Honey, Do... - Cover

Honey, Do...

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: Hill country hospitality is the most satisfying, wouldn't you agree?

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Sharing   Incest   .

“Honey,” Ah called out from the porch, “Take a break from fixin dinner and show our guest some hospitality.”

Pretty quick the door opened and she come out with her little robe wide open showin off all her charms. She led Jasper back into the cabin and pretty soon Ah heard the thumpin going on. Ah knew it would start up quick cause Ah’d made her nice and wet just afore he come for dinner. There were a little break in the thumpin and then it started up agin. Ah said to myself, “By golly, he must’ve bin pretty horny but then it’s hard to stop fuking my honey when she gets a’goin.”

When my guest wandered out to the porch later and looked fer his mug of shine, he said to me, “Thet wife of yers shore be sumpthin!”

Ah smiled as Ah said, “Well, thet’s what all my visitors tells me. Of course Ah enjoys her a lot myself.”

After a few sips, Jasper said, “Ah don’t know if Ah can return the hospitality or not.”

Ah looked at him and said, “Ah think you just need to ask that wife of yers and she’ll get real helpful. Ah started tapping her in eighth grade and Ah certainly wern’t the first or the only one. Ah’ll bet she’ll enjoy providing hospitality. Matter of fact, Ah’m gonna be over yer way Friday afternoon so why don’t you tell her Ah’m gonna stop by for a visit.”

Jasper said, “Okay,” and we moved on to talk about other things.

Friday afternoon Sally Sue, Jasper’s wife, came busting out of their cabin when she heard my truck pull up, her robe flying open as she ran up to greet me. As she took my hand and led me back to the cabin she said, “Ah’ve been looking forward to this visit all week and Jasper’s gotten his balls drained a lot while Ah was awaitin.” She didn’t do no amenities at all but just took me straight to bed and spread open her pink invitation even afore Ah could get my overalls off. Just like Ah remembered, she was a hellcat and liked it hard and furious. She wanted me to be squeezin and pinchin her tits hard, and slap her ass when she was on top aridin.

When Ah left she tole me, “Now you stop by here more often while he’s at work. If anyone else’s visiting Ah’ll kick their ass out immediately. You are the best and Ah wish you’d married me when you was a’choosing.” Ah had to admit that she were one of the strong contenders when Ah was trying to make a decision.

But Ah’d made the right one after all. When Ah got home my honey fed me dinner and then said, “Do you think we could just snuggle tonight? Ah knew you wuz going to be busy this afternoon and two of your cousins stopped by. You know how them young dicks are and they kept me stuffed all afternoon. Ah ain’t complaining but my pussy do need a little rest. Ah suspect you’re pretty well fuked out yourself knowing Jasper’s wife.” Ah agreed but sometime early in the morning her mouth were getting me big and Ah give her a nice tender loving fuk.

Except for cousins, my wife do not go looking for other dick. That were our agreement and Ah sees to it that she gits sufficient visitors to keep things interesting between her legs. Ah partly chose her fer a wife cause she weren’t fukin half the County already. Not that she kept her legs together but she were a lot fussier than many of the other women and she made it real clear that she thought Ah was special. Ah’d had a lot of other women tell me that, including the married ones, but she didn’t mean just because of my equipment but because of the person Ah was.

The next day Ah was thinkin, “Well, enough reminiscing. Ah better say goodbye to the lady Ah’ve been joinin with and get home to take care of my honey because we got a visitor coming over later.”

Ah pulled on my Big Smith’s and gave a big hug to my hostess. “You know the sayin ‘Like mother, like daughter’, sure do work for you two. It’s such a blessin for me to come help you out when Ah’m sent fer and you know Ah’ll always be happy to take care of yer needs anytime. Yes, Ah’ll tell Honey you sent her yer love.”

As Ah started up my truck and drove away from the family homestead, Ah once again realized what a forchunate man Ah was.

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