Virtual Reality Anonymous Sex System - Cover

Virtual Reality Anonymous Sex System

Copyright© 2020 by El Kabong

Beth R

Science Fiction Sex Story: Beth R - Being stuck at home during this viral pandemic sucks! Fortunately Kyle stumbles onto a web site that promises total anonymity if you don't mind offering your body to others as a virtual reality sex doll. Being a sex doll has perks, especially as the technology improves and makes it even more realistic!

Caution: This Science Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Consensual   Heterosexual   Fiction   School   Science Fiction   Aliens   Body Swap   Incest   Interracial   Black Female   White Male   Oriental Female   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Fisting   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Squirting   Big Breasts   Small Breasts  

It was nearly a month until I found the site again. It was a Wednesday afternoon, and I found the website during one break when we weren’t online.

Woo hoo, it’s still in beta test! Surely they must be close to launching the service?

There was one video class left for the day, so I planned to send the invite to Beth during class, hoping to witness her reaction.

I put the goggles on, selected Beth and got it to the point all I had to do was hit the SEND INVITE button.

Once the class got reconnected, the teacher started the lesson and had us referencing pages in our textbooks. Near the end of the class, while the teacher was droning on, I zoomed in to Beth’s webcam, stood up from my desk for a minute, put on the goggles and sent the invite. Then quickly removed the goggles and then sat back down. It was not uncommon for people to get up and go off camera during a class, so hopefully that looked pretty casual.

Beth looked off to her left for what was probably about 30 seconds, then smiled and turned back to the class.

I glanced at my phone, which showed INVITE READ, followed by WAIT.

I’m not sure how successful I was at trying to not smile, so as not to implicate myself, but my attention returned to the teacher just in time for him to explain the assignments that were in our online folders and due on Monday.

Once the class was over and we were all disconnected, I noticed there was a rolled up mat on my bed where the goggles were. I didn’t see it before, so it must have just appeared. There was a note on it that instructed me to unroll the mat on the floor and lie on it.

Hmm, must be another upgrade, I wonder what it does?


I looked at my phone and it said INVITE ACCEPTED, so I unrolled the 6’ round mat on the floor. It was white with a blue line around the edge. That would work for my room, but I wasn’t sure how practical that would be for most rooms. Then I realized it was about the size of my bed, so I could’ve put the mat on top of the bed.

I quickly lay on top of the mat, which felt comfortable, and put on the goggles. Good thing my room had thick carpet and underlay.

The mat was so comfortable that it felt like I was floating as my consciousness transferred to the sex doll.

The view lightened and blurred, so I prepared for the inevitable blinking of my eyes as I emerged from the pitch black of nothingness during transference.

As I awoke in the sex doll, I was in Beth’s room and lying on her bed.

I looked around, but Beth was nowhere nearby. Her room smelled good ... kind of like vanilla.

Hey, I could look around! It was then that I noticed I had far more muscle movement than I had before. I could actually lift my upper torso off the bed and into a sitting position, I could also turn my head and move my arms and hands.

She must have just came out of the shower as she appeared in the washroom doorway, wearing a towel around her head and one wrapped around her body. My cock was immediately at attention, seeing the busty girl wearing nothing but a fluffy pink towel around her body and another one wrapped around her head.

“Wow! When they said lifelike, they really mean lifelike!” As she moved to the bed and then scooted on her knees until she could straddle my legs, still wearing the towels.

I moved my hands to rest on her bare hips as I could feel the heat of her pussy near my cock.

“Mmm this is awesome Kyle, thanks for sending me this!”

My erection died immediately! How did she know it was me? It was anonymous! Did my facial expressions give it away in the video classroom?

I’m toast! She’s probably going to use whatever happens here to shame me publicly and warn the other girls in my class. Or worse, maybe she’ll try to sue me and drag my family name through the mud.

If I don’t end up in prison, dad will disown me; I’ll never again to set foot in this city after graduation.

I seriously felt like I was going to vomit! I was contemplating taking the goggles off and let the chips fall where they may, but then thought if I’m going to get shot down, I can at least wait until I can see her beautiful nude body and bountiful breasts.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t pull her closer to my body to get her pussy in contact with my cock, but I could grab her ass and give it a squeeze. She then moved her body closer next to mine.

She reached down between us and moved my cock, so it was resting against her split. “Kyle, have you been dreaming about my naked body?”

I nodded yes, and the view looked like the sex doll may have nodded as well. Chalk that point up to enhanced motor skills!

“Have you been dreaming about getting your cock inside of my little pussy?”

Again, I nodded yes and I could definitely feel the heat of her pussy as she gyrated her hips a bit. I could also feel the wetness of her pussy on my cock, as I tried to move even the slightest bit to get my cock closer to her sex.

With a big smile, “Someone is horny!,” as she reached down between us again and grabbed my cock, “I’m not sure this will fit in my tight little hole.”

She then moved it so it pressed against her wet slit as she rocked her hips back and forth a bit.

Wow, did it feel good, if it’s going to be the end of my life, this is a hell of a way to go! My cock slick from the juices of the most popular girl in school.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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