Steve BFH - Cover

Steve BFH

by Harry Bolo

Copyright© 2020 by Harry Bolo

Young Adult Sex Story: Steve, a brain, meets a like minded brainy girl and they learn about sex together.

Caution: This Young Adult Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Teenagers   Consensual   Romantic   Heterosexual   Fiction   Sharing   Cream Pie   Exhibitionism   First   Oral Sex   Safe Sex   .

Steve was a big boy. During his school years he was always the biggest boy. Quite often called fatso. He had the ability to fold his legs over themselves. His tendons were quite loose and he could contort himself very well. Never damaged his ankle, or wrists. As he entered his senior years of high school he had a wish, that was to have a girlfriend. In his whole 17 years he never had any girlfriends. And not may friends that were boys either.

His speciality was mathematics. Not just your school level maths. But calculus and algebra, and he knew the sine, cosine and trig tables backwards. x, y, z, multiplication tables to 1000 easy. Asked any maths equation and he just knew the answer. Working it out, he found hard to explain, but answers were always correct. During the last two years of middle school he told the staff of all the incorrect questions in the maths book, and found a few the teachers did not know about. For this, he was also called a big head or big fat head. The initials BFH was his nickname in school. Initially he did not like it, but then, one day, he took ownership and was proud to be called BFH. He would answer the teasers ‘Well learn to do it.’ That too became his motto.

For year 12 he went to another state school due to his his father work. In this school, he was not picked upon because of his size. The first maths lessons he blitz the score and next lesson moved to Maths 1 senior, the egg heads, as they were called. His second lesson placed him firmly in first spot. The last double lesson of the week the three senior students, 2 girls and one boy challenged him to a maths off. They could not believe his skill level. The class and teachers had to call out maths equations. Two boys and two girls all sat at the blackboard and has to answer any maths question called out. They were all asked 20 questions. Steve answered each one correctly, as one was a question there was no answer. He however went to the next stage and altered the equation to make an answer. All within the 20 minutes time frame. Steve completed the list easily, another landmark.

He was awarded the class paper crown. Someone had made it up in class waiting for the results. He kept and treasured that piece of paper, his first real award.

For once his class mates acknowledge his mind. He was asked to help represent the school in the regional and state mathematics competition. He was not sure, when Wendy, one of the other challengers, held his arm and asked “If you do help us win I will do anything for you!” He looked at her. Wendy to most others was a plain girl, no real breasts that showed, slim structure, the complete opposite to Steve. And what others called a big head, compared to her body.

He asked “Anything?”

She blushed red “Yes a promise is a promise. Will you help us please. We came 3rd last year and this is out final year to shine before uni.”

Steve not knowing how to treat females in any way replied “OK, if Dad agrees.”

She gave him a big cuddle. He went red in the face, not knowing what to do. The class all cheered him. The teacher realising his embarrassment called the class to order. Wendy grabbed his hand and pulled him down to a seat next to her.

She whispered “I will help you in school in any class we are in.” he blushed red again.

That afternoon he walked home proud of the paper crown in his bag and the feeling of Wendy attention. On getting home he found a message from his dad advising to get his own dinner. That was not unusual. He walked down to the shop and got some fish and chips.

The next morning his father woke him saying to get ready as he has a teacher coming around to help with his English. The one subject he found boring. At 9am a lady, Miss Jill, came into the house and did a test on Steve on his english standard. He was equivalent to a year 7 student. Not a year 12. She got him to write out some pages from his encyclopedia books. This he could do, it was spelling, composition and grammar he was poor. Looking at him she asked “Write a love letter to a girl you like?”

He replied “I don’t have a girl I like, or boy in that way. I have no friends.”

She gave him 2 books one on love poems and another on letter writing. “Your work this week is to write a letter to either a girl or boy that you like and put it in writing. I can see you have a brilliant mind, you need an incentive to like English. By the way congratulations on winning the maths crown.” He looked at her but too scared to ask how she knew. She left just before lunch.

His dad asked “What crown?” after Miss Jill went home. He explained what occurred in class. He didn’t mention Wendy. He did ask to attend the regional maths competitions. His father agreed saying “It will be good for you to see other high minded children, to see you are not the only one son.” They had lunch together. His father took him out to the fitness park whilst he trained. Steve just walked around the park. He looked at a girl reading a book and walked over to her. “Hi Wendy!”

She looked up realising it was Steve, she stood up and gave him a hug. He kinda put his arms around her. They sat together she asked “What are you doing here?”

Steve smiled at her, she was dressed in just a thin t-shirt and shorts. “Waiting for super dad to show off his fitness skills over there on the bars.” She laughed.

“Yea, I’m waiting for super fit sister to do the same. I wish she would spend some more times with me that she does at this park. I’m usually here every Saturday afternoon reading my books.” she replied.

“Yes, tell me, dad is a fitness freak, not happy I was a brain not brawn. He has a new teacher for me every Saturday morning to improve my English, my worst subject.” Steve replied. She laughed.

“If you need help, I’ll help. You know my promise to you. Maybe you can help me in chemistry, that my worse subject.” She asked.

“Chemistry is easy when you relate it to maths, yes I’ll help you.” Steve answered. He saw his dad calling him. “Well better go superman wants his green spinach for dinner. See you in school Wendy.”

Wendy laughed at his cross reference reply “Yes Steve see you on Monday.”

He went home with his dad who asked “Who is the skinny one?”

Steve replied “Just a girl at school that challenged me in the ‘maths off’ which I won.”

Returning to school on Monday he was surprised on how many kids said Hi or Hello. He entered his English class and saw Wendy with a chair for him. He smiled sitting next to her. She help him and as the class project required people to partner up. Steve and Wendy partnered up. They followed each other into Chemistry, this time Steve really help Wendy. They were assigned as class mates for their term experiments. They completed computer class then separated for the next classes and came back for the last class of maths. Steve realised he missed the company of Wendy.

That night Steve read the book of poems. Three of them he found, he could not forget and on each reading he pictured Wendy. He slept and dreamed of Wendy. Arriving at school Wendy hugged him, today he returned the hug. They discussed their school work. For the rest of the week the two of them could not be separated. He did read his letter writing book and found it boring. He did compose a letter to a girl Ellen. He found out it was Wendy second name. He did not want to tell Miss Jill about Wendy.

On Saturday morning Miss Jill read the letter and spent an hour correcting his letter. She made him read his then the adjusted letter. He could see the difference but Miss Jill felt he did not understand. She gave him 3 mills and boon romance novels to read explaining “I am trying to assist with spelling and composition.” That afternoon he went with his dad to the park and immediately spotted Wendy. Every few minutes she look up to see if he was coming. Her face lit up when she spotted him walking over. Immediately she put her book away and walked towards him and they hugged. This time she held his hand whilst they went for a walk away from the park towards the shops. Out of sight of their seniors. Both adults did not spot the hand holding, they continued on their personal training steps.

Steve and Wendy just walked holding hands and talked. Steve about his Dad and tutor, Wendy about her parents. Just before they returned to the park Wendy asked “What do you desire Steve?”

Steve looked at her ‘Would you believe a girlfriend. I have never been with a girl and frankly I would not know what to do. You are the first girl I have really spoken to except any female teacher, but they don’t count.”

Wendy smiled “I’ll be your girlfriend if you want me. My sisters always talk about boys but like you because I am flat chested, no boobs, I have never been asked out or had a boyfriend.”

Steve replied “That would be nice, are you sure you want me, I am rather large and you so small?”

Wendy replied “It’s time to return but yes I do like you, very much.”

Steve replied “Well if you are my girlfriend I will be your boyfriend, then you have someone to talk to your sisters about.”

They hugged and Wendy then kissed him on the lips. Steve went red faced not knowing what to do. They walked back to the park holding hands. When the adults called them Wendy again gave Steve a kiss. Again he blushed.

Steve’s dad said in the car “Kissing girls now!” Steve did not reply he did not want a lecture.

That night he read the first tutor book. For once he sat all through the night reading the book. By Sunday evening he read every book. He was reading not the English composition but the actions of the male/female passion.

On Monday he saw Wendy and felt a hardness in his shorts. He did not understand. He hugged Wendy this time and kissed her. She looked at him “That was very nice, what happened?”

He replied “My tutor gave me 3 books to read and this was one of the techniques in the book to entice girls.”

The bell rang and they walked into class holding hands. Everyone noticed. No one said anything as quite a few couples entered the same way. They continued to meet and greet all week. This weekend Steve was ready for his tutor Miss Jill. She was surprised he completed a synopsis of the three books and she was impressed. This week she went into the grammar of his synopsis. He could see how using another word either reinforced or reduced the meaning of the sentence. She complemented him of his effort. This time she gave him 4 mills and boon and a mystery love novel.

After lunch his dad asked “Ready to meet your girlfriend?” He went red faced “Son I am not um, trying to put you down, I am extremely happy you have a friend and especially a girlfriend. Be proud of it. No one else will be, if anything they will be jealousy. Come on lets go.” On meeting Wendy, they kissed and walked towards the running pathway. His dad and her sister, whilst training, did not notice again they walk away holding hands.

Whilst walking he told Wendy about what his dad said this morning. Wendy laughed “My mum did the same and more or less said the same thing “Happy we had found someone we like.” They stopped in the pathway and kissed. Some runner ran pass. They walked further to a bench. Sitting down they kissed again. Wendy said “I have been reading some of the mills and boon books you mentioned. They are, to me, full of soppy love actions but when I read them with you in mind I could relate.” She kissed him again.

Steve asked “Maybe we can go away to a mountain or beach hut and just be together?”

Wendy smiled at him and kissed him “Yes that would be nice, just you and I.” They held each other. After an hour they returned to the adults. Steve did not speak in the car and his dad sounded puffed out. That night he read the mills and boon books dreaming of Wendy wondering on how he could make money to get away.

On Sunday after breakfast Steve dad asked him to collect something he needed from his bedroom urgently. He collected the item, then saw the booklet of ‘Penthouse Letters’ sitting on the floor, partly under the bed. He picked up the booklet and the item his dad needed. He dropped the book in his room and took the item to his dad on the computer. Returning to his bedroom he opened the booklet. Wow, naked females and naked males. He read a few stories and his body cock got hard. He hid the book to read tonight. He continued to read the novel Miss Jill gave him. His mind was taking him all over the place with his dad booklet, last week novels, this novel and the now to him, beautiful Wendy. He fell asleep and without knowing had a wet dream. He woke up knowing he wet himself. He had not done this since he was six. He entered the bathroom, showered and changed. Looking at his underpants he realised it was not pee but something else. He went to his dad and showed him just in case he had a medical need. His father smiled “Son you are on your way to becoming a man.” He sort of glossed over the bird and bees and the item he discharged was cum. He did hand him a medical book on the human body. He was lost.

Returning to the bedroom he read the medical book. He found the male and female sections nice. He already knew the internal body parts from science class. What he really needed was romance and love information. Wendy was having the same problem at her home understanding what was happening to her body. She found herself discharging more sticky liquid into her pants. She went to placed a liner in her undies. As she had run out she went into her older sister room to get some. She had the same booklet ‘Penthouse Letters’. She took it and started reading in her room. She was surprised at the descriptions and actions in the book together with the pictures. Like Steve she fell asleep and dreamed. Lucky she had a liner in her pants as she flooded her underwear. She needed to change her clothes.

At school on Monday they were together. Lunch time they met in a quiet area. Steve told he what occurred on Sunday and his dad talk. Wendy held Steve and told him what occurred to her. They agreed to keep the penthouse letters and swap books on Wednesday to read each others. They both kissed. Steve was hard and for once Wendy’s nipples were hard which they both felt as they hugged each other. That afternoon and night they locked themselves in their bedrooms reading the letters. Both of them marked each story with an arrow up for yes and down for no. They had not discussed this but would tell each other tomorrow. Steve had started, as described in the booklet, how to rub himself. Wendy rub herself between her legs. They both came thinking, not the story but doing the story to each other. Both slept and had wet dreams. They slept soundly.

Both needed a morning shower. On arriving at school early they told each other what occurred. Steve was still hard and Wendy nipples very hard. Today she showed Steve she put on a training bra to hide her hard nipples. She actually show Steve her nipples and he put his hand on it. Both felt like an electric shock, not a bad one, a very nice feeling one. As other kids arrived they pretended they were reviewing school work. On Wednesday morning they swapped books, they both used the same method the show stories they liked and dislikes. Today Wendy held Steve who pushed his hard cock into her. She could feel his hardness and like yesterday it was a very nice feeling.

They continued like this for the next few weeks. Finally they had the school regional maths competition. With Steve on the team they won, correction, they trounced the region competition with a 99% score. They lost the point with the dual competition, Steve and Wendy won but the other pair lost one point. They had automatic entry to the State competition in Rockhampton next term.

School holidays started for two weeks. Wendy invited Steve to her house. That first Monday, her younger sister kept interrupting them and wanted to play. She was 5 years younger and not allowed a friend around. Wendy frustrated asked Steve “Can we meet at yours tomorrow?” Steve without asking his dad said yes. At 3pm they kissed and Steve left for home.

The next day Wendy arrived around at 8.30, she wore a loose blouse, short skirt and sandals. Steve showed her his house and finally his clean and tidy bedroom. She was astonished how tidy the house was. In his bedroom he sat on the bed and pulled her to him. They kissed and ended up on the bed together kissing.

As they were on the bed her skirt has raised around her waist. Steve saw her undies and the wet patch. He put his hand there feeling the wetness. As he felt her undies she pushed her pelvis up towards his hand. He ended up touching her clit covered by her pants. This set Wendy off and she came holding his hand to her pussy. Her pants were now soaking. After she had come she asked “If we continue we could soak our clothes. How about we get naked?”

Steve replied “Yes but as in the booklet can I undress you like one of the stories?”

“Yes.” she replied. He took off her undies as they were wet and placed then under his pillow. He removed her skirt then her blouse. Wendy had boobs, very small ones but boobs. He kissed them.

She undressed him and came across his hard cock. She kissed it. Wendy asked “Can I do a story on you please?”

Steve smiled “Yes.” She kissed his cock all around the head, pulled the skin back and licked it sucking off his precum. She took his whole 10 inch length into her mouth. He was in heaven, she was loving every moment having his lollipop inside her mouth. She wrapped her tongue around it inside her mouth. He said “I’m cumming.” As in the story she let him cum inside her mouth and found she had to swallow it. The taste was unique and beautiful. A nice salty tang, very enjoyable. He laid back on the bed and pulled Wendy onto him. She kissed him, he pushed his tongue into her mouth taking the taste of his cum and her saliva. He could not get enough of the taste.

They rested for a few minutes. Steve smiled “Now my turn for a story.” Wendy smiled. He pulled the bed covers back, opened her legs and licked the insides of her legs all the way up to her pussy. He licked her split and found the vagina. He put his tongue deep inside her pussy. And licked away the juices. His tongue was a long length and really drilled into her until he hit her hymen. Wendy was bouncing around on the bed. His nose hit her clit. Well this set her off. She came on his bed with juices running out of her pussy. He found the taste extremely beautiful and sucked up as much as possible. She covered his face with her juices. As she settled down he climb on top of her and kissed her. This time Wendy kissed and licked his face savouring the juices. They fell asleep for around 45 minutes hugging each other.

They woke up at 11.30. They kissed and cuddled feeling each other. Their stomach grumbled so they dressed, he with t-shirt and shorts, she in blouse and skirt. She could not find her panties, but did not asked Steve. They enjoyed a nice lunch together talking about what occurred. He got out the medical book and they looked at the description of their body parts. They went to the computer and looked up about the hymen. Wendy was dripping and grabbed a hand towel to keep the furniture dry. As it was close to 3pm when they finished on the computer they kissed again and agreed to meet here tomorrow to act out some more stories. After she left he smelt the hand towel and liked the perfume. He put the towel on his pillow and remade his bed. He laid on his bed reading the storybook from his english tutor a collection of 100 love stories. When his dad got home he was asleep with the book on his face. He asked, after waking him up, “Learning how to be with Wendy?”

He replied “No my English review book dad. It apparently a way to learn composition and grammar. According to Miss Jill.”

He smiled and walked to the kitchen.

The next day Wendy arrived at 8.30 dressed the same. He took her to his bedroom and undressed her, he turned her around, got her to bend over the bed and spread her legs. He licked from her hair line around to the end of her crack at the end of her spine. He drilled her pussy and licked her clit, his tongue ran over her ass hole and back. He just could not stop licking the whole part of her body. Suddenly she came from his attention. She bucked on the bed and flooded his face. He lapped as much as he could. She collapsed on his bed exhausted. He stood up, collecting the towel and wiped himself and Wendy. He sat on the bed holding Wendy hand, looking at her beauty.

The phone rang, he walked to the kitchen to answer. His dad advised he was going to head office this afternoon and would be back late tomorrow. Would he like to come or stay at home. Wendy came out naked. Looking at her and smiling he answered “Stay at home, there is enough food to feed me.” His dad thanked him and he is leaving now for head office but could be late tomorrow.

He told Wendy who asked “Do you want dinner at my home tonight, I’ll ring mum?”

Steve grabbed her ass and pulled her towards him and kissed her answering “Lets have dinner here so I can have you for dessert. I do love you.”

Wendy melted into him. “Yes that would be nice, I’ll need to tell mum OK.”

She rang her mum who mentioned be home by 9.00pm, thinking Steve dad is home. However as we are going out tonight are you home tomorrow or with Steve. Wendy replied with Steve. Wendy advised her mum of Steve phone number.

Wendy was so happy she pulled Steve into his bedroom. As they passed the bathroom she grabbed a towel “My turn to undress you now.” She undressed him slowly licking his nipples and around his cock. He was hard. Wendy got him to lay on his bed. She had removed the cover and put the dark blue towel down. She sat on his chest “I am going to give you my greatest treasure.”

She slid back onto his hard cock and let it enter her pussy. Steve looked at her smiling. She slid down and back up, she did this some five times then sat hard on him. She screamed as he broke her hymen. He stayed still. Slowly she continued to ride his cock. He responded to her speed. Very soon she was riding faster and faster. Steve was responding and pushing into her suddenly they both came together in pleasure. They screamed and kissed each other madly and collapsed on the bed. It was 30 minutes before they woke again. Kissing each other. The last few days was just a warm up. Now they had make love, it was a heavenly feeling to them.

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