Hormone-heated Holly - Cover

Hormone-heated Holly

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A woman with a rare sexual condition has difficulty with ordinary relationships until she meets Mr. Right.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Romantic   Sharing   Gang Bang   Swinging   Pregnancy   .

He sat by her in the college class. They exchanged a few words before and after the meeting and finally he asked her to have lunch with him in the Student Union. That led to attending an evening lecture and a drink afterwards. The next step was an out and out dinner date.

When he returned her to her apartment, she invited him in. Oh boy! He hadn’t been laid in ages. Maybe he’d get lucky tonight.

It was a two-room place and sparsely furnished, student style. She offered him a small glass of Grand Marnier and he was impressed. She looked anxious so he waited to see what she had to say.

“I would like to have sex with you but there is something of concern that you need to know about. No, I’m not married or cheating on anybody. That would almost be simpler.”

That put a puzzled look on his face so she continued, “I’ve inherited a rare condition from my mother that has made it very difficult for me to have long-term relationships. It is very unusual so bear with me as I try to explain it and then it’s your choice whether you stay or leave. May I get you another glass?” He thanked her.

“May I assume that you’re not a virgin?” Brian nodded. “I’m not either although that itself usually makes little difference to people our age. During most of the month I have a normal sex drive and I like it with a caring partner. However, during the typically three days of my fertile time, some strange aberration of my hormones makes me insatiably horny, to the point where it is actually painful if not requited. The doctor called it “hyper-breeding syndrome”. It takes more than intercourse to satisfy that, there must be injections of male semen. Something in its composition is soothing and counteracts the condition. In case you wonder, chemical birth control makes it worse so thank god for IUDs.”

Brian grinned, “If you need to get fucked a lot I’d be happy to take care of that!”

Holly frowned, “It’s not that simple, unfortunately, because I’ve tried it with some pretty capable men. It seems difficult enough for one man to ejaculate a half-dozen times a day in me, but to handle that for three days in a row is nearly impossible. Besides, I get the best relief from multiple kinds of semen because they contain different substances.”

Brian’s eyes were opened wide by this time as he stuttered, “So you’re saying that you have to do a gangbang during those days?”

“Not like that. I need it spread out across my waking hours and even in the night if possible. It is not easy to arrange 3 to 5 different men to fuck you, in spite of what you might think.”

There was a silent time while Brian pondered this and Holly sat quietly, watching him.

He asked, “So your mother has this to?”

“Yes, and it has cost her a couple of husbands among other things.”

Another inquiry from Brian, “But the rest of the time you don’t go slutting around?”

She got angry at that, “I’m not a slut! I only do what I do because I have no choice. The rest of the time I wish to be loved by a man and not just used. You know, dating and such too. Are you interested in being that or not?”

Brian rose, “I want to think on it overnight, like I do all major decisions. I will visit with you after class tomorrow and give you my answer.” He gave her a firm kiss and thanked her for the drink as he left.

She was not paying good attention during the class, wondering what Brian’s decision was going to be. It had messed up her sleep last night too.

Brian had called his older brother for advice. He was married and had been a source of wisdom in the past. When he outlined the issue his brother said, “Well that’s one I’ve never heard before but I’ve experienced something a bit similar which might be helpful. When I was dating your sister-in-law she was really learning about sex and that means she was dating and screwing several other guys besides me. She made no secret of it, something that I learned to appreciate. When she was with me she acted like I was the only man she’d ever spread her legs for, even though I knew she had a busy box. Just like I did with her, you have to work through it to see if you are meant to be a couple. When she realized how I was she cut back and we eventually got engaged as you know.”

After the class, Holly couldn’t wait to get anywhere else and pulled him to a quiet corner of the hallway. “Are you in or out?” she rather directly and graphically put it.

Frank grinned and hugged her as he said, “Let’s go to my dorm room. It’s closer and we can get better acquainted quicker.” She held his hand as they walked quickly.

They had two hours to fuck furiously before either one had another class. She was the best he’d ever had although that wasn’t saying a lot because there had only been one young woman who hadn’t been very enthusiastic. Holly certainly was and he had to begrudgingly admit that her skills from much practice were very enjoyable. Her body felt wonderful, obviously not impaired by what all it had experienced.

As they lay together after two of his ejaculations without removing himself, and numerous climaxes for her, she said that her period had just finished so they would have some time to bond before the problem time came again. With that mentioned, the third time that he was slipping and sliding his erection in a now semen-filled receptacle, he thought about all the other that had been left there or would be. That actually helped him ejaculate that third time more easily, he was surprised to notice.

The two weeks until her fertile time went quickly and they spent much time together both in and out of bed, connecting as individuals as well as lovers. Then came the dreaded day.

“Brian, I have a big favor to ask you. Would you spend the night before with me and in the morning give me all the semen you have left?” He nodded. “I would like you to ejaculate in me first thing each morning so at least I can start the day with you, the one I most want to have inside me.” That was a little tougher, but he agreed.

The sex that first morning was different than the lovemaking that they had evolved to already. She just urged him to stroke and shoot, giving her the soothing fluid and not even being concerned about her orgasm. Then she sent him on his way with a time late that evening for him to show up.

He wondered and wondered about her all day but did not jack off since he knew she needed what his prostate produced.

When he arrived at 10 PM she greeted him at the door naked, just as he expected. She led him to her messed up bed and pulled him between her legs. He struggled to focus on what was happening now, not what had already happened there that day. She felt no different as she thrust against him, holding him close and kissing him fervently.

When it was finished, she held him close and said, “Thank you! Thank you!”

He had a burning question to ask, “I was surprised that you made love with me like that after what you told me you have been doing all day.”

She smiled, “I guess you didn’t really notice this morning how I took you. It was like a dog and my muscles made you squirt as quickly as possible. I was already wearing a bra that I’ve kept on all day. I do not kiss the others and they do not touch other parts of my body. It is purely sex so I have great need of lovemaking when it is all over and you have quite capably provided that.” She could see that really made his brain buzz.

Her pussy needed his balm in the night as he expected and in the morning he put a little bit of lovemaking in the first dick-deposit of her day before he left. Once again he arrived late in the day but this time he noticed that her pussy was slipperier. Either her last deposit was more recent or she had cleaned herself out the first night. No matter, it felt just like when he had done his thing in there already.

The third evening, hopefully the final, he had a request, “How about if I arrive early. Could I watch?”

Holly was amazed, nobody had ever asked for that before and she said that she would text him regarding the timing and make sure that the man with her could not see. She showed him a place to hide until the copulation was finished and her man left.

It worked and the moment the door closed, or at least as fast as bodies can move, Brian was balls-deep in the freshly delivered dick-do, with a clear image of those genitals putting it where he was now churning it to a whitish foam. Holly was squealing and thrusting back at him in a lustful rage. That was repeated during the night but much more tenderly.

She was very pensive in the morning, still unsure how Brian was dealing with this. She probed gently until he opened up.

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