Okay, So I'm an Alien! - Cover

Okay, So I'm an Alien!

by Megansdad

Copyright© 2020 by Megansdad

Fiction Story: Tavi was abducted from her home. When she refused to submit, her body was dumped in the woods where she was left for dead. This is where she meet the alien that save her and changes her life. This story is meant to be a way to introduce the main character.

Tags: Teenagers   Slavery   Fiction   Horror   Aliens   BDSM   MaleDom   Humiliation   Torture   Nudism   Transformation  

I don’t want to get ahead of myself, so let me just start a bit farther in the past. When this all started, I was 99% certain I was all human. Now, I am 100 % certain, I am unsure of what I am. I will start with who I am rather than what I am.

My name is Tavi Singh. Short for Octavia and I am 14-years-old. My dad, 34, is from India and my mom, 32, is Italian. That should explain the Latin name and the Indian name. Yeah me, I’m the eighth lion. Don’t look at me, it’s my parents that are into the meanings of names. I am a bit diminutive at 4’ 8” tall weighing 85lbs. making me the shortest one in my family and my school. I have light brown hair (dad’s is dark and mom’s is blonde) and blue eyes. I don’t have much of a butt, but I do have some breasts at roughly 32B.

While I consider myself a typical girl, I do enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, and mountain biking (it’s a custom bike) and martial arts. For someone with such short legs, I run really fast. I have always placed first or second in track every year I have participated. Because of my life of physical activity, I have a nicely toned athletic body with flawlessly tanned skin. Considering how awesome this body looks why is it so hard to get a freakin’ date?

Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get to the real story. I normally live in Port Arthur, TX. My dad works at NASA in Houston and has an apartment there and comes home as often as he can. Mom teaches middle school. I spend most of my time alone, raising myself. I can occasionally get Mom to take me to Sabine national wildlife refuge to ride my bike, but usually, I ride with some friends. This year my Mom asked if I wanted to spend the summer with David Hendrix and ex-boyfriend of hers from high school.

Um ... and where did that come from? I was thinking. Since when do moms offer to send their hot teenage daughters 2000+ miles away to live with an ex?

“Tavi?” Mom hollered upstairs.

“Yeah, Mom,” I said.

“Would you mind coming into the living room? I have something I want to discuss with you,”

I padded barefoot into the living room, wearing my usual long t-shirt and nothing else when around the house, and sat on the couch across from Mom’s favorite recliner. “What’s up, Mom,” I asked.

“You are old enough that I would be okay if you traveled to visit people I trust. David Hendrix is an ex-boyfriend from high school. We split up because we went to different colleges. Then we met other people and well ... it just never seemed to work out for us. We still care for each other and keep in touch. I’ve been sending him pictures of you growing up and letters of your accomplishments. He knows you as well as I do.

He and I had talked about you going to stay with him for the summer. Your dad knows and has agreed. If you agree to do this, I was going to ask a friend to house sit and go stay with your dad in the city,” Mom explained.

I stared at her and just blinked. “So, let me get this straight. You want me, a teenage girl with a smokin’ hot bod, to go off somewhere to spend two months with a man I have never heard of?” I asked, incredulously.

“You’re right, dear, I should have told you about him long before springing this on you. Your dad has known since college. I’m sorry, it just never seemed to come up.” Mom responded.

“Where does this mystery man live?” I asked her.

“Seattle, Washington. You would have access to several mountains and national parks with bike trails. David also contacted the company that made your custom bike and ordered a duplicate last year. It’s still in the shipping container and just needs to be put together.” Mom explained.

“Damnit, woman. You know just what buttons to push, don’t you? You’ve said the right keywords and phrases that I can’t just say no. Now I actually have to consider it. I can’t, in good conscience, just say no. I want some pictures and his phone number. I want to know what he looks like and I want to talk to him and his wife before I make a final decision. Will that be acceptable, Mom?”

“Yes, Sweetie. I’ll dig out some pictures of David and Amanda, then I’ll get you their number.”

I went back to my room after we had finished our conversation. Half an hour later Mom knocked on my door.

knock, knock

“Come in, Mom,” I called out.

Mom came in carrying a shoebox. “Here are all of the pictures I have of David and Amanda since college. The young girls are Amanda’s nieces. They don’t have any children of their own. Amanda doesn’t like kids so the girls come to visit David when Amanda goes to see her sister. Or the other way around. The twins, Teri and Tara, are 14 like you, and their older sister Erika is 16. Erika can be a bit stand-offish, typical for a teen girl, but when she is at David’s with her sisters and away from her friends and electronics, she will open up more and be friendlier.”

I took the box from mom’s outstretched hands and noticed a post-it note on the lid with David’s cell and home number on it. “Thanks, Mom. I’ll look through these tonight and call him tomorrow after breakfast.” I figured that if Erika couldn’t use her electronics then reception may be poor in that location.

“You’re welcome, dear. Dinner is in an hour.” With that Mom left and closed the door behind her.

I picked up the box from my lap and scooted off the edge of the bed into the floor. That caused the bottom of my t-shirt to rise to leave me sitting on the rug next to my bed bare assed. I sat lotus style and started going through the pictures. I had to admit David was hot for an older man. Amanda was, too. One thing I noticed that was weird was that the girls all seemed to wear the same choker. Amanda had one, as well. It struck me as really odd but I couldn’t tell you why.

I found one picture with David, Amanda, the three girls, and another woman. I assumed the other woman was Amanda’s sister but had no way of knowing. The other woman was the only female in the picture that didn’t have a chocker on. Maybe she wasn’t part of the inner circle, so to speak. I didn’t realize how much time had passed until I heard Mom call me for dinner. I quickly picked up the pictures and tossed them on the bed and set the box on my desk and headed downstairs.

My long t-shirt (just shy of mid-thigh) fell back into place when I stood. Dinner was a nice pot roast with veggies and potato chunks seasoned with herbs. I burn so many calories with my active lifestyle that Mom has to cook a full meal just to feed the two of us. Thankfully, Dad’s check goes into the family account so she can pay bills and afford to feed me.

Since Mom does the cooking, it is my responsibility to clean up. I put away the left-overs, cleared the table and rinsed the dishes, then put everything in the dishwasher, and started it. I made my way into the living room and it was empty so I went back to my room. On my way past my parents’ room, I thought I heard a noise.

“Yes, Master ... I told her about you ... Yes, Master, I gave her the pictures as you commanded ... She said she would look at the pictures tonight and call you in the morning, Master ... Please, Master. I never wanted her to be a part of your slave harem. Master, please don’t do this to my baby girl ... Yes, Master. I understand. I will obey, Master.”

“Master!? What the hell was that all about? Slave harem? Not if I can help it.” I said quietly to myself after I returned to my room. I slipped off my t-shirt and headed to the shower. After my shower and drying my hair (mostly) I pushed the pictures off to the side of the bed and crawled in between my silk sheets.

---Dream Sequence---

I didn’t think I was tired, but it didn’t take me long to fall asleep. I was thinking about the pictures and what I heard of Mom’s phone conversation when I fell asleep and I guess that’s what caused the weird dream I had.

I’m at the airport with Mom waiting for my flight. Being fourteen I am too young to fly unaccompanied so David sent someone to fly back with me. Just before boarding a Latina lady approached and introduced herself to Mom and me. She had nothing with her except a picture of me.

“Hi. Miss Tavi Singh?” She asked after approaching me. She never acknowledged Mom. I thought that was rude. When I turned to Mom to say something, Mom was already gone. That was unsettling. I turned back to her.

“Yes. I am Tavi Singh, and you are?” I answered without offering my hand. She didn’t, either.

“I am Miss Maria Hernandez. I cook and clean for the Hendrix family. Is this all you have with you?” She asked indicating the backpack with my laptop and personal items.

“Yes, Ma’am. The other bag was checked. I didn’t bring much since I have little in the way of appropriate clothing for such a northern climate. I was hoping to go shopping for clothes that are sold in the area I would be staying in.”

“Smart girl. Travel light and buy what you need when you get there. I’ll pass that on to Master David.”


After deplaning we headed to baggage claim.


I had my backpack and Maria grabbed my larger bag from the back seat. I was shocked as I entered the house in front of Maria. The three nieces were lined up on the right side of the entryway stark naked wearing only the choker. Shocked, my mouth hanging open, I turned to look at Maria to ask what was going on. She was getting undressed as well.

Just then I heard David’s voice. “It can be a surprise at first. Guests, family, or employee, all females are required to be nude in MY home.”

“Uh ... I don’t think so. I’m not getting naked in front of strangers.” I stated emphatically.

“It’s nude, not naked. There’s a difference, young lady.” Just then David snapped his fingers and the girls surrounded me and started to strip my clothes off. I grabbed my clothes to keep them on and woke up screaming.

---end dream sequence---

“Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!” I sat up quickly causing the covers to fall from my chest leaving my breasts exposed. It was just Mom and me so I wasn’t concerned.

Mom came bursting into my room, sat down beside me, and held me in her arms. “You’re okay, sweetie. It was just a bad dream. Want to talk about it?” Mom asked.

“I heard some of your phone conversation with David when I went to my room last night. I heard you calling him Master and saying you didn’t want that for me. If that is why he wanted me to visit then I’m not going. I will not be anyone’s slave.”

“This man isn’t someone that takes ‘no’ for an answer. I can tell him that you’ve decided not to go, but I doubt it will make a difference with him. He doesn’t know it, but I purposely chose a college far away from him. It didn’t get rid of him entirely, but at least I’m not in Amanda’s place. I think that’s why she spends so much time with her sister. She’s sacrificing the girls for her own temporary freedom.”

“Doesn’t her sister know what’s going on? Why doesn’t she call the police?” I asked.

“She did once. Amanda brought her to the house and he showed her the girls. They were hanging by their wrists from the ceiling. He whipped them in front of their mother. He told her that if she interfered again, he would kill the girls. There were three cops there as well to show her that she had no one to turn to. I’m not sure of everything he does with them. I know he has sex with them and shares them with others, but that’s about it. My suspicion is child porn is how he’s making his money. Now he wants you. You are the only part of me he thinks he can still have.

“He is concerned about what might happen if he were to try to take me from your dad. But he feels he can get away with training you and using you during the summer until you graduate and he can take you permanently.” Mom explained.

I lay back in the bed and covered myself. Mom gathered the pictures and put them back in the box and left the room. I eventually managed to fall asleep again.

Apparently, things didn’t go as I had expected. I had no idea what happened, but I woke up tied up naked and gagged in an unfamiliar place with David standing in front of me and the girls surrounding me. I struggled but couldn’t get free.

“I imagine you are wondering what happened to you and where you are now. Let’s see. Where to start. First off, you are where you are supposed to be, whether you wanted to or not ... My dungeon, where you will be trained, just like all the rest.

“You see, when your bitch of a mother called and told me you had decided not to come, I had to go get you. I ordered your mother to drug you so you would be easy to handle when I got there. I flew down on my private jet with a box I had made just for small children. When I got there, I put a mask on you that gave you an anesthetic to keep you asleep. I then ordered your mother to strip. After I fucked every hole, she had I took pictures and sent them to your dad, then I caned her until she passed out. Of course, I took more pictures and sent them to your dad as well. Want to see them?” I shook my head no, but the bastard showed me anyway. I could see the redness and swelling and the cum all over her and knew he was telling some truth. Then he showed the pics of her beating. I couldn’t stop crying then.

After I finished with your mother, I went to get the crate from the rental van. I put your naked body in it and strapped you down securely. After carrying the crate back to the van I drove back to the airport. Loaded you into the cargo hold of the plane and handed the keys over to the rental people. Of course, the rest is the reverse of that when I got you to Seattle. If you had come willingly you would have been able to bring some of your clothes and personal items. But since I had to go get your stubborn ass you have nothing. You slept naked and I took you naked. I wonder what you are going to wear when you go home?” Thankfully, he finished his monolog, even if it did fill in some blanks.

I was naked as I said earlier on my knees in a steel cage two feet by two feet by three feet long. My ankles had leather restraints locked to the edges of the cage on each side. My wrists also had leather restraints; they were locked to the same sides stretched out behind me. A bar was across the cage and my shoulders were resting on the bar. I was wearing a leather collar with rings on the front and sides. short chains attached to the rings on the sides and then to the cage with padlocks. The girls were watching, also naked, but said nothing.

He turned to the girls and said, “Three days, no food or water. If or when she soils herself you three will clean it up. I suggest you start with an enema”

“Yes, Master,” they said in unison.

Erika, the 16-year-old, put her hand into the cage and rested it on my head. I turned to look at her. “Don’t be scared. The enema doesn’t hurt. It can be uncomfortable, but it doesn’t hurt.” With that, she withdrew her hand and walked around behind me.

I could hear them moving stuff around, but I couldn’t turn my head enough to see. They moved a small machine on wheels to one side of me and dragged a length of hose behind me. I felt one of them slowly slide a lubricated piece of plastic into my butt hole. I squirmed and felt a painful shock on my right butt cheek. I screamed and spasmed for a moment. When I calmed down Erika came around front and explained.

“No moving or you will get another shock.” and with that, she showed me the shock stick and activated it for a second. I jerked in fear and she shocked me again. “I told you, ‘no moving, slave’.”

I tried my best to keep as still as possible. It didn’t help. I moved, she shocked. BITCH! The probe was finally fully inserted and someone pressed a button on the machine and it started to pump warm water into my butt.

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