A Tall Young Girl
Copyright© 2020 by Bronte Follower
Chapter 25
August 28, 2018 (Tuesday)
Four... “girls” piled out of an older Isuzu Trooper as various of them said, “See ya tomorrow morning,” to the driver. The four then headed to the back door of the house there, walked in, and immediately kicked off their shoes.
The tallest of the girls said, “Hi, Moms and Dad!”
The shorter of the two women in the kitchen responded, “Hey, Civ, Mare. Welcome, Rache and Mia. I think this is one of my favorite parts of our week. I love being surprised by which two LA girls are our daughters’ guests on Tuesdays.
The taller woman exclaimed, “Hey, Girls. Oh, wow! Rache, you look ... incredible. You’re gonna get our guy’s heart racing. I’ll bet your entire ... outfit ... if that’s the proper word for that ... weighs less than a half-pound!”
Rache responded, “I know it doesn’t. I weighed it!”
“You’re truly okay with showing that much skin?”
“Kalina, six months ago, this would have wigged me the Hell out. There’s no way I could have worn something like this, even if only girls saw it, but no way at all with any guys in the potential audience!” She shook her head a bit, then said, “Now? Wearing this in front of your guy turns me the Hell on! And that’s with no chance of getting some sexual relief from your guy.”
Kalina looked at Rache for a few seconds, then said, “Believe me, Rache, sometimes we just want to throw up our hands and remove all the barricades. We’d love to see you with our guy ... in our bed!”
While the four arriving girls and the three resident parents swapped official arrival greetings of a hug and kiss, Rache said, “I know. It’s now very difficult for nearly all of us, but we do not want to screw this up. We know there’s still a chance for that, even waiting until Civ is LA-legal, but we agree with you that both families need to be ... more settled internally before we merge them. But Kalina, there’s not a girl ... Well, Padme’s not ready, but otherwise, there’s not an actual girl in the LA who doesn’t want to sleep with your guy. Even Taylor, although she mostly wants to actually sleep with him rather than get sexual with him.”
The girl with the long, black hair added, “She still talks about sleeping on Jeff’s chest. She loves him. The thing is, her libido is coming on, and probably more strongly than Beth and Meka would like. We’re pretty sure that ... sometime soon she’ll want to sleep with your guy in multiple ways.”
“But that can’t happen, Mia!”
“No, Emma, it can’t, and she knows that. But if we didn’t have any age rules, she’d probably clamor to be in your guy’s bed next year.”
“How are you going to deal with her ... in that vein?”
Rache replied, “I don’t know, Jeff, but we’ve had a few discussions about that. Taylor knows the problem with what she might already be wanting, and she’s been good about it, but we’re a little worried about the effect of puberty on her.”
Kalina responded, “Hopefully, she’s not like me going through that. I’m still a bit surprised I didn’t give it up at 12 or 13. I certainly wanted to.”
Emma said, “Go ahead and drop your stuff in your room. Dinner will be another 15 minutes or so.”
On the way to the house’s semi-resident girls’ room, Mia said, “Rache, from back here, you’re virtually naked.”
“I know. I was serious about how I was before I joined the LA and met you, but I’m not cowering. I’m jonesing. And having such a very large percentage of my skin in the air, as Beth says, is not helping, but I also find it ... crazy fun and exciting.”
“Good,” Civ said. “That’s what the nearly-naked LA member is supposed to provide to these evenings. Everyone wants to feel the burn and the want, but also manage to keep the two families separate. I have no doubt that we’ll hear at least one of the Moms tonight, if not both.”
“I didn’t look,” said Rache. “When’s the first time one of the guys is our nearly-naked contribution to the evening.”
Mare replied, “Last week of September; Seamus.”
“Ohhhh,” Mia breathed. “And that’s not the Tuesday that he’ll get to spend in your parents’ room. Right?”
“Nope,” Civ answered. “That’s in November.”
Rache asked, “How are you going to deal with that, Civ? Would you make him put something else on in bed?”
“Actually, the reverse. I hope you’re okay with it tonight, but we, now, all sleep naked, like at ... home ... the other home.”
“Of course, Civ is not allowed to sleep next to him,” stated Mare
The foursome drifted back to the kitchen and helped set the table, pour drinks, and other such dinner-prep activities.
Partway through the table conversation while eating dinner, Mare said, “Dad, if you get really turned on by Rache in her outfit tonight, feel free to take one or both of your wives into your room for some relief. We won’t mind.”
Jeff replied, “First, I’m perfectly capable of suborning my desires. Second, that would be more than we want this far out from next November. We’ve discussed this and, Rache, please feel free to pass this on to Beth and Meka. We’ll want to ... ramp up the heat before then, but not 14 months before then. Not even eight months before then and probably not before four months before then. I’d appreciate it if you refrain from suggesting anything of the sort before then.” He turned to Rache and said, “I will admit, however, that you in that outfit are ... causing my blood pressure to rise. I hope our two families are close enough that you won’t mind me telling you that you look ... scrumptious.”
A little color appeared on Rache’s face, but she kept her eyes on Jeff’s as she responded, “Thanks, Jeff, and I’d never tell a guy as nice and as attractive as you that you were out of line saying things like that to me because ... I’m greatly looking forward to making love with you. We all are.”
Emma gently grabbed Rache’s right hand and said, “As are we. We want there to be no walls between us and you, but we want to be perfectly certain about that before we allow the walls to fall.”
“We’re also happy to have that time between now and our future.”
Civ suddenly blurted, “Oh. We nearly forgot. Moms, Dad, the girls told us to invite you to spend Friday night with us.”
“I thought that was the plan.”
“Yes, but they ... we thought that you Moms could spend the night with Seamus and that...”