Not a Great Day - Cover

Not a Great Day

Copyright© 2020 by Lapi

Chapter 3

Still in my car, she pointed. “Mom’s” Then pointed right, “Dads; Take your pick Master.” Now she was holding her hand up to her face and giggling. I liked this girl, she would fit right in.

I used my advanced selection method, the one I always used to pick investments.

“Einee, meenie, minie ... There that one.”

“No theirs are the big ones just behind the one you pointed at!”

“I know that! I was just ... you know ... just wanted to see if you knew...”

“Ah, they were my Mom and Dad. I remember where they lived dummy; although they have been married several times now; that is why Grandpa left a trust for just me, not them. Until I am 25 sort of on a budget, hence you get a slave. Neat deal, huh? I’ll warn you if either of them try to have you invest in ‘a great opportunity’, run.”

I began to think when brains were passed out, Holly got into line several times. Once inside, I was certain of it.

“Well, slave, that was interesting, worthless but interesting. You should have just told me they were like that! Ice cream, then home Jamie, Chop Chop!”

Thinking! “New plan, camping in Central park or suite at the Park Plaza?”

I handed her my cell again. Now she tossed me the key. “Ice cream, you drive, it is not safe for your slave to do both, I’ll call, you pay!”

I had to say it, finally a worthy opponent! “Yes Dear!”

My torture was not fated to end. “Would the Baron desire The Royal Suite at $30,000 a night or a bit less with the Eloise Suite at $995. You won’t get use of the helicopter or the live in companions, you’ll have to be satisfied with only me and Leslie!”

Yeah! Pure torture. She had to be taking lessons from Melody. “Nothing better Ehh? Well just get something until you get off your posterior and decorate the apartment already! I may just have to get ... I mean go and find out what ‘White Tie’ means.”

On the phone. “Yes, yes is that the monthly or 6 month rate?” As she was snapping her fingers and holding out her hand. “What” I said. ‘CARD’ she mouthed. I handed her the AMEX glad I had not left home without it.

“Yes, xxx yyy zzz j exp ss wwww. Dark Blue, Mercedes license dddvvv66 from New York. Lord Chatsworth, Baron of Devonshire. Yes we may need the whirlly machine(Now she has an accent) Yes, please advise us if the $40,000 suite becomes available.” I now hated this girl. By the look she gave me I just knew she was enjoying my torture and definitely was more expensive to have around than Melody.

She took my card and put it inside her blouse and kept my cell. “What? I need to call Leslie about our apartment, and pay for the artwork and my lamp from Tif...”

“There are some things I kept from the house in London. Some are like 400 years old. Let’s look at those first before ‘we’ get your lamp and put me in the poor house. Goddess you are worse than Melody was.”

A low mumble “But better too at...”

It costs ‘How Much?’

OK! So yes, it was nice, very nice. I did not want to know what this was costing but AMEX did call my cell to confirm things. After giving my cell back, Holly had been on the phone in her room for 25 minutes now. The knock on the doors, yes double doors began my journey to that poor house I had mentioned before. Some joy though, the tailors, yes three of them, knew what ‘White Tie’ meant; they even knew the meaning in London. I was on my way to salvation. What I did not understand was why the Hell Holly needed more clothes; like where was she going? I had gotten my cell back but she kept the card; I knew she was smarter than the average ... what exactly was she?”

There was no possible way! None, Nada! $27,870 for ‘White Tie’? I closed my eyes, pinched my nose and put my head back on the comfy sofa back. Holly was off the phone. She emerged holding from left to right two cloths, two cloths but wearing not much else. I really said nothing, just stared at ... at both, not the cloths stupid I am not.

“One for daytime and one for night. Leslie is packing my other things, you like?”

Never seeing what she was holding but getting the impression she was a natural blond, I could only nod. Mouth was not yet capable of speech. She turned, another ass ... et displayed then turned and said “only $50,000” then closed the door to her room.

“Grown men don’t cry, do they?’ I thought.

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