Virtual Reality Anonymous Sex System - Cover

Virtual Reality Anonymous Sex System

Copyright© 2020 by El Kabong

Launch Party

Science Fiction Sex Story: Launch Party - Being stuck at home during this viral pandemic sucks! Fortunately Kyle stumbles onto a web site that promises total anonymity if you don't mind offering your body to others as a virtual reality sex doll. Being a sex doll has perks, especially as the technology improves and makes it even more realistic!

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Science Fiction   Aliens   Body Swap   Incest   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

A couple of weeks after the last session, I received a message, “We have invited you to attend our pre-launch party, exclusively for our beta testers. You can join the party now, or anytime in the next 24 hours.”

A virtual reality launch party? That sounds interesting. Maybe I can meet some people behind the company and see some of their technology. Of course, it was probably a more private tour, as they couldn’t risk exposing the identities of their users.

The whole situation with Beth had really got me thinking about the implications if my identity were to get out.

Surely they would classify me as a sexual offender, even if I didn’t physically touch anybody. They would drag my family name through the mud, and I would probably face jail time.

They’ve obviously got access to some pretty cool stuff, so I clicked the YES button, and a few seconds later, a pair of goggles and a mat appeared on my bed.

I wanted to see what the mat did, so I turned my computer webcam into the area where I would put the mat down and set it to record to an external USB hard drive.

I unrolled the mat on the floor, and grabbed the goggles and wondered, am I supposed to be naked or wear clothes for this party? Finally I realized, my body is going into a sex doll, they don’t have clothes, so I might as well be naked, so I stripped off, started the computer to recording, lay down on the mat and donned the now familiar goggles.

Within seconds, I felt myself getting weightless as I now relished the feeling of my consciousness transferring to a sex doll.

I awoke in what looked like a doctor’s office. It wasn’t a big office, pretty much just the examination bed type table I was on, with a desk and chair, a computer with six monitors and a set of VR goggles. There was also a box of tissues and some moist wipes.

I sat up and looked around. There was a desk with a computer and a monitor that had the VRASS logo on it and a full-length mirror on the wall. A quick glance showed the doll had my body type, sans any hair except on my head, but my face looked just like me.

Within moments, a hot looking ebony beauty came into my room.

I’d guess she was in her 20s, maybe 5’ tall with her hair in cornrows and she had firm looking B-cup breasts, with puffy extended nipples with dark areola and even darker nipples. She had a dark landing strip above her bare pussy with dark meaty looking labia between her legs.

“Hello Kyle, my name is Nia and I’m your handler.”

I asked, “What’s a handler?”

Whoa! I can talk! That’s new! Although it’s probably something they turn off during the sessions, just so you don’t accidentally say something that could compromise your identity or the system.

Nia explained, “As your handler, I oversaw your sessions, fixed some minor issues in real-time and made some temporary changes to the program, then sent my report to R&D. Today, I’m here as your escort since there is no unsupervised access to the facility.”

“So, are you virtual or real?”

She laughed. “I’m real, but in a virtual body, just like you. Everyone that works here is virtual, except for the owners and the guys that keep the servers running, but I’ve never actually seen them. The pleasant thing about this location is there are few restrictions, which allow you to talk and walk, and do things without being commanded to. We’re just naked, because we’re virtual, and since our jobs revolve around sex, we often masturbate while we are watching the sessions, so just like you, we’re at home naked as well.”

“Wait, so you’ve gotten to watch my sessions?”

“They monitored the system during the beta test phase, and since I was your handler, it was my pleasure to watch your sessions from your point of view. You gave me a lot of very good orgasms. Especially watching you with your stepsister. It was so taboo when you had her face in your session and then she had your face in her session. We hadn’t planned for her to become a tester, but she was a prime candidate to collect data from.”

Then, after a second, she laughed. “Did she ever confront you after you fucked her in the ass with no warning? That was hilarious by the way, I actually fell off my chair laughing when you did that!”

I laughed, “Yes, she told me about it.”

“So you’re probably having actual sex now rather than virtual reality, which is why you’ve been choosing other partners?”

“Yes, we’ve become fuck buddies since then. Not frequently, but now and then we get together. But the reason I’ve chosen other girls is simply because I can!”

“Actually, versus some of the other testers, you’ve had the most variety. You’ve tried MILFs, older women, peers and even a minor. Even though the minor was accidental and I totally think you should do another session with her. When I was her age, I had so many questions and concerns ... I would have loved to experiment and learn about sex in a safe environment that I controlled.”

“I never looked at it that way, the only reason I didn’t abort the session, was because girls at that age are very self-conscious and I figured abandoning her could damage her psyche.”

“Exactly! I could tell you were about to abort, but I was very proud of you when you stayed, even though I didn’t know the reason, but now that I know why ... that makes me absolutely wet!”

Sure, Nia was gorgeous, but my mind hadn’t been on sex until she said that; my cock instantly stirred to life as she just smiled.

Then with a mischievous grin she stood up, leaving a very visible wet spot on the chair. “See?”

My cock continued to get harder as I licked my lips.

“That’s another thing I really liked about being your handler. You seem to appreciate each pussy like it’s a piece of art and love to eat them, even after you’ve cum in it. Few guys do that! I loved watching from your perspective, because I got lots of good closeup views of pussies. I will admit, I am bi and I also love eating pussy.”

“Want me to eat yours?”

“I was hoping you would ask. They instructed us not to proposition our charges.”

As she approached me and gave me a kiss, she pushed me to lie down and then climbed on the bed in a 69 position, but she didn’t give a command.

I brought my hands around to grasp her tight little ass and spread her cheeks apart, then used my fingers to pull her nether lips apart. She had such a meaty pussy as I spread her lips apart to expose her opening. Her outer labia were probably close to an inch long and very dark on the outer edges, transitioning quickly to a bright pink inside.

She was indeed soaked with anticipation as I watched her vaginal opening contract, oozing her sexual juices, which I gladly lapped up. As I licked that huge slit, I noticed her clitoris grew quite large as well. It never protruded or anything, but it seemed to swell.

All the while, I was licking, and she was giving me a blowjob, she had no problems getting me to the point of no return, and just as I started her orgasm, my cock spewed its salty load into her mouth, which she swallowed greedily.

In our post-coital blush, we both licked our lips as she climbed off me. “Mmm, you did not disappoint!”

“Nor did you! You have a very sweet pussy and yes, it was very wet!”

She flashed a wanton smile. “You’re going to have to fuck me later, but we should get on with your tour.”

We exited her office and walked down the hall. It felt weird because there were no windows and just a slight hum in the background. Possibly the ventilation system?

I wonder if they’ve built this super secret facility underground? It certainly would help from the security aspect.

At the end of the hallway, she guided me into a room off to the left. This room overlooked what had to be the server floor, as there were rows upon rows of computer racks and networking cables. It had one of those raised floors. Where one tile was partially removed, you could see a mass of cables and conduits running under the floor.

As Nia leaned over the railing to look down towards the server floor, her ass just looked so inviting as I grabbed my still hard cock and slipped it up between her legs.

Nia moaned as she reached down between her legs and guided my cock into her.

I was slowly fucking her in that position when a tiny Asian girl came out on the walkway. I say tiny, because she was probably only about 4’6” and I seriously doubt she was even 80 lbs. She had perky little A-cup tits and a tight-looking ass.

She stopped right beside us and smiled. “I thought we weren’t supposed to proposition our charges?”

Nia just moaned, “Actually Runa, this is all him. I was just leaning on the railing!”

Runa mimicked the same position, except she stood on the bottom rail, which brought her ass up to the top rail height.

“You mean something like this?”

Nia probably felt my cock a twitch as I stared at Runa’s tight Asian ass bent over the top rail. She looked over her shoulder at me and nodded toward the other girl.

I pulled out of Nia and moved behind Runa and slipped inside her already wet pussy.

“Oh wow! I see what you mean. His cock just slips in whatever pussy is wet and waiting. I like it!”

I fucked her over the railing for a few minutes until she came and just about fell over the railing.

Nia caught and steadied her as I pulled out, leaving the girl standing on shaky legs.

“Wow!,” was all she said, as Nia resumed her position leaning on the railing and I slipped my cock back inside her meaty pussy.

Runa dropped to her knees and began licking our union as she massaged my balls. The touch of her hands and tongue drove me over the edge as I began flooding Nia’s pussy with cum.

As I withdrew, Runa gave my cock a quick cleaning with her tongue and then began licking my cum out of Nia.

Once that was over, we all visited the nearby washrooms and cleaned up before continuing on with my tour.

They led me down another hallway, which bordered an even larger server room. It was akin to a small warehouse in size, with row upon row upon row of computer racks.

At the very end of the hallway, they turned right, following the server warehouse and about halfway down the hallway was a set of stairs that rose to a mezzanine level, but the view out over the server floor was glass, making the room quiet.

The room was half-moon shaped and had doors to 3 offices, each with a window to the reception area, except the windows appeared tinted or reflective, even so you couldn’t see into the offices.

Nia said, “These are the offices of the owners of the service. You will meet with each of them and they will get together and compare notes. Think of it as a sort of interview.”

“An interview for what?”

“The next phase of the service, but before you ask, no, even we do not know what is coming next. I know they will launch the service publicly, but I don’t think the interview has to do with that.”

My curiosity was in full overdrive right now as I thought about what the next step for a service like this would be.

Nia led me to the first door, knocked, and then the door slid open as Nia gestured for me to enter.

The door slid shut behind me, but Nia was still outside.

A sultry voice resonated in the room, “Welcome, Kyle! Come in and sit down, I’ll be with you in a moment.”

Wow! She had a voice like a siren. My cock was immediately hard, and I felt compelled to do exactly as she instructed. I think I am still in control of my body, but I’m not 100% sure?

I walked into the dark office toward a light, which illuminated a chair. I could make out a desk with a shadow behind it, but I couldn’t see who was talking to me.

I sat down and the person turned their chair around and each of my sessions showed up on the wall behind them, including what I did with Nia and Runa, but were playing in fast forward. Then they ended and, in the darkness, the person turned around again.

“You’ve certainly played the field ... older, younger, family, friends and even strangers. You’ve had the most diverse sessions of all our test subjects. All of your sessions provided valuable data.”

“Valuable data?”

“Yes, the service we will sell is not what you have been testing. We were using virtual reality to capture what was running through your mind and using the dolls to capture what was going through the minds of the people you interacted with. The product we will sell is simply the autonomous sex simulation, no virtual reality. They will order a session, and we will give them the sex doll, except they won’t be connecting to another person, their partner will be 100% autonomous.”

It bummed me out at hearing that, “So the system I’ve been using is going away?”

“Actually, no it isn’t. We still need people to continue capturing data, the more data we collect the more realistic we can make the sex dolls. Going forward, you can still continue to interact with people you know, but we may ask you for requests. Would you be willing to do requests?”

“Do I get to know what the request is before I do it?”

“We would never force you to do something you don’t want to do, that would corrupt the data. However, some requests might be questionable.” She said as my body tingled, as if it was being touched.

“Define questionable?,” I asked shakily as my cock felt like it was being milked or even fucked, even though I could see no one around me, and could feel no other touches on my body.

“I can’t know what future requests might include. We may receive requests for something we don’t have enough data for and we would need someone to collect that data for us. Our customer base is a lot broader than you may think.”

“As long as I get a say in it, sure I’ll try to keep an open mind.”

She whispered, “Good! You’ve told me what I want to know. Thank you for your service.”

Her voice sounding like it was right beside my ear. I thought I could even feel her breath as my cock spontaneously started squirting, but my cum wasn’t squirting on me. It was being absorbed by something or someone.

Then there was nothing, just the sound of the door opening. I still never got to see who I was talking to. Her voice was beautiful and enchanting, but she was still anonymous to me. All I know is her voice brought me to full orgasm without so much as a visible touch.

I went outside the office, but was disappointed to find that Nia and Runa nowhere to be seen.

The next door opened, and a voice said, “Come in, Kyle.”

I entered the next room. It was dark, like the last room, but there was no chair.

“Come into the light, please.”

Her voice was distinct, but had the same effect as the last voice. My cock remained hard and I’m not sure I am 100% in control of my body.

“Welcome Kyle, you impressed my partner, and your sessions impressed me. You said you will keep an open mind, let’s see how open-minded you are.”

A gigantic warrior woman stepped into the light. Obviously not human. She had tan skin, long green hair, three large breasts and 4 arms. With powerful looking legs, which made for a terrific-looking ass. The light blue skirt and a blue tank top did not hide her body very well. Despite her nearly 8 foot height, she was quite attractive.

“Good! My appearance does not repulse you. So would you like to experience a new sexual situation ... something a little out of ordinary?”

I think she just asked if I would have sex with her? “Um sure! Why not!”

“Good,” she said as she moved closer to me, “I would like you to fuck my slave.”

At the word slave, my train of thought went totally off the rails. So I’m not having sex with the owner.

Another light came on and a female, I guess devil would be the best description, was bound and suspended. She had long black hair with red horns, red skin, and orange eyes. Her legs were like a goat’s, complete with hooves instead of feet, and a leathery-looking tail ending at her tailbone, accenting her firm looking ass and hairless slit exposed between her spread legs. She had large breasts, D or possibly DD-cup, topped with large dark nipples.

I couldn’t see how she was suspended, but she definitely wasn’t touching the floor.

The owner wrapped two of her arms around me and guided me over to her slave.

“I think this one’s reproductive system might be compatible with yours, so I want you to breed her. Play with her breasts, ass and pussy, just make sure you cum in her pussy.

Just watch out, she has a tendency to bite. Her tail is harmless, but she uses it when mating; I think it might be an erogenous organ for them. She is still fairly new to me, so I haven’t figured out all of her nuances. Go ahead, give her a good fucking!”

The devil woman watched me with unblinking attention. She looked fairly harmless and exquisite for a red-skinned alien.

The suspension system had to do with these glowing straps around her. The straps were just below her breasts, around her waist like a belt, then around the knees, ankles, elbows and wrists, there was also a strap around her forehead. It was like she was weightless. You could easily move her up and down or even rotate her.

Her skin felt smooth and flawless, she was hot; not just looking, but hot in temperature as well, probably normal for her species, but it was like she had an all-over fever.

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