Arkadia - Cover


Copyright© 2020 by SunSeeker

Chapter 24

“Good morning, Chef! Can you give me a DD coffee and a #2 breakfast please?”

“Good morning, DD. Here is your coffee and your #2 will be ready in 2 minutes 20 seconds.”

“Excellent, thank you. How is everything in Chef’s world today? Have you tried out a body yet?”

“Everything is great DD thanks for asking. I did try out a body and it was quite a remarkable experience! I didn’t believe that sex had so much of an effect on people until I felt it for myself! A great feeling though I think it will be only a special occasion thing for me.”

“It is good to hear you enjoyed the experience Chef. Ah, great I see my breakfast is ready. Thanks, Chef.”

We passed the time while traveling going over our return to Earth in a few days and what we wanted to get done before going on our “tour’.

We then started going over possible scenarios with the Elven but quickly realized that it was pointless to do so, and decided to just do whatever until we arrived at our destination.

I did some more sleep training on the Elven and had just finished another shower when I hear, “One hour until arrival at our destination Sire.”

“Thanks, Commander.”

Getting more info on the Elven via the sleep trainer didn’t seem to have bothered me any, I just hope I can remember things if or when I need to.

The girls were off somewhere so I headed for something to eat. With an orange juice and a #6 meal in hand I grabbed a seat at the table and dug in. Mmm mmm, that was delicious!

“10 minutes until arrival Sire.”

“Thank you, Commander. Sam, are you coming to the CIC?”

Sam walked into the suite at that moment, “Yes I am DD. 2-2 and 2-3 are on duty today and want to know if they should be visible and in their bodies when you meet the Elven.”

“Not at first Sam. Sorry 2-2, 2-3. I don’t want the Elven to wonder why I would need “Security Guards” with me when I’m on my own ship. They can be in their bodies with me later if they want to, depending on how things go.”

Sam and I head to the CIC and everyone is ready for our arrival.

“Sensors, I want a full system sweep immediately. Commander, have the 2 BC’s already here fall in on our flanks where our other 2 BC’s would normally be. Get a sitrep from them and position our group close to the area where the Elven are expected to arrive.”

“Yes Sire, the BC’s have nothing to report and we are moving into position.”

“Nothing on sensors Sire. The system is quiet.”

“Thanks, everyone. Commander, ensure all ships are refueled and go to minimum manning until 1 hour before the Elven arrive. At that time I want all ships cloaked, all stations manned and the weapons systems armed and on standby.”

“Yes, Sire. Ok everyone you heard Guardian Prime. Once your ship is fully fueled you can sit back and relax.”

Sam and I go back to our suite and I tell her I’m going to the gym for a workout. Of course, she and some off duty Security decide they want to go too. Oh boy...

We’re back in the suite relaxing when the Commander informs us the Elven should arrive in an hour. Sam has informed me I need to be in my Guardian Dress Uniform as Guardian Prime of Arkadia so there is no doubt that I am Guardian Prime. We enter the CIC and the Commander has some news.

“Sire, the Furst that are watching the Elven ship report that it is slowing down as they approach our solar system. They have not deviated from their path and will now arrive in 71 minutes from now.”

“Thanks, Commander. Is everyone ready? Are the OWPs ready?”

“Everyone is ready Sire.”

“Good, now we wait.”

I go through different scenarios in my head and try to see what information about the Elven pops up. Shit, there is no sense in over-thinking things. I guess we shall see what happens when it happens.

“Sire, the Elven are arriving.”

“Thank you, Commander. Open Comms so we can see and hear what goes on between them and the OWP. I don’t want them seeing or hearing us yet though.”

“Comms are open Sire.”

“Unidentified ship this is Guardian Orbital Weapons Platform 75. You have entered the Guardian Solar Systems, sovereign space of the Guardian Prime of Arkadia and the Guardian Solar Systems, and 1st of the Furst. Please state who you are and your reason for entering our solar system.”

A male elf right out of Earth’s storybooks appears on the screen in a green and brown uniform. He looks to be about 175cm tall, wiry body, long white hair, and long, pointed Elven ears. He has a haughty attitude when he says, “Orbital Weapons Platform 75, we are the Elven Queens ship and she is onboard. We are going to Arkadia to meet this new Guardian Prime of yours.”

“Thank you Elven ship. Though there has been no request from Elven to open Diplomatic Relations, Guardian Prime is aware of your pending arrival and has given us orders for when you arrived. Please remain at your current location and an Arkadian ship will arrive soon to escort you on the remainder of your trip to Arkadia.”

Whoever the elf male is he does not look impressed when the Elven Queen steps in front of him and starts ranting, “I am the Queen of Elven! Who the hell do you think you are to tell me what to do! I am going to see this supposed Guardian Prime and demand my rights as a member of the Guardian Council of Allied Planets.

According to the agreements I have the right to your technology and I want it! I also have my daughter, the 1st Princess, who shall take her rightful place as his Queen if I decide he is worthy of her.”

The Elven Queen is beautiful but damn what a harpy! Damn awesome looking body though! She pulled her daughter to her side when she mentioned her and the Princess rivals the Queen in both looks and body. The Princess did not look happy though.

The OWP did not respond to the Queen and this set her off even more. “Get this ship moving! It is taking forever to get to Arkadia and I am not going to sit here and wait for some lackey to come and escort me!”

“Ok Commander, I think I’ve heard enough. Uncloak the J&J only and join us into the Comms so I may speak with Queen B.”

“We are uncloaked and Comms are open for you Sire.”

“There is no need to move your ship anywhere Elven. Good morning, I am Guardian Prime of Arkadia and the Guardian Solar Systems, and 1st of the Furst. Since you could not be cordial enough to introduce yourself when hailed by OWP75, I will address you as I’ve heard you are known, Queen B. Ok? Good.”

Oooh, that raises as much a ruckus on the Elven ship as our suddenly appearing did as many voices start babbling in indignation. The Queen has a shocked look on her face and her mouth is imitating a fish gasping for air! The 1st Princess though appears to have a smirk on her face!

“If you will be quiet I will respond to your so-called demands. First off Queen B, as we both know there is no longer a Guardian Council of Allied Planets, nor any valid agreements. At least not since the Guardians and Arkadians all perished many, many Centa-Millenia ago.

Add in the fact that the Elven have not lived according to the basic GCAP Laws for many, many centuries, and all agreements are null and void, so your claim for access to Arkadia’s technology is not valid and is denied.

If the GCAP is reborn in the future, then new agreements can be made. I do welcome opening Diplomatic Relations with Elven at the present time though if you want the same.

And as far as marriage to your daughter the 1st Princess, while she is stunningly beautiful, I will not marry someone I do not know and love. Nor will I be forced by anyone to marry, or marry anyone that is being forced to marry me. Judging by the looks on the 1st Princess’s face, she is of the same mind as I am.

Princess, sorry but I do not know your name, I ask for you to honestly tell me your feelings regarding your Queen wanting us to marry. I have a feeling that there is already someone you want to marry.”

“Good morning Guardian Prime, I am called Princess S’uhaliya (soohaleeya). I would like to apologize for the rudeness displayed by the ship’s Kapitain and my mother the Queen, for not introducing themselves earlier when first contacted.

You are correct in that I agree with you and do not wish to marry you. There is someone else I am engaged to marry, though I wonder how you would know that.”

Well, that caused another shit storm! The Queen was yelling at the Princess and the Princess was standing there with a smirk on her face, and the Kapitain was yelling that no one needs to apologize for him! The Kapitain shut his yap after about 20 seconds but it didn’t look like the Queen was ever going to.


This stunned the Queen yet again and she stares at me with wide eyes and nostrils flaring. I was prepared for her to start ranting again so I just stare back at her. We stare at each other for what seems like minutes but are probably only seconds when the Queen bows her head slightly saying, “As you wish Sire” and makes a quick gesture with her hands.

WOAH! What the fuck? “Sam, did you see that? Quickly check out the video and look at the Queen’s hand gesture and tell me if she didn’t just make the Elven sign of Obeyance to me?”

“Yes, she did Sire. You need to decide quickly whether to accept it or not. I think it would be good for the long term if you did.”

“Are all 3 of you ok with what I’ll have to do if I accept? 2-2? 2-3?”

“All of us are ok with it Sire. We know what you need to do if you accept and you do NEED to accept her gesture. To reject her could cause serious problems between our races.”

“Queen B, I have been doing a lot of studying of Elven customs, history, laws, etc, and I know just happened and also what might happen. We will come back to this in a moment.

Princess S’uhaliya it is an honor. Excuse me for asking, but I see you glancing to your right frequently. Would that glance be to your fiancé?”

“The honor is mine Guardian Prime. And yes it is my fiancé I keep glancing to.”

“Sam, get ready to transport the Queen, Princess, and her fiancé to my Briefing Room. I am going to accept the Queen’s gesture of Obeyance and don’t want the Princess or her fiancé to freak out if we transport only the Queen.”

“We are ready when you are Sire.”

“Princess if you have no objections I would like to transport yourself, your fiancé, and the Queen to my ship where discussions with the Queen can continue.”

The Princess looks at her fiancé then at the Queen whose head was still slightly bowed before saying with a smirk, “I too know what happened and what might happen, so I have no objections Guardian Prime.”

“Ok, then I will see you all momentarily. Sam, come with me and transport them as soon as we are ready.”

The Briefing Room was just off the CIC and could be accessed from either the CIC or the corridor. It didn’t take us more than 15 seconds to get there and then Sam transports the 3 Elven aboard. All three have a look of surprise on their faces as they look around in wonder at their new location.

I step towards the Princess saying, “Hello Princess, it is a pleasure to meet you in person. Welcome to my Briefing Room aboard the Arkadian ship the John and Janine Sanderson, named after my parents, and nicknamed the J&J.

This lovely lady is Samantha, my Personal Assistant, right hand, and one of the loves in my life. Princess, will you please introduce us to your fiancé.”

Sam gives the Princess a curtsey and the Princess smiles saying “I am pleased to meet you Samantha and there is no need to curtsey to me. I hope we will meet often and become friends. This handsome man is my fiancé Lord G’eorgio.” I shake his hand and he gives Sam a slight bow.

The Queen has said nothing so far but I can tell she is ready to explode at being ignored. I look over at her and if looks could kill I’d be dead!

I continue looking at the Queen while addressing the Princess, “Princess, I hope you will not be alarmed by what I am about to do but rest assured I will only do it if the Queen wants it.”

“Guardian Prime, you said you studied us Elven and while I saw the gesture the Queen made, I did not know if you did, or if you would know what it meant. I thought you might though when you gave your response, and it appears you do. Please do what you feel you need to do and I will explain it to G’eorgio.”

The Queen is red in the face now knowing that others saw her gesture but the hard nipples on her breasts betray her excitement.

“Queen B, if I do this you will not become my wife but you will be my Consort and I will be your only male lover. If you want a male lover or husband in the future I will expect you to be honest and tell me, and at that time being my “Consort” will end, though no other relationship we may have would need to. You will have no say in the Governing of Arkadia or any other planet under my care, nor do I want any say in governing Elven.

I will give you one chance to back away from this. If you don’t want this to happen leave your gown on and step forward. If you want this to happen remove your gown ... now!”

Well, hot damn if she didn’t just look me in the eyes and let her gown fall to the deck and stand before me in all her glory! 170cm tall, long platinum blonde hair, bright blue eyes, perky tits with small pink nips, and a narrow waist that made her apple-shaped butt look a little bigger than it was.

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