I Couldn't Say No - Cover

I Couldn't Say No

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Young widow discloses her sex slavery and I become her best friend. She shares everything with me and I mean everything.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Reluctant   Romantic   Slavery   Sharing   Interracial   Sex Toys   .

I’d worked with Runita for several years. I was always nice to her and complimented her often. She always beamed as if that was uncommon in her life. I’d often have lunch with her but she revealed little about the rest of her life except that she’d been married more than ten years to a black man and had no children. She was about five years older than me.

She was half-black and half-Hispanic, but definitely the lighter shades of each, having essentially a permanent golden tan. I thought she was beautiful but she obviously didn’t think that of herself.

Another odd thing I noticed was she always seemed tired on Mondays. Also, she seemed happy to be at work and reluctant to leave at the end of the day. Her job wasn’t very interesting, so that was a bit puzzling.

Her life changed suddenly. Her husband was killed in a gang-related shooting. The odd thing was she never appeared grief stricken. Her mood was better at work too.

After a while I asked her to dinner on a Friday night to celebrate a joint accomplishment at work. I also thought she might like some company. She never mentioned having any friends. It took some persuading but she let me drive her home instead of taking the bus. I waited outside her shabby apartment building while she changed clothes.

We ate at a mid-scale chain restaurant. She commented that she’d almost always had to cook and rarely ate out. This was a treat. I saw her smile for the first time in a long while.

The restaurant was adjacent to a nice mall so we walked and talked, finally settling on a bench by a fountain. We just sat quietly for a bit and I noticed tears beginning to flow down her cheeks.

I put my arm around her and just hugged her. After a bit I asked gently, “What’s wrong?”

She sniffled and dabbed at her eyes with a handkerchief. “You are so nice to me. I’m not used to that.”

I looked her in the eyes as I reacted, “But you had a husband!”

“He didn’t treat me this nice for a long time. Only when he was wanting to marry me.”

I changed the subject and tried to lighten things up. She got to smiling again.

When we returned to her apartment she didn’t invite me in. With a brief hug she thanked me for the best outing in a very long time. She nodded when I asked her if we could do it again.

I kept things as usual during the week and made plans to take her to a live play. She had never been to one and was like a kid at Christmas in anticipation.

Afterwards I asked if she would like to see where I lived? She readily agreed. I live on a sailboat year-round. It was a southern-enough lake that it never froze. A bit of a drive from town but well worth it. Runita got more and more curious since she had rarely been outside the city. It was summer so daylight was finally ebbing as we reached the marina, giving the last shreds of a beautiful sunset to greet us as we stepped aboard.

She was fascinated by the boat. I promised to take her out sailing in the near future. We sat in the cockpit, sipping rum, the sailor’s drink, and looked at the stars. I took her hand and she didn’t resist. The romance of the moment overcame me and I tried to kiss her. She turned away abruptly, saying, “You don’t want to kiss me!”

I retorted quickly, “I sure as hell do!”

She moved away from me at that outburst.

“Oh, I apologize. I was just surprised.”

She let go of my hand as she looked away from me and said, “I’m not good enough for you.”

I turned her face towards me and gently asserted, “Let me be the judge of that, if I may.”

Her face softened. It dawned on me that this lovely woman had been deeply hurt. Could I find out in what way?

I said, “It’s late and a long way to town. You can stay here. I’ll give you the main berth and I’ll sleep in the smaller one.”

She thought about the offer for a minute. The she said, “That is very kind of you and I feel safe here. But you don’t have to give up your bed for me. I am used to sleeping with a man.” She stopped as something dawned on her. “Oh, but you cannot sleep with me like man and wife. You would not want me in that way anyhow.”

This second self-deprecation really had me puzzled and curious. I refilled out drinks and sat back next to her. I took her hand again and asked, “Do you find me attractive?”

She looked sad as she answered, “Oh yes, very much so! But you would not want me if you knew.” More tears.

She wasn’t much of a drinker so her defenses were coming down. Good!

“You know I am your friend and I care very much for you. What is this thing that you feel curses you? Please tell me so I can decide for myself.”

That opened the floodgates. The drink went fast and I refilled her glass.

Runita turned so she was facing me. She stayed on the edge of tears as she related the following to me.

“So many men have used my body for their pleasure that I can’t guess at numbers. I am too dirty for a nice man like you.”

I repeated, “Let me decide that.” Then I was quiet to not interrupt the story.

“My stepfather caught me masturbating with a hairbrush and threatened to tell my mother. I now know that would have been a good thing, but I was young and scared. He said he was going to show me what my pussy was for. I couldn’t say no. He fucked me a couple of times a week from then on. He controlled me.

“In high school my looks got me dates from the cool guys. It didn’t take long before they discovered that I couldn’t say ‘No’ on dates if they were at all domineering. I tried to keep out of situations where we were alone together but some of them were too smart and my legs were spread a lot more often than I wanted to.

“My husband was one of them and offered me a way to escape from my stepfather. He seemed nicer and more respectful than any of the guys who had been using me. I fell for it.”

Her husband turned out to also be a mean and controlling man. He’d married her as a possession, not because he loved her. After he trained her sexually, he began using her as a sex toy for his pleasure and that of his best gang members. She dared not say no because she had seen firsthand how he had hurt some girls who were gang whores.

“I was the prize if someone did something especially good for the gang. My husband would listen while they fucked me to make sure I acted like I liked it. A few of them I actually did, but it was mostly faking. Sometimes it was more than one.”

She became pregnant twice by who knows which cock that had been stuck in her. They were aborted and her tubes were tied without even asking her. The last few years, when she had been working with me, she was loaned and sold to make drug and other criminal deals. She was an asset for his business, nothing more. Now I understood her moods and such.

I had my arms around her as she murmured, “I can’t tell you how many men have used my body. I didn’t want to count. Now you can see that I am trash and you would not want such damaged goods.”

I pulled my face back and said, “I asked you to let me judge for myself. I must inspect for myself what you think is damaged. Let’s go to the cabin where it is warmer and uncover your ‘goods’ This is the only time I will not let you say ‘No’.”

As I took off each piece of clothing, I stroked and kissed and praised what had been exposed. Her shoulders were lovely and her breasts took my breath away. As I sucked and kissed them she began making some happier sounds. “These are the most beautiful breasts I have ever seen, and I have seen enough to know. No damage here!”

I kissed down her belly and turned her around to stroke her back and buns. Those were very kissable too and got greatly complimented. She did not object to this loving attention one bit.

When I took her jeans all the way off I turned her to face me again and saw a completely bare pussy. She said that her husband had all her hair taken off. I gave it a quick kiss and sat her down.

I sucked toes and kissed up her left leg almost to her pussy, then did the same with the right. She would giggle as I hit a sensitive spot but was breathing harder all the time. When my tongue hit her clit she broke loose. Her thighs slammed both sides of my head as she squealed loudly.

When she calmed down she muttered, “Men don’t usually do that for me!” Then she looked embarrassed for having said that.

I smiled and said, “Hey, I’ve had sex before too. BTW, you taste great. There is one more inspection that I must do. I’ve done the outside, now I’ll check the inside.” I stood up and dropped my drawers. She reached out for my steel hard erection.

Forgetting her earlier comment, she said, as she felt it, “I’ve not seen many white ones. And it’s pretty big too.” She was tipsy enough that she just said what she was thinking. I loved it.

It was a sight to behold as first the head and the shaft disappeared into the golden slit between her lovely thighs. I leaned over her and began kissing her deeply. She responded with lots of enthusiasm, feeling treasured for the first time in who knows how long.

We climaxed close together and I said solemnly, “I’ve completed my inspection and conclude that any possible previous damage has healed nicely and you are in excellent condition, ready for any relationship you desire. I’d like to make the first request to be your boyfriend, in every sense of the word.”

Runita was sobbing, this time for joy. She squeezed my still firm cock in her perfect pussy and said, “Gladly, kind sir. I couldn’t say ‘No’ to you. Not from fear but from love. I am yours completely.”

Five years later:

We dated for six months while I got her into counseling and found her a better job at another company. The she moved onboard my boat. Six months after that we were married. We took a month-long honeymoon bareboating in the Caribbean. She learned to enjoy sailing and being nude outdoors, both great interests of mine.

With lots of loving and good counseling she made peace with her awful past and became proud of herself as a beautiful and sexual being. She could even occasionally role-play a little bit of her whoring days with me as “user” for our mutual enjoyment. If I ever need a bit of extra stimulation I can think of those anonymous black and brown cocks pumping in my wife and dumping their sperm where I put mine. It feels nasty and hot too.

Finally, an incident occurred that let me know she was a “whole woman”. My nephew came to stay with me for a month while his parents travelled. He had just graduated from high school and had been to my boat once before.

Sailboats are pretty small. You’re not very far from anyone else. Runita was a bit shy about having sex with Ronnie so close. That was a problem because we normally did it almost every day.

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