Mah Lil Sis - Cover

Mah Lil Sis

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: A country brother tells about how his sister discovers her sexuality and he helps her explore it.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Incest   Brother   Sister   First   Water Sports   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since Ah have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on.

It were the middle of the night and Ah was having a realistic dream about a girl ridin mah pecker. Ah slowly realized it weren’t a dream and opened mah eyes and it was mah little sister who had turned sixteen just that day. She were a bouncin away with her titties floppin and it shore felt good.

She just smiled at me and Ah had to say, “Ah’m about ter shoot. Yew better git off.”

That got a bigger smile, “Yew just shoot yer seed in me big brother. Ma got me some implant thang fer mah birthday present. She says Ah kin screw all Ah want with no belly swellin.”

She got a pretty respectable load considerin Ah’d fucked our older sister and mah girlfriend after the birthday party. But us young uns keep our sex parts in shape round here.

When Ah finished squirtin Ah tweaked her nipples and soon she squealed and her cunt clenched. Then she laid on mah chest.

She said softly, “Big Sis said yew’d be good fer a first time. She was raht. Let’s do it agin.” We did it two more times afore she left mah bed.

Lil Sis was like a kid with a bunch of new toys. She had dates with different guys every naht which didn’t surprise me since she was cute as hell with a killer shape. Each time when she got home she’d slip into mah bed and rub her body on mine. That always got mah attention and she’d play with mah hard on while she tole me about her evening.

When she got to the part where she got nekkid with her date, which happened every time but wun, and only because he were rude, she’d stick her finger into her hole and git some of the guy cream and rub it on her twat. She’d say stuff like, “Mah date just put this in me a little whal ago. Dew yew want to feel it with yer cock? It be nahce an slippery.”

Then Ah’d shove mah pecker into her wet ole snatch so Ah could feel what she done. Damn, she luvd screwin and getting cummed in bah jest about anybody.

Ah nevr wore undershorts cause they got all tangled when she’d git inter mah overalls wantin mah pecker which could be any time she got a hankerin for dick.

After a month of datin a different guy every naht plus some afternoon bangin, Ah said to her, “Ain’t you spreadin it around a bit too much?”

Good thing Ah had a girlfriend to git some pussy from after school cause Sis had her dates come round and bang her then. Sometimes wun would have to wait in the parlor till another wun finished. Then she’d walk him to the door nekkid and take the next wun back to her room. Once Ah knows of she did three inna row.

She laughed and told me, “Ah’m just doin like Big Sis did. Ya gotta sample the menu to find out what are yer favrits. Ah’ve only done twenty two guys cause some of em been repeats. Ah’m keepin a diary so Ah remembers what they is good at. Sis finally settled on two or three of the best ones, plus yew and Uncle Jethro of course.”

Uncle Jethro lived with us part time durin haying and corn likker cookin seasons. He’d sleep with Big Sis cause that were the only room we had but Ah’d see him comin outa Ma’s room sometimes when Pa were gone. He’d not been here since Lil Sis’s birthday but she’d probly want to try his pecker which had an interesting curve, according to Big Sis anyway.

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