Sweet Cuntry Sister - Cover

Sweet Cuntry Sister

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: It's tough being the oldest girl in a hillbilly family. Yew've got a lot of cock tew take care of.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Incest   Gang Bang   Cream Pie   Water Sports   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried tew give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on. If you can’t appreciate this then exit right now, please.

“Hi, I’m Amy Lou. Whut chew want?”

“So thet worthless brother of mine owes yew money, and he said Ah’d pay it off with pussy, did he? Well, Ah owes him and yew looks decent, sew Ah guess Ah’ll dew it. Cumon in and let’s set a spell furst.”

Now you gotta understand thet Ah ain’t no whore whut goes round fukkin fer money. Shore, Ah fucks a lot. But it be just nachural lak eatin and pissin. Somethin yer body does and laks. And I laks it a lot ever since cousin Jeb shewed me how it’s dun.

He’s ma favrit cousin. When Pa gits in jail fer something he’s raht here helpin out, specially with Ma at night. He makes her squeal and moan jest lak Pa does. When Ah started mah monthy then Ma had him shew me what that cure fer thet crotch itching were all about. Now Ah practices with ma lil brothers ever since they got their stiffies.

Ah have boyfriends too. They takes me tew town and we eat out at the place with them big arches or if it’s a spechul evenin, at the Gold Kerral. Then we laks tew go out by the lake with a blanket and screw. Sometimes Ah’ll double or triple date. Thet means two or three boys will date me at the same time. If’n it’s warm we all go swimming too. It’s lats of fun tew go runnin around nekkid with mah titties a floppin jest lahk their parts.

Whut’s reeel nice is thet when wun of them peckers shoots insahd me and shrinks, there’s nother wun all hard and ready tew keep makin me feel good. Ah kin feel good fer a long time if’n Ah have enuf peckers tew dew it.

But enuf of thet. Back tew this guy who wants ma puss. He talked reel nice and respectful. Not lak lots of the assholes around these parts. Ah asked him how much ma bruther owed and he said a hunnert dollars. Hell, Ah ain’t never got that much in cash or trade so Ah says, “Well shore. Let’s go tew mah bed.”

Let me tell you, it were a good decision on mah part. Furst of all he were nice and clean and shaved so he didn’t scratch mah legs when he et me. And could he ET! Never had THAT so good. He loved mah tittles tew death. Thought we’d never git tew the fukkin but it felt real good whut he were a doin anyway.

His pecker had a different curve then Ah ever seed. It weren’t reel long but it were lots thicker than the dicks Ah gits round here. Filled me up so good and thet curve rubbed some parts inside me thet made me just blow up with pleasure. He waited a long time, just a’givin me one thrill after anuther, but finally shot a whole lot of love juice up me. Bout a much as two or three of ma bruthers might put there together. Whoeee!

He thanked me fur a good tahm and asked if’n he might have a date with me. Ah said shore so he asked me about the weekend. Ah said, “When on the weekend?”

He said, “The WHOLE weekend.”

Ah wuz shore surprised. Most guys jest wants tew date me long enuf tew git their shooting in me done. What the hell were this?

He splained he’d take me tew the big city an hour frum here. Ah ain’t never been there. We’d stay at a hotel and have dinner in a resteerant. Ah said Ah din’t have no clothes good enuf fer that and he said we’d go shoppin in the city.

Ah almost burst with excitement. Ah ast when he would fetch me and we set a tahm on Friday afternoon.

Ah nearly wore mah bruthers’ dicks off with a waitin fer Friday. Ah wuz scrubbed in mah best Sunday dress when he shewed up in thet nahce SUV. It even had winders thet run up an down with a button. We stopped at a great big store and bought me two dresses, some fancy panties, and a thing called a “neglajay”. Ah didn’t know who would want it but Wilbur said he’d show me. Ah didn’t want no bra kuz they makes ma tits sore.

We went tew the hotel and rode mah furst eleevator up tew the SIXTH floor. It were a bit scary tew look out the winder. Ah wouldn’t go out on the little porch either. And the bed were HUGE. Shit, Ah could probly git four guys on there with me.

Ah took off the new dress Ah wore frum the store and just had on them new frilly panties. Wilbur sat on the bed and Ah pulled him tew me. “Ah really likes all of this. Kin we fuck now?” Ah’d had three dicks in me already today but that were way back in the morning. Ah were ready fer more.

Wilber put his pecker head in ma face and said, “I could use this right now.” So Ah took a mouthful of pecker and made it juice, then we went tew dinner.

Lord a mercy! Ah never seed such a fancy table with a white cloth on it and pretty dishes and eatin tools. Wilber explained tew me what tew do fer each part of the meal and Ah’ll remember it caus Ah learns fast.

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