Willow's Journal of the First Few Weeks of the New School Year - Cover

Willow's Journal of the First Few Weeks of the New School Year

Copyright© 2020 by Vanessa Evans

Chapter 1

True Sex Story: Chapter 1 - Willow has fun at the private school that has been forgotten by the education system.

Caution: This True Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   True Story   Spanking   Bestiality   Exhibitionism   Masturbation   Sex Toys   Public Sex  

Monday 09 September

I’m having to go to school on the school bus every day this school year because Vanessa (V) has decided that she hasn’t really got the time to to be a mature student, or a school employee, even though she had lots of fun last term and was offered a position if she wanted one. That’s a shame because last term she was a mature student 3 days a week and was naked all of those 3 days as well as being naked just about all the time that she is at home. I’m naked at home all the time as well and I’ve been nearly naked and sometimes totally naked at school ever since I started at the school last term.

Back to the school bus, when I did use the school bus last term the boys on there stripped me naked almost as soon as the bus started moving and I spent 95 percent of my time on that bus naked. Not that I minded, I love being naked and letting people see all of my naked body and put their hands all over me. It makes me horny and I love that feeling.

Anyway, the bus picks up the kids at a road junction just up the road from where I live and the kids that went on the bus last term were all there waiting when I got there ready to start the new school year. That includes the 2 boys, Jacob and Jethro, from the farm next to where I live.

V, Laura (my BFF) and I spent quite a few hours over the summer break getting fucked by those boys, their mates and their father, in exchange for bales of hay for Laura’s horse called ‘O’ that she keeps in the field next to our house.

That first day back I decided to wear a modest micro-mini skirt and a semi see-through top, shoes and nothing else. I felt a hand go up my skirt and grab my bare butt just as soon as one of my feet touched the first step of the bus and by the time I reached the back of the bus my skirt was up around my waist and being unfastened.

As usual, the younger kids always sat at the front of the bus and us older teens sat at the back and I sat on the last but one row where the boys pounced on me and stripped me, then throughout the journey the boys took it in turns to come and grab my little tits and stick their hands between my spread legs. I’d cum twice before the bus pulled into the school car park.

As usual I get dressed on the bus while the kids at the front get off.

Laura was waiting in the car park and we hugged before she told me that she liked my outfit. I returned the compliment for her ultra-short skirt and see-through top.

“Your mother’s away from home again I see” I said, (Laura’s mother travels a lot with her job and her father understands her (Laura’s) loathing of clothes).

“Yes, daddy brought me to school.”

We chatted as we walked in and Mr. Devine, the principal, was stood at the entrance to the school building greeting his students as they arrived.

“Good morning Willow, Laura, good to see you both, I’m sure that I will be seeing lot more of you quite soon. And as young adults I expect you to set a good example to the younger students and not get into as much trouble this year.” He said as we walked passed him.

He was right, he would be seeing a lot more of both of us later. If not any other time, I was sure that he’d be in the gym’s gender neutral changing room to watch us get showered and that his video cameras would be recording every drop of water as it fell on us.

We went to our home room and discovered that there was a new girl, Tabitha, in our class. She’s quite slim and cute and a bit quiet, but I guess that that’s to be expected on her first day. She was wearing a miniskirt with bare legs and I was pretty sure that she wasn’t wearing a bra. From the looks of her she is like me and Laura and doesn’t need one.

Anyway, after about 10 minutes an announcement came out of the speaker in the classroom saying that there was a special assembly in 10 minutes and after that, Tabitha and a new boy Felix, that I hadn’t yet seen, were to report to the nurses room straight after the assembly. I smiled to myself, strongly suspecting that the nurse would be stripping Tabitha and making her cum, just like she had with me.

As we all trudged to the hall I wondered if someone had been caught smoking or something and we were about to witness the first, nude, public spanking of the school year.

It wasn’t that, it was just a lecture from Mr. Devine reminding everyone about the school rules and what the punishments would be for any digressions. I wondered if he was going to make any changes to the clothing rules but nothing was said.

“How long before you’re up there on some trumped up charge?” Laura whispered.

“Before the end of the week I reckon.” I whispered back.

We were then introduced to a new teacher, a cute young man who was our new geography teacher. Both Laura and I smiled, knowing that we were having geography that afternoon.

The rest of the morning was okay, Mr Jackson in English likes looking up girl’s skirts and I let him see my pussy a few times. Miss Jones did the same as the previous school year and not even look at the girls legs.

Then in the cafeteria at lunch break we met all the rest of our friends, most of whom were dressed in a similar way to Laura and I. After a while of catching up Hailey asked if any of us had chickened out and were wearing knickers, no hands went up so she asked if anyone was wearing a bra. Again no hands went up.

“Okay girls,” Hailey said, “Scarlett and I were thinking that it would be nice to to have a topless day each week, a bottomless day each week and a totally nude day each week; who’s game for that?”

I wasn’t surprised when everyone put a hand up. Then Hailey suggested Mondays for topless, Wednesday for bottomless and to finish the week in style with Friday’s totally nude. It was all agreed then Hailey reminded us that it was Monday so 5 girls, Hailey, Scarlett, Laura, Phoebe and I all took our tops off and stuffed them in our bags. We were all left wearing just short skirts and shoes.

“I’ve got another thing that we can start doing?” I said.

“What’s that?” Phoebe asked.

“Well, you know that in our gender neutral toilets there are urinals for the boys to use, well I was thinking that maybe us girls could start using them as well.”

“I’m not sitting on those things,” Scarlett said, “there’s boy’s piss all over them and they stink something rotten.”

“You don’t have to Scarlett, stand nearly a metre away from one, spread your feet, squat just a little, thrust you hips forward and let rip. If you want you can hold your lips open to make sure that they don’t get in the way.”

“Hmm, that sounds interesting, when we’re all done here shall we go out onto the sports field and have a practice?” I suggested.

Tabitha was wandering around deciding where to sit so we invited her to sit with us.

She confirmed what I suspected, the nurse had stripped her naked and made her cum with her fingers, telling Tabitha that she needed to test her response to stimulation. She also told Tabitha that she had to shave off her landing strip, saying that all the older girls at school kept themselves as bald as when they were born.

The thing was, both Tabitha and Felix had been seen by the nurse at the same time. They’d both had to sit in front of the nurse’s desk whilst she’d asked them both some very personal questions like how often they masturbated and what they used. Tabitha had also been asked questions about her periods with the boy sat next to her.

After that, they’d both been told to strip naked in front of each other then the nurse had examined Tabitha on the medical couch with Felix stood at the bottom of the couch watching.

Tabitha was watching Felix as the nurse finger fucked her and played with her clit until she’d cum, right in front of Felix.

Tabitha told us that she’d been really embarrassed, but at the same time she’d wanted the nurse to continue and make her cum a second time.

After that Tabitha and Felix swapped places and the nurse examined all of Felix with his boner pointing up to the ceiling. And the examination culminated with the nurse wanking him until he shot his load all over his chest and stomach.

Tabitha told us that, in spite of all the embarrassment, she really enjoyed the experience and asked us if we knew what she had to do to get it to happen again.

We all laughed and Scarlett told Tabitha that she’d have plenty of opportunities to do very similar things, like for example in the PE changing rooms.

“What do you mean?” Tabitha asked.

“You do know that the changing rooms are like the toilets, gender neutral?” Scarlett asked.

“Yes, we were told that when we came for the interview.”

“And did Devine tell you that there was a communal shower and that he usually goes and watches the pupils have their showers in that communal shower?”

“No, I saw the individual cubicles and assumed that everyone changed and showered in those.”

“The can, but the more adventurist pupils shower in the communal one and as I said, Devine often watches as we shower and frig for England.”

“Really, that’s soo cool, I can’t wait for PE lessons.”

“And talking about being cool, how do you fancy joining us in our topless, bottomless and totally nude days?”

Tabitha’s response was to peel her top off revealing 2 very cute little tits then challenging us to try to stop her.

All of us finished our lunches then went out to the sports field. At a quiet edge of the field we started to practise peeing into a urinal, much to the amusement of a handful of boys out there who watched our every attempt. But we all managed to crack how to do it and get the pee shooting forwards and that way of peeing at school is how we all intend to do it.

I’ve never seen Mr. Devine in the toilets but he may just have some cameras in there that we haven’t spotted. I wondered what he’d say, or do, when he finds out what we’re doing.

Shortly after that the bell went and we all went to our respective classes, Laura and me to geography.

“This could be fun.” I said as we walked.

We got a few sniggers and rude comments as we walked the corridors then as we entered the classroom I saw that Mr. Bagshaw had his head down reading something. Laura, Tabitha and I took desks on the front row and waited. When he looked up and saw 6 bare tits he said,

“You 3, up here now.”

We went and stood in front of him.

“Who are you and what’s the meaning of this, where are your bras and tops?”

“I’m Willow and this is Tabitha and Laura sir, and the school dress code allow us to wear, or nor wear whatever we like.”

“I have read the dress code Willow, but I never expected this, does Mr. Devine know that you are topless?”

“Not today but he saw us topless and even naked quite a lot last term. One girl even came to school naked for weeks.”

“Hmm, okay, I’ll let it slide for today then I’ll have a word with Mr. Devine later today.”

“I’m sure that he’ll say it’s okay sir.”

“We’ll see, take your seats.”

The lesson started and I sort of liked the guy, his way of teaching was different, What’s more, he appears to like Laura and I sitting there with our legs wide open, I couldn’t see if Tabitha’s knees were wide open. We saw him looking at our legs quite a lot. I got out my lesson schedule and confirmed that I have geography on a Friday as well. I wondered how he will react to Laura, Tabitha and me being totally naked.

The last lesson of the day was history with Miss Stockwell. She has always given the impression that she just tolerates girls wearing not a lot and I’ve never caught her looking at my bare legs or down my baggy or see-through tops.

At the end of the day Laura and I walked to the car park together, still topless and I waved to Laura’s father, Tom before I went to the waiting bus. It was then that I realised that we had a different bus driver, a younger man, and he smiled when he saw the topless me climb on. He smiled even more when the nude girl got off at the other end. The boys had stripped me again.

As the bus left the car park I noticed the rest of our topless gang getting into their parents cars still topless. I would have loved for them to have recorded the conversations in those cars.

That evening was fun, after tea during which I told Jon and V all about my day, the nude Laura arrived with Tom, and her and me went and fed her horse, then we took him into the woods for a walk round the path. Unfortunately we didn’t see any humans.

After Laura and Tom left I quickly finished my homework then went online to the camgirls site and played with my pussy for the whole world to see, for about an hour. Jon came and told me to shut my computer down and go to bed. By that time I’d managed to get 138 people watching me and, with the help of my Ohmibod, cumming at least 5 times. I don’t bother counting the number of orgasms that I have these days, I just enjoy them.

Tuesday 10 September

Sometime during the night I’d gone and climbed into bed with Jon and V, I sometimes do that in my sleep, and Jon woke me by pushing his cock into my pussy. I smiled and asked him to keep going.

He did, and he filled my vagina at about the same time as I orgasmed.

I chose an even shorter skirt to wear for school, one that leaves my slit on display all the time, and a net top for school. One that my nipples poke through holes in the net, although both items came off just as soon as I was on the bus, but the same, new driver did smile at me when he saw what I was wearing when I got on.

My lessons were okay, I suppose, and quite a lot of girls said that they liked my skirt.

We had PE straight after lunch and I’d already decided that I was going to take PE nude, except if I played rugby, in which case I’d wear just trainers; but I changed my mind when it started raining at lunchtime and I decided that rugby would have to keep for another day.

I opted for gymnastics instead and I was glad that that I had. There was a new batch of work experience teacher training students, and 2 of the young males really were cute, it was hard to believe that they were only a few of years older than us. When we saw who was taking us I saw 2 girls return to the changing room and come back naked as well.

I guess that the student teachers had been warned that they might get some naked girls because neither of them looked surprised, just happy.

I love the exercises that girl gymnasts do, all that leg spreading, and for some reason I’d forgotten how to do some of the exercises and had to ask for some one-to-one help. That was a lie of course, because I’m quite good at gymnastics but I wasn’t about to let the student teachers know that.

I must remind Jon that he was going to look for a gymnastics club for me to join.

My pussy was dripping within 5 minutes of us starting.

At one point I managed to suggest to one of the student teachers that he should come to the changing room after the lesson and give Mr. Devine an update on our abilities. They both did, and they and Mr. Devine watched us shower then get dressed. Of course, 4 girls, Laura, Tabitha, Evie and me, had to bring ourselves off in the shower, all whilst being watched, and as a result we were late leaving the gym. We got away with it by telling our next teacher that the student teacher kept us back to give us some pointers.

At dinner, after telling Jon and V all about my day, I reminded Jon about the gymnastics club and he apologised for not looking and promised to get on with the task but he wasn’t too hopeful that he’s find one that would allow me to be naked all the time. I smiled to myself as I imagined Jon asking some stuffy old woman if I could attend her classes naked all the time, and her throwing a wobbler at him.

After dinner it was homework then camgirl time before bed.

Wednesday 11 September

Bottomless day, but I couldn’t walk to the bus stop like that just in case a police car drove by, or I caused an accident. I’d hate to be responsible for that.

Anyway, when I got off the bus at school my skirt was safely in my school bag. The driver just smiled at me, and probably stared at my bare butt as I swayed it from side to side as I walked from the bus.

Tom’s car pulled into the car park and the bottomless Laura got out as I waved to Tom. As we headed to the school entrance, a bottomless Tabitha caught up with us. After saying hello I asked what her parents had said when she told them that she was going to school bottomless.

“They don’t care, I could come to school totally naked every day and they just wouldn’t say a damn thing.”

“Have you got any brothers or sisters?” Laura asked.

“No, just me and I’m home alone most of the time. I often wonder why they had me, they ignore me most of the time.”

“Oh, I’m sorry about that Tabitha.” I said.

“That’s okay, I’ve got used to it by now, I’ve found ways to entertain myself. How did girls manage before the internet and clever vibrators?”

“Are you a camgirl?” Laura asked.

“Yes, are you?”

“Fuck girl, you’re going to fit in really well around here. Do you like making yourself cum in public and maybe getting spanked as well?” I asked.

“I am a camgirl but that’s not quite in public, I guess that that’s the next step. As for spanking, both daddy and mummy used to spank me but I was a little kid then, I used to be a naughty little girl probably because they ignored me most of the time.”

“Did you like being spanked Tabitha.”

“Not really, it hurt a lot.”

“Well if you’re a naughty girl at this school you will get spanked, and if you’re really bad it will be in front of the whole school.”

“Oh yes, the principal said something about that when we came for the interview, so he wasn’t joking?”

“Hell no, I’ve was up there half a dozen times last year.”

“So what did you do to deserve that humiliation?”

“Nothing, the principle plants drugs in your locker if he wants to spank you, then mysteriously finds them at a locker inspection. The thing is, those little bags could be full of sugar or flour for all I know, I’ve never even seen any drugs.”

“Surely he could get in to serious trouble for that.”

“Probably, but no one’s going to call the police, least of all him, he wants our parents money too much.”

“Oh, I guess that I’d better check my locker every time that I pass it.”

“Unless you want to be stripped and spanked on the stage in front of the whole school.”

“Hmm, maybe.”

We got a few sort of unbelieving looks as we entered the school and a couple of disgusted looks from the older women teachers, but that was it. Well it wasn’t the first time that semi-naked girls had been in the school.

In both our lessons that morning, Laura, Tabitha and I sat on the front row and let the 2 male teachers look up between our spread knees, I wonder how they manage to teach with such distractions.

At lunchtime all the bottomless girls sat at 1 table and compared notes on which teachers had said what or stared at their pussies throughout the lesson. Surprisingly, unless you think about it, things weren’t much different to when we sit at our desks with our skirts pulled up to our waists and our knees wide open.

Our first lesson in the afternoon was Human Anatomy, and when we got there, the first thing that the teacher told us was that, because the school hadn’t got a full time demonstration model he was going to ‘volunteer’ a student from class, and that the ‘volunteer’ would be one who was obviously a female and wearing less than the average student in the class.

Because there were 3 females who had come in to the classroom who were clearly only wearing 1 item of clothing, he had decided that the first of the 3 females to enter the classroom was obviously eager to ‘volunteer’, and he called out my name.

I had to think back, and he was right, I was in front of Tabitha and Laura when we came in. I smiled to myself and made a mental note to be the first into that classroom every time.

“Right Willow, come over hear and take that top off.” The teacher said, “For today’s lesson we will be going back to the basics. I know that you have all done this before but I need to know that you have all understood and remembered the basics of the female anatomy, and I will be asking each one of you to come over to the table and touch and name all of the parts of the anatomy that are different to those of the males of the species. And don’t worry you young males, it will be one of you that will be up on that table next week, although I haven’t yet decided on the criteria for selecting the ‘volunteer’ yet.”

Then the teacher said that since female reproductive was a lot more complex than that of the male one, it would take a lot more lessons for everyone to master the female side of things so female demonstration model would be required for quite a number of weeks.

The teacher turned and looked at me, stood there totally naked, yes, I’d taken my shoes and socks off as well, with my feet shoulder width apart, my arms by my sides and copious juices leaking from my pussy. He nodded his head towards the table in the middle of the room and I went over and climbed on.

I didn’t need to be told to keep my feet to the edges of the table so that all of my spread pussy was on display.

The teacher then went round the room getting each student in turn to come over to me, touch each part of one of my tits, and give the proper and slang names, then each part of my pussy and name it, again proper and slang.

My clitoris had come out of it’s hood just as I woke up that morning, and was still out seeking attention, and it was certainly getting some.

When my tit was first touched the teacher couldn’t help pointing out that my breasts were under-developed for a mature young woman. From the tone of his voice I guessed that he prefers big tits but I am proud of my little tits and their rock hard nipples.

Before you start thinking that there was something wrong with me, having all those fingers touching my tits and pussy and not cumming, I did cum, twice, and the teacher took the opportunities to ask the students for the outward indications that a woman was having an orgasm. Of course, a few of them were clearly visible to everyone and Laura later told me that those were the ones first mentioned, including the visible muscle contractions that my vagina was having...

At the end of the lesson, when the bell rang, everyone got up and left and as I was getting off the table and putting my socks, shoes then top on, the teacher told me that he was glad that I was following in my sister’s footsteps volunteering to be the his demonstration model, and that he hoped that he could call upon me in any of my free periods.

“Yes sir, happy to help sir.” I replied.

“Willow, you do realise that as a mature young woman it is more than likely that you have stopped growing and that there is very little chance of you getting taller or your breasts getting any bigger, don’t you?”

“Yes sir, I love my body just as it is and I hope that it is still like this when I am old and grey.”

“With your attitude to life and your body you will never get old.”

“Do you mean that I am going to die young sir?”

“No, no, physically you will eventually get old, but mentally you will still be the sexy young woman that you are. Oops, I should have never said that to a student, please forget it.”

“Forget what sir, I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Thank you Willow, I’ll make sure that you are our demonstration model as often as I can.”

“Thank you sir.”

“I’ll talk to Mr. Devine to arrange for you to be our model during your free periods.”

“Thank you sir.”

Maths afterwards was boring and Ms. Henderson didn’t give any indication that she had 3 bottomless girls in her class.

I didn’t put a skirt on to walk out to the bus and the boys had taken my top off quite quickly and the skirt and top didn’t go back on until I got off the bus. Jon has told me that I must never walk from or to the bus naked. He didn’t want to take the chance of me getting arrested, or causing an accident.

Laura and Tom arrived just after we’d eaten and Laura put the saddle with the dildo in it, on ‘O’ and I walked alongside Laura riding the dildo on the horse up to the farm and back. We waved to Jacob, Jethro and their naked sister Jenny, but didn’t go over to see them.

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