A Tall Young Girl
Copyright© 2020 by Bronte Follower
Chapter 24
August 22, 2018 (Wednesday)
Civ and Mare walked calmly into their parents’ house behind their three parents. Once inside the front door, Jeff began stripping his wives of clothing.
Mare asked, “Is there any chance that Dad could ... remove our clothes, too?”
Emma replied, “Not yet. Perhaps next year as we get closer to next November. Girls, please understand that we want what you want, but that it’s already difficult enough without allowing even more intimacy. As it is, we’ll now be sleeping with you once a week. I don’t know that we could make it to next November if Jeff were the one to strip you of all but your required in-house clothing.”
“Okay, Mom. We know that, but I wanted to ask, anyway. Besides, it looks like it’s your turn, now.”
Jeff smiled at his surprising second daughter, saying, “Mare, we truly understand. We gave you complete control over your sex lives and you came up with your own rules and have stuck to them despite your sisters all being highly and frequently sexual in the compound. Girls, you’re both such lovely young women. I could probably resist doing more than simply removing clothes excess to need at the time, but I have some ... powerful wants, just like you do, and I cannot be absolutely sure I would not ... color outside the lines a bit.”
Mare slammed her body into Jeff’s and hugged him with ferocity, saying, “Dad, you’re virtually infinitely better as my father than either of the pretenders. I love you ... as my father ... very, very much. But I’m looking forward to having an ... extra angle of relationship with you.”
“You can’t be looking forward to that more than I am, Honey.”
In response, Mare reached up, pulled Jeff’s head down, and kissed him hard, but briefly.
As he straightened from the kiss and began removing Emma’s clothes, he said, “Mare, you kiss so well, and I’m looking forward to removing the shackles on that activity, too.”
“Dad,” she replied, “you can’t keep telling me such wonderful things and expect to stay unraped by me. Moms, I’ll need some alone time before we go to bed.”
“Me, too,” Civ stated.
Perhaps due to the somber day of Jim’s interment, conversation in the living room was desultory, and Civ seemed to realize that her family needed something different this evening. She stood from sitting on Mare’s lap in their chair and, wearing the G-string that was typically the only clothing she wore in the common areas of the house when Jeff was present, she climbed into Kalina’s lap and snuggled in. Seeing her sister’s actions, Mare followed suit, climbing into Emma’s lap.
Civ said, “Dad, please help hold us.”
It took some doing and quite a bit of re-arranging, but the couch tableau eventually became two semi-naked daughters perched on their respective naked mother’s laps, with their semi-naked father sitting Indian-style between the mothers but facing the wall with his arms wrapped around both mother-daughter pairs. The situation was obviously uncomfortable for him, and Civ noted that.
“Dad, this is nice, but you’re hanging partly off the couch and can’t be comfortable. Moms, Dad, could we ... do something like this in your bed?”
The two mother’s faces turned to each other. They communed with each other for a few seconds, after which Emma said, “So long as we keep sex out of the mix.”
“No, Emma-Mom. Mare and I just need ... comfort. We had to bury one of our fathers today, and ... we ... nee...”
Jeff watched as his daughter broke down, then squeezed her and Kalina a little more tightly and said, “Let’s do that. It’ll be tight, but we can manage. Come on.”
Jeff crawled into the middle of the parents’ bed, lying on his back, patted his hands on the bed on either side of him, and said, “Come on, daughters.”
The two girls needed no second invitation, climbing onto the bed and curling into the respective sides of their father, their mothers then curling in behind them.
August 23, 2018 (Thursday)
As the light from the system’s primary began creeping almost tentatively through the windows and drapes of a bedroom, one of that bedroom’s occupants carefully raised his head from a pillow and looked to either side. An odd smile crept only partially onto his face, as if the mouth’s owner did not want to be too happy about the situation in which he found himself. He studied the back of his genetic daughter’s head and, perhaps, reveled in his daughter being wrapped around his ... first wife and the girl’s genetic mother. He gazed at the girl’s long, powerful back unsullied by clothing of any sort.
“Of course not,” the man told himself. “She’s only 12 and hasn’t begun growing breasts, so what does it matter that she’s topless here in our house?”
That thought was quickly followed by many other thoughts, and those made him subvocalize, “I so love this life we’ve found.”
He watched Kalina and Civ sleep for a while, then turned his head to watch his other wife and daughter do the same as he gently wiped a tear off his right cheek.
He thought, “Thank the Heavens for Beth Williams. I’ve never, ever been so exceedingly happy with my life. A few times, I thought I was as happy as it was possible to be, but this trumps all. This is the most perfect moment of my life.”
Unfortunately, as we mortals have learned, no moment, no matter how wonderful, lasts forever, and that moment was no different. Eventually, the sun’s strength coming through the windows increased enough in intensity as to wake others in his...
Jeff thought, “I guess this is no longer my marriage bed. No, that’s not right. This is no longer just my marriage bed. Even if all five of us never sleep together in it, again, it will always and forevermore also be our family bed.”
Once he had mentally detailed that thought, he focused his attention on Mare rousing on his right side. She rolled over in the tight quarters and put an arm and a leg over Jeff, but that action seemed to rouse her further from sleep.
Sleepily, she partly opened her eyes and quietly said, “G’mornin’, Dad.” She breathed deeply, then added, “That was one of the best nights’ sleep I’ve ever had. It was so ... wonderful to wake during the night and realize that ... my whole first family was in bed with me. I snuggled even more tightly into you and seem to have gone right back to sleep. I know we can’t do this very often, but I’m sure Civ and I would like this to occur occasionally and occur before we start with sex. I think it could be important for ... all of us ... once we allow sex in the mix.”
Softly, Emma replied, “I agree. Honey, we’ve got room. Could we get one of those monstrosities of which the Williams clan is so fond?”
“I was thinking that, myself. Do you want to ask Sandy about them?”
“I’ll do that at the party this evening.”
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