Skateboarder Boys - Cover

Skateboarder Boys

by ChrisCross

Copyright© 2020 by ChrisCross

Erotica Sex Story: Fourteen-year-old skateboarder boys are giving it all to get nifty sports equipment in York, Pennsylvania.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/mt   Consensual   Gay   Fiction   Sports   MaleDom   Light Bond   Interracial   Black Male   White Male   Anal Sex   Cream Pie   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Sex Toys   Voyeurism   .

Fourteen-year-old Jimmy reached out and touched the Quest Rorshack thirty-four-inch Longboard to assure himself that this was worth it. He was laying in the grass on his back on the opposite side of the verge of the skateboard park in the York, Pennsylvania, York Memorial Park complex, from the skate park where he and his friend, Tommy, had gone to practice their moves that morning. He could hear the boys over there jabbering about grabs and air and curves.

Jimmy was naked other than his knee-high soccer socks he’d wear at soccer practice in the same park in an hour and a half and the Van Atwood skateboard sneakers he gotten from Henry the last time the man had fucked him. His legs were spread and bent, his feet flat on the grass, his pelvis pushed up to provide a straight angle for Henry, in his forties, who knelt between Jimmy’s thighs and was grasping and squeezing and rocking Jimmy’s buttocks in synch with the man’s thrusts. Henry was grunting, completely taken up with the fuck being paid for by the Quest Rorshack thirty-four-inch Longboard. The skateboard—and thus the fuck—wasn’t cheap, at least by York, Pennsylvania going rates, but Henry got the skateboarding equipment he used to lure boys under him at discount.

The face of Tommy, like Jimmy, fourteen, appeared over the lip of the ridge, and he looked down at Henry on top of his friend, Jimmy, fucking him in a missionary. Tommy wasn’t shocked. It was what he expected to find. Jimmy had told him while they were walking to the skate park that Jimmy would be getting a new skateboard today, and Tommy understood what that meant. He hadn’t gotten his equipment this way yet, but there were no secrets between the two best friends.

Tommy was checking them out—the big man between the thighs of the fourteen-year-old blond boy, screwing the boy to beat the band—as an outlook, but he would have looked anyway. Tommy increasingly was able to see himself in the position that Jimmy was it to get the nice things Jimmy got for doing it. The guys at the skate park were too engrossed in their boarding to have any thought to one of their buys being fucked by a man just over the ridge rimming the park, but Tommy was on watch because sometimes a parent came to watch their son practice, and they could get nosey or hear sounds that would attract their attention.

Tommy kept returning and peeking as the fuck got into high gear, and he found himself touching himself, but pulled away from that, looking back at the skate park to ensure he wasn’t attracting attention. Other than his socks and shoes, Jimmy, small, blond, slim, narrow-hipped, perfectly formed, was naked, but Henry wasn’t. His shirt was buttoned up to cover the tattoos on his chest and arms, and his trousers and briefs were pulled down to just above his knees, so that he could jerk them up and disappear back into the tree line behind them if someone discovered them. He was wearing a face mask over his nose and mouth to hinder identification. He was a stocky man, muscular, but also a bit pudgy now. He was of average height had dark hair and eyes. He was nondescript for a man in his forties and a passerby would be hard pressed to pick him out in a lineup.

Jimmy knew who he was, but Jimmy was getting sports equipment from this guy in exchange for letting the man use his body, and after the first time, Jimmy saw no big deal in letting that happen. The man was big “down there” when he was hard, but Jimmy was gauged to Henry’s need now after the items of sports equipment—for baseball, soccer, and skateboarding—had exchanged hands. Jimmy liked having a man cover him and putting himself inside his channel and moving in and out. Being screwed by a grown man gave Jimmy a feeling of power—power over men who wanted him so badly they’d pay to put it in him.

Jimmy’s parents didn’t seem to notice all of the new stuff coming into Jimmy’s room. They were tied up in their own lives. Jimmy had been a late-in-life accident for them. He didn’t give them any trouble, so they didn’t give him much attention. They did give him money. They didn’t know he was saving that up rather than buying the sports equipment with it. One of these days, he’d walk away with a man he liked more than others and his parents wouldn’t have any idea how he had managed that—if they noticed he was gone.

Henry was pumping hard and fast, rising on his knees and bringing Jimmy’s pelvis up with him, putting the boy’s weight on his shoulder blades. A handkerchief was stuffed in the boy’s mouth to stifle his cries as Henry fucked him deep and hard. Jimmy grasped his prize, the new skateboard, in one hand, and stroked himself off with the other. He wasn’t doing this just for the sports equipment. He’d decided as Henry was coming along with his propositions that he wanted to go with men and, when he had, he enjoyed how obsessed men could become with him—how much they wanted him and to be inside him. It gave him a thrill and he needed the attention. Henry had been his first man, but Henry wasn’t his only man now. Jimmy even had the law on his side now—and between his legs and inside him.

Having established a rhythm, Henry looked up, giving Tommy an “I see you” look and lustful smile. Tommy blushed and pulled back from the rim of the ridge to look back at the skate park to see if the guys there had noticed that he and Jimmy were missing. If they had noticed, though, they didn’t care. The boy couldn’t help but look back to see what Henry was doing with Jimmy now. What he was doing was grasping the boy’s ankles and wishboning his soccer sock-clad legs out and raised, rowing them back and forth as he thrust up deep inside Jimmy’s channel, rocking the boy’s torso up and down with the power of each thrust.

Jimmy’s groans were audible—enough that Tommy kept looking back at the skate park to see if anyone there heard them. As Tommy watched, Henry put Jimmy’s ankles on his shoulders and thrust, thrust, thrust. He was taking long slides, coming out nearly all the way before sliding in again. Tommy could see the shaft doing its work. He heard moaning and only then realized it was him and that his own cock was throbbing in his hand.

Henry grunted, pulled back, bringing the bulb of his cock almost to the surface of Jimmy’s hole, and held there for a few seconds, both man and boy shuddering and shimmering, both knew Henry was near climax. Jimmy accelerated the pull on his cock to hurry his ejaculation as well. Henry took a long, slow slide into the core of the boy and then another.

“I’m coming,” Jimmy exclaimed in a muffled voice through the handkerchief, and he jerked and did so. Henry gave him three fast, deep thrusts, held, dug his fingers int the boy’s hips, jerked and came, jerked and came.

Tommy came too, spilling his seed out onto the grass at the top of the verge.

Within seconds after that, Henry was out and up, pulled up his briefs and trousers, and, with one grin down at the boy, still prone, at his feet, faded into the woods behind them and then to the parking lot for the baseball fields in another corner of the park complex.

Jimmy rose, gingerly, knowing that there would be bruise marks on his hips in the morning, but that there would be no one to notice them, dressed, and, carrying his new skateboard, walked up the ridge. He turned his head and smiled at Tommy, sitting on the ridge and stuffing himself back into his shorts, as he passed. He held out his new skateboard for Tommy to see.

“Time to try this out,” he said. “Coming?” He was walking a bit funny, but not for long. He was young and resilient. Whatever effects there were with this would pass. He had a brand-new, nifty skateboard.

Tommy, who had been sitting there, unabashedly watching the climax, was thinking of a different “coming” than Jimmy was.

Gotta get me a nice board like that, he thought. He hadn’t done it yet, but from what he could see of what Jimmy was getting out of it...

He rose and followed Jimmy down to the skate park, where Jimmy already was on his board and coasting out to the center of the ring, joining a group of boys who weren’t even aware he ever had been gone. As they skated out into the center of the course, Tommy noticed that a couple of guys had helmets that were a lot nicer than his and a few even had elbow and knee pads. Tommy had constantly been told he shouldn’t go on the board without elbow and knee pads, but he didn’t have any. He hadn’t been into skateboarding for very long. He’d asked for some for his birthday, which was the previous week, but his parents had been on vacation. He wouldn’t be getting his birthday present until they got back.

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