The House of Octavia - Cover

The House of Octavia

Copyright© 2020 by Mark Cane

Chapter 2. Sally Havery entertains a princess and introduces her sister to The House of Octavia

Erotica Sex Story: Chapter 2. Sally Havery entertains a princess and introduces her sister to The House of Octavia - You don't have to be a sex loving lesbian to work at The House of Octavia, but it certainly helps. Sally Havery is pursuing her ambition to have a career in the perfumery business. Gaining an internshhip at the prestigious House of Octavia is a very promising start. Her work researching a new perfume that breaks down inhibitions leads to some very exciting encounters. The mysterious Countess Octavia leads Sally into a world of kinky sex.

Caution: This Erotica Sex Story contains strong sexual content, including Fa/Fa   Consensual   Lesbian   Fiction   Incest   Sister   Interracial   Analingus   Masturbation   Oral Sex   Water Sports  

The sun streamed through the window of Sally Havery’s bedroom as she opened the slats of the blinds. The sky was blue and the birds were singing. It was going to be a good day. Sally slipped off the t-shirt and shorts that she wore in bed and padded naked into her en-suite shower.

Sally lived at the family home with her mother and her older sister, Emily. Both young women had opted to stay at home with their mother for financial reasons. Sally was heavily in debt with her university tuition fees. Emily, two years older than Sally was a ward sister at the local hospital. She was saving hard to get a deposit together for a place of her own.

As she showered, Sally thought about what the day held in store for her. It was to be an important day; her first appraisal with Countess Octavia. The countess would have studied the reports on Sally’s progress from Dr Astrid Skriver and may even have information from other sources that Sally was unaware of. Rumours abounded of secret cameras in all parts of the building. Sally had never seen any evidence of them, but who knows? Cameras can be concealed in all sorts of places.

Towelling herself dry, Sally cast her mind back to her initial encounter with the countess. Her heartbeat quickened as she recalled how Octavia had seduced her and started her slide into debauchery. In the short time she had been employed at The House of Octavia, Sally had indulged enthusiastically in things that previously she would not have dreamed of in her wildest fantasies.

She knew very well that the upcoming interview with the countess would mean her being used and even abused by her lascivious employer. One month ago, the thought of what lay ahead would have terrified her but now; bring it on. Her loins tingled in eager anticipation.

Sally picked up a small perfume bottle, unscrewed the cap and inhaled the heady aroma. This was the fragrance that Countess Octavia had gifted her, promising that the scent would complement the natural scent of her private parts. Sally seated herself in front of the mirror and adjusted her position so that she could have a clear view between her open legs. She carefully applied a few drops of the perfume to her inner thighs and rubbed it into her skin. Immediately the scent assailed her nostrils.

“Mmmmmm!” Sally sighed.

She twisted around, viewing her exposed sex in the mirror, studying herself from different angles. How different her tight slit looked, compared with Countess Octavia’s loose labia with all the wrinkles and folds. Sally felt an almost irresistible impulse to masturbate, knowing that in a short time she would be intimate once again with the enigmatic aristocrat.

Suddenly her bedroom door burst open.

“What the fu... , “a female voice began.

“Oh that’s it! Just fucking burst in, why don’t you?”

The intruder was Emily. “Oh sorry, Love. If I’d have known you were having a wank, I’d have joined you earlier.”

“Piss off! I’m trying to get ready for work.” Sally was embarrassed and angry at being caught out by her sister.

“Goodness, what divine perfume. Is that from your workplace? It’s absolutely gorgeous.”

“Yes, Emily it is from The House of Octavia. I was just trying it out when you so rudely burst into my private space.”

“Were you dabbing it on your minge? That’s a bit kinky isn’t it?”

“For your information, that is what it is meant for. Now if you’ll just let me finish getting ready.” Sally quickly pulled her knickers on to restore a degree of modesty.

“Will you get me a bottle please? It’s adorable.”

“Sorry Emily, it’s specially custom-made to go with your natural body scent. You would have to have it matched to you at a special consultation. It’s very expensive. I’ve got it as a trial sample as a member of the research team.”

“Well couldn’t you pull a few strings for me, sister dear?”

“I’ll see, but no promises.”

“Oh thanks Sally. Hey that scent is making me go all giddy. Seeing you there, exposing yourself has made me think of the times when we were younger and used to play Doctors and Nurses. Hey, there’s a thought. We could do it properly now, I’m a real nurse and you’re nearly a real doctor.”

“Emily, my doctorate is at least three years away and even then I will only be a Doctor of Philosophy, not a Doctor of medicine.”

“That’s close enough,” insisted Emily. “You would be qualified enough to diagnose why my twat gets so wet.” Emily leaned over to touch her sister between her legs, pushing her down the front of her panties. “Hey, Sis, your cunt’s wet, too! We should diagnose each other.

Sally rolled her eyes. The idea was appealing, but not right now. She had a busy day ahead.

“Get off me and let me finish getting ready, you randy cow.”

“You call me randy? I’m not the one dousing my minge with aphrodisiac perfume.” Emily sniffed the fingers that she had just thrust down her sister’s knickers. “Ooh, fuck me. That scent’s making me go all funny. You must get me some, Sally.”

“Fine, I’ll see what I can do. Now clear off and let me get dressed.”


“Yes, I promise.”

“And play Doctors and Nurses?”

“Yes, okay. I’ll play Doctors and and Nurses with you.”

Finally, Emily allowed Sally to get dressed just in time for a quick mug of coffee before dashing off The House of Octavia.

Sally was greeted by her mentor, Astrid, with a hug and a kiss.

“Mmmm, you smell gorgeous, Darling. That must be your special signature fragrance.”

“Yes, you’re right Astrid. It is the perfume that Countess Octavia prepared for me.”

“Nice move, Sally. It was wise to wear it for your appraisal with the Countess. She can be a bit precious about that sort of thing. You don’t want to get the wrong side of her.”

“Yes, to be honest Astrid, I am a bit nervous about the interview.”

“Oh you’ll be fine, Sally. You’ve made good progress with your research and your personality fits well with the house style.”

Sally laughed. “You mean I don’t mind a bit of carpet munching!”

“Well, love, a bit of fur pie eating certainly helps to maintain good working relations. By the way, your special fragrance seems to be working well. For two pins I’d drag you into the back room and rip your clothes off.”

“You’re right, Astrid. The countess certainly knows her business. My own sister almost ravished me before I left home this morning.”

Astrid smiled. “To be honest, Sally, I don’t need special perfumes to make me want you.”

“You say the nicest things, Astrid. Oh, by the way, my sister wondered if we could formulate a special fragrance for her.”

“I can’t think of any reason why not. While we are still in the experimental stage a new volunteer would be an asset. We will need a sample of her own secretions for comparison. If your sister would be too embarrassed to have that taken in the laboratory we have developed a home test kit. She could do a smear test at home and send the sample in a special sealed container.”

“Oh thanks, Astrid, but I rather suspect that Emily will be happy to come in for the sample to be taken here. I think my sister is getting rather interested in what we do here.

As the time for her appraisal approached, Sally went to the restroom to check her hair and makeup. Then she took the small bottle from her handbag and applied a couple of drops to the inside of her wrists. Deciding she should have a pee before the interview, Sally entered one of the cubicles and pulled down her panties. On an impulse she changed her mind. She knew that the countess would want to use her for her own sexual pleasure. Suppose, like Astrid, the countess had a penchant for water sports. It might be a good idea to keep her pee in reserve, just in case. Before pulling her knickers back up, Sally dropped just a little of the perfume into the gusset.

The door on the top floor of The House of Octavia had a silver plaque with black print that read “Countess Octavia”. Sally tapped softly and waited until the countess invited her to enter. Sally had no wish to intrude on the countess “in flagrante”. Such a thing was unthinkable.

After a pause the countess bade her enter and take the seat in front of her desk. She questioned Sally closely about her progress in the research laboratory. In particular the countess was interested in the development of the custom designed fragrances. However, even though Sally’s own fragrance pervaded the atmosphere, Octavia made no mention of it. This surprised Sally as it was the countess who had personal formulated the scent. It also surprised and somewhat disappointed Sally, that so far Countess Octavia had made no move to seduce her.

The interview went on with the countess wanting to know more and more details of the research project, the cost of the ingredients, the plan for trialling it, the timescale and every minute aspect. Sally began to regret not having a pee before the interview. She was beginning to feel distinctly uncomfortable, crossing her legs first one way, then the other. If the countess noticed Sally’s discomfort she didn’t mention it.

Sally was finding it hard to focus. After a while the only thing she could think of was relieving herself. Finally she could stand it no longer.

“Madame, will you please excuse me? I need to use the bathroom.”

“Sally, you have made a mistake by trying to anticipate my desires. When I want to play peeing games with you, I will let you know. Never presume.”

Sally was astonished at how easily the countess had seen through her.

“I’m sorry Madame, but I really am desperate. May I please be excused.” Sally squirmed on her seat. The countess took delight in her employee’s obvious discomfort.

“Stand up, girl,” Octavia ordered “And pull up your skirt.”

Sally did as she was told and stood in front of the Countess, who studied the girl for a few moments before issuing her next command.

“You may now pee, Miss Havery.”

“But Madame ... My knickers will be soaked ... And your lovely carpet...”. Sally protested.

“You will pee now. This instant.” The tone of the countess’s voice brooked no further delay. Sally gave up the battle and a stream of pee soaked her knickers and gushed through the thin material, running down both of her legs and wetting the carpet. The torrent was like a dam bursting and seemed to go on for ever. Countess Octavia watched the display intently.

“May I go now, Madame?”

“No Sally, you can stay there as you are. I wish to tell you about a special assignment I want you to undertake this afternoon. One of our best customers will visit us this afternoon. I want you to give her your undivided attention. Her name is Princess Yasmeen, but you will address her as Your Royal Highness. She is the wife, rather I should say, one of the wives of a Sheik from a Middle Eastern country. She leads a very repressed life and visiting a few exclusive retail establishments is her one pleasure.

“The sheik a approves of her visits to The House of Octavia as he sees it as a safe place for her. For the princess it is a welcome taste of freedom. She enjoys spending an hour or so, choosing her fragrance in a relaxed atmosphere.”

Countess Octavia gave Sally some further details and then peremptorily dismissed her.

“You had better select some new lingerie from the concession store in the foyer. Tell them to charge the cost to my account. One more thing: you had better call in the janitor department and tell them to shampoo my carpet this evening. Tell them I will expect it to be as good as new tomorrow.”

At 2 pm a highly polished maroon Bentley limousine bearing diplomatic insignia drew up outside The House of Octavia. The chauffeur stepped out and opened the rear passenger door and the passenger emerged to walk to the door of the acclaimed perfumery centre. The petite figure was clothed in an ankle-length flowing silk turquoise gown. Her face and head was covered with a nIqab, which left only her brown eyes uncovered.

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