Together... Forever - Cover

Together... Forever

by Victor_2K

Copyright© 2020 by Victor_2K

Fan Fiction Sex Story: A Superman: The Animated Series yuri fanfiction Queen Maxima of Almerac tried to find comfort on men, but they all disappointed her. It had to be in the arms of her loyal handmaiden Sazu the beam of hope she wanted for so long

Caution: This Fan Fiction Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Romantic   Lesbian   Fiction   Fan Fiction   Superhero   Aliens   Space   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Royalty   .

Queen Maxima woke up one day at her chambers, as it was one of the usual days the Queen of Almerac where she would run her planet, meet her associates, train the arts of fighting and have baths and entertainment. Just like any ordinary ruler around the Universes.

But to the redhead empress, it wasn’t what she wanted to do.

“Good morning Maxima. Another day you will rule Almerac with an iron hand. Good for you, but you are still alone and no one to share the bed with you. What a shame”, the Almeracian queen thought.

What she wanted to do was to cure her sexual needs. Until that point, every attempt to find a man who could be her husband and fill those needs failed. And all those failures frustrated her.

First was Superman. When she first learned about the Man of Steel, Maxima went to the roof with her horniness. After all, a Kryptonian with all his abilities wasn’t a man to even ponder to say a ‘no’. But her attempt to conquer him failed, as Superman wasn’t interested on her. Even if he saved her from a coup tried by intergalactic criminal De’Cine. But guess his interests laid on other things...

Next was Lobo. The Main Man broke in (literally) into Maxima’s life and managed to earn the queen’s heart. But his own traits pretty much hindered any commitment to a long term relationship. Isn’t like the erratic behavior and attitudes from Lobo would change being King of Almerac. And having a woman full of arrogance and fury beside him wouldn’t also make any changes to him. Thus, the relationship was off.

“Stop thinking bad about yourself, Maxima. You are the queen. People love you or, at least, respect your rule. You aren’t a woman to wait on a man to feel satisfied. You are yourself”, said Maxima as she called her servants to help her with her hygiene and to dress herself.

Maxima’s road to find the one who would bring her the pleasure she deemed as she deserved was longer then she thought. She tried all the men she could, from all sizes and shapes, from warriors to regular people. Women and creatures as well were part of her search for the perfect mate. But nothing came to fruition. Every single love partner she found could not be fit for a queen, in her view. And that made her feel annoyed and sometimes have bursts of rage for her desires not being obeyed.

But there was someone who never got the nod to give her what she needed. Someone who was exactly closest to her all this time but always found herself scorned. But never quit being there for whatever she wanted. But that day, she would teach her queen a very valuable lesson on who to trust when needing pleasure.


“What happened, my queen?”

Maxima’s personal handmaiden and assistant ran to the queen’s chamber, worried with her, as usually she scream when she was bothered with something. The redhead warrior ruler was being dressed by her maidens after she had her usual morning hygiene done.

“Sazu? Where have you been?”

“I am sorry, Your Majesty ... what happened? Is there something wrong?”

“Yes! Everything is wrong!”

“My queen...”

By some reason only wrathful people know, Maxima didn’t answered that with words, but by throwing something to where Sazu was, but the dark-haired woman ducked it before it hit her. Frightened, both servants finished their jobs and ran scared from any more reaction the queen could have.

“But what is going on?”, asked Sazu, while Maxima walked without any path inside her bedroom.

“Do you want to know what is wrong? Do YOU want to know what is wrong?”

“My queen”

Knowing those outbursts were temporary, the personal handmaiden waited her queen to sooth her anger off before she stopped and cried a little. Then it was her turn to give her her shoulder for her to cry on. The Almerac ruler never cried in public, as she always wanted to show her strength and power to everyone. But backstage, she was human as anyone in her planet.

“What happened, my queen? You should not cry. You are the queen of Almerac, she doesn’t cry”

“You would if you had to spend your entire life alone”, said a depressed redhead and fruitlessly trying to hold the tears. “All these years and these men scorned me like I was the leper. I don’t know what I am doing wrong, I shouldn’t do anything wrong, I am the queen, for God’s sake!”

Sazu was, after all, the only person she could trust to tell these words. The green-skinned woman offered her shoulder for Maxima to cry on. To her, the love failures of her queen were also her failures, as she was there to make sure Almeracian ruler would never fail with her decisions.

“It’s not your fault, my queen. Things happen that way. Men are pigs, I know for sure, but you shall not cry about them. Everyone who dismissed you will regret it”, the handmaiden said whispering at the queen’s ears and stroking her long red hair as the Almerac ruler tears rolled, giving the needed comfort to the one she loved. While Maxima felt bad for herself, the maid of company knew she had to tell, once for all, about her feelings.

“Do you think? Do you really think, Sazu? Or you just want to make me happy?”

“I am very serious when I talk with you, my queen. I wouldn’t lie if the truth is what it is”

“You are always by my side, Sazu. You are the only one who understands me”, said the queen, now smiling as her tears ceased to roll from her eyes.

“It’s because you are the one who understand me as well. I know how you feel; I’ve been my fair share of failures in love. Don’t worry, you are the Queen of Almerac and you do deserve to find someone to love you.”

Sazu used her fingers to clean Maxima’s face from the tears. They looked to each other’s eyes for a while, gazing and remembering how much they were together for long. Sazu became Maxima’s handmaiden since they were still teens, growing up together, knowing each other’s issues and sharing both the good and the bad of Almerac’s tight ruling. It was a rare moment for them to enjoy that, as mostly the redhead lived in ‘hell hath no fury mode”


“My queen...”

“I am sorry if I made you crazy for all these years. You don’t know how a queen suffers...”, Maxima whispered.

“I could not be mad with my queen. I am delighted to serve you. I understand your feelings and, well, to a queen, strength must be shown from sunrise to sunset”, Sazu replied, still gazing her mistress.

“I am also delighted for you to be right there when I need, Sazu. Sorry if I never told you that”, the redhead said.

“I understand”

The two women still looked at each other, but there was something else than just recognition for a good job done. Maxima and Sazu suddenly began to feel something that they would never feel for each other. Their both disappointments with the male gender burned off their lives so much that unearthed stuff began to appear. And it was the faithful and trustworthy handmaiden to give the first step.

“I wish you could do anything to give an end to my disappointments”

“Actually, I think I can do”


“I know the exact way I can make you happy, my queen”, the green-dressed woman said.

“Really? How? Do you know someone who can make me happy, to be my mate?”, replied the redhead.

“I ... well...”, the handmaiden wanted so much, but deep inside her she didn’t wanted to, in her view, get advantage from a vulnerable Maxima


“I don’t know if I can tell you, my queen ... I don’t want to get advantage of your situation and...”

And then there came the shock. Sazu didn’t expect what was to happen, but when she noticed, Maxima kissed her! Out from nowhere, the Queen of Almerac gave that kind of kiss no one expected from her. A French kiss like no one, to the handmaiden take a few seconds to answer because of the shock. Actually she was the one trying to reveal her feelings for her, but one with the redhead’s powers and strength weren’t to be in oblivion.

“What ... but what...”

“Don’t you tell me you weren’t do to this with me, huh?”, asked Maxima with something a grin on her face.

“Well, my queen ... I...”

“Sazu, I know you pretty well. I know you like the palm of my two hands. I always knew you had something for me. Don’t lie”

“D-Do you k-now”, Sazu was astonished to find out Maxima always knew about her feelings for the queen.

“Look, I didn’t say a thing because I thought you would deny or try to argue. But I know about you. I always knew you loved me ... and please, don’t lie to me”

Sazu was so shocked about what the queen told her that she tried to deflect about that the best she could. But the truth always is the best policy, even if it hurts. But that hurt would hurt less than lying.

“H-How did you know?”, the Almeracian Queen’s personal handmaiden asked.

“It doesn’t matter how. It does matter I always knew”

“I thought you would dismiss me. I am just a handmaiden and you are the queen, someone worthy of your love. Like a king, Superman or...”, the green skinned woman explained before interrupted by her mistress.

“Like any of these thought I was worthy of them! I am tired of every man being a burden to me, always saying ‘no’ or being crazy as fuck. Sazu, listen to me ... I always knew you liked me and you must hear I quite feel the same for you”

“D-Do you?”

“You helped me since I was young and you are with me forever. And what I have to lose if I try to see if true happiness lies where I never thought it would”, Maxima said, just to make her handmaiden’s eyes shine with the revelation.

“This means you are into me as well?”

“I tried with everyone else and I failed. I am so desperate that I could do a rampage if horny. But I chose you, Sazu. I feel you are the one who will give me happiness”

“Really: My queen ... I ... I don’t want to make you do something you aren’t okay with it”

“Stop! I want it as much as you! Maybe I can try and see if it’s good or not. No commitment, just to ease my mind...”

“If you say so, my dear Maxima”

The two women kissed again, now with increased passion than before. Something began to blossom between those two and the Almeracian ruler was about to learn one of the most precious of life.

“Later, I will help you to overcome your pains in love, my queen”

“Later? What are you going to do?”

“Something I wanted to do for years and something you really wish to be done, Maxima”, said Sazu. “But I will only tell you later”

The handmaiden helped the queen to put her clothes on before both left the chambers. Sazu smiled when seeing her redhead partner go to the throne room alongside her, finally seeing her own love pains to be over. And Maxima was eager to see what the green-skinned woman had for her. Would be something neither Lobo nor Superman did? She had to wait to find out.

The day past by and nothing happened. And then the next and the next one as well. Maxima was still eager but also annoyed by the waiting. Would Sazu play with her feelings that way? By teasing she would help her to overcome her pains in love; it wasn’t the prettiest way to calm a furious woman like the Queen of Almerac. Almost an invitation to beheading...

The mixed feelings lasted after the third day, where one of Maxima’s chambermaids told the female ruler her personal aid was at her chambers. Anxious and somehow irate, the queen walked to the place where she slept.

“Sazu, you made me wait three days! If this is any joke, I am going to...”

But the longhaired amazon couldn’t stop her ‘threat’. When she stepped the eye at the bedroom, there was her chief handmaiden with her traditional hat. But instead of the robe she usually one, there was another one. One who was nearly see-through robe she wore, closely reminding of that one. But this one highlighted the fact there was, after all, a woman wearing it.

“I apologize, my queen, for making you wait. But I did want to make this special for you”

Maxima was speechless when she saw the ‘surprise’ Sazu did for her. With a naughty smile, as if inviting Maxima to discover the delights of dirty, she walked and swayed her body she came close to her queen.

“Did you like”

“My God! You look ... er ... fantastic!”, said an amazed Maxima as she could see closely her assistant’s looks. It was only covered by the ‘alternate’ robe, but what she could see on that delighted the redhead.

“I told you I would do something to make you happy, my queen...”, the light-green skinned woman whispered. “I cannot see how you fall for these men and end up all alone”

“Don’t even begin to mention”

“I know”, the handmaiden said before kissing the slips and once again smile with certain wickedness to her boss. “But now I am here to show you don’t need them anymore”

Maxima smiled when her everyday right hand in Almerac made sure she noticed her body forms, even if still dressed by the fabric. The royal leader of the planet began to arouse herself with it. And unlike many in her position, it wasn’t as a ruthless ‘mistress’.

“Sazu, I love you”

“My queen, I do love you too ... and this I am doing for you, my naughty queen”

There wasn’t ruler and servant in this moment, as now Maxima and Sazu were two women in need to satisfy their own needs. Once again, they kissed but the intensity was bigger than the first time, days earlier and it only made them heated to what they were to do next.

“Are you going to treat me good, Sazu?”

“I’ll treat you better than any man did, my queen”

Like her hands had wands, the robe was off the handmaiden’s body and the Almeracian’s royalty saw it all. The hatted woman had a body who could match Maxima in hotness. No flaw could be finding at her body, looks, curves, breasts and ass. Well, the ass was a feature the queen loved to see; as it was how she imagined since she was told she was getting what she deserved (on bed). And, of course, a patch of heir at her crotch, but enough inviting for the job.

“I will show you how we can do better than any man, Queen Maxima”

“You don’t know how much these words excite me, Sazu”

The personal handmaiden to the queen danced for her as to exhibit her attributes to her soon to be sexual mate. The redhead loved it and licked her hip as her pussy began to get damp with excitement. Finally, after all these years, she might found the one to not let go.

“Do you like my show, my queen?”

“Adorable ... You are incredible, Sazu. You are the only one who understands me”, pointed Maxima of Almerac.

“I think I was the only one who wanted to understand you, dear queen...”

“You can call me Maxima if you want. We are not queen and handmaiden here. But two women who want each other”

After the dancing session, again both women kissed each other. And each time they did it, the strength of passion and lust among them grew to large amounts. Predictable due to circumstances of what was going on and what was about to happen next between the two women.

“I want you Sazu! I want you know! Take me clothes and make me the woman I want to be!”

“You are the woman you want to be, my queen. Now you will become the woman I want”

The handmaiden kissed once again the redhead ruler and slipped behind her, rubbing herself against the back and the ass of her lover. Maxima’s body and mind answered while she used a trick and the armored outfit of Almerac’s queen was off in a second. Being a woman who knew her like the palm of her hand, she knew exactly what and how to do.


“Now come with me...”, whispered the green-skinned lady.

Taking the queen’s hand, Sazu took her to the bed and once again, they kissed. And the lust between those two women only intensified as much as they kissed each other and their bodies, already coping with the heat, rubbing and grinding against each other. Next, the handmaiden swiftly laid Maxima at the royal bed and kissed her forehead.

“How do you want me to do it, my queen?”

“Do how you want, my dear. I am yours, completely yours. Completely at the mercy of your desires, my dear Sazu”

“Your wish will be always my duty”

The now ‘promoted’ to lesbian acquaintance smiled when her boss told her body was hers to enjoy. And now her hands ran through Queen Maxima’s body, feeling her breasts, her thighs, her abs, admiring how hot the ruler of Almerac planet was. She saw her naked so many times and she always felt aroused by that, but those she was just the handmaiden and loyal assistant to the queen. This time, it was different. Maxima was naked because of her. And only to satisfy her.

“My queen ... Maxima, you have a beautiful body”

The gift she would ask to Santa Claus, if she believed in such, was there, at her reach and she was touching her. The green-skinned woman imagined that was a dream, but when she roamed her hand through the body of the queen, she realized it was real.

“Oh ... Sazu ... please, take me. I am yours”

Now it was the handmaiden’s turn to get on top of the queen, both again kissing before the green-skinned woman began to kiss the redhead through the whole of her body. Shivers of pleasure arrived at Maxima’s body, moving herself during her lover’s own ‘foreplay’. She knew the woman wanted the most precious gift she kept for the moment, and she was about to have it.

“You are divine, my queen!”

Until the pussy, she kissed the body and teased the queen the best she could, getting the expected reaction of moans. Maxima’s mound had something of a red hair patch, bigger than Sazu’s but not like a ‘bushy’ place. She liked to have some hair because it felt like she was a real woman. Also it was tradition for Almerac lady royalty to never shave it fully to keep their sexual allure intact, as men liked to see some pubic hair they said.

“I am quivering waiting for your mouth and hands to take part on me, Sazu”

“Your wish, my queen”

First were the fingers. One, the usual index finger, to see how much Maxima was excited. And Sazu’s eyes widened to see her queen’s pussy was flooded with her the result of the arousing dancing and kissing. She could hear the redhead whisper soft moans while she fingered her. And they intensified when a second finger came into play.

“Ohhh ... Ahhh ... It’s good ... keep doing it!”

Always the loyal and obeying servant, the green-skinned handmaiden maintained the stance and kept sticking the two fingers into her boss. Maxima’s excitement only grew as Sazu did her with her two fingers, wickedly smiling to see her queen got really into her probing.

“That’s amazing ... Sazu...”

“My queen”

But the green-skinned woman really wanted other part of her body to make love with the Almerac’s commander. She lowered her head and the tongue began to play with the redhead’s clitoris, all without stopping sticking her two fingers inside her lover’s. The place was slow, yet it was enough to drive the queen’s crazy.

“Sazu ... uhhhh! Lick my clit! Ahhhh ... I want it ... do me!”

The clit-licking was just to add something to the action, something to make her girlfriend enough teased before getting all-in on orals. The fingers came and went for a while until the handmaiden took them off and she licked then, as she wanted to finally know how Maxima tasted.

“I can’t hardly wait to taste you, my queen. Your pussy seems a gift of the space deities”

“Then come and do your job, Sazu”

“Yes, Queen Maxima”

Again with that smile, Sazu nodded and then ... it finally happened. Sazu began to definitely lick Maxima’s pussy. What she dreamed for all the past years finally translated itself into real life. And given the redhead’s arousal, just a few seconds of oral sex to make the queen moan the loudest she could, something no man ever did to her. Perhaps a sign of things to come (or cum).


It was like a dream come true to Sazu. After all these years she spent close to Maxima, seeing her jump from man to man, get frustrated by every and each attempt to see her queen happy fail. And her suffering because of Almeracian ruler feeling bad because of feeling rejected. Now she was the one there, helping a woman in need to finally mend her broken heart.

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