Grandma's Gift - Cover

Grandma's Gift

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Teenage boy spends a summer on Grandma's farm and learns a lot more than how to grow vegetables. The lessons last his whole life.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Mult   Romantic   Tear Jerker   Sharing   Grand Parent   Group Sex   Polygamy/Polyamory   First   .

Mabel’s daughter called like clockwork every Wednesday and Sunday at 7pm. It was in mid-May when she made a special request.

“Hi Mom. How’ya doin? Got your garden put in I bet. Say, your oldest grandchild’s father and I would like to give him a summer where he does something better than being on his phone and computer all the time. I remember how much I learned growing up at the farm with you and think he’d benefit from a summer like that.”

Mabel replied with joy in her voice, “I’d love the company and the help in the garden. It’s been a lot tougher on both accounts since I lost your father. I’ve hardly ever spent any time with Bobby so this would be a great opportunity. Thanks for thinking of it and when will he arrive?”

It was settled which weekend the whole family would come out and do an overnight so she could visit with all of them. Bobby had been unsure about this until he was assured that he could take a hotspot so there would be some Internet but his mother warned him it would be limited to what “Gram” allowed.

The next few days after that weekend visit were very busy as he got oriented and worked side-by-side with Gram, being assigned specific tasks to do on a schedule. He was so busy and exhausted by nighttime that he forgot about his computer and just crashed. His endurance began building and by Friday she gave him the hotspot so he could catch up with email and do a bit of surfing.

She went up to his room to bring him a little treat and quietly pushed the door open, not wanting to disturb whatever he was focusing on. The desk faced away from the door so she got a full view of what he was looking at on the screen and she almost dropped the treat she was carrying. There were moving images of naked men and women doing stuff that she recognized immediately, but not the way they were doing it.

She must’ve made some noise because he said only spun around, and she saw that his hand was wrapped around an erection. When he saw who it was, he covered it up with his other hand the best he could.

She recovered her poise and said, “Don’t be embarrassed! I was married and I raised three boys. What you got in your hand doesn’t surprise me but what is on that computer screen sure does. I’ve never seen anything like that!”

Bobby realized that the porn was still playing and turned to shut it off. She ordered, “NO! I want to see what you’re looking at. We never had that kind of thing when I was growing up except that the men would sometimes get movies which we women weren’t allowed to watch.”

She handed him the ice cream and pulled over another chair. Her eyes were wide as she watched two young boys doing various things to an older woman, mostly involving inserting their hard penis into various openings. The furry one between her legs was quite familiar with such activities, but in her brown hole or even her mouth was something that wasn’t part of her experience. She watched quietly until they spurted semen in and on the woman and all hugged her happily. Then the video stopped.

She turned to Bobby, whose own erection had wilted by now, and asked, “So is this how you learn about sex these days?”

Realizing that Gram wasn’t angry, and was asking him a sensible question, Bobby recovered his poise and answered her, “I had a sex education class at school.”

“Then why are you watching this?” Was the next question posed to him.

“Um, I guess because it’s the only sex I can actually have.”

Gram looked at him, “I guess you’re right and I assume that means you are a virgin?” When he nodded, she continued, “Show me more about this porn stuff. I’m not having sex anymore either, you realize. And yes, people my age are still interested. Oh, it’s okay to touch yourself when you’re aroused. Girls do it too.”

He gave her a little tour of a site that he liked and also showed her that there were places where she could read stories about sex. She learned about bookmarks and basic browser use.

Finally, she stood up, “I’m going to bed now because we’ve got another day’s work ahead of us tomorrow. Don’t stay up long!”

Her head was full of those video images as she got into bed. She slept nude like she had always done with her husband after the kids were gone from the house. She reached down and rubbed herself, feeling the wetness that began seeping from her pussy and reminisced about some of the good times she’d had with her late husband. They’d read some erotic stories and looked at pictures of nude men and women screwing from the magazines which he bought on his trips to the city. They’d use their imaginations to enjoy the arousal from that to liven up their own sex life. She’d become much less of a prude, even though they had never done anything with anybody else in real life.

Circumstances were different now. No vow of exclusiveness and much less caring about societal norms. Wicked thoughts of her grandson keep surfacing and she tried to push them back but finally just let it play in her mind as her self-induced orgasm hit.

It was going to be a warm day so she chose the skimpiest shorts and t-shirt she could and left bra and undies off. “If he thinks those older women are sexy then I’ll try to give him a thrill with the real thing.”

As they weeded her tits hung down and jiggled, the rubbing of her unrestrained nipples on the shirt fabric feeling real good. She felt her crotch getting wet and soaking her shorts. They were dark so maybe it wouldn’t be too noticeable. She smiled as she observed her grandson position himself to get the best views of her he could.

When they stopped for their picnic lunch under the old oak tree she could see a nice tent in his shorts. He wasn’t trying to hide it and she thought, “Good, he’s not self-conscious. Maybe he is ‘advertising’ like I am. He’s very unsure about his sex appeal too.”

They were damned hot and sweaty when the radishes were done so she made a suggestion, “We got done ahead of schedule and it’s too late to start something else. I have a reward in mind.”

They got on the four-wheeler and she let him drive. Her arms went around him and her sweaty tits pressed against his sweaty back. It was all she could do to prevent her hand from dropping down to his crotch.

Giving him directions, they were soon at the crick where a beaver dam made a nice pool. Without a word, she stripped off her dirty, sweat soaked clothes and waded into the water. Turning to face him she saw him break through the temporary paralysis of the vision he’d just had and struggle to get his own wet, sticky clothing off.

His rigid rod pointed to the sky as young ones can and wobbled about as he joined her in the refreshing water. “What a great treat,” he chortled.

After they cooled off it was time to eat. Gram climbed out and took a towel from the bag. “Let me dry you,” she ordered. As she worked lower his cold-shriveled pecker began its filling. She squeezed it with the towel and commented, “Something thinks this old bod is sexy. Sure is a treat for me to see such a fine one like yours.” The first comment embarrassed Bobby but the second one made up for it.

“Now dry me and don’t miss anyplace.” He gave her sagging mammaries some extra attention but seemed to avoid her hairy crotch. She separated her feet and chided, “You missed between my legs, young man.” He was tentative, so she put her hands over his and rubbed firmly. “That place likes touching.”

As they ate on the blanket, she made sure he got good crotch shots and he stayed hard. When they finished, she moved closer to him. “It seems you have a lot to learn about sex. I taught my husband who was a virgin when we started going together and I wasn’t. We had a good sex life and I miss that terribly. I’m not too worried about the incest issue, thinking it was another part of male domination, so I’d be very happy to make your summer very special. You will learn how to make a woman want to keep you around and I’ll get to feel like a young woman again. Interested?”

Bobby looked very serious through all this. When the question was posed, he brightened up, “Does that mean I get to sleep in your bed every night?”

She hugged him, pushing her mammaries into all sorts of places, “You bet! A lot more than sleeping is going to happen in that bed, I can assure you! Plus I won’t have to do two sets of sheets while you’re here.”

Bobby looked at her eagerly, “When do the lessons start?”

Gram loosened her grip, “Is right now soon enough? The lettuce will wait patiently.” She laid them both on the blanket on their sides facing each other. “From now on we are not grandmother and grandson. We are ‘sweetie, lover, honey’ and stuff like that. Touching is always a good first step.”

She showed him how to touch sensually and then rolled on her back and guided him around her body, explaining tersely about erogenous zones and making pleasure noises when he triggered any of them. He spent a lot of time on her breasts and she urged him to use his mouth on many places too. When he’d had the initial tour, even fingering her snatch a bit, she put him supine and he learned his zones.

Remembering how young men can be quick on the trigger, she limited the touching of his hard one. He was just enjoying all this with his eyes closed so she surprised him when she straddled his waist and quickly moved to drop her vagina on him. It was wet and ready from all the foreplay and his organ went fully inside on the first entry.

His eyes popped open and she shushed him with a lover’s kiss, full of tongue. Two moves of her hips later she felt strong spurts of semen painting her cervix and deepest parts. That took her back to her youth when those were more commonplace. Her orgasm scared her new lover until she explained it softly in his ear, urging him to move in her slowly and keep his tool firm for another round.

She knew this was a wonderful decision as he re-firmed and she moved until a second hot flow inside brought back a rush of memories. It had been decades since she’d had a double header. Rolling them on their sides with him still fully soaking, she whispered, “Nap with me a bit.” She drifted off as he gently nibbled and sucked in her tit.

No more outside gardening today. The dark curly jungle between her legs got a lot of seeds planted until they had to go to church the next morning.

During the social time Bobby was introduced to a lot of people whose name he promptly forgot. One of Gram’s best friends commented, “You seem a lot happier. I guess having company must be good for you.” Gram smiled sweetly, thinking, if you only knew you’d want some too.

She smiled when a young girl with red hair like hers used to be was clearly interested in Bobby and worked hard to make conversation with him. He looked over at his “lover” who nodded to let him know it was all right. She knew the family and they were good people.

Back at the farm he helped with dinner and got on his computer for a while. Gram told him to show her anything extra interesting and laid down for a nap. Last night had been punctuated by eager young cock and she was out of shape for that ... but recovering quickly.

Sometime later she felt that familiar feeling “down there”. Sleeping on her side with her legs pulled up, her pussy was an irresistible target when Bobby walked in the door. He was on his knees as he approached her. She made no sound or other response and just enjoyed a position she’d never been fucked in before. Her orgasm before his gave her away and when he finished shooting she pushed him out and began tickling him unmercifully. “That could be considered rape, you know. Good thing you made me feel good before it was over.” She rolled over to hug him and added, “It really was okay. Sometimes the unexpected is the most fun.”

She gave him a small glass of whiskey as she poured her own and they sat out on the porch watching the sunset. “Hey lover! Do you remember the name of the woman I introduced you to as my best friend?” He shook his head. “Do you remember the name of that redheaded girl?”


“Just as I thought, selective attention. Did you think about doing to her what you did to me upstairs a little bit ago?” He looked very sheepish as his face got red and he refused to answer. “I’d be real surprised if you didn’t. She’s a cutie and seems like she wants to get to know you better. I know her family so don’t let what you and I have going hold you back. For your information, there’s a man there at church I’d like to do it with again. We were dating when I met your grandfather but he is still married so I won’t go there.”

That was more socio-sexual information for the young man to absorb. Gram knew that was at least as important as what to do with your parts so she didn’t neglect it either. When she’d drained his dick and they were naked together in the afterglow was a perfect time for her to talk about what she’d learned in dealing with men as an example of how he should approach and treat women. Sometimes it got him hard again and sometimes it didn’t, but that didn’t matter although she enjoyed it again when he needed a release.

They worked well together in the garden too and she said that it looked like they were way ahead of last year when she had to do it all herself. Sometimes both of them worked naked and they got some really nice all over tans. She thought that his muscles were bulking up since she gave him all the heaviest work to do. His endurance between her legs seem to be getting even more delightful and doubleheaders were commonplace with the occasional triple. She’d read that semen contained substances that were very good for women and she was concerned she would overdose, if that was possible.

The next Sunday Bobby seemed a lot more comfortable around his redheaded admirer and she lured him outside the church to go for a little walk together. Gram saw them holding hands as they returned. She felt a small twinge of jealousy but mentally spanked herself. He needed to have a peer relationship in addition to her mature one.

In bed that night she teased him a little bit but he had developed a lot more confidence and teased her right back. “You encouraged me to go for it, didn’t you? So when are you gonna hit on a guy and we can do some of that group stuff you seemed so interested in on the Internet?” That shut her up momentarily so she just fucked him.

The next Saturday was the monthly barn dance at the 4H building. She would bring the special dessert that everybody expected from her but they had to get into town and buy Bobby some dancing duds. He protested he didn’t know how to dance and she said that anybody could do square dancing so all you had to do was pay a little bit of attention.

Nikki was there and made sure he knew that she was. She sat with him as they ate and said she’d be happy to teach him the steps when the dancing started. He looked over at Gram and she winked and blew him a kiss.

During a break in the dancing, Nikki led him outside into the darkness and found a private place. “I’d really like it if you’d kiss me,” she almost pleaded. He kept it a lot tamer than the ones that he now applied to his lover but Nikki upped the ante a little bit. She got breathing a bit harder and said, “It’s okay if you would like to touch my breasts.”

He untucked her blouse and slid his hand up underneath, not surprised that she didn’t have a bra on her small swellings. Using what he learned, she was soon breathing a whole lot harder and kissing him even more earnestly, experimenting with tongue. Finally she said, “That’s enough. I feel like I’m going to wet my pants so we better get back to the building.”

She wouldn’t let anyone else dance with him but he noticed that Gram was partnering up with a couple of different men as the evening continued. “That was good,” he thought.

That night they had a rousing romp in bed, teasing each other about the flirting that had gone on. Gram was pleased when he told her about getting to first base with Nikki and she commented, “I used to be a redhead and I know how much they like sex so if you can’t get in her pants before you go home, I’ll consider all my teaching to be a failure.”

He swatted a work-firmed bun and protested, “You’re being too hard on yourself.”

She squeezed one of his hard and said, “You’re right! I only want you to be hard in me. Feels like you can do it again while I think about those nice men I danced with. I wonder if they could fuck me as well as you do?”

The next weekend Gram insisted that Bobby call his redheaded admirer and take her on a date using her car. They went to a drive-in movie, unknown in the city but still surviving out in the boonies. Very little movie got watched as is often the case in such establishments.

He got to second base after a prolonged stay at first. Her moaning and wiggling quickly increased as he applied his skilled fingers. He took her hand to his swollen crotch and put it on his zipper as a hint. He had to move and help as she got his pants down and when she saw his erection she said, “That’s bigger than I thought.”

His question, “Are you a virgin?”

She nodded and added, “And I plan to stay that way until my wedding.” His thought was that every virgin girl started out thinking that.

She just looked at it until he took her hand and placed it on that firm and hot flesh. As he moved his hand between her legs she tentatively touched her new discovery but got more exploratory when it didn’t bite her. When she wiggled and moaned in his finger induced orgasm, she looked at him questioningly. Finally she got up the gumption to ask, “It’s only fair if I make you feel good too but I’ve heard it’s pretty messy.”

Bobby gave her a kiss and said there were two ways to handle that. One was to find something for it to shoot onto and the one that most boys preferred was for her to swallow it. She gulped and said, “My older sister has told me about the second choice and says she does it to practically all of the guys she dates instead of spreading her legs. I guess I’ve got to start sometime.”

She rearranged herself on the seat and took the swollen head into her mouth. Beyond that, she didn’t know what to do so he guided her in movements that would trigger his ejaculation. Just moments before that surge of his shaft started, he warned her that it was about to happen.

Gram had told him that his tasted pretty good and he hoped Nikki would get the same impression. When the first shot hit her tongue she was startled but hung on like a trooper until he finished. She pulled off him and gulped it down without a bad expression on her face, so he kissed her, pushing his tongue in and she was surprised but pleased.

By then the movie was finished and the lights coming on so they quickly dressed and he took her home. Later, buried as usual in Gram, he told of his progress. She told him that she was envious and would have to encourage one of the men at church to ask her for a date so she could have that kind of fun too. She reassured him that no matter what either of them did with others, it would not take away anything from their own relationship.

It was back to the drive-in the next Saturday night and this time Bobby showed Nikki that mouths could be even more fun for girls than she had realized. She murmured as they had their good night kiss at her doorstep that she was really liking to be with him and he assured her he felt the same way.

Gram was successful in getting a date but it was pretty mild, being a first one. She did get a kiss at the door which she escalated as a signal to this widowed man her age. He was also a farmer and she could feel that his body was still firm and fit.

The next weekend Nikki came home with them after church since Gram had suggested some outdoor activities for the young couple. She sent them off on the four-wheeler with a blanket and a picnic lunch to the creek where she’d first got naked with Bobby.

They were gone quite a long time and Nikki seemed flushed as she got off the four-wheeler and Bobby drove her home. Gram had had her new friend over while they were gone and they’d done some serious making out but he was too nervous to get hard or he would’ve gotten even more. She suggested he see his family physician for those pills that are advertised so much. With that kind of incentive, he promised he would.

She was so curious about how things had gone at the pond she got naked before Bobby returned and dragged him to bed immediately. Such things are best talked about when you’ve got your genitals connected with those of the other sex. Bobby told her how easy it had been to get Nikki to skinny-dip and how they made out fully naked for the first time after eating the tasty lunch that way. Even though she was panting really hard and flushed in face and crotch, she pushed him away when he tried to bury his bone.

Gram had prepared him well so he showed her “sliders”. He laid on his back and she straddled him like a cowgirl sex position. But instead of the hard shaft penetrating her, she moved her wet pussy along his erection as it lay on his stomach. By adjusting her hip angle, she could get lots of stimulation for her clit and the friction triggered his ejaculation on his belly. She shook with her orgasm as she watched it spray out of that little eye since all the others she’d experienced had been in her mouth. She rolled off him and went down to lick it up, not wanting to waste.

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