Daddy's Little Whore - Cover

Daddy's Little Whore

Copyright© 2020 by Master Jonathan

Chapter 1

Incest Sex Story: Chapter 1 - A father goes out looking for a little "adult entertainment" but in his search for a playmate finds out his own daughter is a working girl!

Caution: This Incest Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Ma/ft   Reluctant   Heterosexual   Fiction   Father   Daughter   Rough   Anal Sex   Analingus   Oral Sex   Prostitution  

Mike Hanson was feeling increasingly frustrated and restless. His young, 17 year old daughter, Susan, was staying overnight with a couple of her girlfriends from school and he had the house to himself. Mike had been divorced from his wife, Debbie, for about three years now and while she had moved on, finding a man she was now engaged to, he was still single and had no real prospects. In fact, he didn’t have much of a social life at all. And tonight was no exception.

He sat at his desk, finishing up some work that he had brought home for the weekend. Work was about all he had anymore, except for the time when Susan came over to stay with him. He considered himself lucky in a way that his ex still lived in the same area as him so he could see Susan a lot. While they both still lived in the same town, Debbie had moved to a place on the other side of town to put a little distance between them.

Tonight, however, was one of Susan’s friend’s birthday, so several of the girls had decided on a sleepover/pajama party. So Mike was left alone, just him in the small, two bedroom apartment that he now called home.

Mike finished his work and was doing a little surfing on the Internet. Bored and lonely as he was, he soon found himself on one of his favorite porn sites – one that featured young girls not much older than his own daughter.

At times his conscience bothered him about these types of pictures, but his lust told him that these girls were not his daughter, that they were only trying to make a living and that they were all of legal age and could make up their own minds about what they were doing.

This rationale justified his looking at the pictures in his mind. As he looked through the pictures he looked at the fresh young faces, the tight bodies, some of them blessed with large breasts and some with smaller tits, making them look even younger. Many of the girls he liked were shaved and he enjoyed that aspect of them as well. And a handful of them wore a bit more makeup than they should, giving them a slutty whorish appearance that he found enticing.

As he scanned through the images on his screen his lust began to grow. Suddenly one of the girls he saw on his screen looked a bit like his Susan and for a brief moment he let his guard down and she entered his thoughts, naked as just like the girls on the computer screen. His cock stirred and things entered his mind that a father shouldn’t think. However just as quick as these thoughts developed, his guilt rose up and he squashed them. He shut his computer off before temptation got the better of him again.

He sighed and got up to go into the living room. He sat down and tried to find something on television but this was Saturday night and there wasn’t much worth watching on the TV at that hour. The pictures of those young nubile bodies crept back into his imaginatio. It was no use. He had to get out of the house. Maybe if he took a drive or something...

He got in the car and headed downtown to the historic district in the center of town. He knew that what he needed, he would find there. He had done this a few times before. He would go downtown and cruise the streets. He knew that there were girls ... street girls ... prostitutes there that would help a guy who was feeling lonely and horny. This was the town’s unofficial “red-light” district. And this is where he would satisfy the urgent, pressing need that was gnawing at him. Mike knew that there were always some young, less jaded girls that worked the area. These girls tended to hang on the fringes, around the small park there. They were shyer and less forward than the older hands, not stepping out and stopping traffic as the more experienced girls did. The older and more well-worn girls had a cold desperation that the young tender ones didn’t, and this made them more visible and outright bothersome at times to drivers passing by.

As was his pattern, Mike would drive around the park, watch a bit to see who was on the street, and study the girls and how they looked. When he found a suitable candidate, he would approach her and see what he could arrange. With these thoughts of sin on his mind, he headed into town, his anticipation and desire building up and he had to keep shifting his position to stay comfortable.

The first time he prowled the streets like this, he had been divorced from Debbie for about 8 months. It was the night of what would have been their tenth anniversary and the significance of that day had a big influence on what he did. He drove down to this same area and had looked over the selection at that time. But he couldn’t bring himself to act on his desires and drove home more frustrated than ever. It took two or three more of these “dry runs” before he actually made a connection and picked up a young 18 year old blonde. That time he drove into the park and found a parking spot tucked in the trees where she could use her mouth for something besides chew the gum she had been popping.

These days he was more at ease when doing his “honey hunting”, although he still got butterflies in the pit of his stomach from the excitement of the hunt. He had gotten now to the point where he was semi-comfortable in bringing a girl to his home, figuring that anything of real value he had, his ex-wife now owned anyway!

Such was the game plan for tonight. With Susan safely at a friend’s house for the weekend, there was no need to worry about getting caught and his need was such that a little front-seat fellatio simply wouldn’t cut it. This would be the sixth time he had done this and by now he knew what he was looking for and he knew it would more than likely be available tonight. As he got closer to his hunting grounds, he got more and more excited, his lust for his prey overpowering his moral reluctance.

As he reached the edge of the park, he turned down the first side road that formed one of the park boundaries, and saw the first of the ladies of the night. These were the more established women and girls, standing in the open, some stepping into the road, their eyes following him inviting and their movements and appearance suggestive, trying to attract him and his business. He barely noticed these first prospects, and continued to scan the streets.

Having no luck at first, he turned down the street that delineated one side of the park, This was where the newer girls usually hung out; it was off the main drag and less conspicuous. Plus it had trees lining the park edge so the girls could hang in the shadows until they worked up the nerve to approach a potential customer.

As he began going down the avenue and paralleled the park, he kept an eye on the treeline, waiting for a suitable street vendor. Suddenly he saw her; a girl caught his eye, standing there under trees, in the shadows, with just enough light from the streetlamp to see that she was young, slim, wearing a tight, short dress and heeled, knee length boots. Her hair was dark and hung below her shoulders, partially obscuring her face. He pulled the car into the curb near her, while at the same time winding the electronic window down.

The girl hesitated, as if in doubt, for a few seconds. Then she gathered her nerve and began walking towards him. He had pulled up in such a way he could watch her walk and as she came forward, he noted the fishnet stockings, her almost too tight dress and how it was so high he could see the tops of those stockings, and her ridiculously unstable heels. He licked his lips in anticipation of the sweet sensual treats this young slut would reveal to him. As she got closer, he could make out a shy smile on her partially obscured, yet oddly familiar, face. He had seen this one someplace before, but his lust-fogged mind couldn’t place her at the moment. She got to the side of his car and leaned in the window, ready to give him her sales pitch about how she was going to take such good care of him, and how she was going to make him feel soo good. Just as she leaned in the open window, the light from the interior of the car illuminated her face clearly. Mike went as cold as death. The face staring back at him should have been very familiar to him.

OHMYGOD! NOOO! he cried out in recognition of his daughter’s face!

The words hadn’t even cleared his mouth when, surprise, then shock, replaced the smile on the girl’s face as she recognized the man in the car.

DAD! OH MY GOD! she screamed in utter horror.

Mike was too shocked and embarrassed to speak. His foot instinctively stomped on the gas pedal and the screeching tires scared her back away from the car as he sped off, leaving her standing on the sidewalk calling after him for a moment, then running into the shelter of the trees to cry. Mike didn’t see his daughter run off; guilt and anger were coursing through him as fast as he was driving through the streets as speed off. Unthinking and numb, he headed home, swinging into the drive, so fast he nearly clipped the corner of the house. He sat there in the driveway, the engine still running, numb and unthinking.

He sat in the car for several moments until the porch light from the neighbor’s house came on. The neighbor had woke up at the sound of screeching tires and was investigating the commotion, but that porch light was enough to snap Mike back to reality. He turned off the ignition and went into the house his mind working a mile a minute to try to figure out what to do with this.

How was he going to handle this? What was he going to do? What was he going to say? He crashed down in his easy chair, nauseous and trying hard not to throw up – both from what he had seen, and from the head spinning it caused. His daughter ... a street whore! Oh my God, what was he going to do? A host of emotions quarreled inside him; his lust and desire were still present from going to find himself some company, but now his guilt and morals fought to suppress them. His stomach was flopping around inside him like a catfish in a wet burlap sack. He sat in the dark with his head in his hands trying to make sense out of all this.

Then another thought hit him like a sledgehammer – what will happen when Debbie gets wind of this! She will have a field day with this information! He just barely was able to get visitation in the divorce – when she finds out her daughter is a street whore, he will never see her again! Susan was the only thing that he was able to salvage from the divorce, and this could mean the end of even that. Not to mention she will make this public knowledge, and his pittance of a job will be gone as well. She could absolutely ruin him with this!

Mike sat there in the dark in his chair for what seemed like hours. He tried to find a way out, a way that would cause the least amount of damage and destruction, but he could not figure out how he was going to escape from this muckhole. He was neck deep in quicksand and it was raining hard. Finally, he heard a creak as the front door opened slowly. He didn’t even bother to look up. He heard the sound of somebody moving around, trying to be quiet and soft voices coming from down the hallway. As the voices got closer, he heard his daughter whispering quietly. “No, that’s okay. It’s best if I face him alone. I don’t want you to get into trouble too. I’ll call you tomorrow. No, it’s not your fault. Okay bye.”

He could not make out exactly what the other person was saying, although it was a girl’s voice too so it must have been Susan’s friend, Julie. The door creaked shut and then gentle foot steps across the wooden dining room floor and then a figure stood in the entry to the dark living room Susan paused there letting her eyes get used to the very dim light until she could see the light switch. She was trying her best to be quiet and didn’t want to trip over the furniture. She stood there, silhouetted in the door frame, unable to see into the room. But he could see her plainly. He didn’t speak; he didn’t know what to say. Had she gotten changed? She had left the house looking like his beloved daughter, was she his daughter again? No, she would never be his little girl again, he thought. He had seen a side of her that he could not unsee. Her hand reached out and turned the light on, and she turned towards him and jumped in surprise when she saw her father sitting the in his chair.

“Oh Daddy! You scared me! What are you doing sitting here in the dark” she said, forcing a smile.

Mike remained seated and silent, not trusting himself to speak; not wanting to do anything he would later regret. Susan moved around in front of him and got a bit closer.

“Daddy ... I-I can explain, it’s not what...”

“It’s not what?” he snapped at her, cutting her words short. “It’s not what its seems, Is that it? You mean that wasn’t my sweet Susan, standing on the street corner, selling her ass like a common whore? Because it sure as hell looked like you. But no, you were over at Julie’s so it couldn’t have been you!” Mike slapped his forehead in mock realization, his voice dripping sarcasm, “You and Julie must have just been out for a walk in the park or maybe you were just passing out blankets and pillows to all the homeless or feeding the squirrels. Were you feeding the squirrels, Susan?”

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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