Days We've Lost - Cover

Days We've Lost

Copyright© 2020 by JohnLocke4

Chapter 1

A police cruiser drove along a highway just exiting Atlanta, Georgia. Inside sat an older officer who looked at the road lazily while just behind him sat Lee Everett, convicted murderer. The officer let out a deep exhale and rubbed his eye before sitting up straight in his seat. He peered up and readjusted his rearview mirror so he could see Lee’s face. “So, I reckon you didn’t do it then.” He said lightheartedly. He waited for a few seconds and could only see Lee hanging his head in silence, “No, definitely not.” The officer said with a small nod,

Lee looked up and let out a small scoff, “Why do you say that?” He asked dryly,

“Well it’s just at this point I usually get the I didn’t do it speech.” The officer said with a smirk,

Lee turned his head and watched the countryside fly by for a moment. Finally he rolled his jaw slowly and said, “Well not from me, I know what I did.”

The officer raised an eyebrow before looking back to the road, “Interesting, you know in all my years I think you are the first one to ever admit it. I suppose there ain’t no reason to lie in your case. Everyone was following your case, me included.” Lee continued to look out the window silently before the officer continued, “Though for me it was more about you being a Macon boy.”

Lee looked back over to the officer, his face now softened, “You’re from Macon then?”

“Born and raised.” The officer replied with a smile,

“What did you think?” Lee asked in response,

“Well I can’t rightly say, I can only say this. If you are man enough to own up to what you did then you can’t be all wrong. Maybe you...” The officer started to say then paused thinking how to phrase this, “Maybe you just married the wrong woman.” He finally said,

Lee looked up at him filling a mixture of emotions before finally thinking to himself, “Maybe she married the wrong guy.” Lee sat back and let the silence linger between the two of them before it was broken by the radio going off. Lee looked up and said, “Any of that seem important to you?”

“All of it.” The officer replied firmly, “But that box never shuts up, listen too much and you’ll just go mad.” The officer paused and let out a little chuckle, “Hey you want to hear a story?”

“Sure, why not.” Lee replied with a shrug,

“So I was driving this man one time and he, he was the worst. He was a big old man hiding behind a pair of old folk glasses and he was just going on and on about how it wasn’t him. Cry and snotting all over, right where you’re sitting!” The officer exclaimed in almost disgust,

“He did it though, right?” Lee asked in a bit of surprise,

“They caught the fucker red handed! The boys saw him cutting his wife up as they kicked open the door, he sits in my car yelling bloody murder that it wasn’t him ... think he believed it himself.” The officer grumbled out.

“Some people.” Lee said shaking his head,

“Just goes to show, people go up and mad when they think their life’s over.” The officer added. The officer looked back towards Lee and said, “Oh I got another good one for ya! This one not as depressing-”

Lee’s eyes went wide as he saw a person shambling across the street slowly, “LOOK OUT!” He shouted out in fear.

“SHIT!” The officer exclaimed as he cut the wheel right and was able to go around the person. The car swerved along the highway lanes before it finally came to back under his control. “Jesus H. Christ.” The officer said while taking deep breaths,

“What the fuck was he doing just walking on the highway?” Lee said taking some deep breaths of his own,

“No earthly idea, maybe looking to get himself killed. Wouldn’t be the first time someone tried that.” The officer said adjusting himself and clutching the wheel,

“God damn.” Lee said shaking his head and letting it lean back against the headrest,

“Hope you don’t mind but think I’m gonna just pay attention to the road til we get to the prison.” The officer said not taking his eyes off the road,

“Works for me man.” Lee replied as he shut his eyes. Minutes past and soon Lee dozed off taking about a twenty minute nap. Suddenly he awoke when the car bounced over a speed bump, he looked around confused and quickly realized where he was as he saw the three layer fences pass the car. “Looks like this is my home now.” Lee mumbled out,

“That it is.” The officer said with a nod as he shut the car off and got out of the cruiser. He walked over to Lee’s door and pulled him out leading him into the prison, “Well looks like this is goodbye, but I’ll leave you with this. You toe the line and do your time, you’ll come out just fine. And don’t let this place get the best of you, cause you’re better than that.” He gave him a pat on the back as a prison guard took him and lead him deeper into the prison.

Over the next few hours Lee went through processing, his personal affects were taken away and in return he received an orange jumpsuit and a simple pair of shoes. As soon as he was dressed he was taken into C-Block when he was shoved into a small cell. He looked around his room and noticed that the bottom bunk was already taken, and quite lived in. He knelt down and picked up a book that laid on the floor.

“You touch any of my stuff?” A deep voice said from behind him, Lee jumped a bit and quickly turned around. An old scruffy man stood in front of staring him down hardly. He took a few steps forward making Lee back up, “Now you tell me the truth, I’ll know if you’re lying.” He said while looking him in the eye,

“Just the book.” Lee said while he handed it to him,

The man took the book and turned his head scanning his bed, “Well I suppose it no worse for wear.” He finally said before looking back to him, “Names Chuck, Charles if you’re fancy.”

“Lee.” He quickly replied as he Chuck continued to stare at him intently, “Gotta admit, you’re creeping me out.”

Chuck let out a toothy smile and said, “Train folk will do that too ya, not that you could really tell. Jumpsuit hides it pretty good.” He said as he pushed past him, Just then a buzzer went off and the cell doors rolled closed with a large click signalling them locking. “So, looks like you’re my new room mate.”

“Yeah, looks like it.” Lee said rubbing the back of his head, “What are you in for?”

“Stealing.” Chuck said as he laid down on his bunk, “Alcohol primarily, add that I was living on a train put that all together and that got me a two year stretch.” Chuck said plainly before shutting his eyes, “Can’t say it’s all bad, alway had a hot meal and a place to lay my head. Only thing I miss is the wind blowing through my hair as that big locomotive rolled down the tracks” Chuck said with a bit of a smile almost imagining the moment, after a second he looked back to Lee, “What about you?”

Lee paused looking at the man and finally chose to just give him the short version, “Murder.”

“You do it?” Chuck asked with a raised eyebrow,

“Yeah.” Lee said with a sullen voice,

“Well guess you’re in the right place.” Chuck replied then shut his eyes again. Lee let out a short sigh agreeing with the statement then he walked over and pulled himself onto the top bunk. Suddenly he heard Chuck speak from below him, “Hey, you want some candy?”

Lee’s face twisted in some confusion, “You. Have candy?” He said in disbelief,

A few hours past as Lee and Chuck talked about their lives and before long they were ready to sleep. Lee liked the old man, he was odd for sure but he had a carefree way that Lee found almost relieving. Chuck on the other hand already felt that his roommate was a good enough guy, nothing had really set off any alarms. By the end of the week the two of them had already become good friends and really only talked to each other, their was only one other man that they conversed with was a large man named Axel.

As the days ticked on Lee would hear off questionable things on the television. He could never get a clear understanding but he was sure some sort of martial law was in effect for Atlanta. He would also hear conflicting reports on a disease outbreak or a new drug causing users to act violently and eat human flesh. Finally on the night of Lee’s eighth day a loud alarm shot out across the prison. Lee shot awake and Chuck slowly got out of his bed and headed to the cell door peering out.

Just as Lee put his jumpsuit on the cell door rolled open, he jumped down off his bed and looked over to Chuck, “Hey what the hell is going on out there?”

Chuck was silent for a moment before cryptically saying, “Hell has reached out door friend.”

Chuck took a step out of the cell and Lee quickly followed. The pair stood in shock as the prison alarm blared loudly. All around them bodies laid, some shot other torn apart. Nearby some people were digging into bodies eating their organs eagerly. Suddenly a prison guard stumbled towards them, his eyes were milky white and his intestines hung from his stomach. “What in the hell?!” Lee said jumping back, “He ain’t breathing.” Chuck said in some shock as he watched the body lumber at him,

“What are you talking about, he has to be.” Lee replied just as the guard grabbed onto his shirt. Lee held onto its shoulders while it snapped it’s jaw at him wildly. “What the fuck! Get off of me!”

Chuck ran over and pulled the guard off of Lee tossing it into the cell door. He reached his hand out and pulled the guards revolver from his holster then pushed it into their cell. Lee ran over and quickly closed the door locking it inside, “Son we gotta get outta here or we’re gonna die, simple as that.” Before Lee could reply a deep groan filled their ears, they turned and saw a prisoner with his arm ripped off and six bullet holes in it’s chest stumbling towards him. Chuck raised his revolver and took a shot hitting him in the shoulder. Lee and Chuck stood stunned as the walker didn’t even seem to notice.

Lee walked forward and kicked the man to the ground, Chuck wasted no time and ran forward, he aimed the revolver to it’s head and pulled the trigger sending a round into it’s skull. The man finally stopped moving and seemed to officially died, “Guess that works.” Lee said as he looked over to Chuck,

“HEY! THIS WAY COME ON!” A voice called from the cell block doors. Chuck and Lee looked over and saw Axel waving them over to him. Lee and Chuck sprinted past the feeding men and met up at the door. Axel let out a grin, “Good to see ya alive.”

“Axel, what the fuck is going on?!” Lee exclaimed,

“No clue, these guys said if we follow them they’ll let us out, you follow me? Sounds better than just staying here.” Axel replied as the three of them ran along with three other prisoners and two guards. Minutes past as the group ran down the hallways of the prison, finally the guards stopped and turned around.

“You get this door open, hand me that revolver. We’ll cover you.” One of the guards said to Chuck. Chuck nodded and handed the revolver over, the other’s quickly opened the doors but stopped in confusion as they saw only the cafeteria,

“What the-” One of the prisoners began to say only for the guards to turn around aiming their guns up,

“Get in there! Now!” One of the guards boomed out,

“Guys what the fuck?! We can get outta here together!” Lee exclaimed,

“We ain’t letting prisoners out, you’ll stay in here until this is under control! Now move!” The guard shouted back as he cocked the revolver. The prisoners slowly back into the room and the second guard slammed the doors shut.

They heard a soft click of handcuffs locking them inside. The group stood looking at one another each either angry or fearful as they could hear gunshots and yells coming from around the prison. “Sonofabitch.” Lee grumbled out.

Lee awoke to a sharp kick to his leg, he opened his eyes and narrowed them as he saw Dexter looming over him, “The hell do you want?” Lee shot out,

“To wake you the fuck up, you snore like an asshole.” Dexter replied as he turned back around and headed to the back of the cafeteria,

Lee got to his feet and headed over to the far wall in the room. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a nail, he quickly started to scratch a line into the wall, “How many days?” Chuck asked from behind him,

Lee looked back and let out a little sigh. He peered back to the wall and counted, after a minute he said, “One hundred and thirty four.” Lee said as he slipped the nail back into his pocket,

“Hell.” Chuck said while crossing his arms and leaning against the wall,

“What do you think it’s like out there? I mean in the rest of the world.” Lee asked in turn,

“Couldn’t imagine, I could understand why some prisoners wouldn’t take priority but over three months ... where the hell is the military?” Chuck said a bit worried,

“I don’t know but I’ll tell you this if they don’t get here soon things are gonna get bad in here.” Lee said while he glared over at Dexter who walked out of the back,

“You still not seeing eye to eye with him?” Chuck asked not really surprised,

“Hell no, after the shit he’s done. Trying to get with me then tricking Andrew into that, now all he does it get on my nerves. I swear if he doesn’t back off i’ll-” Lee started to say before holding back and taking a breath, “I don’t know what i’ll do.”

“Stay calm son, we can’t turn on each other. When we finally get outta this room we may need every single person to make it out.” Chuck said calmly,

Lee nodded but paused for a moment before looking over to the corner of the cafeteria, “Look you may be right about that but that guy, Thomas. Something about him, he just isn’t sitting right with me.”

“I think you’re just driving yourself mad, being in a room for this long will do that to ya, make you paranoid.” Chuck replied dismissively,

“Maybe.” Lee said watching Thomas eating his breakfast. “Still, i’d give anything to get the fuck outta here.” Lee said as he slid down the wall and sat down.

Meanwhile just outside the prison two RV’s sat closed between the second and third gates. Rick Grimes sat atop of the larger of the two RV’s holding a shotgun on his lap. Rick Grimes was a county sheriff from Kentucky and for the last few months he had been trying to lead his group to safety. Unfortunately for his group they hadn’t caught a break and in fact they had been giving the end of the a very short stick.

First they had been trying to live on the outskirts of Atlanta, this only turned out to be more dangerous than it was worth after an attack claimed the lives of many of their friends. They left the camp and Rick found a small gated community, Wiltshire Estates, it was almost as if the place had never been looted. His group stopped there for a day but had to flee as they found it was overrun, and this horde had taken the lives of Donna and Allen, the parents of toddler twins.

After Wiltshire Estates, they drove looking for a safe place Rick’s son Carl was shot by a hunter who lead them back to a farm owned by Hershel Greene. Hershel was wary of letting people on his farm and this was heightened when he found that Rick was traveling with a man named Kenny, who had once stayed on his farm. Hershel blamed Kenny for the death of his stepson even though deep down he knew it wasn’t his fault. After Hershel lost two more of his children he forced Rick’s group off his land at gunpoint, all except three Mark, Glenn and Doug, they hated leaving them behind but they couldn’t force them to come along.

It was another few weeks of them driving through the snowy streets for them to find the prison. They could see it was overrun, walkers dotted the yard and they knew that the interior was probably worse but Rick convinced the others that they could stay here. With their food supplies extremely low and the horrid conditions of living on the road made this plan better than any other they had.

In Dale’s R.V. sat Dale, Rick, Lori, Carl, Tyreese, Julie Tyreese’s daughter, Chris Julie’s Boyfriend, Carol, Sophia, Ben, the two twins Ben and Billy, and lastly Andrea. While in Kenny’s R.V. sat Kenny, Katjaa, Duck, Clementine a little girl who chose to leave with Kenny rather than stay at Hershel’s, and Carly the crack shot reporter. The group was just too big to be living on the road, trying to find a meal every day. They needed a place to grow and this place was sure to be it.

At just around four in the mourning Kenny left his RV to join Rick on watch, he climbed up the ladder and let out a small whistle to get his attention, “Hey, any problems so far?” Kenny asked as he took a seat down next to him,

Rick let out a chuckle, “Not one, well other then all these walkers shambling around.” Rick stretched and let out a yawn, “What are you doing up anyway? Tyreese is suppose to be my relief, you should still be asleep.”

Kenny just shook his head, “I can’t sleep a wink in there, Carly is sawing logs and it reeks something fierce.” He replied with an annoyed tone,

Rick nodded in agreement, “I hear you, I don’t think Dale’s RV will ever get the stench out of the walls.”

Kenny let out a sigh and started looking around the prison yard, “You know Rick this place does look great but my family is starving. If we don’t find food I may just have to leave.” Kenny said hanging his head a bit,

“Jesus Kenny, you aren’t serious are you?” Rick said shocked,

“I am, it ain’t you or anyone here. It’s just ... we got too many mouths to feed and there just isn’t enough to go around.” Kenny replied with a bit of a sullen voice,

“Don’t worry, just one more night man. Tomorrow we will find the cafeteria and we’ll get some food for this group. You just gotta trust me.”

“Trust ain’t got nothing to do with it.” Kenny mumbled back. Rick looked over to him with a bit of a worried expression on his face. Kenny peered back over to him and let out a low sigh, “One more night.” He finally said with a nod,

“And one more push right?” Tyreese’s voice said from right behind them,

“Jesus! Tyreese, you can’t just sneak up on me like that. I don’t have enough sleep for that.” Rick said with a smirk,

“Sorry about that.” Tyreese said with a smirk as Rick passed him his shotgun, “So what you doing up Kenny?”

“Can’t sleep in there.” Kenny replied blankly,

“Stinks don’t it.” Tyreese said with a smirk,

“You can say that again.” Kenny replied with a smile on his face,

Rick rolled his eyes as he got up, “Well enjoy the fresh air then, I gotta catch some sleep while I can, gonna be real busy in a few hours.”

“Rick I swear to god if this place doesn’t work out I’m shooting myself in the face, I can’t spend any more time in these RV’s.” Tyreese said lightheartedly, in turn he only saw Kenny and Rick looking at him in concern, “Relax guys I’m just joking.” “Not enough sleep don’t you remember?” Rick said with a frown,

“Right, right, sorry.” Tyreese said while shaking his head,

They waved Rick off and he quickly climbed down the RV ladder and snuck back into the RV trying not wake anyone. He moved to the back and squeezed into the small bed with Lori and Carl, he was tired enough to fall asleep despite the poor conditions rather quickly.

Hours later everyone shot awake as Lori sprinted out of the RV rocking it wildly. Rick sat up with a little smirk as the others let out annoyed groans at the abrupt awakening. “Morning sickness, sorry everybody.” Rick said as he got up,

“Had to get up some time right?” Dale said with a little grumble,

Rick let out a little chuckle and he quickly walked out the RV and he spotted Lori dry heaving a few feet away from the door, “You okay?”

“Yeah just throwing up, well dry heaving really. Don’t have much to throw up.” Lori said with a little smile as she wiped her mouth,

“You look so beautiful right now.” Rick said with a warm smile,

“Stop.” Lori replied with a scoff,

“Come on give us a kiss.” Rick said holding back a laugh as he reached out to her,

“No, no, my breath!” Lori said with a laugh pushing him back playfully,

“I’ve dealt with it before just fine.” Rick said pulling her in closer,

“Whoa! Aren’t you two pregnant enough!?’ Andrea said with a laugh as she walked out of the RV,

“Oh trust me, I am way too pregnant.” Lori said pulling away from Rick with a smirk,

Rick gave a small half smile then walked forward at the now gathered group, “Alright people listen up! Now I know everyone is hungry and I know everyone is tired but I need you all to pull together today. I won’t lie it’s going to be tough but if we can work together I promise you that we can have a full meal tonight and a bed to sleep in as well.” Rick could see everyone’s faces light up, “Now here is the deal for today, Kenny, Tyreese, Carly, Andrea and I will be heading onto the other side of the to clear the yard. While we do this I want Dale, Carol, Lori, and Katjaa to walk the perimeter of the prison, check to see if any fences are down. We need to know if this is just going to be the dead from the prison or ones that are filing in. Lastly I want Chris, Julie and Ben on babysitting duty. I know it isn’t the most fun job but I need you three watching over the kids.”

The group quickly jumped into action each heading into their assigned areas. Rick’s group pulled open the gate and walked onto the other side. “God I didn’t realize how unsafe this made me feel, being on this side makes a big difference.” Andrea said as she clutched her pistol,

“It’s fine, were the best crackshots here. We’ll take out any before they get close.” Carly said with a reassuring smile,

“Easy there girls, gotta keep this quiet.” Kenny said as he pulled out his machete, “Ya’ll are just here to back us up.”

“Yeah just remember that we are quicker than them, if they start getting close to you just run. We can do this just fine.” Rick said confidently,

“Don’t lie man, this is gonna suck.” Tyreese said as he pulled out his hammer.

“It’ll be worth it.” Rick said as he slammed his hatchet into the first walker,

“It better be.” Kenny grumbled out as he slashed his machete across a walkers head.

The five of them moved around the yard slicing and chopping through the scattered dead. For fifteen minutes walkers fell one by one and just as they were finishing up killing the final walkers one walker made it’s way straight at Rick. Andrea without thinking took a shot that hit the waker dead in the skull killing it quickly. Everyone looked around and saw all the walkers had fallen, “That one got a little too close for comfort.” Andrea said with a half smile,

“Yeah no kidding, thanks.” Rick said with a nod only for the five of them to hear a deep roar from the entrance to C-Block. Everyone turned back towards the door and to their shock saw dozens of walkers beginning to pour out of the cell block.

“Oh you have got to be fucking kidding me!” Kenny shouted out in shock as well as anger,

Rick lowered his head and pulled out his pistol, “Andrea I need you to go back to the RV and have Ben get you the ammo bag, we’re gonna need it.”

As Andrea took off running for the gate the rest of them readied their pistols, “I told you this was gonna suck.” Tyreese said with a frown,

“Yeah you sure did call it.” Kenny said pushing his safety off,

“Head shots only, we can’t afford to waste ammo now.” Rick said to the group as he raised his gun,

“Anything else?” Tyreese said with a little smirk,

“Yeah, don’t miss!” Carly exclaimed as the four of them began to fire at the horde of walkers.

Back at the RV Ben sat inside listening to Chris complain while the kids played cards together, “It’s bullshit, so what we’re seventeen. We all have guns, we do just fine at target practice. We should be out there helping Rick not sitting here fucking babysitting.” Chris shouted out bitterly,

“C’mon chill out man, Rick is depending on us.” Ben said a bit timidly,

“Oh what the fuck do you know Ben! You’re just too much of a chicken shit to do anything!” Chris snapped at him quickly,

“Stop! That’s not nice! Don’t be mean to Ben!” Clementine yelled out angrily,

“Shut up brat!” Chris shouted out to her quickly,

“Chris stop it!” Julie butted in quickly,

“It’s alright Clem, why don’t you ... just, like, go play cards with Carl and Sophia up front.” Ben said with a small smile. Clementine nodded and glared at Chris before turning towards the front of the RV and walking over.

Just then they heard Andrea shout out for the gate to get open. Chris and Ben got up and ran outside to pull open the gate. Andrea quickly squeezed through the gate, “The ammo! I need the bag of ammo right now!”

“Whoa, what’s going on?” Ben asked confused,

“No time! I need all the rounds we have!” Andrea exclaimed as the three ran back inside,

Chris ran over and tossed Ben the bag, “We only have like ten clips loaded, everything else is loose. You’ll have to load them by hand.”

Andrea paused for a second and looked back up, “Look I need one of you to come with me, I gonna need one of you to load the clips for us while we take care of the walkers.” The three teens looked at her fearfully no one stepping up, “Come on I need your help!”

“I-I’ll go.” Ben said timidly as he rubbed his arm,

“Alright good, follow me! Chris get the gate closed!” Andrea shouted as she and Ben ran out the RV. Chris stood there for a minute embarrassed before he walked out of the RV to close the gate.

“What do you think is going on?” Duck asked looking around,

“I don’t know. Do you think I should have told them about Chris being mean?” Clementine said looking back to the three of them,

“Maybe.” Carl said with a shrug,

“Clem, you ready to play?” Sophia asked handing her some cards,

“Yeah okay.” Clementine replied picking up her cards,

“Okay.” Sophia said with a smile then looked over to Carl, “Carl do you have a bearded man with a black heart and do you want to be my boyfriend?”

“Ew gross! No way, go fish!” Carl exclaimed in response while Duck and Clem snickered.

Meanwhile Dale’s group had made it about halfway around the perimeter when they began to hear gunfire coming from the yard. Lori looked back fearfully, “Stay calm Lori, Rick knows what he’s doing.” Katjaa said with a soothing voice,

“Aren’t you worried about Kenny?” Lori said turning back towards the group,

“Of course I’m worried but I trust he’ll be alright.” Katjaa said with a smile,

“Yeah ... I know, I guess I’m not used to the sound of gunfire yet.” Lori replied as the group began to walk again, “You know I always used to hear that you should live life like it was the last day of your life and it would make you a happier person. Now i’m living my life like it is my last day and it’s horrible! I’ve seen too much death!” Lori said bitterly,

“Well anyone of us could die at any moment. We’ve seen it happen before, I know it’s easy to feel that we are never safe.” Katjaa said with a small nod,

“Geez guys could you give it a break? You’re making me depressed.” Carol said while crossing her arms, “Look around, this place is amazing. I almost have everything going perfect again, hell Tyreese is ten times better than my husband ever was. All we need is food and Rick seemed pretty confident that it would be in here. Hell we could rebuild here, start a new life!”

“Yeah I’ve heard that one before.” Lori said with a roll of her eyes,

“Let’s just say I won’t be unpacking so quickly.” Katjaa added on as the turned around the third corner of the fences.

Back with Rick’s group the five of them continued to fire at the walker horde while Ben shakily continued to load pistol clips for them, “I-I have another one loaded!” Ben shouted out,

“Over here shit bird!” Kenny shouted out only for Ben to toss him the clip. Kenny ejected the spent clip and tossed it to Ben while he loaded in the fresh one, “This keeps up we’re gonna run outta ammo!” Kenny shouted out,

“I know but we’ve got no choice, we just have to keep shooting!” Rick shouted back as Ben tossed him another clip,

“Hold on! I think we may have just lucked out!” Carly shouted with a relieved smile,

“You-you think that’s all of them?” Ben said as he slowly shuffled towards the group,

“Only one way to find out.” Rick said as he lifted his pistol and fired into the air. Ben jumped at the shot while the others aimed directly at the door and waited. Minutes past as the group stood there and finally they lowered their guns. “Okay I think we’re good but we can’t stop now. Andrea, Carly, Ben, you three head back to the RV. You let the others know that we’re going into the cell block to secure it. I want the others to work on moving these bodies outside the fences for burning but keep Chris and Julie on babysitting alright?”

“You got it boss.” Carly said with a nod as she turned around with Ben and Andrea,

“Hey Ben!” Tyreese called out,

“Y-yeah?” Ben replied and turned back,

“Good job today.” Tyreese said with a smile then he turned back towards the cell block and walked inside.

“What’s up with that?” Kenny asked with a raised eyebrow,

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