A Working Girl - Cover

A Working Girl

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Robby meets a cute girl at church and they date. Then he finds out she is a bar whore on weekends. Oh, oh!

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Romantic   Sharing   Prostitution   .

She was so cute and there every Sunday. Her voice on the hymns was pure and she paid full attention to the sermon. He paid full attention to her and sat closer and closer each worship service. Her clothes were classic Sunday go-to-church but didn’t hide her lovely figure. He masturbated to her mental image almost every day. Damn, why was he chicken to ask her out?

Finally he asked her to dinner after service. She sweetly told him her name, Chastity, and that she could next Sunday because she already had plans for today. He saw her leave with one of the older members of the congregation, a widower several times her age. Friends?

The next Sunday was a classic first date and they had a nice conversation at dinner followed by a pleasant walk by the river. She gave him a kiss on the lips as he left her off at her little apartment. As he sat in his car without driving away immediately he saw a fella ring her doorbell and she greeted him with a more serious kiss than he had gotten before letting him in. Hmmm.

The next Sunday she couldn’t have dinner with him and she left with the same older man. She did offer to have a late snack though, and he brought some wine. She seemed somehow “different” as they visited much like before. When he went to use the bathroom he noticed that her bed covers were messy. Hmmm. Her place was pretty neat so why wasn’t the bed made?

On the third date they fucked in her bed. She instigated it more than him and it weas damn good. She was clearly experienced, certainly more than he. As the saying goes, “No Problem”. It was damn good pussy and he wasn’t getting any other. He wanted to stay longer but she said she had other things to do. As he waited in his car it was the same guy who came after his last regular date with her. It was getting a little more clear now. What, if anything, should he ask this innocent appearing hottie?

Once again it was a late date but this time she led him to the messy bed and, as he undressed, he saw her replace the towel on the sheets like was there the other time they had fucked. Was he getting seconds?

She was slipperier than he remembered so it could be. It made him hot and he struggled to hold out until she got her jollies before he let go inside. As they laid together he wanted to ask that intimate question but also knew it wasn’t polite either. They had no commitments of any kind. Instead he stayed hard and fucked her again which was obviously a good choice with the way she responded.

She’d explained that she worked Friday nights and Saturday to make money for school and during the week had to study a lot so that is why Sunday was it for getting together. When he inquired about her classwork there was a science class that he’d done well in and she needed some help so it was arranged that on Wednesday evening he would come to tutor her. Great! He even brought dinner to be helpful and she was very grateful and horny which he could gauge based on how she responded when he wanted to eat her pussy and how hard she fucked him after he did so. Progress!

She wouldn’t say where she worked so he was very curious. Following her home after her last Friday class he then followed her to work at a seedy bar. No wonder she wouldn’t admit it. He didn’t want his detective work to be discovered so he left it at that for now. He did want to see what she did in there but how to do it surreptitiously?

The other intriguing mystery was how many other lovers she had. He’d seen the older man and the guy who’d come to the door. Was that it? Not that that wasn’t significant. She sure seemed to be focused on him when they got hot with each other but did she get like that with them too? Many things to learn but it helped make her fascinating.

He enrolled the help of another guy who he knew at school and took him to the bar after classes with an assignment. “I’ll buy your drinks if you gather some information for me,” was the basic instruction.

His friend came back after an hour. “There are two women servers and both of them would take men down a back hallway for about fifteen minutes several times while I was there. They sure weren’t showing them where the toilet was. I didn’t ask for prices. Should I?”

Robby shook his head saying that was all he needed to know and told his friend to keep the change. What to do with what he had not hoped to hear? No wonder she was so good in the sack! Lots of practice although he couldn’t tell it with his dick. He struggled with alternatives: asking her point-blank on their next date, showing up in the bar, or just ignoring it. A decision had to be made soon since it was their date night in two days. And she went to church too, he reflected. Wow!

Sleep didn’t come easy that night and he decided to go to the bar early Saturday evening and somewhat confront her by showing that he’d discovered where she worked. Where it would go from there was anybody’s guess.

Chastity, whose name he had wondered about already, was surprised to see him in the bar when she came to his table to get a drink order. “What are you doing here?” was her immediate reaction.

“Seeing where you work, I guess. Someone told me to try this place because the help was good.”

“Oh, really? What can I get you?” He ordered his favorite beer. As he watched and had a second beer the other server took some men to the back but Chastity didn’t, undoubtedly because he was there. He didn’t linger too long to mess things up for her and reminded her he’d see har at church. She seemed worried as he hugged her goodbye.

Things were more subdued at worship and afterwards. Was she concerned that he’d found her out? How to break the subject? They went out for dinner and he attempted to broach the subject, “Did you have a good day at work? Seemed like a busy place.”

“Pretty average. I need the income to pay my living and school expenses so it is important.”

Then he probed, “I saw the other girl taking men down that hall in the back. Do you do gambling or something else in the back?”

Her face flushed and she gave a long pause. “She offers ‘special services’.”

He played dumb, “Like what?”

“You know, personal services.”

Robby seemed to get it, “You mean sex?”

Looking away she nodded.

“I didn’t see you go back there.”

“Not while you were there.”

“Oh,” and he reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Let’s get out of here. We have some things to talk about, I can tell.”

Nothing was spoken until they reached her place. As she stood rigid he gently undressed her and kissed her sensitive places as they were uncovered. His murmured, “Nothing has really changed just because I know more about you. I still care.”

Tears broke out and ran down her face as she clung her naked body to his and the lovemaking was ferocious. She lay on him with more tears. “You are special to me and I’m so happy you didn’t just run.”

“Tell me what is going on with no holding back. I’m not overly sensitive.”

Chastity took a big breath, “I didn’t originally plan on things to be like this. I’d worked in a bar before but just as a server. But what they pay here wasn’t enough for my needs and the boss told me about the whoring option. I wasn’t a virgin and had no boyfriend so what the hell I figured. I soon discovered it is no substitute for a man who cares for you, just the mechanics with condom-covered cocks going in and out. No real satisfaction like I’d had in regular relationships. But the money added up. Yes, I needed good satisfying sex and I’ve been getting it from that older man at church and a guy who originally was a customer of mine at the bar. The older man treats me well and we do things but the sex is marginal. The younger guy is just a cock I can take bare and long enough to get off. No full satisfaction like I get from you. Enough?”

Robby responded with his refilled love-organ and she got the message as she moved in return to make sure he got the most pleasure. After the peaks he laid still connected, “I never thought I would have sex with a pro but I sure did like it.”

She slugged his shoulder hard enough that it stung. “I’m only a whore in the bar. Here I’m a lover and don’t you forget it.” He kissed her and apologized which made her face relax. She got on her phone and texted something, then looked to him, “I just cancelled a later visitor. I want you to take me all night long.” Robby kissed her with a murmured thank you. Their parts remained close until they left for school.

The usual Wednesday went well and then there was another weekend. Robby was torn about going back to the bar to see her in action and even the wicked thought of buying a “piece” but figured that was nasty. He’d just have to wait until later on Sunday since it was the older man’s turn to take her for dinner.

His phone dinged at 2pm, “Can you come over now? I’m alone.” He returned with a “YES” and fifteen minutes alter was stripping. She was in a bathrobe. Her greeting was, “Do you want to take a shower with me?”

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