Unnatural Attraction - Cover

Unnatural Attraction

Copyright© 2020 by storyace

Chapter 2

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2 - Young Tommy starts work at the family business, and finds himself mesmerized by Delores, the statuesque middle aged office manager

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   mt/Fa   Cousins   Aunt  

My aunt Diane takes me by surprise.

I lay on top of Delores, my cock deflating at last. She held me for a while, and I’d never felt such contentment.

After about 10 minutes, her breathing slowed to normal, her hands stopped stroking my back, and she started to sob.

I pulled my exhausted teenaged cock from my older lover, and slid off of her to the side. I looked at her face inquisitively.

“Oh shit.” She groaned, “What have we done?”

“What do you mean?” I asked, my rapture punctured.

“That was a huge mistake.” She said, her body still hot from our lovemaking. “You might not remember me, but I remember you. As a baby, in my arms. Oh shit, shit, shit! Why do I always make my life into a disaster! Your momma was my best friend, I worked for your grandfather, I dated your dad. I’m a depraved woman, Tommy. What about you, are you ok?”

“I’m great.” I said, trying to think of something clever to say that would make her feel better.

“Don’t make me say it.” She said, avoiding my eyes.

“You want me to go?” I asked.

“Honey, I’m 46 years old and I’ve been with a lot of men.” She said, turning to face me. “Some were really unsuitable; but none of them were nearly as unsuitable as you. How many women have you been with?”

“Including you? One.” I answered.

“You’re kidding me? THAT was your first time? Jesus, Honey. I’m sorry, I didn’t know.”

“Sorry? For what?” I asked.

“You’ll understand one day.” She said, “Now go on, wash yourself off and go back to your uncle’s house. And Tommy; please don’t tell them. Or anyone. We should never have done it, let’s pretend we didn’t, ok?”

I drove through the night, utterly confused. Shouldn’t, couldn’t ... I only got a few hours of sleep, but got to work on time the next day. Everyone was busy; I listened, watched and learned. I helped prepare orders, measuring and forming hydraulic hoses, learning the names of all the different parts and products we sold, where to look up the stock numbers and that sort of thing.

I spent time with Delores in the office as she taught me how the business was run. I found it hard to concentrate through my bursting libido. It had been so good, how could she refuse me? I asked if I could come to her house again, and she politely declined.

I liked the way Delores interacted with the guys. She listened, appreciating their expertise. She questioned, then instructed how to proceed. She complimented good work, and she was respected for it. She treated me the same way, as if our night of mad passion had never happened.

“I used to work over at the West shop.” Jerry told me. “What a shit place. I never want to work for Big Bob again.”

“Why?” I asked.

“He’s an asshole.” Jerry said simply.

I was staying at my uncle’s house, eating at his table. He was a gruff loud man, but kind to me. His wife Diane took a lot of interest in me, and my cousins accepted me as family.

On Friday afternoon, I helped Delores pack up all the receipts, cash, timecards, and checks from the week to take to Diane. I wanted to tell her that I wanted her, needed her, had to have her. But I kept to our agreement and said nothing.

My uncle Bob came by the shop shortly after six.

“Why are you still here?” he barked at me. “Go on home, I’ll bring the receipt box later.”

I glanced at Delores, but she turned away.

“Close the door on your way out.” Bob added.

I did as he said, then I heard the click. That one small sound told a huge story. He’d locked the door from the inside.

I looked to Manuel, who was sitting on a workbench with a few of the guys having some after hours beer. He saw my face and laughed.

“Yes, my friend. Senior Bob and Seniora Delores have been at it for many years. We all know, but no one says anything; Delores is a good boss.”

The boys all nodded.

“There’s no accounting for taste.” Jerry commented.

“Delores could have any guy in town; I’d marry her tomorrow.” Carl said wistfully as the thumping started in the office.

Boom, boom, boom...

I turned away to hide my distress. She was fucking my big loud fat married uncle Bob? Delores was gorgeous, she was nice, why would she do that?

Someone turned on the radio to cover up the rhythmic banging from the office.

“He isn’t called Big Bob on account of his height.” Henry commented, tipping his beer bottle into his mouth.

“Did you ever meet his wife Diane?” Carl asked, “If I was married to a bitch like that I’d cheat too.”

“Guys, I’m their nephew!” I reminded them, and they all shut up.

I was forced to face the reality that I had no claim on Delores. My heart was crushed, my fantasies decimated. She’d told me we couldn’t be together, but I hadn’t believed her until then.

Saturday I walked into my Aunt Diane’s home office as she sat at her desk going through the receipts and totting up the accounts. She did fulltime unpaid work for the local Republican Party caucus during the week, and did the shop accounts every Saturday.

“It’s a beautiful day, you should go to the beach or something.” She said, “Make some friends.”

“I’m not really comfortable with people here.” I said, sitting down next to her. “I guess I should stay in and learn how the accounting is done.”

She pushed all the paper into a pile and turned her chair to face me. She grabbed both my hands and looked at me earnestly.

“Tell me what’s going on over there.” She pleaded, “Is my husband still having relations with that awful Delores?”

I was caught completely off guard. I didn’t say anything but my expression gave it away.

Diane nodded, still holding my hands and looking at me with her big sad brown eyes.

“That must be so hard for you.” She said earnestly, “After all you’ve been through...”

We talked for quite a while, as she kept holding both my hands. She asked about my life in Mexico, about my mother, all sorts of things. I noticed that her thumbs were stroking my palms. I had no idea if that was normal; it didn’t seem normal. I glanced at the forgotten paperwork. I needed to learn about that sort of thing, and I was hoping she’d teach me.

“I’m so lonely, Tommy.” She said. “Will you give me a hug?”

“Sure.” I said, and we both stood up. Hugs were normal between relatives.

But this hug seemed a bit more friendly than I was used to. Her small body seemed to melt into me, her hips grinding on my hips, her breasts crushed against me, her hands tight against my back, and her chin on my shoulder. She pressed a thigh between my legs and the pressure was enough to cause my volatile teenaged penis to stiffen. Her hands slid down to my ass, pulling me tight.

“Oh Tommy!” she whispered, “I had no idea you felt that way about me.”

Aunt Diane? The thing was, I didn’t.

She was an attractive woman but not crazy sexy like Delores; she had a fine face, clear skin and pretty eyes. Her figure was thin and she dressed well. If she was a stranger in a bar [and I was old enough to enter a bar] and she’d propositioned me, I’d go home with her happily.

But she was my aunt; my uncle Bob’s wife. It was incest, sort of.

She pulled my head back, and she kissed me. Full, hot mouth to mouth with tongue. My cock was about to break through my jeans, my hormones hijacked rational thought.

I was willing to do it.

I rationalized my need for sex; Bob was cheating on her. No one would know. She was the one making the first move. All I had to do was ... I didn’t actually know. But she did.

“Let’s use your room.” She said softly, breaking free to lead me by the hand upstairs, the way a docile cow walked ignorantly into the abattoir.

She closed the bedroom door and locked it. Although we were alone in the house, anyone might come home early. She turned to face me, her back against the door. She looked nervous.

“You look nervous.” She said.

“I am nervous.” I said.

“You’re not a virgin are you?” she asked.

“No.” I said, “What about you?”

“Yes, pretty much.” She said. “I’ve only ever slept with Bob.”

It didn’t occur to me to doubt her word, until later.

She pulled off her pastel pantsuit as if it were on fire, throwing it into a heap on the floor. Her bra, socks, and panties quickly joined the pile. My aunt was naked, expectant, ready to rumble.

Her body was ok; her belly was almost flat, her tits small but honest. Her skin was pale with some freckling, and a curly grey/blond bush thrust forward defiantly between her thighs.

“Why don’t you take your clothes off too?” She asked pleasantly as she slid onto the single bed.

It was too late to stop; I was an 18 year old with a stiff cock, and was going to fuck my aunt. I stripped as she watched, her eyes lighting up when she saw my rod for the first time, even though she’d felt me up and knew I was big.

I hesitated for a second, standing naked with my hardon arcing out in front of me, looking at the middle aged woman waiting for me.

I had no milf fetish; Delores was ageless and sexy, but I wasn’t sure why I was about to ravish Diane.

I climbed between her raised knees, my stiff rod leading the way. She reached for it, and I loomed above her as she rubbed it up and down her open groin.

She was 5 years younger than Delores; she smelled pleasantly of perfume, wore no makeup, but did have rings on her fingers, lacquered nails, pearl earstuds, and carefully styled hair.

Fine lines creased her face, unlike the perfection of the Catholic girl I’d been hot for in Mexico.

The source of this story is Storiesonline

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