A Tall Young Girl
Copyright© 2020 by Bronte Follower
Chapter 23
August 21, 2018 (Tuesday)
Civ, Mare, Meka, and Kai entered the back door, almost running into Jeff as he was headed out with a plastic garbage bag in his hand.
“Oh. Wow! That’s the most skin I think we’ve ever seen on the Tuesday sleepover guests! Go on in; the Moms are in the kitchen. I’ll be back in after I put this in the garbage can.”
“Ok, Dad.” Mare grinned, then added, “I think my sisters will probably want to watch you walk toward the garage with that.”
“I’m just a sex object with my bare ass. Aren’t I? I tell you. I get no respect, anymore, in this house.”
Meka extended a hand and asked, “Would I get in trouble for doing ... this,” when she reached around and softly petted his left ass cheek.
Jeff’s eyes closed briefly in response, then he answered, “I don’t see why you would. My wives certainly make certain that my bare ass is always available to you girls, at least for your eyes.”
Kai stepped toward him and asked, “Would I get in trouble for this,” as she stepped behind him, put her hands on his hips turning him slightly to use his body as a shield, then ran her tongue up, first, the cheek Meka had caressed, then the right one.
Jeff softly moaned, then answered, “Definitely not, since my wives want me with you a lot.”
Kai said, “Meka, Mare, Civ, would you please go inside, close the door, then suggest to Kalina that she might want to poke her head out the back door?”
Civ grinned, then replied, “We can certainly do that,” then pranced into the kitchen and said, “Kalina-Mom, Dad had a question for you and wanted you to poke your head out the door so he could ask you.”
Once a naked Kalina was a few steps on her way, Civ’s other naked mother, Emma, softly asked, “What are you girls up to?”
Meka put a finger at her mouth and swung her body around her hips a bit as she brightly answered, “Nuhhh-thing,” with her voice rising on the second syllable.
Emma barely held in the guffaw she felt, plastered a severe look onto her face, and said, “Young lady. I can probably easily smack your behind, since I suspect most of its bare in that outfit Rhee called a moth-eaten excuse for a bikini.”
Meka chortled, then asked, “She said that? That’s great! You know, Emma, she doesn’t often come out with zinger one-liners, but when she does, they’re real zingers. I love sharing my life with her.” She returned to her little-girl-trying-to-get-out-of-trouble façade and said, “Emma-Mom, you might want to check on your wife. I’m sure your daughters can watch over dinner for you.”
Emma huffed, replied, “I’ll just bet,” then wiped her hands on a towel as she headed to the back door.
Mare asked, “Are we wicked, or what?”
Civ replied, “Yes, but we provide our Moms no end of happiness.”
However, she replaced her faux snooty, nose-in-the-air posture for a surprised mien when Mare squealed.
“Look at that!”
Meka reacted vocally before Civ, “Wow. I guess your parents are going for it.”
Civ nodded, then said, “I guess that was from Sunday. When did Rache bring that here?”
The three girls were staring at a tall, narrow, framed photo of the back side of a naked Kai on her tiptoes kissing a naked Jeff with passion, his arms around her back, his fingers extending onto her ass. Her body blocked the view of most of the front of Jeff, including his pelvis.
Mare softly asked, “What do you suppose is in their room?”
Civ replied, “I have no idea, but I wonder, too.”
Meka was already on a different subject, asking, “I wonder if your Moms are going to insist on our photographers coming over every time Kai is here. It’s pretty obvious that they’ll want Jeff to have sex with Kai every time she’s here, y’know, since none of them have come back inside.”
“Yeah,” agreed Mare. “I was thinking that same thing. I’m also even more curious now to know what’s hanging in their room.”
“Me, too,” said Meka, “but I’m also wondering how many times your Moms are going to have our sister and your father share each other’s bodies before bedtime.”
Mare replied, “I’d guess at least once more after the time currently going on, but I’d not be surprised by twice.”
Civ released one of her better smiles and told Mare, “I’m so glad Emma-mom was so forward with my parents, ‘cause I don’t know if they could have gotten to this point without Emma getting them to resurrect their previous sexual personas. I’m sure Kalina-Mom is looking forward to late next year, as I’m convinced she wants to release Dad ... no, send Dad to the LA. I wonder how long it will take her to get Dad to have sex with every female LA member, but I don’t expect it to be all that long.”
The three girls of various ages had begun putting dinner on the table when they heard the back door open, and Mare showed a smirk to Meka, who grinned in response.
As Kai, looking quite satisfied, and the Moms came into view, Civ asked, “Is Dad still taking out the garbage?”
With a smile on her face, Emma responded, “Yes ... and recovering from the ... exertion required.”
Meka chortled briefly, then a pondering expression came over her face as she responded, “Before I became enmeshed with the girls who would become the LA, I thought I was enabling Dad to have more sex than most guys his age had. Granted, Jeff’s younger, but our society seems to believe that women your age aren’t so interested in sex. With seeing Sandy and her co-wives and you two so ... up close and personal, I’m greatly looking forward to what I now understand is most women’s sexual peak.”
As the back door closed, Kalina grinned at Meka, saying, “Let’s finish getting dinner on the table, as this is a subject I’ve been pondering of late and, with our daughters’ acquiescence, I’d like to discuss it over that dinner.”
Everyone was through the first blush of eating dinner when, fork still in hand and much of her dinner still on her plate, when Kalina said, “To catch Jeff up, Meka mentioned almost off-hand that she was at least a bit surprised by how much sex the mid-30s and early 40s women orbiting the compound – that is, Charlie’s wives, Jeff’s wives, the two mothers who are part of the LA, and, I suppose, Steph – and remind me to come back to her, are currently having.
“Correct me if you know I’m wrong, but it seems that all three of the wives Sandy added to her marriage were nearly celibate, if not entirely so from a non-masturbation POV, before being pulled into the Go5 ambit.” When Civ nodded at her, Kalina continued with, “Jeff and my sex lives ticked up a bit in response to the ... energy obvious in the W each time we visited. Now that we understand that it was the girls causing that vibe in the W, Jeff’s admitted not horribly long after he fell somewhat under their spell, that it was the Go5 who were ... causing, enabling ... that simmering sense of sex every time we were there and releasing the ... restraints he had placed on his libido.”
Meka replied, “I don’t know everything about the W of the pre-compound time, but it was the Go5 driving that. I can remember having a lot of inchoate sexual thoughts at their age, but theirs were obviously not confused or ill-defined. All five of them focused that want or ... need on Charlie and each other. They had, particularly for 14-year-old girls, a lot of multi-person sex and I’m convinced that they still don’t truly understand how very different they were at 14 from virtually all other girls of similar age.
“Once I understood how much sex they were having in that house, I was nearly stunned. Just one of them probably had more sex with more than just herself last fall than every other girl matriculating at Central and probably more than any woman working in that school.” She shrugged, then said, “Once the core of the LA was living fulltime ... or nearly so ... in the J, the new girls ... Brit, Cera, Lana ... and others took that level of sex as normal and as how they should live. Those girls get a little cranky if they go more than two or three days without sex with one or more others.” Meka grinned at the table, then said, “So, it’s a good thing they rarely go that long without!”
Kalina smiled and responded, “Exactly! Once we were swept up into the ... LA aura, I suppose, and, particularly once Emma wriggled her way into our lives, Jeff and I are now having sex more than we ever have, even during our swinging days! And ... now that we’ve opened our three-way marriage a bit to include Kai and Seamus...”
She looked across the table and said, “Kai, any time you want a taste of our guy, please feel free to walk over here and take him. We find it exciting to watch you with him, but he also gets highly energized with you, and Emma and I reap benefits.”
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