Mexican Maidservant Makes Money - Cover

Mexican Maidservant Makes Money

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger


Erotica Sex Story: PART 2 - Hispanic housekeeper responds to financial offers to disrobe and fool around as she cleans house. Her limits keep moving further out as the dollar amounts increase. Finally it goes beyond money.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   First   Pregnancy   Prostitution  

The legal stuff was moving along its appointed course but it gave me time to realize how much I enjoyed living here. Hey, I wasn’t a hero at home! The weather was great and I had inherited a lot of family. I guess I’d become a snowbird, living here in the winter and back in the states in the hotter weather. That could be great!

Tucker came down to see us and I didn’t see hide nor hair of him or Isidra for two hours after he walked in our house. I expected that and even told them they could spend the night together. Maria had been after me to enjoy her swelling mother-to-be body and reassure her that she was still attractive. Those are the kind of favors that are always pleasant to bestow and Eduardo happily took turns with me in pleasing her. His apprenticeship was going extremely well and he felt like a real man now.

Towards the end of the week-long visit by Tucker, Maria approached me shyly, “Would Signor Tucker like to enjoy a pregnant woman?” I said I didn’t know. She should just be brave and ask him. He would only bite her if she wanted him to. That made her giggle. The upshot was that on his last night we had a five-some in the main bedroom. Isidra enjoyed it too because she hadn’t had Eduardo between her legs since they moved in, partly because his work took long hours, and partly because his horny pregnant wife kept him worn out. I knew that when Maria was unavailable after childbirth, that he’d get plenty of my Mexican maid’s pussy.

The green card arrived just after the new little resident and we decided to head for the cooler north for a bit, as much to exercise Isidra’s new freedom as anything else. Tucker met us at the airport with a girl “friend” that he’d told us about. We would stay with him since my old residence had been sold when we went south.

Kristi was in residence most of the time, we discovered. Isidra poked me playfully as I ogled the big tits on the 30ish blond who wore less and less as time went on, finally admitting she was a nudist at heart. More like an exhibitionist, I thought, from the carefully posed crotch shots I was frequently treated to.

Nothing was said about Tucker’s previous connections to us until one Sunday morning when Tucker and Isidra went to Mass. As usual, I sent my wife off with a wet pussy and I slept in.

Even the most determined “sleeper-inner” will wake up when a naked busty blond gets under the same sheet. Her introduction was, “I know that Tucker enjoyed your wife on his visit and before that too. I wish to offer the same hospitality while you are here.” Her hands had found my rising rod by the time she finished that and gave me a mouthful of tongue. I thanked the Lord that I’d screwed my wife already this morning so I could get the maximum benefit out of the “maiden voyage” with this hottie.

She expertly hopped on and filled herself with my meat, jiggling her jugs enticingly. As I nibbled and sucked, she commented, “I heard you two fucking earlier. I did Tucker too in case you don’t recognize the lubrication you are sliding in.” Big grin.

We talked when the lust was sated, temporarily I suspected. She still kept her own place because she had another boyfriend that she bedded intermittently as well as an ex-husband who she screwed when he came to town. As she put it, “I’ve known these guys a long time and we still have good relationships. Even though I’m pretty tight with Tucker, I can’t see any reason to stop enjoying them once in a while. It’s no secret from Tucker.”

They’d met at a party and traded phone numbers. After her date with this other boyfriend had concluded she texted him for the hell of it and he spent the rest of the night in her bed, showing her how much he liked seconds or thirds or whatever he was getting. They’d been frequent fuck-buddies ever since. She was concerned about how Isidra’s return might impact that.

I moved my firming tool in her slippery and velvety sheath and said I’d help keep her satisfied when Tucker was busy. She kissed me and we recommenced our getting acquainted without talking for a while, communicating on a tactile level.

Isidra felt a bit threatened by this blond bombshell so Tucker and I reassured her in very tangible, and enjoyable, ways as often as she needed it. As she made friends with this gringo gal she relaxed and they did lots of things together besides share peckers.

On Isidra’s birthday, Tucker was out of town so Kristi and I took her to a Mexican bar and grill a couple of towns away that we’d heard about. She was kind of missing a culture that she had just had six months of experience in and we thought it would be fun.

The men on the make thought that Kristi was my wife, since we were the only two gringos in the place, and so really hit on Isidra and she decided to play along. She was on the dance floor more than with us. She was really feeling her margaritas and came back to the table and dropped a $20 bill on it. “A nice man gave me this for a blowjob. That’s what I used to do before I met you. I bet I can get more too. Don’t worry, I won’t fuck them.” Kristi and I raised our eyebrows at each other.

There was $100 on the table by the time the place closed down and we followed my wicked wife out to the parking lot with several guys. I watched her suck on a couple of brown ones and she even gave a $10 titty fuck. Kristi whispered to me, “I’d do that if Tucker was here and said it was okay.”

I whispered back, thinking of her exhibitionistic streak, “Why don’t you give me one and put on a show.” In a flash she had my zipper undone and some brown guys were watching a white chick sucking a white dick. When she finished she opened her mouth and showed everybody what she’d extracted and then made a production out of swallowing it. We bundled Isidra in the car and headed for home. My wife crashed as soon as she hit the bed. Kristi needed a seven-inch injection to get to sleep.

My wanton wife had a hangover the next morning and was rather embarrassed about her behavior. We said we thought it was kind of fun and she now had some extra spending money, not that she really needed it. She didn’t even remember the show that Kristi put on so we told her about it and she laughed. So did Tucker when he got back and heard the story.

Late fall arrived and this time Tucker went with us to our “Mexican Hideaway” to stay. Kristi was invited to become Tucker’s full-time partner and stay with him. She had a number of things to consider and stayed behind to work them out if indeed she would accept the offer.

On our arrival, the residents got a big Thank You party and gifts for taking such good care of things.

Maria was pregnant again and happy about it but wanted me to check out her swelling belly from the inside too. She grinned, thinking that was a funny thing to say. I happily gave her a thorough and prolonged examination with my fleshy probe and she was delighted, rushing back to share it with her husband. She grinned at me later as she said he had used his tool to check for “damage” and she had enjoyed that very much. Perhaps I could check her more often! Would Tucker check her too? Like last time I told her to “just ask.”

When that happened, the not-at-all-shy Kristi, who had just joined us for a visit but not a decision to be Tucker’s unofficial “wife”, decided to try her first brown bone and Eduardo had an experience to remember. Maria reported to Isidra that he was useless as a “husband” for the rest of the day. That was OK, she’d had enough man-meat to keep her happy for a while.

Eduardo reported that as the vegetable garden was ripening, the ready produce was disappearing. It couldn’t be animals because of the ample fencing. He and I would stake it out overnight, taking turns sleeping as the other sat nearby keeping watch. About three in the morning I spotted some movement in the shrubs a short distance from the garden. Poking Eduardo I sat still, watching.

Several small figures moved quietly to the gate and with a small flashlight began filling shoulder sacks with our produce. We confronted them, at the gate, my Glock in my hand. Eduardo chattered with them in Spanish and turned to me, “These are some children from the village. They have no food except what they get from us.”

I said to him, “Order them to follow you to the house. I’ll be at the back to deal with stragglers or escapees.”

These four were urchins, three boys and a girl. Their clothes were thin and ragged and they had no extra flesh. I asked Eduardo to get his wife and mine to the kitchen where we were. I quickly explained what was going on and the women warmed up some leftovers and presented them to our “captives”. They gobble the food, too fast for one boy who threw up. Maria got some soup warmed and made him eat slowly.

I had never considered the poverty here even though I knew that jobs were scarce. Maria quizzed them and they were from three families who were suffering. There were more.

It was dawn and we sent them home with more than vegetables and with a request that they bring their families and others that were in similar situations that evening at six pm. I sent Maria and several family helpers to the larger town with money to buy a lot of food that could be easily prepared. My wife and all available help prepared makeshift serving tables. I called Maria to buy paper plates and plastic forks.

It all came together! The kids led a cadre of two dozen townspeople of widely varying ages. There were eight of us to greet them. The visitors looked around at the great relative wealth on our grounds. Eduardo took charge and asked them to stand or sit in a particular place. I addressed them through my interpreter.

“Welcome to my home. I understand that you are hungry. I am not a Christian but I believe in many of the same principles. We have prepared a dinner for you. What you do not eat here we will send with you. But I cannot feed you every day. What is more important is to be able to feed yourselves. I have much more land than I need so I will provide it for you to use to grow gardens and raise chickens and such. I will contact Heifer international and they can teach you how to grow chickens and perhaps other small animals. That’s enough of my talking. I would like to speak with the head of each household after you eat. We will meet right here.”

The food lines grew quickly and moved just as fast. People sat on the ground in groups and marveled at the blessing when they weren’t chewing and swallowing. The kids we had caught were carrying jugs of water and cold tea to refill whoever needed it.

Six people, some men and some women, met with me as we began our planning. I said I need a couple of days to check some things out and we’d meet again. They all hugged me and I did know what “Gracias” meant.

That night Isidra was practically in tears as she got in bed with me. “How could I have ever found such a kind and loving man. First you rescue me and now a village. You are an angel!”

I cut that short, feeling embarrassed, “I’m just doing what I can and am grateful I have resources to share.” Maria and Kristi also piled naked in my bed, wanting to be “blessed” by an angel. I had to send them back to their own beds with a promise for another time. My remaining energy was for my soulmate.

While the participating families cleared the two acres that we decided the best suited for a vegetable garden, I ordered a roto-tiller to be shipped from the states. Fencing materials could be obtained locally and the men and boys got to work installing that around the perimeter. There were people in the area who knew what crops would thrive the best in our area and I purchased the seeds. The experienced people conducted classes for the unskilled helpers, first of all about planting and later they would have similar instruction for tending. Some young men were selected for a security patrol which would be in place 24/7 and equipped with a cell phone to call for additional help.

Since it would be quite a while before the first crop could be harvested, I arranged for buffet dinners each Sunday afternoon to improve the nutrition and thus the energy of this community. Of course, the families sent cooks to help and another family which was much more prosperous than usual found out about our program and they provided additional resources of food and money. I was so pleased to see that this was really becoming a community project and pulling people together to help one another.

We were on the Heifer International’s waiting list and it would be months before they could get to us. I wondered if a sizable donation would shorten the wait.

I was approached by a young girl, Rosita, from one of the participating families. She said she was interested in raising rabbits which would provide good protein pretty quickly and could be fed on some of the byproducts of garden. She had done a bit of research and that was something that Heifer International could also get her started with, although some young stock could be purchased locally if we didn’t want to wait for them. She offered to go work with an existing rabbit grower to learn how to do it.

I thought it was an excellent idea and asked Tucker if he would work with her to get this new part of our community project going. They became a good team, with him providing transportation and other resources for her to get established with a few hutches in one corner of the vegetable garden area. He told me that she was very bright and energetic.

In Kristi’s absence after she returned home, Isidra and Maria had been enjoying taking care of Tucker’s male needs, although he always slept alone when it was finished. Kristi kept stalling, unable to make the decision that Tucker wanted. She was reluctant to give up her career and her sexual independence. She offered to visit again but Tucker said that would not help and she should not contact him again unless she was ready to make a commitment.

The very next day Rosita was working with him and she said, “Señor Tucker, you are very sad. Would you tell me about it so I can help you?” At first he was reluctant to open up to this young woman, after all she was only 14 so what could she know? She kept up her inquiries in a gentle way and he realized that in this culture women grew up faster than at home.

When he explained a little bit of his history with Kristi and what was happening to it, Rosita reached out a small hand to his and said, “You have been a very good friend and helper to me. I want to do that for you. It is very crowded at my small house and I will come to be in your bed every night since your Kristi will not be.”

As you might expect, Tucker was completely surprised by this offer. Had this girl grown up much faster than he realized? His first question was, “Do you know what happens when a man and a woman are in bed together?”

She leaned up and kissed him on the cheek, “I do know about it. As I said, our house is very crowded and I see what my parents do and my sister and her husband.”

Tucker looked her squarely in the eye, “But they are married and we would not be.”

“My sister joined with others and with her husband before she married. I have not wished to do that with any of the boys I know but the man you are is attractive enough for me to allow that closeness for the first time.”

As he held her close, Tucker was really struggling inside. His vasectomy would prevent any big complications. His attachment to Kristi was still strong. Could this young person, half his age, erase and replace that?” With the anxious look on her face, he knew he had to make a decision. He couldn’t bear to hurt her by rejection and the thought of a woman regularly in his bed, and spite of the loving intentions of the household wives, was a strong attraction.

“Rosita, this takes me a bit by surprise. I’m not saying no but we must move carefully so that neither one of us gets hurt. I’m willing to do that and see if it will work for the two of us. Why don’t you bring a few things and begin spending the time with me that you have offered but we will not have sex until it is clear that it is right for both of us.”

Hearing that, she threw herself upon him, kissing him without much skill in pressing her small breasts, barely covered by her thin dress against his T-shirt covered chest. “I will do everything you say, Senior Tucker, and I know that you will like it very very much. I will hurry home and get a few things as you asked and be back here for dinner.”

At that dinner, Tucker explained to the other residents how they were going to try living together. Rosita was very shy in front of the others and Maria giggled in spite of holding back. She had not spent much time with the young woman but would definitely do so now and help her make good decisions.

That is how Rosita realized that her man was also a man to the two other wives w2ho had sex with each other’s husbands as well. That was a revelation for the religious upbringing which she was stretching quite a bit to be with a man she adored. Maria pointed out that no one was intimate with anyone without their full agreement. She also asked Rosita if she had thought about birth control. When she shook her head no, Maria explained about Tucker’s vasectomy but that the other men issued seed so something would need to be done if she ever desired to bed them.

Tucker discovered that Rosita had no night clothes, sleeping naked in a bed with several sisters or female cousins. She was pretty casual about nudity since that was unavoidable in the small home. He would sleep in his boxers and he gave her a T-shirt to use as a nightgown. She was so small it practically came to her knees but it would do.

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