He's Only My Boyfriend - Cover

He's Only My Boyfriend

by Tony Tiger

Copyright© 2020 by Tony Tiger

Erotica Sex Story: New fuck-buddy loves penile variety and startles her new guy with her attitude about sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Consensual   Romantic   Sharing   Gang Bang   Polygamy/Polyamory   Water Sports   .

It was the first time I dined at her Y. Actually, it was the first time I’d seen any of her female parts. I’d had lunch with Marnie a few times but this was the first on a Saturday.

After we finished our repast, she casually said, “I’m horny. Let’s go to my place.” Who would refuse an invitation from a pixie cute, short haired blonde with nice tits? She lived a couple blocks away and we were soon naked in her messy bed. I did notice quite a few cum stains on her sheet that didn’t look very old. But that was not a time to complain about her housekeeping. I had not been laid in ages.

She kept full control of the situation, spreading her legs and simply saying, “Eat me!” Her pussy was the prettiest one I’ve ever seen, topped off with a small amount of wispy blonde hair, with two inner lips that just filled the crack between her outer ones. It was almost like the slot that you put a silver dollar in. She began humming as I bent over and started probing with my tongue. I soon found her little love button and that rapidly increased the pleasure sounds that she made. It only took a few minutes to make her squirm and shake as she got off.

Her opening was swollen and pink now, wet from my saliva and from something else that I tasted and would talk to her about later. I kissed my way up her belly and suckled her breasts before she grabbed my buns and pulled me inside. It was a slick and velvety heaven for my cock to explore and enjoy.

I didn’t last long before I slumped down on top of her. She whispered in my ear, “Mmmm. That was nice. Can you do it again?”

I tried to make my softened cock twitch inside her as an answer but I’m not sure she felt it. “I do have a couple questions, if I can ask them,” I said as I raised up and looked into her eyes.

“Ask away, but be aware that I give honest answers.”

I started with, “The picture of the guy beside the bed is... ?”

“That’s my boyfriend.”

“Is he the one that left the cum in you that I tasted?”

She grinned broadly as she replied, “He put some in there early this morning after spending the night. But what you probably tasted was the guy that was in this bed just before lunch.”

That revelation made my cock started growing again. She did feel that and said, “That’s what I like, a man who can appreciate a popular pussy.”

This time I rolled her on top and had my way with those magnificent tits as she rode me to a couple of cums. Since my lust was tempered I lasted a long time too, and enjoyed every single damn minute of it.

We snoozed a bit and then showered. I wanted to talk some more but she said her boyfriend would be arriving soon. However, she really enjoyed fucking me and would be happy to do it again. As I headed for home I wondered just what I’d gotten myself into, literally. So just today, she fucked her boyfriend and another two guys including me, and her boyfriend again this evening. That was the hottest honey I’d ever gotten naked with and I sure wanted to enjoy some more time with her to see how it worked out.

We had lunch again during the week but that’s all it was, no opportunity to get intimate. I did say to her that I was a bit puzzled about her relationship to her boyfriend. Other girls I screwed had been free agents, just dating and not connected to any guy in particular.

“Hey, he’s only my boyfriend. We’re not married! He is someone to go and do things with besides screwing. I like him a lot but he has a very busy life so we don’t get to fuck nearly enough for me. I need a lot of sex with a lot of variety and that is up front with him. And that’s what you have to accept if you want to continue seeing me with my clothes off.”

Well, I wasn’t giving up a chance to tap that fabulous pussy just yet, so I simply said “Understood.”

We were able to put our parts together a couple times a week, although she almost always felt slick with fresh semen. I didn’t care. She really rocked my boat or got my rocks off or however you want to put it. After a while I got to asking her who she’d most recently been with. Her boyfriend’s name was Ted and I would hear various other first names from time to time, and they would change over time.

As I got to know her body better, I could tell that I was doing a pretty good job of satisfying her. It became easier and easier to get me into her fucking schedule. A few weeks before the first anniversary of our initial copulation, I invited her to spend the night away with me. This would be a first.

She gave me kind of an odd look, then smiled and said she be delighted so we figured out the best Saturday night to plan for.

As we drove to the resort hotel I’d saved my money for, she reached over to my crotch and said quietly, “I know this is a special event for you so I’ve not had anybody else all day.”

I reached over and stroked her pussy through her tight shorts as I replied, “Now THAT is something special, and I thank you for it.”

When we checked into the room, the first thing she said was, “I’m awful damned horny!”

I pushed her down on the bed, pulled her shorts off and dove for her cunt which tasted fresher than I could remember. “I want to save my cock for the festivities later tonight.”

She squealed and wiggled as I thrashed her twat with my tongue, then shook with pleasure convulsions as I got her off. When she settled down she asked, “What’s for dinner? Being horny makes me hungry!”

I ordered from room service so we could stay naked. We put towels around our waists when the valet brought our meal. She wiggled her boobs as she talked to him and tucked his tip into his trousers, taking a quick squeeze. He grinned, probably rather used to this.

I’d chosen food that we could play with, eating it off of each other’s bodies. It was messy but a hell of a lot of fun and we had food all over us when we finally put our parts together. Thoughtfully we put bath towels down on the sheets first.

When we were in the spacious shower together, my partner got that wicked look on her face that I love to see. “I’ve got a treat for you. Just kneel down and hold still.” She moved close in front of me with her legs spread apart slightly and all of a sudden I felt a hot liquid stream splashing on my private parts. She was peeing on my pecker!

“Does that tickle?” She not so innocently asked. “I’d like you to return the favor when you have a full bladder.” I agreed.

We played until late, even going out on the balcony for a doggy style screw overlooking the city from our 15th story. We finally fell asleep all wrapped up in each other.

When I dropped her off at her apartment in the middle of the next afternoon, she gave me the most heartfelt kiss I’d ever received from her. She gushed, “I had a wonderful time and hope we can do something like that together again.” Hot shit! Those are the kind of feelings I had hoped to get started in her.

When we got naked together on Wednesday, she let me know that she would not be available for our usual weekend romp because her boyfriend was taking her away the whole two days. Perhaps he was sensing some competition and was trying to one-up me.

It must’ve had some effect, because when we were naked together on Tuesday she was a bit more somber than usual. After dispensing with our hornies in the usual manner, she wanted to talk. I encouraged her to share her feelings.

“That’s just the problem! I’m having too many feelings. I just want to fuck for fun and not get too involved. I’ve seen my mother get too attached to boyfriends who hurt her when they bailed. I promised myself it wouldn’t happen to me. That’s partly why I screw different guys all the time. My thought was that would keep me from getting too connected to any one person. My mistake was not cutting you and my boyfriend loose after six months and getting replacements. As you know, there are plenty of guys happy to spread my legs. But I HAVE developed feelings, and now I’m not sure what to do with them.” She started crying.

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