Well Used Pussy Is the Best - Cover

Well Used Pussy Is the Best

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Romantic Sex Story: An unusual romance that takes some interesting sensual directions and ends happily.

Caution: This Romantic Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Romantic   Sharing   Slut Wife   Group Sex   Orgy   Polygamy/Polyamory   Swinging   Interracial   Pregnancy   .

I first met Renee at a high-brow event. We were seated next to each other and did the polite chatting that is expected. She was a classy beauty. Dark red hair perfectly coiffed, flawless pale skin, light blue sparkling eyes, a smile that made you tingle. I noticed her hands were devoid of jewelry while the older man she was with wore a wedding ring.

Our paths crossed a month later at a casual fund-raiser for single mothers. She was still stunning in jeans and a sweater. I exchanged a few words and got a promise to talk at the end of the event.

We shared a good bottle of wine until she excused herself to get ready for a date. I had one that night too. I got her contact info and consent to do something with me sometime.

Later that night, as I was naked with my date, a fuck-buddy that slept with me frequently, I imagined it was Renee I was slapping flesh with. I shot my wad way too quickly for my partner so I had to eat her to her finish. I wondered if Renee had red hair “down there”.

Renee was excited to go sailing with me, something she’d always wanted to do. I taught her how to help so she was more than a passive passenger. She was clearly thrilled. We anchored in a secluded place for lunch and I suggested we go swimming.

“Oh, I didn’t think of that! I don’t have a suit but I love to swim. Would it be OK if I skinny-dipped? I haven’t done that in years.”

I was amazed and stuttered out, “I ... I ... I like that too but I’ll probably respond to seeing a naked body like yours.”

She laughed, “I’d be VERY disappointed if you didn’t!”

OMG, her body was lovely. Yes, the carpet, nicely trimmed, matched the drapes. The inner lips of her pussy peeked out nicely. Her breasts were firm with upturned nipples. My erection showed my admiration but the cool water softened it as I swam.

When we toweled each other off, my rigidity returned. Renee finished drying me and stroked my turgid tube. “I’ll take care of this since I’m responsible for it.” She bent over and quickly got a mouthful of my semen. “Mmmm, tastes good!” was her comment.

We sipped some more wine, enjoying the sun on our still-naked bodies. I learned that she was thirty-one, never married, and had a consulting business. She’d earned a degree in psychology but didn’t want to go clinical so found a job with a hospitality company. After a few years she got tired of being a “company whore”, an odd choice of words I thought, and struck out on her own as a free-lance consultant. When I inquired about it, she just said it involved social events so she was often unavailable evenings. This day trip was just great.

Before we got dressed I asked, “Would you be interested in a nap?” She reached out for my hand as she answered sweetly, “I’m sure you’d like to get to know me a lot better that way, and I’m interested too, but this is only our first date and I want to know the rest of you better first.”

Apparently she had a consulting assignment that evening and wouldn’t be very available until next Saturday. She asked, “I’d love to go sailing again, if that’s a possibility.” I readily agreed.

I only had one date during the following week and she even asked me if I was worried about something, since I appeared distracted even when I was naked and pushing in her pussy. I had to pull myself back to the current situation to do a proper job.

Renée and I got an early start on Saturday. We brought aboard some extra supplies when she told me that her consulting assignment for that night had canceled and she would love to do an overnight on the boat. I was ecstatic but tried to act blasé.

We talked a lot more as we were sailing to a good place for an overnight anchorage. We both discovered a lot of common interests and I told her that I had recently sold my high-tech company so was really living the life of a boat bum while I decided what else to do with my life. She and I were both raised in small towns in the Midwest and had migrated to this big lakeside city for business purposes.

We arrived at our mooring point midafternoon and had a light lunch. She stripped off and dove overboard. She was an excellent swimmer and we played in the water until we got a bit chilled. After toweling each other off she looked at me and said, “I’m ready for a nap now”.

I noticed that she hadn’t dealt with my erection this time the same as she did last week. Guess she wanted to save the good stuff for later. We spent an hour and a half exploring each other’s bodies. She was a truly intense lover, focusing on every nuance of what we were doing, both responding and initiating. I elicited two orgasms for her before she felt mine building. When I heard, “Leave yourself inside me,” and had her legs wrapped around mine, it was an ejaculation to remember. She held me close and whispered, “Thank you. I need that and I want to do it again and again until we have to go back.”

We fixed a nice dinner as it got dark, then sat out in the cockpit wrapped in a blanket to ward off the chill after the sun set and the stars came out. She squeezed me and murmured, “I haven’t seen this many stars since I was a child.”

Her gentle hands had me erect again and she positioned herself over my shaft and lowered her velvety heaven to engulf it. I cupped and pinched and stroked and kissed her breasts as she moved on me. When I reached down to rub her clit, she said softly, “I don’t think I need that. I can rub against you just the way I need in this position and would rather do it that way.” She did and I soon pumped my pleasure into her again.

She loved the way the boat moved with the gentle waves, and the sound of the breeze in the rigging. I awoke once and she did also to couple during the night. It was much like what I thought a honeymoon must be like.

We played as long as we could but she had to be back in midafternoon to the marina. She had a consulting gig that evening but she looked very sad as we parted. I got an intense hug, a torrid kiss, and a fervent “Thank you for this wonderful time. I’ll text you when we can meet again.”

It was Thursday noon when I heard from her. The message read, “Can you come to my place 9 PM tonight?” I texted back that I could and she gave me her address. Up to this point neither one of us had been to the other’s residence. Our interactions had been at public places or on the boat, so this would be interesting.

Her apartment was in a small building in a decent, but not fancy, part of town. She greeted me at the door in everyday clothes, not the lingerie that I fantasized. I was offered a choice of wines and I chose red. She sat across from me and said that we needed to talk. “Oh, oh,” I thought.

She was looking very serious, so I took it seriously.

“This is difficult for me,” she started. “In spite of the short time we’ve been together, I feel more connected than I have to any man in a very long time. My work brings me very close to a lot of men but there is not the emotional connection that I need as well.” She stopped right there, seemingly unsure how to continue.

“Okay then,” I prompted, “I understand the first part, and I feel the same way about you. There is something more you want to share with me, so please realize that I do my best to be a non-judgmental person.”

She got up and refilled our wineglasses, taking a big slug of hers as she sat down. I could see emotions running all over her visage. She got up again and went to her purse, then handed me her business card. “Look carefully at my title,” she said. It read “Social Events Coordination Services”.

I looked at it and nothing registered, so she added, “Put the first letter of each of the words together and say it out loud.” S-E-X!

I think my eyes were wide open as I turned to look at her. She actually blushed as she responded in a low voice, “During my time with the agency, I was put in positions where I was expected to have sex with clients. I gave in and kept that part of my life hidden from boyfriends. I finally decided to get all of the money for myself and stop living a double life. The money and the fancy places I was taken were addicting. The sex was often good too. For the past seven years, men have paid for my companionship which most often includes sex of one form or another. I’ve been independent for three. Women who do this may be called escorts, call girls, prostitutes, or whores. Which label often depends on their prices. As you have experienced, I supply the very best product and my fees reflect that. That’s why I always called myself a consultant.”

As I processed this stunning revelation I was utterly silent. In the lengthy pause I saw this poised and confident appearing woman slowly transform. Wrinkles appeared on her flawless brow. The corners of her mouth gradually sagged and her lovely eyes began filling with tears.

I reached out my hand to this lovely woman who was nearly crying. I used the gentlest voice I could manage to say, “I know that it took a lot for you to tell me this. You knew that being honest might drive me away. I must say that I’m startled, and it will take a little bit for me to absorb your revelation, but your honesty is admirable.”

I had a burning question, “Well if you get that much sex then why do you want to be with me for free?”

She smiled a little and said, “Think about what I said last time we were together. With you, I’ve had the first real dates since I started in this business. Having sex and making love are similar on the outside but very different on the inside. I have been so hungry for what you and I did on the boat last weekend. That was the real me that you were in loving. My clients get play-acting designed to make them feel good about themselves, with little regard for myself.”

I was nodding and squeezing her hands as she spoke. She added, “By the way, yours is the first penis that has directly touched my vagina since I broke up with my last boyfriend many years ago. All my clients are wrapped. And no one has ever had my ass.”

My next question, “So when was your most recent client?”

“He left just before you came now. Why?”

“Because I want to see if there were any effects on the most beautiful and loving woman I have ever known. Please strip for your examination!”

She squealed in relief as we made a game of reclaiming her. As she relived her earlier encounter I looked and probed, checking any relevant parts with an appropriate part of mine. I even had her fish the used condom out of the trash and we examined it. Then we made furious love until we were exhausted.

When we awoke in each other’s arms I looked into her eyes. “As I see it, you have two choices at this moment. You can continue with your business and hope I can cope with the side effects, or you can quit and come live with me as my fiance. If you choose the latter and we are still compatible in six months, I promise to marry you.”

Now it was Renee’s turn to be dumbfounded. More tears! “Let me sleep on this at least till morning. But I hope you don’t leave me alone in the meantime!” I didn’t.

At breakfast, my lover said, “That is the best offer I’ve ever had! I’d like to accept it immediately but I have a dilemma. You already know that I am a woman of my word so have to deal with the dozen consulting commitments I’ve already booked. How about if I don’t accept any more and you ‘examine’ me after each of them. That was so much fun that maybe I should just cut back rather than quit entirely.” She gave me a questioning look with a big grin.”

I laughed, “Life is always about compromises so I agree to the first part. I haven’t said anything about being monogamous so we can negotiate as we go along. Let’s see how this works.”

She smiled and hugged me too, then commented, “My next assignment is tonight. I’ll text you when to be here. I’ve got a key for you too.”

We had fun with the first half-dozen “examinations” following her assignments. Then came a tough one, for me anyway. Up till then the men involved were unknown to me, although there were the two I’d seen her with at events. The anonymity made it easier for me.

This most recent “assignment” was way different. It was a weekend with a well-known black athlete and the event he was attending made the papers. There she was, a stunning piece of arm candy. And with someone who appeared in the news from time to time. My jealousy bone got struck real hard. So did my masculine ego. Did he have a legendary “Big Black Cock”?

I was waiting when the stretch limo dropped her off. Her well-developed emotion-sensing skills were deployed as she entered her place, knowing I would be there. I had the picture from the sports page open on the table.

She put down her bags, hugged me, and whispered in my ear. “I’m horny. He’s not nearly as good as you!” That helped.

So did the furious lovemaking that immediately followed. After a little bit she said, “Slow down, big boy!” Smart choice of words, I thought. “I’m a bit sore!” That turned me on even more but I restrained myself and got gentle. She screeched her orgasms several times before I had fired two of mine where I wanted them most. We lay panting as she spoke again, “I’m not going to tell you how many times he tried, but I had to fake all the orgasms he thought he’d produced. I’ve never had to do that with you. His cock was a bit bigger because he is, but not like the legendary BBCs of porn. I’ve been naked with all the colors you can imagine but no one of them is generally better. BTW, did you notice any reduction in the quality of what you get?”

“Hell no,” I said, “I guess well-used pussy is the best. I’ve had some beginners and this is WAY better. I just have to consider all that had happened before as making you better for me.”

She hugged me so tight I couldn’t breathe, “THAT is what I wanted to hear. It’s the truth.”

Her next few assignments were routine but the last one got quite memorable.

Idai was the client who had been with her the longest, going back to her agency days. When he found out that she was “retiring” during their time together, he expressed sincere disappointment but perked up with an idea.

He was a very wealthy oil sheik and invited her to bring me for a week’s holiday on his yacht in the Mediterranean. It was a personal gesture with no expectations. Renee had been on similar outings with him and assured me I would enjoy it greatly.

His private jet picked us up at our local airport. Already on board was Hilda, a lovely blond German young woman who was his personal assistant. Renee had met her before and let me know that his assistants got very personal since Idai would have it no other way.

His yacht was upwards of one-hundred feet and I had my first helicopter ride getting to it. We landed on the pad near the stern and this handsome man in flowing robes greeted us. He seemed near my age and was the epitome of politeness. We felt the anchor come up and the engines start as we unpacked in our huge stateroom.

I was ushered to the bridge by Hilda so I could see the process of leaving the harbor. Once past the entrance, Idai let me take the wheel, knowing I was a sailor myself. A huge difference in boat size, but I still liked sailing better.

Once the course was settled in, we were invited to the Master suite, probably exceeding the size of Renee’s whole apartment. Our host said that we must be tired from our journey so here was a way to relax and get in the spirit of the voyage.

Hilda brought champagne to sip while the huge Jacuzzi was filling. She stripped and brought clothes racks for us to do likewise. They would be cleaned while we bathed. I was the only shy one, but relaxed when Idai’s brown shaft filled as the lovely woman flesh was revealed. I guessed I’d insult if mine failed to rise to the occasion.

Renee had informed me, even before I decided to accept the invitation, that she intended to show her appreciation any way Idai desired, which would likely include barebacking. By now, I could accept that and figured it might be erotic.

I was a bit surprised when a hand grasped my erection but from Hilda’s side. She looked sweetly at me and said she’d heard quite a bit about me from Renee and was looking forward to learning even more. The meaning was clear. That stimulation sure kept me standing at attention.

When we’d soaked enough we, toweled each other off. By “we” it was evident that Renee was going to spend some time with our host and Hilda would keep me from missing her too much. Her slim body, with short blond hair top and bottom, fronting some nicely rounded c-cup breasts, promised an enjoyable time, especially with the lively personality she displayed.

I was led to a towel-covered table and was subjected to a magnificent massage. I could look over and see Renee’s tits swinging as she did the same to Idai. Damn, I’m going to have to ask for this at home!

When I was thoroughly oiled, Hilda let me to an adjacent bedroom, laid me on the bed face up, oiled her front, and gave me a full body massage using all of her parts on mine. Without warning, and I don’t know quite how she did it, I was embedded in her pussy with well-trained muscles kneading my rod. She raised up, smiling, to watch my facial expressions as she worked me over in a way I thought only Renee knew.

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