Short Stuff - Cover

Short Stuff

by The elliptic pencil

Copyright© 2020 by The elliptic pencil

Erotica Sex Story: A girl uses hypnosis to sexually torment her older sister and her sister's friend and lets things get a little too far out of control.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including mt/ft   ft/ft   Teenagers   Hypnosis   Mind Control   NonConsensual   Lesbian   Heterosexual   Fiction   Humiliation   Gang Bang   Anal Sex   Exhibitionism   First   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Voyeurism   .

It can be a bitch being small, even when you know you’re still growing.

That, and nobody makes it easy. The other girls, and of course the boys too, consider me an easy target for teasing, bullying, or making fun of, or just about anything else. I fuckin’ hate it. But, that doesn’t make me any taller does it?

I am nearly done with seventh grade. I am about to become an official teenager and I am still just under four fuckin’ feet tall. I am not just the shortest kid in our middle school, I am shorter than most of the kids in Westridge Elementary, which is just down the street. This is not fuckin’ fair. Life sucks.

And where are my hormones? Where are my fuckin’ hormones? ALL the other girls are into, or through puberty. Why not me? I got nothin’. I might as well be a fuckin’ first grader.

You have probably already figured out what my favorite fuckin’ word is this year. I hope it doesn’t fuckin’ offend you, but if it does, then just too... fuckin’ ... bad.

My being small is not a medical thing. I am not a dwarf or a midget, though my school nickname of choice (not my choice) has become ‘Midge’. Mom has asked Dr. Wombaugh, my pediatrician about it, and I am just, in the doctor’s words, “a late bloomer.” As I’ve said, life sucks.

Maisie, on the other hand, is all normal. She is only a year older than me, but she has had boobies for a couple of years, literally years. And now she is all big head because this past year they have gotten impressively fuckin’ huge, comparatively speaking at least. She is like a 34C. But she is still an eighth grader! So, from the standpoint of all the boys in school she is impressively fuckin’ huge. Especially when you have that mounted on her otherwise slim and curvy frame.

I fuckin’ hate Maisie. I have hated her for years now. She is the reason our dad is gone. Now there is just me and Maisie and Mom. I don’t even know where Dad is anymore. Mom chased him off after she caught him and Maisie in bed, and screwing. She told him she was putting the law after him. I was eight then. I had been spying on Dad and Maisie for a while, so I pretty much knew what was going on between them. Dad was always good to me. So I blame Maisie. It was her fuckin’ fault. She made it happen. She did it. But Mom kept Maisie and got rid of Dad. I don’t understand why Maisie gets off the hook and Dad had to leave us forever. I’m never going to forgive my sister.

After Dad left us, Maisie has been kind of wary of boys in general. You’d guess maybe she doesn’t want anything like that to happen ever again. But really, that’s not true. I hear her and her girl friends all the time talking about the boys they’d like to do things with. What kinds of things? All kinds of things, they mean everything from holding hands and being sweet to kissing to fucking. I consider them to be just a bunch of sluts.

I am not like that myself. Maybe I kind of would like to maybe try out a few of those things. But, I don’t actually plan to, at least for now, not while I’m the smallest of the small. And, I don’t think any of the boys are all that interested in experimenting with me either. Don’t get me wrong, just because I am a ‘late bloomer’, I do have feelings and urges. As often as not, I like to diddle myself with my fingers, or whatever, sometimes into some pretty hyper agitated states. Given the right situation I would let someone else do the diddling and probably a lot more. I fantasize like that sometimes, well pretty often.

So anyway. Maisie has got the body, but I have the brains. To me she often seems like she’s as dumb as a box of rocks. But then, most of the kids I know seem like that compared to me. Maisie can get reasonably good grades most of the time, if she half tries. As for me, I get pretty max grades all the time, and I rarely give a shit, or put forth any effort.

Lately I have been reading up on hypnosis, self- and otherwise. I have learned to put myself into a trance-like state and just zone out or laser focus on anything I want to learn or to figure out. I can fall asleep in a snap, I can suppress pain or fear or probably just about anything. I can also do the opposite. I can enhance just about anything too, think super-duper orgasms. It works. It fuckin’ works.

Why not, I think, use some of this hypnosis power to fuckin’ manipulate my sister. That would just be so fuckin’ sweet. Maybe I could teach her a lesson or two. Or maybe I could just make her life as miserable as she makes mine.

Today, for the moment at least, I am being halfway nice to Maisie and she is being okay with to me too. I have been telling her about my hypnosis experiments.

“So do you think you could like hypnotize me into studying History and actually remembering any of that crap when we have a test.” Maisie only half believed me, but she was damn near to failing World History and she really, really, really didn’t want Summer School, or even worse, to get held back a year from moving on to high school with her friends this fall.

“You have to be willing, and you have to participate and listen and try to do exactly what I say.” I think she is maybe going to go along with this.

“Okay, okay already. Do it. I’ll try anything.” Maisie’s plan had been to prepare a cheat sheet that she might be able to get away with using. She sits in the back row of her history class, with some of the other blockheads that have no interest in knowing shit about history. She might get away with cheating, but she might not, and the punishment for getting caught would definitely be bad to the max.

So my chosen technique is not the ‘look into my eyes’, or the ‘concentrate on the swinging pendulum’ kind of crap. It is more just feel yourself relaxing, deeper and deeper, peaceful, relaxing kind of crap. But I works for me. And surprise, surprise, it fuckin’ works for her too. After a few minutes she is in a trance. Unreal, fuckin’ unreal.

So, first the history stuff. It is after all what she was anticipating and hoping for. So I am telling her that World History is important, that this will help her to know it. And so on, and so on. I tell her later this afternoon she will page through the chapters in her World History book. She will look intently at each page and she will remember it. She will be able to come back while she is taking the test and look at the page in her mind. She will be able to answer any question asked from the pages she will remember everything during the examination tomorrow. Tonight she will sleep peacefully and fully relaxed. In her dreams she will replay her memories from the pages of her book, securing that information for her recall the next day.

I could do a lot more while she is in this state. But I actually want this suggestion to work. I want her to believe more deeply in my power to guide her mind. The only other suggestion I give her is that in the future, when I address her by her full name, Maisie Lynn Prosserman, she will instantly be ready to receive my commands and be ready to enter a deep hypnotic state. Then I wake her up, counting backwards “5-4-3-2-1,” I put my hand on her foreehead, “Open your eyes, You are fully awake and alert. Take a deep breath.”

Maisie takes a deep breath. “Whoa. That was a little strange. What did you do?”

“I told you to study and to remember it for your test tomorrow.” I shrugged. “It will be totally E-Z. Capisce?”


I keep forgetting she has a smaller vocabulary than me. “It means, ‘understand’. Now go, learn, pass your test tomorrow. You can thank me later.”

“Holy shit, Midge. I think the hypnosis worked. I think I actually aced that test.”

“I was pretty sure it would, Maisie Lynn Prosserman.” That worked too. Maisie stood there, looking at me, kind of glassy eyed. Waiting for me to instruct her. I recalled a porn video clip from my hypnosis research. A naked woman had been told she was having the most spectacular orgasm ever and it looked pretty real. I wondered how Maisie would do with something similar. Mom was working, and would be for hours yet. “Let’s go out on the front porch, Maisie.” She’s lucky we live in a pretty rural county, I thought. We’ve got no close by neighbors. A planted field on one side, trees on the other. Across the street a cow pasture. Old Mrs. Olliemeier is our nearest neighbor, she lives on the other side of the trees, at least 100 yards or more further up our little road. Our little house is set way back from the road and we got a few trees of our own. The front porch ain’t big, but it’s sorta private. “Take off all your clothes and sit down in the rocker.”

She does just what I say, not slow, not fast. Just like it’s a normal thing. “Okay now, you start diddlin’ yourself with your fingers. You are just tryin’ to get yourself off good. And as you’re doin’ it, you feel way more turned on than you have ever felt in your life. It is just fantastic. It is the absolute best you have ever felt in your life. It makes you just want to yell out, ‘cause you are getting so excited. You can feel a monster great orgasm comin’ on. It’s gonna build and build inside you and you just gotta hold it until you are ready to get it out, but it’s gonna be such a huge big orgasm you gotta keep workin’ it, lettin’ it grow ‘til you’re almost ready to burst.”

All the time I’m tellin’ her this, she is panting and gettin’ red in the face, and rollin’ her eyes all around. She begins gettin’ noisy, all on her own. And she’s goin’ fast. This is kinda excitin’ for me too. So I’m grinnin’ ear to ear.

Maisie is a rockin’ that chair and stompin’ her feet and screamin’ her pleasure to the world. Damn, I bet she is just higher than a kite.

“Okay, now you can cum. It’s fantastic and you don’t stop ‘cause you can feel another bigger orgasm buildin’ up right behind this one. You just keep it up, one and then another, bigger one and then another one, even bigger. You can’t hardly breathe, Maisie, you’re finally ready to just collapse on the floor. You are a quivering, exhausted heap. And you fall peacefully asleep. You will sleep until I wake you.”

Wow! that was so hot, I almost gotta go inside and masturbate myself. And so I do. I come out a little later and look at Maisie. She’s still naked and she hasn’t moved. Her eyes are closed and she’s breathing soft and easy. So I talk to her. i remind her that whenever I call her by her whole name, Masie Lynn Prosserman, she will make herself ready go into a trance and follow my directions. I tell her when she wakes up on the porch, she won’t remember being hypnotized, she won’t remember me watching her, she’ll just remember coming out on the front porch and taking off her clothes and masturbating her fuckin’ brains out. And she’ll remember those fantastic orgasms she had. So I am ready to wake her. I do the counting backwards thing and put my hand to her head and her eyes flutter awake.

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