The Hunt - Cover

The Hunt

Copyright© 2020 by NotAwriter

Chapter 2

Inquisitor, I am relieved that you know my story. I think you are ready. I think you are ready for my actual story now. It starts with a little girl. I know that children are pure, I know they are innocent. Yet, I want to kill the child ruthlessly. I want to bathe in it’s monthly blood, I want to eat it’s bloody body filled with maggots. The child has caused more harm than the breath disease. It is not a human. And thankfully, the child is dead. I love the scent of it’s ugly corpse.

How has the child harmed me you ask. Inquisitor, how effective are the scars that are visible to a naked eye? It has harmed on many levels. It is pure evil. I wish the little girl would be brutally raped by every man in the land. I wish her dead body would be ravaged by the old fetish priests. The child had to die, it wasn’t her fault yet she must die. She was born of cursed seed, yet her family was reputable. I hated the child, I still do.

I have only met her once and she ended everything of mine that one time. I would say her body must be ended with a flaming sword so as to not give her soul peace. Her only mistake was being born, she should have died in her mother’s wretched womb. I know I scare you inquisitor. I know you have heard of my eating habits. Yet you need me. The royal cunt of a queen needs me to take her shit in my mouth. I am at her service as long as she lets me vomit between her spread legs afterward. You understand, inquisitor. You have heard two stories from me today. You will hear a third in time. You will understand the true meaning of deceit from the story I am to tell you.

I met this man on my first job, his sword movements were seductive and arousing. But they were nothing compared to his physique. He had feminine hair, silky and flowing. You could smell the msuku root in them. His eyes were aquis, seductive and heartwarming. They could melt a murderer with love. His nose was an insignificant point on his face. His jaws were chiseled by the god of her beauty herself. His lips were so erotic, I wanted them on my cock. Puckering and licking. It gets the best of us hard. His neck was long like a giraffe. His chest was carved out of muscles, I wanted to bite it. His dark brown nipples were spots of pure beauty on his massive stature. His abdomen rippled with a copious amount of muscle. His thighs were thunderous with veins popping and muscles soaring. His calves were a maiden’s dream, high layed and toned. His naked toes were sensous and erotic, I wanted them in me.

My first job was to serve a queen from the Southern kingdom who had heard much about my nose. Her husband was missing, she claimed. I was an insolent boy back then and naturally I believed her.

My first thought was to sniff the man’s bedsheet, I smelled a sickening stench of cum, shit and piss. However, when I sniffed his loincloth I smelled another smell. I instantly knew her husband was cheating.

“Lady your husband is sleeping with another man behind your back.”

She looked at me casually, masking her anger and sadness. “Then do what must be done Tracker. Kill the bastard.” She exclaimed.

“As you wish your majesty. You understand that I will take more gold, yes?”

“Is this what all of it is about you filthy animal, fucking gold!” she screamed with the look of death in her otherwise beautiful eyes. Her plump chest rose and fell with each huff of angry breaths.

A man’s cock is an animal in itself isn’t it, Inquisitor? The beast that rises and falls without our control. Surely you would know, I can smell the foreskin of the little boy you tore. I don’t judge, inquisitor, in fact I am a little hard now.

Back to the story. The queen cried her heart out while I stared at her voluptuous bosoms and her praiseworthy hips. “So be it. Take the coin and go to hell Tracker.” The queen said in an alarmingly calm voice.

“As you wish my lady. I’ll greet you in hell.” I said before walking out the castle knowing full well I would have died had I stayed a moment longer.

I tracked the smell to a brothel not a thousand paces from the palace. The stench of sex, shit, and opium was filling my nostrils. I moved inside to a sight that was both horrific and pleasing. Horrific then, pleasing, now. I saw a man biting off the other mans balls while the soon-to-be eunuch moaned in ecstasy.

I moved to the second floor where I laid my eyes upon an hairy back, as large as a giant and filled with hard muscle, humping into what at first looked like a skinned dog. It was a boy, no older than a few hundred moons. He was crying in pain and humility as his anus was being defiled by the hairy king.

“Your ass is heaven boy. Tell me is it wrong to indulge in heaven boy?” The king said in a gruff voice as he damn near scalped the boy’s hair.

I stuck my dagger into the nape of the king’s neck, missing the jugular by only a few fingers. He roared in fury, not a hint of pain, and turned back in an attempt to grab my head. I moved backwards slipping his hands.

I saw his enraged cock which looked like an inchworm. It was truly very small inquisitor. It smelled like spoilt milk, and the boy’s shit and blood. I threw another dagger at the king as he dodged it and grabbed my neck with his massive arms.

Just then I heard a swoosh behind him. That is the first time I laid my eyes upon the bastard, he looked elegant and oh so fuckable. He took three more swings cutting his cock, torso, and neck.

Naturally, the giant of a man died, he was laid to waste. The raped boy pissed over his dead body and cursed. “I hope all your further generations have children with maggots up their anus. I hope they are raped at birth and born mutated. I hope they grow up to be spat on by everyone and raped by both the dead and the living.”

He ended sobbing. He jumped out of the window and ended his cursed life. The killer’s eyes moistened with tears “The world is a shit house. And he was the water used to clean the royal anus. I pray he dies in peace. I beg the lord for my sins.”

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