Git Yer Asses in Gear - Cover

Git Yer Asses in Gear

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Flash Sex Story: Makin my lazy brothers amount to sumpthin.

Caution: This Flash Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including BiSexual   Heterosexual   Incest   Prostitution   .

Author’s note: Some of the dialogue must be read phonetically since I have tried to give the story the flavor of where it occurs. Say it out loud if necessary. Just think of the Beverly Hillbillies and you will catch on.

Ah kicked the bed real hard agin. “Get yer asses up!” Ah shouted. Ah pulled the covers off and there they wuz. One of the twins had his skinny pecker stuck up the ass of the other and was a jerking his brother’s cock too. Ah kept bellerin’, “Ifn’ you’d get jobs Ma wouldn’t have to be whorin down at the truck stop and could fuck you proper.”

Ah told ‘em to git their own vittles and took the truck to town as soon as Ma got home. She looked wore out. Ah hugged her and said Ah was gonna get them boys some real jobs. She cried and went to get some sleep.

Ah did get the twins a job at the widder lady’s dairy farm shoveling cow and pig shit and stuff like thet. It’s about all they was good fer. Ah’d drop ‘em off on my way to work.

Ah had a job at the hardware store cause Ah’m pretty good with tools, and not just the one in my pants. Ah had to promise the owner Ah’d only take his daughter into the storeroom on my lunch break even if she asked fer more. That’s what got the last clerk fired. Well, that and takin his wife there too. He was kinda jealous. Ah’d do that big-titted wife’s cunt elsewhere if’n she asked.

Them worthless brothers did better than Ah thunk. The widder taught them bone heads a few new things. Ah found out how she got some real effort out of the lazy bastards. If’n they did a good day’s work she’d hose off the dirt and manure and bang em on a horse blanket. They wuz so proud to get real pay money too.

Ah done a good job at the store. The daughter screwed me every day and made me take her to dances and such. She is right purty and fucks like a wildcat. Her ma does too and made her husband give me a raise.

With our pay, our Ma could cut her truck cab humping back to two days a week and fuck us boys on the weekend like she used tew. Ah told old “Whiskers” that she thinks he’s sexy. He’s a well-to-do farmer thet we see at church. Ah let him know that if he married her he’d get three good hands along with the best pussy in the county. He didn’t have to ask how Ah knew.

She got all fixed up at the beauty parlor fer their first date and stayed out all night with him. Ah’m sure she lived up to my braggin’. Us boys couldn’t get in her pussy until Sunday night he’d done her so good.

Things is lookin’ pretty good round here now!

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