Revenge Is Best In Thirds - Cover

Revenge Is Best In Thirds

Copyright© 2020 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

BDSM Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Harrassed and humiliated in high school, he waits for his chance to get even with the girls who treated him so cruelly back then. Finally, after 5 long years, his day of retribution comes and he can put his plans into action...

Caution: This BDSM Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   NonConsensual   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   BDSM   DomSub   Spanking   Harem   Oral Sex   Revenge  

I’ll admit, I wasn’t the most popular guy when in high school. I kinda stayed to myself and wasn’t very outgoing or social. Basically my attentions were just focused on getting through school and getting it over with and the quicker the better! However early in my high school days I made a fatal error – I asked a girl to the freshman dance!

The freshman dance was a way of introducing the new high school students to the school and to each other, “breaking the ice” so to speak, and making us all feel like one big, happy family. At least that was the school’s idea, anyway. In reality, it didn’t turn out that way. You see in my school, as in most schools, there were rungs in the social ladder, and I would quickly find out that I wasn’t in any danger of developing a fear of heights!

The girl I asked to the dance, I would find out, was one of the school cheerleaders and therefore way out of my league. She had told a couple of her fellow cheerleaders of my pitiful attempt at asking her to the dance and they found great sport in it. From that day till the end of school these three girls made my life at school a living hell – picking on me, getting me in trouble with their jock friends, and making fun of me at every opportunity. It got so bad that I quit high school in my junior year and eventually finished getting my G.E.D at night school later on.

I swore one day I would have my revenge. I waited patiently, and after 5 years I had what I needed to exact my vengeance. I had taken great pains to keep in touch, in the shadows mind you, with the three girls who had tormented me so. And finally I had what I needed to begin my retribution.

Krystal, the girl I originally asked to that dance, was an attractive blonde haired woman, now 23 years old married to a man whose family was fairly wealthy. She lived on the nicer side of town in a very nice house and was enjoying the benefits that money could bring.

Diane, a raven-haired, 22 year old woman, was living her dream as well, as one of our city’s school teachers. She had always wanted to be a teacher even back in school when she volunteered to tutor fellow students who were having troubles in class. Unmarried as of yet, she did have a steady boyfriend but neither was in a hurry to make it more permanent at the moment.

Finally, there was Terri, an blonde-streaked brunette, 23 years old and a few months older than Krystal, who had found her dream job as a legal intern and was working on getting her degree to become a lawyer. She, too, was unmarried, devoting her time in her schoolwork.

All three women had made the mistake of staying in the same town, making my job of surveillance all the easier. Using some of my contacts (a few of which were less than scrupulous) I was able to dig up enough dirt on each of them to put my plans into action.

Fortune smiled on me when I learned that our 5 year class reunion was being planned. A few days later the three former cheerleaders received their invitations to the reunion. These popular girls couldn’t wait to see everyone again and brag just how damn nice their lives were. I could just picture them calling each other and chatting and giggling about what they would wear and who they wanted to see. I’m sure they were all very excited about renewing old friendships. Yeah it was going to be a hell of a party!

But when the three girls showed up at the “reunion” all they found was me, rope, and duct tape. There was a reunion all right, but it was clear across town. I had sent those three pompous troublemakers fake invitations sending them to the wrong place and right into my clutches! What made it even more fun is that all three women arrived separately; Terri first, then Diane, and lastly Krystal. The looks of each of the girls was priceless, especially Diane and Krystal who saw their friends trussed up already!

I did have fun surprising them, taping their catty, spiteful, malicious mouths shut and binding them so they couldn’t move. I didn’t want to hurt them, not yet at least. I wanted to tell them why they had suddenly found themselves captives and why I was doing all this.

“There now. I finally have all three of you lovely ladies right where I want you. I can see by the shocked look on your pathetic faces that you have no idea what is going on. Well, let me explain...”

“When I was a freshman I asked you, Krystal, to go to the freshman dance. It was an innocent thing, I just thought you were pretty and I wanted to see if you would like to go with me. But rather than simply turning me down and being done with it, you used my innocent gesture as a joke and a means to torment me for the remainder of my days in high school. It was your relentless teasing and sending your jock friends after me that made me quit high school, thus depriving me of getting a real diploma, I had to settle for a G.E.D. by going to night school. Well, now the time has come for paybacks and pay you will!

“I have, over the past five years, kept tabs on you and your wonderful lives. And I know a lot about each one of you. For example, Krystal, I know that you are now married to a fairly well-off man and that you have quite the social life with all your money and fancy trappings. But I wonder what hubby would think if he found out that while he was busy working to support your fancy lifestyle, you were busy fucking around with anyone who could satisfy your rather unique sexual appetites! I wonder what he would think of his princess, if he knew she liked gangbangs with black men and that she hung out on the south side bars trolling for willing black studs to service her? I’ll bet he would find that very interesting, huh!

“And then there’s Diane, our model school teacher. Your past isn’t as squeaky clean as you would have everyone believe, either. What do you think the school board would say about one of their teachers if they found out she worked as a common street whore? Yeah, I think they may reconsider allowing you to teach our schoolchildren once they learned that you were a prostitute in another state! They kinda frown on that sort of behavior from their teachers, I understand.

“And let’s not forget Terri, our legal intern, I think the bar would be quite interested to learn of your past career as a drug dealer. What was it again, cocaine, meth, and crack? Yeah, I think they’d be real concerned about you practicing law with a past like that. And I’m sure the police would have some questions, too. After all, everyone knows that drug habits lead to burglaries, robberies, and shoplifting!” I said.

Each of the girls sat there with their mouths taped shut and their eye wide as dinner plates as I told their deep dark secrets. They looked at each other as well – apparently each one was hiding their skeletons from the other two also! I had to laugh as I saw their reactions to me and to each other.

“Now just in case any of you care to deny my accusations, let me assure you I have done all my homework and I have documentation to prove everything right here in this envelopes,” I said, showing them three large manila envelopes with their names on them. “I have back-up copies safely tucked away too, so if anything should happen to these, well...

“I’m sure you are wondering where all this is leading ... what is it I want for my silence. Well my dears, the answer is not as simple as that. You see, I don’t want your money. I have no need for that and besides, at least for you Krystal, that would be letting you off too easy. No, I want you three to feel a little of what I felt all those times you berated, belittled, and harassed me. I want you to feel what it was like to be me and have to live with the constant humiliation and shame that drove me from school back then.

“To that end, the three of you are going to be mine to do with as I see fit anytime, and in any way I choose. That may mean sexually, after all you are all three still very attractive and I’m sure you would do your best to please me. Or it could mean something else. Frankly, having three such desirable women at my beck and call raises all sorts of possibilities! I do travel some for my own work, and on occasion I find a traveling companion helps to make the trip more enjoyable. So the three of you should keep yourselves available from now on as I never know when I might need one of you.

“Oh, and a word of warning; I don’t go by my old name Peter Nichols anymore. So sending one of your friends over to visit me won’t get you anywhere. And you probably shouldn’t plan on taking any sudden trips, either ... I do have eyes here in town as you can plainly see now, and if one of you should suddenly have a “family emergency”, well, it just wouldn’t be a good thing for either of us!” I said.

I let the three of them sit there and think about what I had said for a bit. I knew that they weren’t going anywhere, the way I had tied them up, all they could do was sit there on the floor looking at each other. Besides, I wasn’t foolish enough to leave the room entirely; had they tried to maneuver around to untie each other, I would have quickly put a stop to it.

After a bit, I walked over to where Krystal sat. I removed the duct tape and stood her up. “W-what are you going to do?” she asked.

“Well it seems a shame to have three such lovely creatures to myself without at least seeing what it is I have to work with, doesn’t it? I mean You are pretty packages, but I didn’t bring you here just to look at!” I said grinning.

“Oh no! Please! Not that!” she gasped.

“Yes, I’m afraid so. Now I am going to untie you and you are going to strip out of your clothes until I tell you to stop. And be quick about it, you have two other playmates that want to show what they offer as well!” I said. I untied Krystal and she slowly stripped out of her clothes, looking at me with each article of clothing, hoping I would tell her that was enough. However, I didn’t tell her to stop and as she removed her final shred of privacy, her panties, I had her hand them to me.

I had her gather up the rest of her clothes, minus the panties I kept, and put them in a pile over in a corner of the room. Then I told her to sit, naked, on one of the wooden chairs I had put in the room for each of them. Next, it was Diane’s turn and I did the same to her. She was a bit faster, but she, too, hesitated when it came down to her panties, thinking for some reason I would be easier on her. I wasn’t and she finally handed me her panties after she removed them. She put her clothes next to Krystal’s and took her chair.

Lastly, it was time for Terri to show her attributes. After untying her she removed her clothes without asking, knowing now that she had little choice. She stripped down to her panties and then removed them and handed them to me, walking over and sitting in her chair without direction from me.

“Very good. I’m very pleased to see that all my high school fantasies of what you girls looked like under those tight sweaters and short skirts wasn’t too far off. I must compliment you three for still looking just as hot as I remember!” I said. And I smiled as I saw all three of them blush at my words. Even though they were naked against their will in front of me, I could see that my approval was well received and appreciated.

I walked over to Krystal and stood her up, pulling her chair out in front of her co-captives. Then I had her kneel on the seat, facing backwards on the chair and looking at the other two. I went over and picked up a wooden paddle I had brought with me but put out of sight until now. Krystal’s eyes got wide when she saw the paddle.

OH NO! What are you going to do with THAT!” she said, panic in her voice.

“Why I am going to paddle your ass my dear! You have been a very bad girl for a long time and it’s high time you paid for your teasing and tormenting me. This is only the start of what you will pay for the years of humiliation you put me through. You and your two cohorts here are all going to pay for ruining my life like you have,” I said.

“Please no! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry for the way I acted back then! I was just a stupid girl! Please you don’t have to do this! Oh please don’t spank me!” she pleaded. But her words fell of deaf ears. My mind was made up and I was going to exact my repayment, starting with her creamy pale ass! With my bare hand, I caressed her upturned backside, smiling as she flinched at first. Her ass was so smooth and silky, it seemed almost a shame to abuse such a fine ass like I was about to. But she needed to be taught a lesson and the first lesson was that she was no longer the one calling the shots!

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