A Tall Young Girl - Cover

A Tall Young Girl

Copyright© 2020 by Bronte Follower

Chapter 19


June 27, 2018

Kalina asked, “How was your night, girls?”

Both Civia and Maren looked back-and-forth between Brit and Lana, with Brit finally answering, “It was great. Most of us don’t get a lot of one-on-one time with your daughters, so I think we both learned a bit about them. I know Beth has commended you three for raising incredible daughters, but Lana and I would like to add to that. We’ve been surprised at how critical they’ve both become for the LA.”

Both mothers said, “Thanks,” and Emma continued, “I’ve been amazed at how quickly Mare has become completely comfortable and happy with the LA. You’ve all been so good to and for her.”

July 3, 2018

In discussion at dinner, Kalina turned to one of the tall, young girls’ guests and asked, “Kath, what do you think about being a ... sleepover guest of our daughters?”

“I love it for multiple reasons, and I’m happy to detail two of them.” When she got a nod from Kalina, she continued, “The first is that you’re comfortable with the LA. While there may well be little details that might cause you some concern about us, you’ve wholeheartedly agreed to your girls inviting two of us to sleepovers in their bed. A ... corollary of that one is that you allowed us to supply them with a king bed so that all four of us could be comfortable in that bed. The second is that your agreeing to the girls’ proposal provided yet another sign at how comfortable you’ve become with the LA. That is, here I am sitting at your dinner table a few hours before I, a woman more than 20 years older than your daughters, will be sleeping naked in the same bed as your two naked daughters, and you’re happy with that.”

“We are. You didn’t know Civia before she met the Go5. We were concerned that she showed no interest in having friends. We understood the reasons why she had come to be like that, but it worried us.”

Emma picked their response up with, “While Maren was more social, she had not been particularly happy for quite a while before meeting the LA at their home, an event that caused Civ to rethink her decision about how to treat with Mare. We’re so thankful to the LA for their ... unplanned and unknowing interventions, that we all feel a great debt to the LA and its members for the happiness and greatly increased maturity shown by our daughters.”

Jeff tagged in with, “We also downright like you girls. We had been having more and more fun with the compound’s residents and semi-residents through last fall, but with the successor organization to the Go5 growing so large and spending more time with us, we’ve found true friends. Yes, despite you and Raven being the only two who aren’t greatly younger than us, we truly like every one of you, despite that the majority of you are less than 18 years old, and well less. You’ve also, along with the W parents, helped pull us out of the conservatism of lifestyle into which we’d fallen after giving up our swinging life for our family. Despite how we thought of that life then, we’re so much happier now than we were then, and virtually all of that newly arrived happiness is due, directly or indirectly, to an amazing group of 15-year-old girls who are the core of the LA.”

July 4, 2018

When the five-member family of Paleceks came in the front door, Emma said, “We’ll be out in a while to work on dinner. If you’d like to start, please get five potatoes prepped and in the oven. The rest of dinner won’t take as much time.”

Mare responded, “Isn’t it amazing at how sexy everyone living at the compound is?”

Kalina rolled her eyes, but replied, “It is, and our guy gets so excited. We need to ... calm him down.”

Civ came back with, “Take your time and make it really good. We know what’s for dinner and we could put it all together.”

Kalina looked deeply into her biological daughter’s eyes for a few moments, then asked, “You two are truly comfortable with us having sex with our guy during the day when you’re here. Aren’t you?”

Mare replied, “We are. All the girls, including the guys, love sex and you three certainly seem to think it’s more than just enjoyable. We’ve told you that we like it that you’re so into the three of you, and we don’t at all mind hearing you enjoying yourselves in there. Please don’t worry about anything like that. Heck, if you wanted to have sex in the living room, we’d be happy to stay in the kitchen and get dinner ready.”

Jeff slowly shook his head then said, “You two are amazing. I heard my parents a few times, and it embarrassed me. You actually like hearing us?”

“Yes,” Civ answered emphatically. “We’re ... umm ... invested in you three being our parents. We don’t want you to have problems and split up, so every time we hear you, we’re reassured and can put well off into the future any thoughts that you might split up.” The tall, young girl glanced around at her parents, then asked, “Is it just Dad who gets excited by the scantily-clad girls in the compound?”

Emma replied, “And the sky clad one. Don’t forget Kai. She’s pretty, has a lovely body, and is always naked. You know Kalina and I both like girls, and she’s among the prettiest and sexiest there, and our guy gets so excited when he hugs her both in greeting and in departing. You know those girls insist on both hugs, and, of course, there are now the arriving and departing kisses to go with those hugs. And Kai has started looking down at the bulge in our guy’s trunk afterward. That gets us wanting to have our way with your father. Speaking of which, let us go, or we might be inclined to strip him now and start in on having our way with him here on the floor.”

“Again, Mom, we wouldn’t mind that. Although it’s against the rules for us to see something like that, it wouldn’t be completely our fault if we didn’t ... I mean, couldn’t get out of sight of that before we saw what’s in Dad’s trunk all big and hard and stuff.”

“Go get the potatoes started, you voyeurs!”

“Oh! That sounds like a good one! Dad isn’t often that loud.”

Civ responded, “It did and he’s not. Do you think he had an orgasm we didn’t hear? Or did he last that long and that was his first?”

Mare shrugged as she said, “The Moms got multiple each. Beth has said that if guys have lots of practice, they get better at holding out, but it has been just about an hour. Do you think they’d be willing to answer the question if we asked if he just held off or if he had a quiet one earlier?”

Civia frowned, then answered, “I don’t know, but we’re allowed to ask almost anything. What’s the worst they could do? Tell us not to ask questions like that? That wouldn’t bug me. If you really want to know, ask them.”

“Do you want to know?”

“Not as much as you do, but I’d like to know. This is the sort of thing that Beth’s willing to explain, as it helps us learn important stuff that we ... should know before we start having sex with our guys. I suspect they’ll answer it, particularly if their answer can be presented in something of an ... What was that word Celeste taught us the other day? Ed- something.”

“Edifying. And I see your point. That information would be edifying, and, again, it’s just so wonderful that the girls are so willing, even want to teach us so much, from new vocab like ‘edifying’ and about how guys respond to having intercourse and how that response changes as they get more practice and knowledge.”

Civ responded, “Yes, we have the best parents ... all eight of them ... and the best sisters. I suggest that if you’re going to ask that question, wait until we’re into conversation mode over dinner. I suspect that if they answer it, we could get a longer conversation about sex that could even include some mechanics, or how mechanics can change with experience. That’s the part I’d like to have a better handle on, and one that our sisters are unwilling to explain except in very general terms.”

“I can see that. That is, that the question could lead to such a discussion. Oh. I think they’re coming out. Let’s get everything on the table.”

When the three parents arrived in the kitchen/dining room a few minutes later, Emma said, “Thanks for cooking, particularly for doing everything.”

Civ replied, “You’re welcome, Emma-Mom, but it wasn’t anything like a chore. We’re here so little that it’s ... nice to be able to do something for you so you can enjoy each other without worrying about putting dinner off ... for an hour!”

When Emma startled, both girls giggled, then gave their parents wide smiles, with Maren saying, “Moms, Dad, we really don’t mind, not at all.”

Jeff, in a trunk different from the one he wore to the compound, stepped over to Mare and hugged her for a few seconds, then gave Civ the same; the naked Moms followed suit.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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