too but only used for chickens and a milk cow. There was a large garden that was very neat and orderly. The rest of the land was rented out to neighboring farmers and had corn and soybean crops planted.

The first of many surprises occurred as they entered the farmhouse with her luggage. “Grannie”, as she asked to be called, went to her bedroom and came back nude. Hell, Hermie had rarely seen her own mother that way and here Grannie was walking around naked like it was a natural thing do. Her big saggy tits moved around as she did and there were flashes of her salt and pepper crotch decoration which matched her head hair. Seeing her granddaughter’s facial expression, Grannie addressed her, “This is how God created us and it feels very good and right here in my home. You are welcome to leave your clothes on or try the comforts of nudism.”

After a couple of hours of Grannie’s nude company, Hermie began by going topless. She was slender and fairly tall, 5’8”. Her breasts had reached the b-cup size and were too firm to do more than jiggle a bit. After a while she went all the way and was congratulated. The air on her pussy did feel good. Her bush was a bit wild and untrimmed but that didn’t matter. She was a virgin and a few male hands and fingers had explored it but that was all. She knew about tongues and cocks but was reluctant to let that happen.

She quickly settled in to helping in the house and the next morning Grannie showed her the difference between city and farm. Of course going outside naked was a new experience and a bit thrilling. Shoes were needed of course and she’d have to get some boots for the more rugged places on the farm. She learned about feeding the chickens and letting them out to scrounge in the yard, picking up the eggs and, the most challenging of all, feeding and milking the cow. It would take more practice she was told.

When she told Grannie she had to pee and excuse her to go to house she was shown how a farm girl can make the world their toilet like guys do. Finding the right place and squatting down did the job just fine. She was fascinated seeing piss come out of a crotch for the first time and, somewhat embarrassed, drained hers that way for the first time. There was no toilet paper to dab her pussy with but Grannie said it would dry naturally and a rinse-off shower after doing the barn work was usually a good idea.

Grannie told her at lunch that she had a date for dinner that night and showed her some leftovers to put one together for herself. There was satellite tv and internet with a nice computer to surf it with. A boyfriend had set it up not long ago. That prompted a question from Hermie, “A boyfriend?”

Grannie grinned, “One of three currently. It gets lonely out here and I get horny. Your grandpa and I had a good sex life up until just before he died. I may be older but I’m not dead!” That got Hermie’s mind a whirling. She hadn’t even dwelled on the fact that her parents had sex to start her and they hid any current stuff so well she couldn’t tell if they even did it. But her grandmother? They would have to talk about that more.

She put on a robe when Glenn showed up and her Grannie was dressed to go to town to a movie in one of those old movie houses. They had to sit separated and wear masks but it was still a nice getaway. She had fallen asleep in front of the tv as they returned but both disappeared quickly. She went to her bed after turning the tv and house lights off. As she laid in her bed in the room next to Grannie’s she could hear voices then a rhythmic squeaking of Grannie’ bed and some moans and groans. Her fingers went to her crotch and it was wet so she used it to rub her clit. There was more talking and the bedroom door opened and a figure went past her open one. A car started and drove away. She fell asleep.

At breakfast the next morning she didn’t mention what she had heard but Grannie knew better. “I’ve heard people fucking in your bed so I know you could hear what happened in mine. That is what you can do with boyfriends and I need it, as I told you. I have between two and four dates a week and it isn’t always him. I was with one man for almost forty years and I’m not going to stick with just one now. I keep my freedom that way.”

Hermie was digesting a lot. “But isn’t it a sin?” she asked.

“The church I grew up in and that you mother still takes you too said it was unless you are married to that man. I sinned a few times before I met your grandfather at a barn dance and even a few times while I was sinning with him. It felt real natural and God didn’t strike me dead. A dozen years ago we found a church that focused on love more than sin and our souls felt a lot better. Let’s get some coffee and go out on the back porch. I have more to say.”

They settled into some comfortable chairs and Hermie was all ears. These were horizons she didn’t even know existed and her parents might not either since they hadn’t spent any significant time with Grannie since her “conversion”.

Grannie continued, “After I mourned my loss for a while the horns that he had sprouted in me came back. I realized how lonely one who had lost the companionship of their spouse, especially out here with such a widespread population, could get. I decided to seek out men in my situation and make friends and lovers out of them, sort of a spiritual mission in many ways. I set a lower age of 55. It has worked well and at any given time I have had two or three lovers which works well. I may have their company once to thrice a week and sometimes two in the same day on weekends. Any questions?”

Hermie mulled over this astonishing news. Her religious background did not address anything like this so she wanted to learn more about what made such interesting sexual behavior acceptable. She replied, “I’m sure I will after I think about it a while.”

Grannie asked, “Are you a virgin?”

“Almost. I did it once two year ago and it hurt and wasn’t fun so not again.”

“Tell me about that partner.”

“He was a boy my age and a virgin too. I was just curious, I guess.”

Grannie took her hand and smiled, “My first was an older guy and, although it was brief, he knew what he was doing and I liked it enough to let him in a half-dozen times. Would you like to try it again with an experienced older man?”

“I’ll have to add that to my things to think about but won’t refuse it offhand, Grannie.”

There was another date the next night but Tom was coming for dinner and sex Grannie told her. They met him at the door naked and he stripped right away. Hermie go to see her first live naked male body. Her first and only fuck had been pants down in a dark place. This was a trim and muscular farmer sixty years old. His uncircumcised maleness stood out from a bush of still dark hair and swelled when he saw the naked teen. After introductions Grannie supplied drinks, serving Hermie a glass of the red wine Tom had brought “because it was healthy”. She was having some herself. The glass dining table let Hermie get glances of the interesting lower part of his body.

More wine as they went out to the back porch in the waning sunlight. Neither senior made any effort to hide their genitals from the youngster whose eyes were obviously drawn to them. Hermie’s imagination was working overtime to visualize them put together. When Tom went inside to get himself another drink, Grannie said, “I’ll leave the bedroom door ajar and a bedside lamp on so you can peek if you want to.” A short while later Grannie had to pee and squatted next to a bush in the yard just like she had done further out. She then got a watering can and soaked the area saying, “It is excellent fertilizer but needs to be diluted. Tom got up to drain his bladder and Grannie quickly ordered Hermie to aim it for him. She was startled but jumped up to touch her first cock, something she hadn’t done with the one who fucked her. Damn, it was cool! It even started to fill as its stream dwindled and she took her hand back in surprise. He wished she hadn’t and said so, so she held it as it swelled up. He finally broke it off and told Grannie they’d better retire. Grannie winked at her granddaughter as they left. Hermie got the watering can.

The noises were in full swing as she went inside and she peeked in, of course. The foot of the bed faced the door so, with no covers over them, she saw Grannie’s spread legs with knees up and Tom’s hairy buns pumping away. She could see the sides and bottom of Grannie’s stretched vagina when Tom pulled out and his hairy balls didn’t block the view of his shaft stretching it. From the noises, her Grannie loved the feelings it was making. She couldn’t see anything else but then he groaned and his cock was streaked with a whitish stuff on the outstrokes. That must be the “cum” or semen that makes babies she’d read about. Her finger was getting her off in the lubrication her pussy was producing. She left to go to her room and do it some more.

She was awakened in the night by more fucking sounds. She didn’t know older men could do it more than once a night. Peeking in there was just moonlight streaming in the window but she saw Grannie on top, doing the bouncing up and down it took to get “off”. She sure had a lot to learn but this seemed to be the place to learn it.

Tom stayed for breakfast and she peeked through the glass table to see these parts that had been together. She thought of Glenn doing the same things to that pussy just the night before and it made her pussy dampen.

There was a perfect day at the farm and they even went for a walk in the woods to collect blackberries which would be great with cereal and ice cream, naked of course. As they arrived back at the house the UPS man was delivering a signature-required envelope. Grannie just signed for it as expected. He was grinning, surveying a visual treat for the day. Too young for Grannie to fuck even though he didn’t have a ring.

She had arranged for her third current boyfriend to be there that night and he would grille some steaks. She had bought some Shiner Bock beer recently which would go with the western theme of the meal. There were cowboy hats for all to wear.

In the afternoon Grannie suggested that they do some tanning since Hermie was pale as a ghost still. Some sunscreen not too strong would let it happen without burning. Grannie also suggested trimming her unruly pubic hair to make it more attractive and easier for a man who wanted to do oral down there. Hermie had to ask, “When will that happen?”

“As soon as you want to my dear. All of my men like dining at the ‘Y’ so just ask.”

Phil was the oldest at seventy but the most charming. He laid it on Hermie at Grannie’s suggestion. She couldn’t help but respond, being horny as hell by this time. Her almost-virginity seemed like an impairment after what she had seen and she was ready to learn more about this very important facet of life. The age of her teachers would be an asset, her grandmother had said. How could she let him know? Would anything he did with her take away from what Grannie expected?

Helpful Grannie made it easier, inviting her to their bed and positioning them supine next to each other. Phil began with his mouth pleasuring each of them in equal turns by being on his hands and knees, cock and balls hanging down first soft and filling, as he began at their necks, moved to their breasts, belly buttons and finally at their most sensitive places. Both made pleasure noises to let him know it was appreciated. He slid into Grannie’s familiar place as Hermie watched with her head propped by a pillow until she said softly, “I’m ready”.

He gently and carefully entered, seeing that she was well lubricated. It was Grannies turn to watch and she squeezed her granddaughter’s hand. He expertly and pleasurable gradually moved until their pubes got acquainted and she said, “Yes! More!”. His strokes were soon matched by her hip thrusts as she had seen Grannie do and her clit got thrilled by the pressure from his body to accentuate the delightful friction in her sensitive tissues. He was long-lasting and she finally had to croak, breathlessly. “No more.” Neither had cum yet. He gently pulled out and sank his rod into a waiting Grannie and they came to a joint finale as Hermie hugged both of them. They slept.

Hermie found his morning wood and this time they both got off, thus completing her second loss of virginity. She held his wilted pecker at the toilet and he wiped her double-drained pussy. Breakfast was quick and she took him back for a different position, riding him like she’d seen Grannie do Tom and enjoying it a lot.

She was concerned that Grannie wouldn’t get satisfied if she was draining these older men. When she mentioned it Grannie smiled, “We’ll find you at least one of your own as you get more used to it. For right now it’s a bit of a thrill to see and feel you in action. My men would feel cheated if they didn’t have a chance to do both of us. Don’t worry about me. We’ll take turns like we did with Tom. I bet they will want to be here more often too!”

Sure enough, there was at least one every night plus one extra on Saturday and Sunday afternoons too. Hermie was having the best learning experience of her life. Fortunately these three had vasectomies. She’d need a visit to the women’s clinic before going after a new one.

Grannie got a call from one of her “graduates”. After about six months she would wean a man she’d brough back into sexual functioning and/or happiness to find another lover so she could do what she got the most spiritual satisfaction from, getting them going in bed again. Roger was depressed. The woman he’d found to replace Grannie had gone back to her estranged husband and he was striking out. What could she do?

She invited him out for dinner the next night when Glenn had been invited for the night. Roger was initially dismayed to see a nude man there as he was asked to take off his cloths as he had done in the past. He knew Grannie was screwing others when she was doing him but it had always been out of sight. Was this a new angle? It was a bit intriguing but he’d prefer to have her to himself for a reconnection first.

Then he saw Hermie and she was introduced as his “date” for dinner. He accompanied her out to put the chickens away and get acquainted a bit. She wanted to know how it had been in his just-terminated relationship; what was good and what was not both sexually and non. Kind of like a therapist and he wondered if that was all that was going to happen.

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